Changelog for libplayerctl2-2.4.1-bp155.16.8.x86_64.rpm :

* Sat Sep 25 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 2.4.1
* Fix a crash in playerctld when players use TrackList and Playlists interfaces
* Add the trunc() template function
* Allow to use playerctl as a subproject and cpp linking
* bugfix: subscribe to all signals when multiple template functions are used
* bugfix: workaround for players that use uint64 values in the formatter
* Tue Dec 01 2020 Dominique Leuenberger - Obsolete typelib-1_0-Playerctl-2_0_1: the package was wrongly named. With the correct name now provided, we have to ensure the users can cleanly upgrade.
* Tue Dec 01 2020 Fix dependencies of bash and zsh completion subpackages
* Mon Nov 30 2020 Avindra Goolcharan - Update to version 2.3.1
* Add option to toggle shuffle
* Add -s, quiet flag to supress some messages from stderr
* Add math operations to the formatter
* Change instance delimiter to \".\"
* Use playerctld to get players in order of activation when it is running
* Remove warning message when the system bus isn\'t found
* playerctld: add daemon activation command
* playerctld: add unshift command
* bugfix: improve property setter reliability- add zsh shell completion package
* Thu Oct 15 2020 Update to version 2.2.1
* Fix a crash when the `emoji()` template function is used
* Add a `shift` command to `playerctld` to shift the active player
* Fix a crash when system players are present version 2.1.1
* Playerctl now has a test suite that covers most features of the CLI. playerctld:
* Add `playerctld`: an activatable DBus service for selecting the most recently active player CLI:
* Add the `markup_escape()` formatter function
* Mark the `emoji()` formatter function as no longer experimental
* Add the `default()` formatter function
* Add the special `%any` player token for prioritizing player selection
* Add bash completions
* Add debug logging
* Rewrite and expand manpage with `mdoc(7)`
* Attempt to autostart `playerctld` if it is present in players
* bugfix: incorrect error message for shuffle command
* bugfix: don\'t crash if no system bus is present
* bugfix: don\'t crash if given a nonexistent format function Build:
* Required meson version is now `0.50.0`. version 2.0.2 CLI:
* Regression: exit 1 when no players are found
* Regression: fix sort order for `--player` command
* Handle nonfile uris in the `open` command Build:
* Fix documentation of the `--follow` flag
* Update manpage release date at build time
* fix gir build on cross compilation- Added bash-completion subpackage
* Fri Jan 25 2019 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 2.0.1 CLI:
* Add `--ignore-player` flag to ignore specific players (#2)
* Add `--follow` flag to block and print updated values when they change (#37, #98, #101)
* The `--player` command acts on the first player without `--all-players` (breaking) (#54)
* Accept multiple keys for `metadata [key]` command (#68)
* `metadata` command has tabular output. (breaking) (#72)
* Add `--format [fmt]` for metadata formatting (#73)
* Add `duration()` template formatter for formatting durations (#75)
* Print player name and instance with format strings (#90)
* Add command to get and set `shuffle` status (#92)
* Add a command to get and set `loop` status (#99)
* Add the `open` command to open a URI with the player (#79)
* Fix some errors with utf8 printing (#80)
* Skip players from selection when they don\'t support a command (determined by the `can-
*` properties)
* Select all player instances with the `--player` and `--ignore-player` command
* Print help information to stdout (not stderr) when no arguments are passed Library:
* add `playerctl_list_players()` to public api for listing players (#47)
* Implement the \"seeked\" signal on the player (#94)
* Add the \"volume\" signal on the player (#95)
* Deprecate the \"play\", \"pause\", and \"stopped\" signal for a single \"status\" signal (#96)
* Add the `PlayerctlPlayerManager()` class (#100)
* Cache and compute the position property (#102)
* Remove chaining abilities from the library (breaking)
* Library query functions return `NULL` instead of empty string when properties aren\'t found (breaking)
* Deprecate `status` property in favor of the `playback-status` property as an enum
* Add library functions for `shuffle` and `loop` status (#92, [#99])
* Deprecate setting volume via the object properties interface
* Fix the \"exit\" signal
* Add properties \"can-control\", \"can-play\", \"can-pause\", \"can-seek\", \"can-go-next\", \"can-go-previous\"
* Add the \"source\" property to determine the source of the player (session or system bus)
* Change first keyword arg for `playerctl_player_new()` from `name` to `player_name` (breaking)
* Add `playerctl_player_new_for_source()` to select players based on the source (session or system bus)
* Add `playerctl_player_new_from_name()` to create a player from a PlayerManager name
* `playerctl_player_new()` selects an instance of the `player_name` if found
* Add documentation for the entire public library API Build:
* Remove autotools and switch to the meson build system (breaking) (#57)
* Fix various compiler warnings (#97)
* Remove library version from pkg-config name and add it to the so in the standard way (new pkg-config name is just `playerctl`). version 0.6.1
* Bugfix: unref of a null player when no players are present
* Playerctl now searches the system bus for players
* Parse trackid as a string as a workaround for noncompliant players
* Various meson fixes version 0.6.0
* control multiple players at once by putting commas between the names
* add the --all-players option to control all players at once
* lib: better cache invalidation strategy for getting properties
* bugfix: Set position in fractional seconds
* Fix various memory leaks and errors- Dropped playerctl-0.5.0-fix-parallel-build.patch (no longer compatible)- Switched build to meson- Added -doc subpackage
* Thu Sep 07 2017 Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner- Drop static-devel package
* Fri Sep 01 2017 Added comment to indicate lib subpackage requirement by main package
* Thu Aug 31 2017 Added library subpackages
* Tue Aug 22 2017 Backport patch from upstream to fix parallel build
* Added patch: - playerctl-0.5.0-fix-parallel-build.patch
* Tue Aug 22 2017 Initial release