Changelog for ladspa-caps-0.9.26-lp155.16.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Feb 29 2024 Use %autosetup macro. Allows to eliminate the usage of deprecated %patchN
* Sun Nov 03 2019 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 0.9.26:
* documentation updates
* DDDelay removed, needs more work version 0.9.25:
* potential gcc overoptimisation resulting in NaN in Kaiser window setup eliminated (fix contributed by Jean Pierre Cimalando)
* updated to reflect changes to the div() and pow10f() functions in libc
* tonestack coefficient update reverted to original Yeh implementation
* Compress default measurement mode switched to RMS, attack range doubled
* Compress power and gain filter cutoff lowered to lessen intermodulation distortion
* Plate defaults changed
* volume control added to Spice hi and lo circuits, max gain reduced on both
* Wider output channels swapped
* AutoFilter rate lowered
* Scape parameters cleaned up and remapped, tune control removed
* Noisegate hysteresis increased to 180 ms
* dc-30 tonestack R3 20k -> 10k
* Eq10 Q changed to render optimally flat response at all zero band gain settings
* div port added to Click
* new plugin DDDelay version 0.9.24:
* documentation updates including switch to 48k for all spectra
* \"twin\" and \"stanford\" tonestack models swap places
* ChorusI feedback changed to interpolation, softens zipper noise on t changes
* use vestigial FPTruncateMode only on pre-SSE2 hardware
* 4x128 oversampling option removed from Compress plugins
* state port displaying current gain reduction on Compress plugins
* _latency port for parallel Eq
* Saturate fade-in bug eliminated
* Noisegate hysteresis interval lengthened
* Click sounds \"stick\" brightened and \"beep\" shortened
* run_adding() removed, reducing binary size by 30 % and compile time similarly
* JVRev tail modified, low-passed
* all ports reordered to consistent ctrl i/o audio i/o order
* Eq4p crossfade reimplemented as equal-power squared cosine, smoother now
* EqFA4p added
* non-SSE v4f_shuffle surrogate fixed (fixes Eq4p on ARM, reported by Jens Dreske)
* dropped 44.1 kHz ToneStackLT
* OnePole header renamed IIR1, filters renamed LP1 and HP1
* BiQuad header and filter renamed IIR2, SIMD
*4f filters renamed
* CabinetIII (less demanding loudspeaker emulation resurrected again)
* ChorusI port ranges and defaults adjusted
* Compress parameter mappings and defaults adjusted version 0.9.23:
* ChorusI hp filter denormal protection added version 0.9.22:
* ChorusI blend behaviour changed
* ChorusI parameters adjusted
* ChorusI hp filter before delay added
* AutoFilter parameters adjusted
* AutoFilter \'range\' port becomes \'depth\' version 0.9.21:
* Eq10 Q increased
* AmpVTS bright/compression/gain mappings adjusted
* AutoFilter reverted to 0.9.1 version with adjusted parameters version 0.9.20:
* ToneStack ports rearranged (following \"control before audio\" convention)
* ToneStack LT model selection fixed version 0.9.19:
* Noisegate partially rewritten, defaults adjusted
* Noisegate bug causing spurious gain fluctuations in closed state eliminated
* AmpVTS compression controls adjusted
* influence of total gain on compression in AmpVTS reduced
* documentation polish version 0.9.18:
* restored ToneStack presets to present the full list
* AmpVTS \'bright\' filter given slight resonance
* AmpVTS compression control range widened version 0.9.17:
* multiple inclusion header guards changed to comply with ISO/IEC 9899:2011 (at the insistence of Markus Elfring)
* PlateX2 fixed to read correct port for damping parameter (reported by James Morris)
* uninstall removes rdf
* DSP::FIR4f::set_kernel size overflow in default parameter fixed (reported and isolated by Ricardo Crudo)
* AmpVTS \"lowcut\" filter changed from 2- to 1-pole
* \"HK 20\" tonestack renamed to \"AK 20\"
* AmpVTS lowcut mapping changed, default lowered
* AmpVTS highpass 1 cutoff raised
* lowpass filter added to Noisegate\'s opening peak detector
* Noisegate not NoiseGate
* Click normal addition limited to idle loop
* NoiseGate logic loop bug fixed, hysteresis added
* documentation polish version 0.9.16:
* NoiseGate simplified, sped up, gain lowpassed, click bug eliminated
* Sin smoothened, defaults updated
* PhaserII defaults updated
* Fractal defaults updated
* documentation polish version 0.9.15:
* no-vector-arithmetic compilation fixed version 0.9.14:
* AutoFilter x/y parameter eliminated
* Fractal hp changed to be configurable, attractors recalibrated
* DSP::Lorenz instantly initialises to useful state
* documentation polish version 0.9.13:
* Eq4p softens drastic parameter changes by crossfading static filters
* Eq4p employing single v4f filter, slightly quicker
* Eq4p \'off\' filter mode
* documentation and interface polish version 0.9.12:
* non-SSE compilation fixed version 0.9.11:
* DSP::Roessler instantly initialises to useful state
* Logarithmic port bounds and values fixed to reflect actual intent, affecting Spice, AutoFilter and ChorusI
* clicking automatic gain fade on activate() eliminated in Saturate
* Dirac merged into Click
* Lorenz and Roessler merged into Fractal
* JVRev removed
* running plugins for zero frames returns without touching state
* CabinetII and III removed
* PhaserII sine LFO and LFO choice port added
* PhaserII fractal modulation extensively revised
* ChorusI rate lower bound slightly increased
* ChorusI delay line length adjusted to accommodate full t+width range
* all Chorus and Phaser plugins removed save for ChorusI and PhaserII
* major documentation revision
* Eq4p parametric equaliser plugin
* RBJ shelving filter prototype implementation fixed
* \"2x2\" stereo plugin label postfix changed to \"X2\"
* Eq renamed Eq10
* SIMD implementation updates
* DSP::RBJ coefficient calculation rearranged
* Click bpm range changed, default lowered substantially version 0.9.10:
* DSP::RMS protected against negative sum of squares
* documentation updates version 0.9.8:
* Spice enabled by default, Spice2x2 added
* AmpVTS default oversampling ratio changed to 4x
* JVRev refinements
* Cabinet gain upper limit reinstated to 24 dB
* AutoFilter modulation slightly adjusted
* more
*ChorusII modulation smoothness
* 1st-order IIR lp set_f fix part 2
* 1st-order IIR lp set_f fix part 1
* 1st order low-pass for AutoFilter modulation LFO
* DelayTapA removed
* README updated
* Click \'stick\' sound brightened
* moved processor_specific_denormal_measures() to activate(), speedup version 0.9.7:
* ChorusI is back
* AutoFilter modulation range and default parameter updates version 0.9.6:
* Click fixed to compile by older g++ versions version 0.9.5:
* AmpVTS model port moved, renamed to the more apt \'tonestack\'
* documentation refinements
* appreciable AmpVTS speedup by going back to sample_t for accumulator
* NoiseRatio attack time control
* sample rate dependencies in NoiseGate removed, time constants revised
* Tonestacks reordered
* Plugin::over_fs
* AmpVTS model setting fixed to follow the correct input
* CabinetIII resurrected
* AmpVTS \'ratio\' port renamed to \'over\'
* more filters for AutoFilter, ladder stage gain control
* AutoFilter oversampling
* AmpVTS bias in poweramp, dcblock before output
* AutoFilter envelope calculation fixed for fs > 153.6 kHz
* peak/rms selection for Compress
* AmpVTS tuning version 0.9.4:
* AmpVTS bright mapping revised
* Compress hi-pass removed
* Compress saturation changed from tanh to atan
* beep wave for Click
* selectable oversampling ratio for Compress in saturating mode
* fixed Compress to apply gain before saturation
* replaced sample_func_t with the more apt yield_func_t
* minor cosmetics
* caps-doc is a separate package
* selectable wave for Click, parfiltmodel added
* further smoothened ChorusII modulation
* selectable oversampling ratio for Amp
* moved some compress setup calls from Amp\'s run() to activate()
* rdf target prerequisite for dist
* Eq Q fixed, flat response at 0 gain version 0.9.3:
* Smoother modulation for ChorusII
* AmpVTS filters retuned
* correction for ToneStack gain in AmpVTS
* ToneStack models reordered, \'wookie\', \'porky\', \'HK 20\', \'nihon ace\' models added
* Amp \'bias\' now a filtered function of output power, control removed
* division operation in 1st-order hipass setup replaced by multiplication
* Saturate gain = 0 dB in \'bypass\' mode
* Saturate \'rectify\' mode
* AmpVTS, Plate control mapping adjusted version 0.9.2:
* included dsp/ in the tarball version 0.9.1:
* Lorenz/Roessler rate linked to fs
* AutoFilter replaces SweepVFI
* CabinetIV
* fixed erroneous float promotion of upsampler z padding parameter
* lots of parameter tuning
* many cleanuppies here and there
* SweepVFI/AutoFilter saturating SVFII ladder (instead of oversampled SVFI)
* UniqueIDs moved into
* SweepVFI modulation comes as range + x/z now
* GPL v3
* more Phaser notches
* LR filters for Spice
* Saturate inverse gain for approximately constant loudness
* Scape extensively reworked
* further refinements to Chorus and Phaser units for smoother modulation
* SweepVFII removed
* Compress
* input gain removed
* ToneStackLT rolled into ToneStack and eliminated
* fixed w miscalculation in DSP::Sine::set_f with fs given
* AmpPlus/AmpVTS total rewrite
* TubeCompress merged into Compress, for great template goodness
* modulation rate decoupled from samplerate
* tanh approximation, available in the Saturate plugin
* units reworked for smoother modulation and sound
* StereoChorusII2x2 plugin
* JVRev bandwidth filter/control added
* removed
* HRTF removed
* ChorusI, StereoChorusI, PhaserI removed
* CabinetI removed
* No more AmpStub silliness
* All Amp and Preamp plugins removed, save for AmpVTS
* Incite rechristened Spice
* JVRev blend range normalised to [0..1]
* Plate input value ranges adjusted to uniform [0..1]
* Phaser
* spread value range upper bound adjusted to 1 from pi multiples version 0.9.0:
* White bleached (was slightly pinkish before)
* up+down oversampling functionality rolled into one class
* Incite plugin
* total redesign of the Clip plugin, renamed to Saturate
* NoiseGate plugin
* RBJ prototypes changed to accept biquad instead of coeff. arrays
* various default value changes
* all FIRs changed to use templated kernel size, appreciable speedup for all oversampled plugins
* reduced the number of arithmetic operations in the tonestack coefficient update function, speedup for ToneStack and AmpVTS
* TubeCompress2x2 plugin
* TubeCompress plugin
* no more borrowed kernels!
* CabinetII gain adjusted for Mesa and Pro Jr models (much lower now and more in line with the other models)
* Amp final drive gain reduced slightly to prevent foldover distortion
* SweepVF fractal rate control mapping adjusted
* Pan completely redesigned with Orban-like stereo image synthesis
* Narrower mode switch and mid/side operation added
* Plate parameter ranges modified for a brighter and less reverberant default sound
* VCOd sync option had to be dropped due to compiler incompatibility
* Lorenz, Roessler fitted with a dc-blocking filter
* all int sample loop variables changed to unsigned, slightest speedup
* Compress2x2 plugin
* Compress plugin replaced with a completely new design
* Phaser feedback port ranges sanitised
* StereoPhaser plugins
* PhaserII gain reduced by 6dB
* \"latency\" outputs of all plugins removed
* Descriptor array handling changed to disable individual plugins with relative ease
* fixed instances of g++ -O3 and above compiled code segfaulting, performance gained everywhere
* documentation reworked extensively
* CEO wave is resampled at runtime from fs = 8kHz source
* CEO mantra changed (now an flite recording)
* Click changed to use modal synthesis to generate the click wavetable, for improved sound and independency of sample rate
* Plate changed to do delay summation using doubles
* 1st and 2nd order filters changed to use templated types for coefficient and state storage
* 1st order input hipass added to AmpVTS plugin
* filter \'mode\' port added to AutoWah, and renamed to AutoFilter
* fixed improper \'model\' labels meant to be \'mode\' in the rdf generator version 0.4.5:
* Narrower plugin added
* fixed \'\' to work with python3
* fixed Sin, Roessler and Lorenz gain smoothing on activation- Dropped caps-fix-double-free.diff (no longer applicable)- Refreshed reproducible.patch- Spec cleanup
* Mon May 22 2017 Add reproducible.patch to sort input files to make build more reproducible
* Mon Mar 03 2014 Remove obsoleted autoreq/autoprov tags
* Sat Mar 01 2014 use verbatim upstream tarball- add source URLs, see
* Wed Feb 26 2014 correct the license to GPL-2.0+
* Mon Dec 16 2013 Initial version 0.4.4: split from ladspa package- Patch carried from the original ladspa package caps-fix-double-free.diff