Changelog for
vst3-bitKlavier-3.4-5.88.x86_64.rpm :
* Sat Oct 07 2023 Update to version 3.4:
* Update
* added Cami to authors
* fixed text resolution display for pedalGainSlider
* Fix ios and pianoiterator bug
* Add pedalGain slider to setting
* new fix from Synchronic holdTime problem
* fixed bug where holdTime in Snchronic wasn\'t working
* merge with pianoIterator
* Fixed iterator toggle save; moved iterator button to gallery dropdown fixed multiple iterator windows bug
* in PluginProcessor, line 801, i\'m not sure why we are avoiding piano = 0? it\'s not loading in bK as expected, when we move back to it, so i have removed that in the conditional, which i think means that the \'else\' will never be reached, but let me know if i\'m missing something. it seems to be working as expected now
* fixed iterator boundaries, so it doesn\'t crash when exceeding max # pianos, and wraps around, going forward or backwards
* Fix up and down crash , Fix pianoIterator window open on change crash
* add iterator up/down keymap to preset
* Remoivng submodules
* REmoving submodule
* fixed some bugs with galleries loading lite
* add listener funcionality to send clicks to main view
* Add saving and loading features
* fixed bug where the globalSampleType wasn\'t being set properly. at least i think i fixed it
* updated createInputStream from deprecated form
* cleaned up some compiler warnings
* removed share Facebook stuff, deprecated
* updated v# to 3.3.6
* finished implementation of keymap->ignoreNoteOff
* add back-end stuff for keymap->ignoreNoteOff functionality
* fixed one more 0 slider
* fixed bug where gain sliders were showing exponential format 0\'s
* fixed bug where Tuning spiral view was updating the offsets of sounding pitches before their pitches had actually changed, in non-spring modes
* Fix tuning increment broken
* Fix Audio contstants for cTuningfundamentalOffset
* fixing some of the zero displays in BKSingleSliders
* mod bug checking
* updated to 3.3.3
* Fix reading custom samples
* updated to v3.2.2
* Fix preset global soundset
* Fix preset saving and load for global soundfonts
* Fix Preferences button
* Fix gui for ios compressor
* Fix iOS UI issues
* Fix TuningView on IOS
* Add look for sample files in filesearchpaths
* Fix compilation on labeledSlider
* Compressor GUI fix for IOS
* Update
* Fix soundfont global load
* Sun Mar 26 2023 Update to version 3.3:
* Remov MTS connection button from tab2 and 3
* Move MTSMaster button
* change to v3.0 for release
* changed dBFS to dB in resonanceViewController, to be consistent with other preps
* changed to v3.2.9
* Menu Fix
* updated XCode project settings
* updated version to rc2
* Add Zenodo DOI badge & link
* Mon Jun 06 2022 Konstantin Voinov
- Update to 3.1- New Features and Changes
* Resonance \"add\" and \"ring\" targeting via Keymap
* Resonance display of Held and Ringing keys
* ability to set and Modify static Held keys in Resonance
* numerous bug fixes and some optimizations to Resonance; it should perform better than the initial release
* Sostenuto pedal support
* Keymap \"toggle\" mode; essentially, noteOff messages are ignore, so keys become switches
* Keymap \"sostenuto\" mode; the sustain pedal behaves like a sostenuto pedal
* Scala tuning format import (SCL and KBM) (big thanks to the Surge folks (Tuning Library and Tuning Workbench Synth) for their open source library and their assistance getting it integrated with bitKlavier)
* new Mac installer that is notarized, so shouldn\'t trigger \"unknown developer\" and \"damaged\" messages