Changelog for qtractor-doc-pdf-1.1.1-lp156.121.2.noarch.rpm :

* Sun Aug 25 2024 hui - update to 1.1.1:
* Fixed an incredibly severe bug, introduced very recently, that deletes all MIDI files belonging to active clips, when closing and discarding a modified session without saving.
* Fixed MIDI clip recording when note-off events are missing or not transmitted.
* Fixed a relatively old crash-bug that manifests on undoing several free-hand drawn events (Edit/Select Mode/Edit Draw) in the MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll).- update to 1.1.0:
* Fixed MIDI clip step-input when play-head is located beyond or after the end of the active looping/cycle range.
* ixed whole clip selection, implied after dragging the lasso over the left and before the beginning of timeline.
* Clip/Unlink is now a undo/redo-able command.
* All sessions now honor their designated resolution property (PPQN aka. ticks-per-beat) not subordinated to former ALSA sequencer queue anymore, which runs on a higher resolution still.
* Avoid removing MIDI Track/Channel tree items from the Files view (eg. via direct [Del] keyboard shortcut when in focus).
* Fixed a probable old issue of spilled and duplicated shortcut entries (Help/Shortcuts...) between main tracks/timeline and MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll) windows.
* Fixed fade-in/out curve types of clips when copy-pasted over the main tracks timeline.
* Fixed general plugin scan/cache optimization in face of new plugins added and/or removed.
* Fixed VST3 Plug-in main/active buses channel count inventory; also, on updating host parameters, only save and load custom modified parameter values from current state.
* Fixed a misssing display and port-name filtering issue, that was introduced recently to the MIDI Connections widget only.
* Tue Jun 25 2024 Dave Plater - Happy first birthday qtractor version 1.0.0- 1.0.0 2024-06-21 An Unthinkable Release.- Making up the unthinkable (aka. v1.0.0)- General plugin scan/cache optimization.- Improved legibility to all clip title labels (color contrast).- Save/load the correct order and labeling of audio/MIDI send/ /return pseudo-plugin inserts.- Fixed a display and port-name filtering issue that was present ever since on the Connections widget.
* Sun Oct 29 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 0.9.35:
* MIDI Step-input is now finally featured on the MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll), provided Clip/Record is on and playback is not rolling; current snap-to-beat applies; starts/resets to play-head;
* Edit/Insert/Step to advance a single step/rest.
* Notes keyed in the MIDI clip editor\'s virtual piano keyboard may now be recorded, especially while \"overdubbing\".
* The official VST3 plug-in SDK is now included in the source tree as Git submodules.
* Fixed a rounding error on current BBT information passed to plugins and to JACK transport/timebase.
* When on Track/Auto Deactivate mode, plugins now show a dull, dimmed lit, green (fake-)LED when in auto-deactivated state.
* Attempt to actually (de)activate plugins once on (de)instantiation.
* Fixed the snap-to-beat of new notes entry on the MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll) due on time signature changes.
* Start JACK transport rolling only when metronome Count-in ends.
* Fixed an allegedly old and incorrect 0dBfs notch position on MIDI track/buses audio meter sidekicks.
* Send/return and Aux-send inserts now show the proper name and the target output bus name on the properties editor title respectively.
* Fixed a zero-day blunder that was keeping the real-time process cycle from having the uniform block-size of 64 frames per period;
* Multiple MIDI clip tools may now be applied simultaneously, in a single shot, in the following priority order: quantize, transpose, normalize, resize, rescale and timeshift.
* Plugin inventory scan now slightly optimized to an allegedly lesser aggressive cache-invalidation algorithm.
* Do not send/Preview notes on the MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll) when playback is currently rolling.
* Send all pending MIDI Note-Off events when playback stops/shuts-off
* Fixed the internal MIDI file player queue to the highest resolution possible (PPQN aka ticks-per-beat).
* Fixed MIDI recording delay and recorded clip lengths when metronome Count-in is in effect for recording.
* Thu Apr 06 2023 Christophe Marin - Spec cleanup: remove obsolete conditions
* Mon Mar 27 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 0.9.32:
* Downgraded JACK timebase BBT information to nominal PPQN resolution (aka. ticks-per-beat).
* Make sure all previously saved connections to identical ALSA MIDI hardware devices are now discriminated and properly restored, even though the target deviceds have the very same name.
* Fix drag\'n\'drop in drum mode MIDI clip editor.
* Quick hack to get latency compensation when recording.
* Introducing count-in to audio and MIDI metronomes
* Corrected MIDI metronome bar/beat note durations.
* Give an early reponse upon opening any NSM session.
* Sat Jan 28 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 0.9.31:
* Fixed a off-by-one rounding error on MIDI clip offset and lengths that were leaving some clips unlinked on load.
* LXVST_PATH environment variable now accrues to VST_PATH for Linux- native VST2 plug-ins search path and not taking over in precedence anymore.
* Fixed an old mistake on custom aliased CLAP and VST3 plugin paths.
* Plugin latency/delay compensation now in effect immediately after changing track option (cf. Track/Properties... /Plugins/Latency compensation).
* Shade-off regions not-in-view from the thumb-views.
* Improved MIDI queue time drift correction resilience and stability against in-flight tempo changes.
* The main real-time process cycle now runs on uniform block-sizes, in strides of 64 frames per period, meaning a higher resolution automation, independent of buffer-size.
* The internal main MIDI engine gets its ALSA sequencer queue to a higher resolution (PPQN aka ticks-per-beat) and not subordinated to the current session\'s anymore.
* Although being deprecated to use, JACK Session support is hopefuly fixed, once again.
* Better discriminate CLAP Plug-in specific note events and strict MIDI dialect event processing.
* Sat Oct 15 2022 Christophe Giboudeaux - Update to 0.9.29:
* Capture same time(stamp) note-off tracking and postponing is now on trial, hopefully mitigating a legato issue, reported to MIDI wind instruments (EWI). (EXPERIMENTAL)
* Fixed an old window parenting (aka z-level) issue, related to the Add Track and Track Properties dialogs and whether called from the main or mixer menus.
* Fixed the out-of-process plugin scanner terminating too soon and sometimes miss some very last results.
* Fixed another old bug in MIDI note-off messages not being sent while playing after a loop region.
* Fixed a pretty ancient bug in the VST(2.x) plug-in program names inventory, present when building to the VeSTige header (which is still the default).- Changes in 0.9.28:
* Complete overhaul of the current host time(base)/BBT information delivered to plug-in types that matter: VST, VST3, CLAP and LV2.
* Improved key-signature editing and display on Tempo Map / Markers (time-scale) management dialog.
* Fixed plugin selection, when creating and switching initial track type, from audio to MIDI and vice-versa.
* Fixed typos and updated some old MIDI GM2 Controller names.
* Add current system user-name to the singleton/unique application instance identifier (when explicitly opted in at build configure time).
* Fri Jul 08 2022 Dave Plater - Update to 0.9.27- Upstream changes:
* CLAP plug-in host support introduced. (EXPERIMENTAL)
* Reviewed LV2 plug-in UI Touch feature/interface.
* Auto-unlink MIDI clips when pasted/placed with Ctrl+click/Enter.
* Fixed LV2 plug-ins UI X11 (native) initial size.
* Fixed implicit deactivation when a plugin is removed from chain.
* Fixed audio clip export, normalize and tempo-adjust when audio file number of channels is disparately greater than respective track\'s output bus count.
* Fixed one killer lurking in MIDI Controller... modeless dialog instantiation.
* Fixed non-effective automation curve node editing.
* Track/Export Tracks... dialog ranges are not capped to current session-end anymore.
* Fixed MIDI clip editor vertical-zooming when using the [Ctrl+] mouse-wheel.
* Set auto-backward play-head location also when clicking on main track-view header/time-ruler and on thumb-view.
* Fixed LV2 plug-in buffer-size initialization, esp. affecting the ZynReverb LV2 playback.
* Export Tracks dialog last range selection is now remembered.
* Sat Jun 18 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 0.9.26:
* Main application icon is now presented in scalable format (SVG).
* Have even more tolerance to JACK buffer-size changes, prompting for a complete session reload, only when exceeding the double of the previous/current size.
* Added an additional status-bar label to show the session current buffer-size
* Migrated command line parsing to QCommandLineParser/Option (Qt >= 5.2) Make last recorded clip current and suitable target for immediate loop recording takes switch or navigation.
* Number of takes is now shown on clip titles and tooltips.
* Fixed in-flight transport mode changes.
* Fixed translations path to be relative to application runtime.
* Hopefully fixed an old MIDI off-timing bug noticeable only when exporting (Track/Export Tracks/Audio...) on large buffer-sizes (>= 2K frames/period).
* Clip/File Loop Set menu command is now a toggle.
* Fixed problem with punch-in/out and loop-recording being lost when stopping the play-head right after and between the loop-start and punch-in points, even though at least one cycle or take is through.
* Dropped autotools (autoconf, automake, etc.) build system.
* A more verbose warning question is issued, on whether to continue saving to an existing zip/archive directory and accept to replace and erase all its current data in the future.
* Fixed potential crash on session close or application exit, when some plugins have been removed.
* Wed Feb 23 2022 Fabio Pesari - Removed \"Requires: jack\" as is already automatically required and it conflicts with pipewire-libjack
* Tue Jan 04 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 0.9.24:
* A new option has been added to reset/resend all MIDI track/channel and buses controllers on playback start (cf. View/Options.../MIDI/ Playback/Reset all controllers on playback start).
* Whenever possible, avoid suggesting Save As... to an extracted archive/zip directory.
* Fixed an old nasty mistake when renaming session names and then saving into an archive/zip bundle file (.qtz).
* Fixed Mixer multi-row automatic layout consistency, when adding new or removing existing tracks or buses.
* Dropped the \'Activate\' option on the plug-in Selection dialog, now being as always on by default.
* Have some tolerance for JACK buffer-size changes, only prompting to a complete session reload, if increasing in double the initial period size.
* Introducing plug-in blacklisting, on user discretion (in View /Options.../Plugins/Blacklist) and on inventory scan (crashed plug-ins are now automatically blacklisted).
* Added special support for LV2 UI GTK2 plugins based on Gtkmm 2.4 framework.
* All builds default to Qt6 (Qt >= 6.1) where available.
* CMake is now the official build system.- remove qtractor-powerpc.patch : upstream
* Sat Jul 03 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to version 0.9.22
* Fixed a old bug that was preventing MIDI tracks volume and panning automation to take effect on audio export.
* All packaging builds switching to CMake
* Sat May 08 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to version 0.9.21
* Fixed and improved automation curve recording, whenever playback is rolling
* Fixed parsing/loading of large session bundle archive/zip files
* Fixed LV2 plug-in UI X11 (native) resize.
* Make NSM state file names independent to session display names, keeping backward compatibility for old sessions.
* Exiting, quitting or closing the main window while under NSM, now promptly asks whether to save, discard or cancel as usual.
* Re-improved Mixer multi-row layout.
* Fix incorrect destruction order for VST3 modules.
* Ignore snap while ALT key is pressed, on the main track-view and the MIDI clip editors.
* Fix IPlugView leaks for VST3 plugins.
* Wed Jan 06 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 0.9.19: - Session directory auto-name option added to the session properties dialog, as convenience. - Loading and saving a LV2 plugin\'s state has been vastly improved. IMPORTANT CAVEAT: From this moment onwards, when loading any newer saved sessions into older versions of the program, all LV2 plugins won\'t get their state restored correctly. - Track colors saturation introduced as yet another eye-candy option (cf. View/Options.../Display/Track color saturation) - Fixed VST3 number of channels query/report. - Fixed immediate crash when loading untitled or unnamed Instrument Definitions files (
*.ins): base file-name is now taken as default instrument definition name or title. - Tempo (BPM) entry may now be specified with arbitrary precision, to at most 3 decimal positions in fractional part, while integer whole values are displayed with no decimal point. - Added option to keep MIDI clip editor windows (aka. piano-roll) always on top of the main window (cf. View/Options.../General/ Keep editor windows always on top). - MIDI clip editor status-bar labels are not stretched to whole text size anymore, most specially for the current file complete path. - When under NSM, all top-level windows, main, mixer and connections, will always start hidden. - Plugin editors (GUIs) that are currently open on a track are now brought up as top-level windows immediately when a track is made current or highlighted (and Track / Auto Monitor is in effect). - MIDI clip editor mouse hovering effect extended to whole current note line on main view (piano-roll eye-candy++); also, the white keys on MIDI clip editor\'s virtual piano keyboard, are now fully highlighted. - Plugin search paths (cf. View/Options.../Plugins/Paths) now showing all the default and actual existing paths, instead of a blank list. - Undimmed octave divider lines on the piano-roll. - Fixed potential crash on changing audio output buses channel count. - Note names display (inside note rectangles) are now an option on the MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll; menu View > Note Names). - Early fixing to build for Qt >= 6.0.0 and the C++17 standard. - Fixed crash when changing an auto-monitored audio track\'s number of channels due on switching its audio output bus. - Avoid a complete track re-open when changing properties, unless either input or output buses are changed. - Fixed custom track icon selection when none is currently set. - Experimental / High resolution plugin automation (14-bit) options is now also removed from View > Options... > Plugins dialog. - Audio Clip / Export... now takes into account custom fixed gain property (shamefully missing for the whole last decade to date). - Finally indulged on dummy LV2 plug-in CVPort support, just to avoid certain immediate and sudden crashes when inserting those kind of \'non-functional\' plugins accidentally. - Bring the Track Export dialog down to Clip Merge/Export as well, for optional file type and format selection. - When enabled, do auto-save upon adding or inserting a new plugin. - Make sure LV2 plug-in UI GTK2 and X11 native support is selected first by default on top to libsuil. - Both out-of-process plugin inventory scan and LV2 Dynamic manifest options have been removed from View > Options... > Plugins dialog. - Fixed deprecated stuff on an early preparation for Qt6. - Fixed MIDI tracks export that were missing the end-of-export tail parameter and bailing out always with default SMF format anyway. - Fixed VST3 component/controller inter-connection. - LV2 Atom/Port-event host notification support has been retouched, but still unofficial though. - Fixed VST3 audio-processor initialization/activation when a plugin has no inputs or outputs present. - Let main window pseudo-asynchronous stabilization re. menus, tools and status bars, just faster and immediate. - Fixed MIDI track monitor reinstantiation and reset.
* Wed Jun 03 2020 Dave Plater - Update to version 0.9.14 and fix factory build.- Upstream changes:
* LV2 plug-in UI GTK2 and X11 in Qt5 host native support in addition and alternative to libsuil.
* Generic plug-in/Properties... dialog now showing each parameter/property automation status on a skeuomorphic aka. fake and tiny LED ;)
* LV2 Plug-in Patch parameter/properties automation and MIDI Controller assignment/learn are now a possibility.
* LV2 Atom/Port-event host notification support has been implemented (unofficial).
* Fix clean-up of any recording leftovers.
* JACK Transport latency is now taken into account for recording latency compensation.
* Attempt to force correct audio clip offsets due on recording latency compensation are not quantized to MIDI metronomic time-scale anymore.
* LV2 Plug-in MIDNAM support introduced.
* Use Shift or Ctrl keyboard modifiers with the mouse
*wheel to change any Direct Access plug-in parameters (issue #257).
* All meters background color are now customize-able (cf. View/Options.../Display/Meters, color level \"Back\").
* Automatic mixer grid layout (multi-row) is now in effect permanently--being an option no more.
* Always show plugins and meters on track list/left pane as permanent standard now.
* LV2 UI Request-value feature/interface support has been implemented.
* Audio output monitoring meters are now shown/hidden auto-magically on MIDI tracks and/or buses--no need for some user preference option anymore (ie. View/ Options.../Plugins/Instruments/Show audio output monitoring meters, is now gone).
* Default track height has been slightly increased.
* Track / Duplicate Track... now also takes a MIDI track\'s audio meters setting into account.
* Fixed first bar/measure position drawing on the time-scale/grid across time-signature changes on the MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll) (hopefully fixing issue #245).
* Plugins and meters on track list/left pane, are now being set on as default--maybe going stapled in some near future ;)
* Avoid resetting top or left position when zooming with mouse pointer is in main tracks or MIDI clip editor (piano-roll) views.
* Basic key-signature has been added to tempo, time -signature and location markers map.
* MIDI Clip editor (aka. piano-roll) horizontal and vertical splitter sizes, widths and heights resp. are now preserved as user preferences and also to session state.
* Sat Nov 02 2019 Dave Plater - Update to version 0.9.10- Upstream changes:
* Fixed the potential crash-effect in switching MIDI output buses on tracks that are set to show audio output monitoring meters.
* Fixed initial session tempo override when importing a standard MIDI file (as reported on issue #230).
* An alternate time-signature/meter option is being served to the MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll) and allowing for some poly-rythm/meter scenarios on a per MIDI clip basis.
* Fixed MIDI \"overdub\" recording on offset clips.
* MIDI bank and program settings now propagating to all MIDI track\'s clips resp.
* Fixed MIDI file format default setting other than SMF Format 0.
* Escape key may now be used to reset time and tempo /time-sgnature spin-box controls.
* Play-head time and tempo/time-signature controls are now featured in MIDI clip editor toolbars (aka. piano-roll); time display format is also separated from the tracks main application view and defaults to BBT as being most convenient.
* All items in the MIDI clip editor\'s event list are now enabled, selectable and editable, no matter the filter settings for the event views.
* Added alternate yet non-official CMake build option.
* Improved MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll) position and size persistence across session state.
* Fix HiDPI display screen effective support (Qt >= 5.6).
* Mixer, Connections and MIDI clip editor top-level windows shall have no parent, unless when set as always-on-top tool windows. (REGRESSION)
* Make sure compiler flags comply to c++11 as standard.
* Sat Sep 29 2018 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 0.9.2
* AppData/AppStream metadata is now settled under an all permisssive license (FSFAP); also updated to be the most compliant with latest specification and recommendation.
* Fix build for Qt >= 5.11.0 (by David Geiger, thanks); also for some g++ >= 8.1.1 warnings and quietness.- Dropped qtractor-QAction.patch (no longer necessary)
* Mon Jun 11 2018 Update to release 0.9.1- Fixes build against latest qt5 with qtractor-QAction.patch.- Upstream changes:
* Displaying MIDI note(on) events as diamonds instead of simple rectangles (aka. Drum Mode) is now being introduced as an optional MIDI track property (Drums) and as a MIDI clip editor (piano-roll) visual option (cf. View/Drum Mode).
* Extended multi-selection is now supported on all the Connections client/port lists, allowing for multiple (dis)connections at once.
* Added LV2 UI sample-rate option support.
* Always reset all internal dedicated MIDI controllers, eg. MIDI track volume (CC#7) and panning (CC#10), on Transport/Panic and after rendering export to aud1io (ie. Track/Export Tracks/Audio...) as needed to reset MIDI instrument plugins to nominal session state.
* Fix, detect and preserve MIDI Bank-select method across MIDI track/clips editing operations.
* Fixed MIDI track and clip note min/max display range while recording and also when duplicating tracks.
* Added \"All files (
*)\" filter to every file requestor dialog, wherever missing.
* The tiny zoom-magnifier icons have been revamped.
* Tue Dec 05 2017 Update to 0.8.5
* Audio clip gain and panning properties are now taken into consideration when hash-linking (aka. ref-counting) their backend buffers.
* New out-of-process plug-in inventory scan and cache option, replacing the old (aka. dummy) VST plug-in scan option and extending its function to all other plug-in types: LADSPA, DSSI and also LV2 (cache only).
* A File System browser and tree-view is finally integrated as a dockable-widget on the main application window (cf. main menu View / Window / File System).
* Drag-and-dropping of session, audio and MIDI files over the main track-list (left pane) is now possible, allowing for yet another quick means to open a new session or add new tracks to the current session.
* MIDI input/capture time-stamping has been fixed as much to avoid missing inbound events, when play-head is near the loop end point and the loop-start is set below the absolute first half-a-second (<0.5sec).
* LV2 Time/Transport speed information is now set on rolling when in audio export aka freewheeling mode.
* Added
*.SF3 to soundfont instrument files filter, on the View Instruments... > Import... file dialog.
* A brand new View/Options.../Display/Meters/Show meters on track list/left pane option has been added.- use new official url- binary removed: qtractor_vst_scan- binary added: qtractor_plugin_scan
* Fri Nov 03 2017 Update to 0.8.4 - Assigned MIDI Controllers to plug-in\'s Activate switch are now finally saved and (re)loaded properly across sessions. - Audio clip panning option property is now being introduced. - Out-of-process (aka. dummy) VST plug-in inventory scanning now restarts automatically and resumes processing in case of a premature exit/crash; VST plug-in inventory scan/cache persistency is now in place. - Desktop entry specification file is now finally independent from build/configure template chains. - Updated target path for\'s AppStream metainfo file (formerly AppData). - Changing the View/Options.../Display/Custom/Style theme takes effect immediately unless it\'s back to \"(default)\". - Slightly slower but better approximation to IEEE 32bit floating point cubic root ie. cbrtf().- remove qtractor-remove_path_from_exec_in_desktop_file.patch (fixed upstream)- Lint spec file- appdata xml is moved to the appropriate folder
* Fri Aug 25 2017 Enable mad and Qt5 unconditionally
* Sun Jul 02 2017 Update to version 0.8.3- Upstream changes:
* Make sure any just recorded clip filename is not reused while over the same track and session. (CRITICAL)
* LV2 Plug-in worker/schedule interface ring-buffer sizes have been increased to 4KB.
* Fixed track-name auto-incremental numbering suffix when modifying any other track property.
* WSOLA vs. (lib)Rubberband time-stretching options are now individualized on a per audio clip basis.
* Long overdue, some brand new and fundamental icons revamp.
* Fixed a tempo-map node add/update/remove rescaling with regard to clip-lengths and automation/curve undo/redo.
* Fixed a potential Activate automation/curve index clash, or aliasing, for any plug-ins that change upstream their parameter count or index order, on sessions saved with the old plug-in versions and vice-versa.
* Thu May 11 2017 Update to 0.8.2 - Track-name uniqueness is now being enforced, by adding an auto-incremental number suffix whenever necessary. - Attempt to raise an internal transient file-name registry to prevent automation/curve files to proliferate across several session load/save (re)cycles. - Track-height resizing now meets immediate visual feedback. - A brand new user preference global option is now available: View/Options.../Plugins/Editor/Select plug-in\'s editor (GUI) if more than one is available. - More gradient eye-candy on main track-view and piano-roll canvases, now showing left and right edge fake-shadows. - Fixed the time entry spin-boxes when changing time offset or length fields in BBT time format that goes across any tempo/time-signature change nodes. - French (fr) translation update (by Olivier Humbert, thanks).
* Mon Feb 20 2017 Update to 0.8.1- Removed qtractor-nodatetime.patch, no trace of __DATE__ or __TIME__ anymore.- Upstream changes:- The View/Options.../Display/Dialogs/Use native dialogs option is now set initially off by default.- All tempo and time-signature labels are now displayed with one decimal digit, as it was in mostly everywhere else but the time ruler/scale headers.- JACK transport tempo and time-signature changes are now accepted, even though playback is not currently rolling; also, changing (JACK) Timebase master setting (cf.View/ Options.../General/Transport/Timebase) will take effect immediately, not needing nor warning for session restart anymore.- Track/Navigate/Next and Previous menu commands, finally fixed to wrap around the current track list.- Current session (JACK) transport mode option switching is now being made accessible, from the main menu and drop-down toolbar buttons, as well as user configurable PC-keyboard and/or MIDI controller shortcuts (cf. Transport/Mode/None, Slave, Master, Full).- Fixed some auto-backward play-head position flip-flopping, when opening a new session while the previous was still on rolling/playing state, hopefully.- Added French man page (by Olivier Humbert, thanks).- MIDI clip changes are now saved unconditionally whenever the editor (piano-roll) is closed or not currently visible.- Audio clip peak/waveform files re-generation performance, scalability and resilience have been slightly improved.- Some sanitary checks have been added to audio clip peak/ waveform re-generation routine, as much to avoid empty, blank, zero or negative-width faulty renderings.- Do not reset the Files tree-view widgets anymore, when leaving any drag-and-drop operation (annoyingly, all groups and sub-groups were being closed without appeal).- Make builds reproducible byte for byte, by getting rid of the configure build date and time stamps.- For more changes since 0.7.8 see: /usr/share/doc/packages/qtractor/ChangeLog
* Thu Aug 04 2016 Use buildconditional for mad support
* Fri Jun 24 2016 Update to release 0.7.8 and fix gcc6 build see boo#985243- refresh qtractor-nodatetime.patch- Upstream changes:
* MIDI file track names (and any other SMF META events) are now converted to and from the base ASCII/Latin-1 encoding, as much to prevent invalid SMF whenever non-Latin-1 UTF-8 encoded MIDI track names are given.
* MIDI file tempo-map and location markers import/export is now hopefully corrected, after almost a decade in mistake, regarding MIDI resolution conversion, when different than current session\'s setting (TPQN, ticks-per-quarter-note aka. ticks-per-beat, etc.)
* Introducing LV2 UI Show interface support for other types than Qt, Gtk, X11 and lv2_external_ui.
* Prevent any visual updates while exporting (freewheeling) audio tracks that have at least one plugin activate state automation enabled for playback (as much for not showing messages like \"QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type \'QVector\'\" ... anymore).
* The common buses management dialog (View/Buses...) sees the superfluous Refresh button finally removed, while two new button commands take its place: (move) Up and Down.
* LV2 plug-in Patch support has been added and LV2 plug-ins parameter properties manipulation is now accessible on the generic plug-in properties dialog.
* Fixed a recently introduced bug, that rendered all but one plug-in instance to silence, affecting only DSSI plug-ins which implement DSSI_Descriptor::run_multiple_synths() eg. fluidsynth-dssi, hexter, etc.
* Thu Apr 28 2016 update to 0.7.7 - LV2 UI Touch feature/interface support added. - MIDI aware plug-ins are now void from multiple or parallel instantiation. - MIDI tracks and buses plug-in chains now honor the number of effective audio channels from the assigned audio output bus; dedicated audio output ports will keep default to the stereo two channels. - Plug-in rescan option has been added to plug-ins selection dialog (yet another suggestion by Frank Neumann, thanks). - Dropped the --enable-qt5 from configure as found redundant given that\'s the build default anyway - Immediate visual sync has been added to main and MIDI clip editor thumb-views - Fixed an old MIDI clip editor contents disappearing bug, which manifested when drawing free-hand (ie. Edit/Select Mode/Edit Draw is on) over and behind its start/beginning position (while in the lower view pane).
* Wed Apr 06 2016 update to 0.7.6 - Plug-ins search path and out-of-process (aka. dummy) VST plug-in inventory scanning has been heavily refactored. - Fixed and optimized all dummy processing for plugins with more audio inputs and/or outputs than channels on a track or bus where it\'s inserted. - Fixed relative/absolute path mapping when saving/loading custom LV2 Plug-in State Presets.
* Tue Mar 22 2016 update to 0.7.5 - Beat unit divisor, aka. the denominator or lower numeral in the time-signature, have now a visible and practical effect over the time-line, even though the standard MIDI tempo(BPM) is always denoted in beats as quarter-notes (1/4, crotchet, seminima) per minute. - Fixed an old hack on LV2 State Files abstract/relative file-path mapping when saving custom LV2 Presets (after a related issue on Fabla2, by Harry Van Haaren, thanks). - Default PC-Keyboard shortcuts may now be erasable and re- assigned (cf. Help/Shortcuts...). - New option on the audio/MIDI export dialog, on whether to add/import the exported result as brand new track(s). - Introducing brand new track icons property. - Old Dry/Wet Insert and Aux-send pseudo-plugin parameters are now split into separate Dry and Wet controls, what else could it possibly be? :) - Brand new MIDI Insert and Aux-Send pseudo-plugins are now implemented with very similar semantics as the respective and existing audio counterparts. - Implement LV2_STATE__loadDefaultState feature (after pull request by Hanspeter Portner aka. ventosus, thanks). - Plug-ins search paths internal logic has been refactored; an alternative file-name based search is now in effect for LADSPA, DSSI and VST plug-ins, whenever not found on their original file-path locations saved in a previous session. - Finally added this brand new menu Clip/Cross Fade command, aimed on setting fade-in/out ranges properly, just as far to (auto)cross-fade consecutive overlapping clips.
* Sat Jan 30 2016 update to 0.7.4 - Eye-candy warning: muted/non-soloed tracks are now shaded over the main thumb-view. - Faster and crispier VST plugin editor (GUI) idle cycles. - Fixed all core processing when any plugin has more audio outputs than channels on a track/bus where it\'s inserted. - Added one decimal digit to all percentage input spin-boxes on the MIDI Tools dialog. - Added brand new and global option to disable the so called \"catch-up\" default behavior (cf. View/Controllers.../Sync). - Fixed some track control issues related to MIDI Controllers generic mapping (cf. View/Controllers...). - Try making Help/Shortcuts... dialog window modeless, as far as under MIDI Controller, Inputs/Outputs Connections window also gets accessible enough. - Fixed some vertical scrolling and play-head line re-drawing glitches introduced by the recent unlimited slack to editing beyond current contents length on main tracks view. - Added one decimal digit to the Pitch-shift spin-box on audio Clip/Edit... properties dialog window. - Added application keywords to\'s AppData. - Fixed local keyboard shortcuts on the Files organizer widget actions and context-menu. - Improved Mixer multi-row layout (patch by Holger Marzen aka. bluebell, thanks). - Fixed the Ctrl+drag/cloning left of a clip when towards near the beginning of session.
* Wed Dec 30 2015 update to 0.7.3 - Slight increase on the number of decimal digits for the plugin parameters while on the generic plugin properties dialog. Also applied to automation curve node value editing. - Unlimited slack is now in effect on editing over and beyond the current session or clip contents length, on both the main tracks and MIDI clip editor (piano-roll) views. - Ctrl+click and dragging the left or right edges of a clip will now make it spill over and replicate as many clip clones as it fits in the left or right horizontal extent. - Added View/Note Type and Value Type command menus to the MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll) which opens the possibility for discrete shortcuts to switching views eg. Note Velocity and Controller views (after a kind request by yubatake, thanks). - Fixed the conversion and/or override of MIDI clip offsets when moving and copy/pasting across tempo/time-signature changes. - Fixed MIDI file track/channel duration estimator, which was giving quite wrong and way too short reads. - Fixed a drag-and-drop bug over the main tracks view, when new tracks were being inserted at the top and not to the bottom as is normally indicated by the floating visual placeholder. - Fixed LV2UI_Resize handle from extension_data(LV2_UI__resize), now passing LV2UI_Handle in first argument to ui_resize(), as found correct and needed for resizable/scaleable LV2 UI\'s, most specially to ssj71\'s so called Infamous Plugins, thanks.
* Sun Dec 13 2015 Refreshed patches and add conditional buildrequires.
* Fri Dec 11 2015 update to 0.7.2 - Yet another audio/MIDI time drift correction fix, now giving it some slack while turnaround looping on tempo changes. - Prevent x11extras module from use on non-X11/Unix platforms. - MIDI Track/Instrument cascading pop-up menus have been added, to main and MIDI clip editor windows. - VST Plugin preset/bank files support (FXB/FXP) is now being integrated to the generic Plugin/Properties widget dialog. - Added new Track/Duplicate menu command. - Added simple XRUN red indicator to status bar. - Make sure program change/presets are not selected on possibly multi-timbral instrument plugins when inserted on a MIDI bus. - Prefer Qt5 over Qt4 by default with configure script. - Fixed a potential crash-bug on first enabling either once the audio or MIDI metronomes.- remove non-atomic-arches.patch because changes now in source
* Sun Oct 11 2015 update to 0.7.1 - Fixed an ages old MIDI track/channel instrument mapping (bank, program) issue that prevented normal all-shut-up messages from being sent to MIDI output buses/ports on playback stop. - Messages standard output capture has been improved again, now in both ways a non-blocking pipe may get. - Fixed port on MIDI 14-bit controllers input caching. - Fixed false value readings on the MIDI clip editor (aka. piano - roll) tool-tips, when dragging a note velocity or controller value outside the acceptable nominal range (eg. 0-127). - Added LV2_BUF_SIZE__nominalBlockLength option support (patch by falktx aka. Filipe Coelho, thanks). - Fixed wrong initial tempo/time-signature display when session is loaded from command line. - LV2 plug-in UI GTK2 and X11 in Qt5 host native support added. - Transport/Auto Backward feature now honoring (auto return) to same current location precedence as Transport/Backward. - Single/unique application instance control adapted to Qt5/X11 (cf. configure --enable-xunique). - MIDI Tools/Transpose, Resize duration display format (frames, time or BBT) have been fixed. - Build fix for Qt5.5 (patch by KaOS, thanks). - MIDI Tools/Quantize et al. are tentatively being corrected to take event times as relative to THE beginning of session, instead of MIDI clip start location.- update to 0.7.0 - Complete rewrite of Qt4 vs. Qt5 configure builds. - Revised MIDI Controlllers catch-up algorithm. - Mixer multi-row layout gets a little bit of a fairness fix. - Non-continuous MIDI Controllers now have their Hook and Latch options disabled as those are found not applicable, - As an alternative to PC-keyboard shortcuts, MIDI controllers are now also assignable and configurable for any of the main menu command actions, all from the same old configuration dialog (Help/Shortcuts...). - Fixed missing Track and Clip sub-menus from Edit/context-menu that were found AWOL ever since after the Lazy Tachyon beta release (> 0.6.6). - An off-by-one bar position (as in BBT, bar, beat and ticks) has been purportedly fixed as long as LV2 Time/Position atom event transfer goes. - French (fr) translation line to desktop file added (patch by Olivier Humbert, thanks). - A new top-level widget window geometry state save and restore sub-routine is now in effect. - Improved MIDI clip editor resilience across tempo and time- signature changes. - Keyboard shortcuts configuration (Help/Shortcuts...) now lists complete menu/action path where available. - Fixed in-flight VST plugin editor (GUI) resizing. - Added support to LV2UI_portMap extension, found really handy for the cases where you have multiple plugins with different port configurations and a single common UI to drive them all (pull request by Hanspeter Portner aka. ventosus, thanks).
* Thu May 28 2015 update to 0.6.7
* MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll) position, size, and view /event type criteria are now persistent, across session and user preferences application state.
* Generic plugin form widget position is now also preserved across open/save session cycles.
* MIDI clip editor resilience is about to get an improvement, fe. it doesn\'t close on stopping record/overdub anymore.
* Introducing (JACK) Timebase master setting as an option to Transport mode (cf. View/Options.../General/Transport /Timebase).
* LV2 plug-in MIDI/Event support now slanted for deprecation.
* Spanish (es) translation added, by avid Reyes Pucheta.
* It\'s live: audio track export (cf. Track/Export Tracks/ Audio.) has been deeply refactored to finally include MIDI t rack/instrument plugins rendering (aka. freeze) on selected audio output buses on mix-down. (EXPERIMENTAL)
* MIDI file player now does (N)RPN 14-bit controller events.
* Track properties dialog output bus switch fix/optimization; also fixed multiple DSSI instance reference count on close.
* Fixed for some strict tests for Qt4 vs. Qt5 configure builds.
* German (de) translation update (by Guido Scholz, thanks).
* Sat Apr 04 2015 add non-atomic-arches.patch: build for arches other than x86
* Sat Apr 04 2015 update to 0.6.6:
* MIDI clip record/reopen to/from SMF format 0 has been fixed.
* LV2 and VST plugins GUI editor widget position is preserved across hide/show cycles.
* Added application description as\'s AppData.
* Added a \"Don\'t ask this again\" prompt option to zip/archive extrated directory removal/replace warning messages.
* MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll) gets lingering notes properly shown while on record/overdubbing.
* Current highlighted client/port connections are now drawn with thicker connector lines.
* Fixing segfaults due to QClipboard::mimeData() returning an invalid null pointer while on Qt5 and Weston.
* Return of an old hack/fix for some native VST plugins with GUI editor, on whether to skip the explicit shared library unloading on close and thus avoid some mysterious crashes on session and/or application exit.
* Force reset of plugin selection list when any of the plugin search paths change (in View/Options.../Plugins/Paths).
* Recursive VST plugin search is now in effect for inventory and discovery on path sub-directories (VST only).
* Non-dummy scannig for regular VST, non-shell plugins, were doomed to infinite-loop freezes on discovery, now fixed.- changes from 0.6.5:
* Connections lines now drawn with anti-aliasing; connections splitter handles width is now reduced; the MIDI connections splitter pane sizes are now saved and restored properly.
* Extended multi-selection is now featured on the track-list (main left-pane), primarily allowing for group mute/solo (and monitor) switching.
* Track-list (left pane) header column widths are now saved and made persistent across application power cycle (double - click reverts to the old original default).
* Minor fixes on the MIDI clip event list editor, also making sure the current event is visible on the piano-roll view.
* As long to prevent asynchronous mistakes to JACK transport state changes, an internal slack-delay is now introduced after self-initiated transport commands (eg. start/stop).
* The MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll) was missing to clear or reset the current selection when no shift/ctrl keyboard modifier is in effect.
* VST-shell sub-plugins are now supported (as suggested by abique aka. Alexandre Bique, thanks).
* MIDI clip record/overdubbing is now possible (Clip/Record on the main menu or File/Record from the MIDI clip editor.
* Make sure some audio sample file encodings (eg. old Ogg Vorbis) does not head-start on audio peak generation.- changes from 0.6.4:
* Fixed some old loop-recording clip drawing glitches.
* Current assigned track/channel instrument definition names for MIDI controllers, note keys, RPN and NRPN, are now in effect on the MIDI clip editor drop-down lists, whether available.
* Clip/Take/Range... input dialog values are now properly sanitized as long to prevent invalid take/folding ranges.
* Audio capture/export file type default now set to \"wav\".
* Extending punch-in/out over loop-recording/takes modes.
* Make audio tracks monitoring always flow while playback is rolling, independently of their mute/solo state.
* Fixed undo/redo conversion of audio clip offsets under (automatic) time-stretching eg. due on tempo changes. (ticket by Holger Marzen, thanks).
* Latch/momentary MIDI Controllers toggle mode introduced (a request by AutoStatic aka. Jeremy Jongepier, thanks).
* JACK client/port pretty-name (metadata) support is being seamlessly introduced. (EXPERIMENTAL)
* Audio frame/MIDI time drift correction is now an option on View/Options.../MIDI/Playback/Enable MIDI queue time drift correction.
* Transport auto-backward feature now honoring last position playback was started.
* Introducing brand new application user preferences on View/Options.../Display/Options/Custom style and color themes (eg. \"KXStudio\", by Filipe Coelho aka. falkTX).
* Mixer widget gets automatic multi-row strip layout.
* Clip fade-in/out now follows time-stretch resizing, via shift/ctrl+click and drag one of its edges.
* Fixed a typo causing FTBFS when VST plug-in support is explicity disabled (./configure --disable-vst).- refresh qtractor-nodatetime.patch: line numbers changed- add qtractor.appdata.xml to the package