Changelog for
canorus-0.7.3rc3-lp156.3.36.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Apr 21 2019 - 0.7.3rc3- udpate to version 0.7.3rc3 + contains bug fixes only- compile with python support (BuildRequires: python3-devel)- removed canorus-0.7.3-suse.patch- use canorus.xpm instead of generating images out of an ico file- use new %%license macro
* Thu Apr 05 2018 Backported canorus-0.7.3-gcc7.patch and removed now unnecessary compiler flags
* Sat Aug 26 2017 Update to version 0.7.3rc1
* Translation Updates
* GPLv3 compatibility
* Official compiler used for builds is gcc/mingw 5.3 / 5.4
* Fixes in offset to measure numberings and pickup measures
* Command Settings updates
* Small updates to View setWorld functions regarding types
* Bindings for page movement (up, down, home, end)
* Fix for Appearence Dialog
* Qt4 no longer supported officially
* Adjustments for Qt4 after API fixes for Qt5 (not removed except for helper dialog due to drop of webkit by Qt5.6)
* Other minor changes Midi/Shortcut
* Load Dialog Fix (shortcut settings)
* No longer differentiate before showing Load Dialog (settings)
* Save Dialog updated to behave same as Load Dialog (settings)
* Various fixes for shortcut settings
* Fix for cloning View
* Support Qt5 for Windows (build), adjusted build instructions
* Fix Windows Qt5 DLL installation
* Integrate Shortcut Settings finally into Settings View
* Support several types of shortcut settings
* Readme now contains several updates to reflect compatibility with older dependent packages like swig and cmake
* added note checker
* note checker and midi command support for shortcut settings
* fixed some compilation issues on other platforms
* fix issue with new sheet;
* add dynamic keyboard helper for shortcut settings
* Add version information to installer
* Qt4 build settings separated
* Fixed mouse move lagging
* AutoConnect issue fixed for Print Preview
* Pass binary midi data directly to QTextStream, fixes midi export again.
* Add support for C++11 build (and later, depending on recent compiler used)
* Unified Edit mode with Select mode. Default mode now is Edit mode.
* Fixed missing uiSelectMode in CAActionStorage.
* Fixed showing selection area, if a user had a shaky hand
* New more simple help system (HTML) documentation system based on sphinx
* Migrated several guides to sphinx (sorry, the german guide needs still to be done)
* Fix when inserting note on empty bar line when already having edited some notes on a different bar line
* Add check for alsa on Linux for rtmidi;
* Fixed old GUI bug: On Undo, On New document, Note checker not activated on Undo.
* On first Escape, the selection is cleared. On second Escape, we a context is deselected.
* Fixed console logging: No mode handled.
* Fixed edit text hiding when clicked on an existing music element.
* Fixed Text/Lyrics/Bookmarks saving when clicked outside of the text edit. Only Esc key explicitly cancels the editing.
* Fixed editing bookmarks.
* Fixed Text/Lyrics/Bookmarks lost when switching from Insert mode to Edit mode without confirming text edit content.
* Added panning the view forward when writing lyrics at the end of the screen.
* Added behaviour to text edit: Blank content deletes the text element.
* Lyrics, text and bookmarks: Text edit shows on mouse release to allows multiple selection.
* Fixed insert playable icon to be more meaningful.
* Fixed toolbars: When inserting clefs, time sigs, key sigs etc. the voice toolbar should not be visible.
* Fixed fake text edit, if adding a text illegaly to non-playable element.
* Fixed text edit popping back up, when switching from insert to edit mode.
* Show text edit when exactly one element is selected, otherwise, confirm any opened text edits and hide it.
* fix for pluginmanager when no plugins are available
* Streamline Translation with 5.6 (use official macros)- Switched to Qt5- Added canorus-0.7.3-suse.patch- Dropped canorus.xpm as source and create multiple-sized icons by conversion- Split locale files into separate lang package- Spec cleanup
* Tue Mar 15 2016 Spec cleanup
* Tue Mar 15 2016 Update to version 0.7.2rc1:
* Set SelectMode instead of NoDocumentMode when a new document.was created
* Added ruler to show the bar number on top of the score view
* Updated translations
* Fix some issues to get Canorus running with Qt5
* Introduced official support for Qt5
* Bar reference list added to CAStaff
* Fixed Repeat bar lines in lilypond export
* Removed obsolete clipping from CAScoreView
* Add icon for upcoming shortcuts feature
* Added newDocument() fallback for environment without Python.
* Added \"Canorus is compiled with Python support.\" to about dialog box.
* Requires Python 3.x; updated corresponding bindings
* Added basic MusicXML export.
* CATempo: Removed obsolete dotted property
* Lilypond export: Added support for CATempo and CARitardando.
* Scoreview: Fixed crash when adding lines marks
* Added MIDI pitch offset property to voice
* Lilypond export: Fixed indentination
* Lilypond export: Export instrument names.
* Lilypond export: Set rehersal marks drawn in box.
* Fixed horizontal scrolling regression introduced with new speed optimizations.
* Fixed MusicXML import regression introduced in R1282.
* Significant speed improvement for getting the current clef.
* Fixed crash in KDTree when adding notes.
* Significant speed improvement for finding elements in range for canvas.
* Moved drawable map from KDTree to ScoreView.
* Removed several obsolete KDTree functions.
* Removed several obsolete ScoreView functions
* Midi import gives staffs and voices a name
* Compatibility fix with recent Qt4 Also added changes from 0.7.1:
* Updated translations
* Deprecated version 1 usage of swig, we no longer maintain this.
* Added support for ignoring Lilypond comments when importing it
* Fixed problem that undo command doesn\'t correctly update the cloned sheet
* Fixed crash when undoing source commits for the first time
* Fixed Lilypond comments import when parsing newlines (cr/lf)
* Fixed crash when importing lilypond lyrics
* Fixed warnings throughout the code with newer gcc compiler versions (See separate file large-warn-fixes.txt for technical details)
* Added Break of Compilation when warning occurs
* Fixed Lilypond melismatic lyrics when used in combination with hyphens
* Set autobeamOff for printing when lyrics is applied to the voice
* Added Lilypond export for forced accidentals
* Added underscores as spaces in Lilypond export
* Fixed compilation errors using Swig2
* Fixed note marks time start calculation
* Fixed importing of slurs times inside the tuplet
* Fixed importing of canorus files containing tuplet+slur combination
* Fixed settings dialog page on startup, if playback device not available anymore
* Fixed crash in reposit method, check for valid slur during creation
* Implemented degree-based accidentals detection for the given diatonic midi key
* Fixed semitiones calculation of diminished intervals
* Fixed midi notes import real times and for tempo > 240bmp
* Fixed wrong calculation from midi pitch to diatonic pitch
* Added parameter for scrolling the score view on newly selected music elements
* Fixed wrong semitones interval calculation
* Added midi support for (GM) instruments
* Fixed midi time and length calculation for midi import
* Fixed brackets and quotes lilypond export
* Fixed importing the tempo mark on a slured element
* Added notes, events to midi import and allow control via scripting
* Added list of shortcuts (midi and UI) in a special file to be used for user defined shortcuts
* Started work on backend for editing shortcuts (loading/saving/parsing)
* Fixed exporting text on chords to lilypond
* Added preliminary documentation of canorus libraries
* Fixed problem that make it impossible to save the document (#16606)
* Added support for moving sheets using drag&drop and double click
* Fixed unsaved changes warning dialog when opening recent documents
* Fixed sheet properties toolbar when removing the last sheet.
* Fixed update of the sheet tab name when renaming the sheet
* Fixed properties dialog layout
* Fixed default note stem direction
* Fixed that no time signature/barlines are shown when there are none in the score
* Fixed licensing issues with examples (and remove example with undefined license)
* Renamed license file to COPYING
* Added volta bracket support through special text mark
* Added release build possibility (including compiler optimizations)
* Fixed problem on text display with cleanup and chord creation
* Enforce UTF-8 encoding for the canorus and lilypond formats
* Fixed midi time scaling and quantisation for all events
* Fixed crash when opening an empty XML file
* Fixed crash with using certain styles in GNOME environment
* Fixed midi import adjustment of notes being left over
* Added articulation, fingering, dynamic marks to lilypond export
* Fixed problem with tuplet export by returning the last note of a chort instead of the first
* Fixed freeze in the GUI during import
* Fixed Midi export and repeats
* Fixed repeat in multiple staffs
* Fixed arbitrary placed key signature changes
* Added Midi support of key signature changes
* Added more examples
* Created undo only for a whole chord at midi keyboard input
* Fixed tuplet and chords saving
* Expanded scripting engine for figured bass
* Added some user interface settings
* Allowed midi import with no document opened
* Fixed minor problems on lilypond export
* Added GUI, support, load/save for figured bass marks
* Updated documentation
* Added support for melisma and syllabic lyrics in MusicXML import
* Moved view to the right if right border is hit on insert of new elements
* Fixed crash when reinterpreting accidentals
* Added reinterpret accidentals in transpose view
* Added support for key signature in midi export/playback
* Fixed default mode for the toolbar when creating a new document.
* Improved midi device (names)
* Use base name of midi imported file as sheet name
* Added support for time signatures in midi import
* Added factoring of music elements to scripting library
* Fixed automatic bar placement to work with future time signatures
* Added default time signature (midi recorder)
* Improvement for midi export: music length and tempo
* Now using newer RtMidi-1.0.9 library.
* Preserved midi channels and fixed hangover notes (midi import)
* Added multiple voices and tempo to midi import
* Added progress bar for opening and importing documents
* Use PMidi on all platforms
* Added some self-made midi examples
* Added Midi Import based on PMidi
* Fixed handling of sheets for midi export
* Added shortcut for cycling through sheets
* \"Print Preview\" is used for the current sheet only (same as for printing)
* Fixed problems when adding lyrics
* Added debian (ubuntu) build support (amd64)
* Started adding support for all kind of actions in Canorus
* Improved layout of properties dialog
* Added project file for the smallish IDE geany
* Fixed tempo for playback when starting outside of the beginning
* Fixed breve syntax in lilypond export
* Fixed back-scroll for repeats
* Moved \"Use animated scroll\" to settings dialog
* Fixed, lock (optionally, default), store scroll (position) on playback
* Fixed playback of multiple voices with different timelengths
* Fixed MusicXML import (midi, grace notes)
* Added ArgoUML sources of the score model
* Parse movement title of MusicXML scores
* Fixed MusicXML import crash on multiple staffs and clefs and on unset
* Added Czesh translation
* Started adding the action editor (to be finished in 0.7.2)
* Added support for Tab/Shift-Tab keys in Insert mode for voices
* Fixed crash when manipilating a slured chord
* Fixed dots offset and tuplet settings when editing the first time
* Fixed transposition bug in UI
* Fixed a crash when closing the document
* Removed some special characters on example file names.
* Added support for fermata in lilypond export
* Fixed a pasting problem
* Fixed UTF-8 file names in archives
* Added examples to the installer- removed patch canorus-linker_flags.patch not longer needed.- removed patch canorus-0.7-DESTDIR.patch replaced by patch canorus-0.7.2-DESTDIR.patch
* Sun Oct 07 2012 added specfile header
* Tue Feb 14 2012 fix library requirement inside the package ( canorus-linker_flags.patch )- use font from distribution and not the one inside the package ( added freefont as required package )- added manpage and xpm icon file from Debian ( thanks to Tobias Quathamer )
* Sat Aug 01 2009 strip the binary
* Sun Apr 19 2009 added DESTDIR patch (no mkdir outside buildroot, done manually)- fixed spec file (rpm succeded)
* Mon Mar 30 2009 update to 0.7: + Added support for printing and preview of score using LilyPond backend. + Added integrated Midi recorder. + Added resources storage inside the document. + Added User\'s guide. + Added transposition support. + GUI improvements + Import/Export improvements + Plugin improvements + Model improvements + ...and many more