Changelog for
JUCE7_05-AudioPluginHost-7.0.5+git102.505285bb-8.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Jul 06 2023 Konstantin Voinov
- Add Fedora- Update .spec
* Sat Mar 04 2023 Update to version 7.0.5+git102.505285bb:
* Linux: Fix a compiler warning
* Android: Fix a compiler warning
* Resave all projects
* CMake: Ensure binary data is regenerated when contents change
* Resave all projects
* Projucer: Add embedded Linux subprocess for WebView support
* CMake: Add embedded Linux subprocess for WebView support
* Linux WebBrowserComponent: Fix potential deadlock in destructor
* InAppPurchases: Ensure failure notifications are dispatched on the message thread
* SamplerPluginDemo: Fix unqualified uses of std::move
* Objective-C: Tidy up block usages, and document block helpers
* CMake: Add description of JUCE_MODULES_ONLY to API documentation
* CoreMidi: Never convert messages to MIDI 2.0 protocol
* Oboe: Prefer SpinLock to raw atomics
* Oboe: Avoid allocating on each audio callback
* InAppPurchases: Ensure that the iOS implementation notifies on failure
* AudioSynthesiserDemo: Show output rather than input in waveform view
* Xcode: Fix nullability warnings in Xcode 14.3
* iOS InAppPurchases: Tidying
* NSViewComponentPeer: Allow key equivalents to propagate to inner views if they are not handled by outer views
* AudioPlaybackDemo: Avoid requesting unnecessary input channels
* AudioPlaybackDemo: Fix usability issues on Android
* Projucer: Fix assigned-but-not-read variable
* Projucer: Use new CMake version for Android builds
* NativeMessageBox: Fix result codes on Linux
* VST3 Host: Avoid reading from non-existent buses
* AudioProcessorGraph: Avoid data race when setting parent on AudioGraphIOProcessor
* OpenGL: Avoid rare race on members used to compute frame times
* OpenGL: Ensure flushBuffer can\'t be called simultaneously from multiple threads on macOS 10.13 or earlier
* VST Client: Fix redefined macro when building with MinGW 8.3.0
* NativeMessageBox: Silence function pointer cast warning for MinGW
* CMake: Disable AAX builds with MinGW
* MessageBoxOptions: DRY implementation
* SystemStats: Tidy up one-shot function
* DragAndDropContainer: Avoid out-parameters
* OpenGLContext: Fix signature of DEBUGPROC
* ListBox: Allow ListBoxModel to control whether items may be dragged to other windows
* AlertWindow: Allow parent component to be specified
* ScopedMessageBox: Replace old AlertWindow uses with new API
* ScopedMessageBox: Add new helper type to bound alert window lifetimes
* CameraDevice: Tidy up macOS implementation
* Windowing: Tidy up macOS drag+drop implementation
* Path: Allow addPath to take a reference to self
* Android: Fix accessibility compatibility issues with older devices
* AAX Client: Use new GetHDTimeCodeInfo API
* AAX Client: Fix unused function warnings
* AUv2 Client: Add support for new MIDIEventList APIs on supported platforms
* UMP: Migrate to std::byte
* Containers: Add simple Span implementation
* VST Host: Avoid re-adding VST window to list of active windows after destruction has started
* UIViewComponentPeer: Call setNeedsUpdateOfSupportedInterfaceOrientations on orientation change
* AAX: Use unity build style for the AAX_SDK
* AudioSampleBuffer: Fix warning
* BSD: Fix some compiler warnings
* Resave all projects
* CMake: Add inter-app-audio entitlement to iOS AU hosts
* Projucer: Add inter-app-audio entitlement to iOS AU hosts
* AudioPluginHost: Remove magic number
* Path: Allow addPath to take a reference to self
* Projucer: Insert android custom libraries names directly, rather than as variables
* ColourGradient: Create lookup tables using non-premultiplied colours
* Accessibility: Make createAccessibilityHandler public to allow calls from derived classes
* NSViewComponentPeer: Attempt to avoid reentrant calls to makeKeyWindow
* FileChooser: Improve modal behaviour in plugins on Windows
* MIDILogger: Update bus layouts to support loading in Cakewalk
* iOS Windowing: Avoid private selector warnings
* VST3: Avoid copy in channel mapper
* VBlankAttachment: Make isEmpty const
* PopupMenu: Add explicit focus order to menu items
* Android: Add simulated mouse exit event to the mouse up callback
* ARAPluginDemo: Fix thread race when PlaybackRegion is modified during playback
* Linux: Avoid logging BadShmSeg error when SHM capability is not detected
* CoreGraphicsContext: Avoid hanging when drawing transformed tiled images
* VST3 Client: Enforce that process and setActive are not called simultaneously in FL Studio
* CodeEditorComponent: Remove unnecessary assertion
* FileSearchPath: Allow working with paths that are not necessarily absolute
* Fix GCC 12 compiler warnings
* GenericAudioProcessorEditor: Fix issue where the ChoiceParameterComponent would re-set the parameter value in response to a parameter value change
* LinuxWebComponent: Fix high CPU usage
* VST3: Remove unhelpful assertion
* VST3: Fix bad value returned from setBusArrangements() (false == kResultTrue) when in/out bus counts are mismatching
* CMake: Warn if bundle ID contains spaces
* TreeView: Fix getAllVisibleItems() when only the final row of the tree fits in the viewport
* AudioProcessorGraph: Add basic benchmark test
* AudioProcessorGraph: Improve lookup speed in isBufferNeedLater
* AudioProcessorGraph: Only prepare a render sequence for the current processing precision
* AudioProcessorGraph: Allow triggering manual rebuild, and avoid rebuilding if nothing has changed
* AudioFormatReaderSource: Avoid reading past the end of the wrapped AudioFormatReader
* Android: Allow recording demo to write files on recent Android versions
* CMake: Avoid passing generator platform to jucaide build
* Resave all projects
* Projucer: Strongly assert that bluetooth will not be used for fine location access
* SystemStats: Add helper function to detect app sandbox
* AudioDeviceManager: Send changeNotification when MIDI devices change
* WASAPI: Only send change broadcast when devices are updated
* AudioIODeviceType: Fix typo
* FileChooser: Allow directory selection on iOS
* FileChooser: Fix opening native dialogs in sandboxed macOS apps
* PopupMenu: Fix issue where PopupMenu would sometimes use the default rather than the parent look and feel
* VST3: Avoid requesting channel layouts that cannot be represented as SpeakerArrangements
* VST3 Client: Allow mismatched channel counts in safe cases
* Projucer: Build VST3 bundles from the MSVC exporters
* Windows: Fix Vista/7 compatibility
* Resave all projects
* Bump version number to 7.0.5
* Revert \"Projucer: Build VST3 bundles from the MSVC exporters\"
* Docs: Update Doxygen configuration
* Tue Jan 24 2023 Update to version 7.0.4+git14.cb494df6:
* Docs: Update Doxygen configuration
* Projucer: Always undef \"linux\" to avoid collisions with compiler builtins
* Projucer: Build VST3 bundles from the MSVC exporters
* Projucer: Fix file-specific compiler flags
* ValueTree: Avoid void
* LV2 Client: Link juce_lv2_helper with pthread to ensure that threading is enabled in loaded plug-ins
* Windows: Tidy up function-loader singletons
* Windows: Fix Vista/7 compatibility
* iOS: Fix build issues with Xcode 10.1
* AUv3 Client: Notify host when parameter info changes
* Wed Jan 11 2023 Update to version 7.0.4+git0.4e68af7f:
* macOS: Handle unavailable Metal device
* Resave all projects
* Bump version number to 7.0.4
* ARAPluginDemo: Fix dereferencing beyond end iterator
* Optional: Make operator bool() explicit
* FloatVectorOperations: Simplify NameForwarder
* LV2 Client: Use unicode consistently for filepaths on Windows
* Projucer: Remove unused variable
* AU Client: Use stored timestamp when host transport is unavailable
* Windows DLL: Fix FloatVectorOperations related warnings
* Windows DLL: Fix warning
* Fix Windows DLL build
* Some minor code tidying
* Add default return value for Component::exitModalState
* WinRTWrapper: Allow service recreation
* Thu Dec 29 2022 Update to version 7.0.3+git76.49cc7a0e:
* Component: Fix potential bad access during mouse double click
* Android: Add missing runtime permission for Bluetooth Midi on API >= 31
* VST: Fix some unused variable warnings on iOS/Android
* MacOS: Fix sprintf related warning in XCode 14.1
* Oboe: Add device types introduced between API level 31-33
* Android: Fix juce_product_unlocking
* Docs: Fix some Doxygen warnings
* AnimatedAppComponent: Added missing JUCE_API
* Docs: Add a link to TooltipWindow from SettableTooltipClient
* Add some missing JUCE_BSD guards
* CLA: Handle commits with no author information
* Demos: Fix some compiler warnings
* Fix a typo
* Fix a typo
* Windows: Use timer to update VBlank registration for embedded HWNDComponentPeer
* HighResolutionTimer: Ensure that a new interval applies from the moment of calling startTimer()
* Projucer: Request Bluetooth permission on Android for PIP projects
* Fix RelativeTime::getApproximateDescription()
* Android: Add missing getAndroidRealtimeThreadFactory implementation
* AudioBuffer: Minor correction in documentation
* ARAPluginDemo: Use crossfade in the EditorRenderer to avoid clicks
* ARAAudioSourceReader: Fix data race
* iOS SystemStats: Use consistent format to report device description on hardware/simulator
* ApplicationBase: Assume UTF-8 commandline parameter encoding
* Resave all projects
* Android: Add support for new bluetooth permissions from Android API 31
* SidePanel: Fix shadow drawing artefact on hi-res screens
* VST Client: Clean up VstSpeakerArrangement offset calcuation
* CoreAudio: Avoid data race on fifo storage
* CoreAudio: Avoid race on currentSampleRate data member of AudioIODeviceCombiner
* LV2 Client: Avoid assertion when invoking manifest writer with a relative path
* Projucer: Avoid abspath in generated makefiles
* Windowing: Start repaint timer immediately on Linux
* AudioProcessor: Return unique_ptr from createPluginFilterOfType
* PluginHostType: Automatically set jucePlugInClientCurrentWrapperType during createPluginFilterOfType
* MemoryOutputStream: Avoid allocating unnecessarily large buffers
* AudioProcessorGraph: Fix an issue where IO nodes sometimes failed to update their channel counts
* Windows: Register for suspend/resume notifications
* LV2 Client: Sanitise parameter IDs to ensure validity of generated ttl files
* XWindowSystem: Default to standard refresh rate if the real refresh rate is unavailable
* Android: Fix build issues with OpenSL
* AAX Client: Add support for AudioPlayHead PPQ bar-start position
* XWindowSystem: Use ScopedWindowAssociation for improved DRYness
* OpenGL: Avoid dispatching events to the OpenGL component peer after it is destroyed
* XWindowSystem: Avoid C casts for pointer-like types
* OpenGL: Add back CVDisplayLink-driven drawing
* AAX Client: Add support for reporting recording state
* AAX Client: Ensure that prepareToPlay is always called with the max buffer size, rather than the previous buffer size
* AUv3 Client: Notify host when latency changes
* VST3 Host: Avoid rebuilding parameter tree in refreshParameterList
* RectangleList: Avoid entering a death spiral when subtracting very close rectangles
* TableHeaderComponent: Correctly render column headers when graphics context is clipped
* Component: Avoid mouseListener use-after-free when deleting components in mouse callbacks
* LV2 Client: Ensure AudioBuffer size matches numSteps during run
* NSViewComponentPeer: Allow secondary windows to display correctly in fullscreen mode
* VST3 Client: Allow setBusArrangements to succeed if called during setActive
* ARAPluginDemo: Avoid unnecessarily deselecting a musical context
* MouseInputSource: Avoid wrong ComponentPeer association
* MacOS: Generate mouse move event for the peer when using setRawMousePosition()
* Resave all projects
* TextInputTarget: Improve IME support on Android
* Android: Prevent activity from being destroyed when connecting an external keyboard
* TextInputTarget: Add underlining support for composing regions on macOS and iOS
* TextInputTarget: Improve input handling on macOS and iOS
* TextInputTarget: Add password keyboard type
* NSViewComponentPeer: Implement NSTextInputClient protocol
* Android: Set thread priority using user-provided value
* Android: Fix file loading in DSP demos
* Projucer: Support file permissions in Android 33
* Variant: Remove unnecessary definitions of static constexpr data members
* PopupMenu: Use correct LookAndFeel when computing parent component
* VST3: Add missing warning for clang 15 on Windows
* PluginHostType: Add checks for auvaltool and
* Convert ignoreUnused to [[maybe_unused]]
* Thu Dec 01 2022 Update to version 7.0.3+git2.4351e87b:
* Standalone: Allow custom entrypoint definition
* macOS: Handle unavailable Metal device
* macOS/iOS: Fixed an issue creating native FileChoosers
* Resave all projects
* Bump version number to 7.0.3
* ARAPluginDemo: Add more features to demo host integration
* CoreAudioIODevice: Fix handling channel configurations with disabled lower bits
* CoreAudio: Report the number of active output channels in the device callback
* AudioProcessorPlayer: Fix crash when number or active outs is less than hardware outs
* iOS: Suppress a compiler warning
* CMake: Update some CXX_STANDARD statements to 17
* Projucer: Update the default minimum deployment targets
* ARA: Update expected ARA SDK version to 2.2.0
* CoreAudio: Refactoring
* CoreAudioIODevice: Fix stale channel information after device information change
* MimeTypes: Speed up release-mode compilation
* Resave all projects
* Projucer: Fix build of default projects in Xcode 14.1
* SystemStats: Return just \"Windows\" or \"MacOSX\" when operating system version is unknown
* Component::MouseListenerList: Fix bad access
* iOS: Fix a crash when an AUv3 editor is dismissed while showing a native iOS file chooser
* Projucer: Fix an issue with per-file compiler flags not being respected
* GUI: Ensured that mouse listeners are still called even if the originating component is deleted in response to such an event
* URL: Add support for anchors in URLs
* Android: Added the ability to associate a particular file-extension to a mime-type at runtime
* Android: Associate .json files with the application/json mime-type
* Android: Fixed a bug which caused android native dialogs to be presented multiple times in a row
* UIViewComponentPeer: Maintain TextEditor cursor position during deleteBackward
* UIViewComponentPeer: Fix warning
* NSViewComponentPeer: Avoid processing key events directly during IME composition
* NSViewComponentPeer: Use set rather than array for tracking key states
* TextEditor: Use NullCheckedInvocation
* Functional: Add ScopeGuard implementation
* APVTS: Add missing qualification to std::move
* AudioProcessorPlayer: Avoid unconditionally replacing playhead
* Component: Add an assertion to check that the component remains alive when entering modal state
* CMake: Ensure that juce_lv2_helper is built when source groups are enabled
* LV2 Host: By default, search in lib64 directories on multilib systems when host is 64-bit
* ARAPluginDemo: Fix incorrect sample reading in editor renderer
* Threading: Add priority support for lambda thread method
* InAppPurchasesDemo: Avoid copies in range-for loops
* SystemInfoDemo: Add a call to getUniqueDeviceID
* UIViewComponentPeer: Disable autocomplete suggestions on text input views
* Docs: Update the supported accessibility clients
* Docs: Update the minimum macOS deployment target
* Examples: Ensured that the MultiOutSynth example accepts disabled aux busses
* AudioProcessorGraph: Ensured that nodes are deleted soon after being removed from the graph
* Synthesiser: Ensured that the voice stealing algorithm does not allocate
* ASIO: Make \"DENON DJ ASIO Driver\" workaround more specific to the exact buggy driver version
* AUv2: Fix crash in Ableton Live when bus name listeners are called for no reason
* CoreAudio: Avoid truncating device names
* WeakReference: Remove ambiguous operator==
* iOS: Updated Desktop::allowedOrientationsChanged to support new API in iOS 16
* AU Client: Fix bug where PluginHostType reported a wrapper type of \"undefined\" for AU plug-ins
* Windows: Added Windows ARM support to JUCE
* DSP: Added SIMDRegister support for double precision floating point on arm 64-bit
* iOS: Add missing call to VBLank listeners
* Wed Oct 19 2022 Update to version 7.0.2+git141.d3cff375:
* Thread: Introduce a new Thread backend
* Add AnimatedAppComponent::setSynchroniseToVBlank
* Make it possible to attach Component updates to vblank events
* WebBrowserComponent: Added a user agent option to change the browser\'s user agent
* Win32: Fix memory leaks in ActiveX and WebBrowserComponent
* MPE: Fix incorrect order of jlimit parameters
* CLA: Remove check for \'web-flow\' user
* VST3 Client: Fix a compiler error in the VST3 wrapper when a plug-in uses the legacy PreferredChannelConfigurations option
* HWNDComponentPeer: Fix icon leaks
* OpenGL: Tidy up macOS implementation
* AudioCDReader: Fix readSamples signature
* VST3 Client: Return correct programListId for root unit
* VST3 Host: Fix argument forwarding
* WebBrowserComponent: Force webkit2gtk to use the X11 backend
* VST Host: Fix warnings when compiling with mingw on Linux
* Projucer: Remove unnecessary friends
* FileListComponent: Update content before selecting row to ensure totalItems is up-to-date
* VST3 Client: Attempt to preserve scale set by host
* CoreAudio: Ensured that latency is correctly reported when input/output audio devices are different devices
* CoreAudio: Include buffer size and stream latency when calculating CoreAudio device\'s total latency
* CoreAudio: More code modernisation and clean-up
* BigInteger: Mutating methods now return self references to facilitate easy concatenating of several mutating operations
* AudioThumbnail: Add new member to set an AudioBuffer as source
* WinRT midi: Ensure object lifetimes in WinRT async callbacks
* TreeView: Fix restoring scroll position in restoreOpennessState
* VST3: Fix an issue with sidechain configurations in Cubase
* AAX: Set AudioPlayHead\'s editOriginTime even if the effectiveRate is zero
* VST2 Host: Fix an incorrect assertion in the VST2 hosting code\'s handling of channel pointers
* AudioPluginHost: Fix implicit conversion warnings
* TextEditor: Fix bug where text could be pasted twice from the popup menu
* DirectoryContentsList: Ensure change notification is sent after search completes
* Resave all projects
* Projucer: Update default gradle plugin version
* Resave all projects
* Projucer: Allow compiler and linker flags to be set per-configuration
* Projucer: Add support for ClangCL toolset on Windows
* Projucer: Fix typo in help text
* PushNotifications: Use AATTavailable checks on macOS
* AUv3 Client: Correctly set default channel layout for buses with more than two channels
* X11: Use 32-bit colourmap in the case that a 24-bit colourmap is unavailable
* CoreAudio: Fixed typo in recent CoreAudio clean-up
* Fix key up behaviour in a multiline TextEditor
* iOS: Correctly compute mouse position for scroll events
* FileListComponent: Fix incorrect selection when calling setSelectedFile while the directory contents are still loading
* NSViewComponentPeer: Avoid allocating a std::function on every frame
* macOS: Add Ventura to the enum of OS types
* AAX Client: Ignore deprecation warnings in third-party headers
* ASIO: Add missing override on destructor
* Fix typo in docstring
* OpenGL: Correctly report OpenGL rendering scale in Pro Tools 2022.7 on Windows
* OpenGL: Ensure that macOS uses the same (sRGB) colour space everywhere
* OpenGL: Carry out all GL rendering on a single thread
* OpenGL: Avoid occasional deadlock when destroying contexts
* OpenGL: Reduce error checking in Release builds
* OpenGL: Only assert on high-severity errors
* Use more concise stdlib type aliases
* MathsFunctions: Make countNumberOfBits constexpr
* TimeSliceThread: Add function to check whether a certain job is still registered
* GenericInterpolator: Fix discontinuity when changing the speedRatio
* Fix TopLevelWindow::centreAroundComponent
* Grid: Fix layout for very small items
* Resave all projects
* Remove AudioIODeviceCallback::audioDeviceIOCallback
* AudioIODeviceCallback, AudioBuffer, AudioFormatReader: Use const T
* const
* for multi-channel data
* CoreAudio: Modernised code interacting with CoreAudio audio objects
* AAX: Inform host of more parameter attributes when audio processor calls updateHostDisplay
* TextEditor: Change caret positioning when clicking before text and between lines
* Projucer: Use correct paths to LV2 manifest helper source
* AU Client: Fix build problem when PreferredChannelConfigurations enabled
* WASAPI: Search for the maximum number of channels on a WASAPI device instead of relying on default
* Slider: Update PopupDisplay in updateText()
* MemoryOutputStream: Fix preallocating overly large buffer
* Unity Client: Avoid returning pointer to stack memory
* CMake: Avoid adding target for LV2 manifest helper unless specifically required
* Projucer: Fix LV2 manifest helper path in makefile exporter
* Tidy up parameter pack expansions
* Build: Replace JUCE_NODISCARD with [[nodiscard]]
* Build: Allow building with llvm-mingw headers
* Optional: Implement in terms of std::optional
* Build: Update the minimum C++ standard to C++17
* AU: Avoid forming references to variable-size structs MIDIEventList and MIDIPacketList
* AU: Replace CoreAudioUtilityClasses with files from new SDK
* CoreGraphics: fillAll() fills a larger area to avoid alpha blended edges
* Docs: Correct a reference to a non-existent method
* FlacAudioFormat: Use FLAC version 1.3.4
* FLAC: Prepare 1.3.4 lib files for inclusion in the JUCE build
* FLAC: Add library source files for version 1.3.4
* macOS: Fix repaint lagging in Studio One 5
* FileTreeComponent: Avoid blocking the main thread when selecting items while scanning is in progress
* DirectoryContentsList: Start thread before attempting to scan files
* ListBox: Avoid calling updateContent in contructor
* BailOutChecker: Add checks after callbacks in Slider and ComboBox
* Projucer: Update default Android SDK, adjust CMake flag specification
* CMake: Add JUCE_PLUGIN_ARTEFACT_FILE property for Standalone plug-in targets
* Linux Fonts: Improve default selection mechanism
* VST3 Client: Allow channel size mismatches on inactive buses
* VST3 Host: Avoid updating bus layout and activation of activated plug-ins
* VST3 Client: When emulating MIDI CCs with parameters, generate a MIDI event for each parameter event
* AU Host: Refactor PositionInfo usage
* GenericInterpolator: Refactor to avoid repetition
* APVTS: Avoid calling null function when unspecified
* OpenGLContext: Swap buffers on the main thread
* OpenGLContext: Share CVDisplayLinks with NSViewComponentPeer
* NSViewComponentPeer: Fix bug where OpenGLViews would fail to display after window deminiaturization
* NSViewComponentPeer: Share display links between all windows
* NSViewComponentPeer: Use RAII to manage display link
* WebBrowserComponent: Allow developer tools in debug builds on macOS
* VST2: Always request a resize from the host when attaching an editor
* OpenGL: Tidying
* OpenGL: Allow setting window bounds from repaint callback
* OpenGL: Add support for a few more OpenGL profiles
* VST Host: Fix iOS/Android build issue
* VST3 Client: Fix occasional incorrect scaling in Ableton Live when rendering with OpenGL
* LV2 Host: For parameters with scale points, correctly convert values to text
* Projucer: Avoid running copy commands when plugin copy step is disabled on Linux
* Projucer: Correctly resolve path to LV2 manifest helper on Linux
* LV2 Client: Use preferredChannelConfiguration if available when writing manifest
* Projucer: Fix signing issue when building LV2 plugins on Arm macs
* Stats: Unique Machine ID
* macOS/iOS: Fixed an issue creating native FileChoosers
* CoreAudio: Report error if combined devices don\'t share a common sample rate
* AudioDeviceManager: Take sample rate compatibility into account during default device selection
* CoreAudio: Forward errors to callback during device initialisation
* Graph: Tidy up names
* Graph: Add unit tests
* Graph: Add isAnInputTo overload
* Graph: Define functions inline
* Graph: Pimpl-ify
* Graph: Refactor so that connections are stored as a single value type
* Graph: Modify the RenderSequenceBuilder so that it only needs a const ref to the graph during building
* Graph: Reduce templating in RenderSequenceBuilder
* Graph: Tidy and refactor
* CoreAudio: Avoid occasional deadlocks when calling AudioDeviceStart
* AU Host: Tidy and refactor
* AUv3 Client: Improve const-correctness
* AUv3 Client: Remove unnecessary base class
* AUv3 Client: Switch static data member for proper singleton
* AUv3 Client: Tidy up static methods
* FileChooserDialogBox: Fix documentation bug
* CMake: Avoid building juce_lv2_helper unless required for LV2 target
* Fonts: Fix issue where default fonts were set to use non-existent styles
* Resave all projects
* Bump version number to 7.0.2
* Resave all projects
* ARA Client: Fix GCC warnings
* ARA: Fix ARA debug configuration
* Projucer: Prefer using launch storyboard on iOS even when a custom xcassets folder is set
* CMake: Prefer using launch storyboard on iOS even when a custom xcassets folder is set
* DragAndDropContainer: Manage keyboard focus for the drag image when the target needs it hidden
* VST Host: Avoid sending unnecessary window size messages to non-DPI-aware plugins
* Android: Fix crash on startup for devices with API level < 23
* macOS/iOS: Fix a scaled multiple-rects drawing issue
* PushNotificationsDemo: Allow alert windows to be dismissed on iOS
* PushNotifications: Remove unnecessary base class
* PushNotifications: Silence deprecation warnings
* PushNotifications: Fix missing-prototypes warnings
* PushNotifications: Use AATTavailable checks
* WebBrowserComponent: Tidy up macOS implementation
* macOS: Remove macOS 10.14 preprocessor checks
* macOS: Remove macOS 10.13 preprocessor checks
* macOS: Remove macOS 10.12 preprocessor checks
* iOS: Remove iOS 12 preprocessor checks
* iOS: Remove iOS 11 preprocessor checks
* iOS: Remove iOS 10 preprocessor checks
* PushNotifications: Tidy up addMethod calls
* PushNotifications: Add UserNotifications as a framework dependency on macOS and iOS
* Build: Stop generating icon sizes which are only used on iOS 6 and lower
* AudioPlaybackDemo: Fix file loading on Android
* AndroidDocument: Make input stream more robust
* Android: Fix crashes on startup for devices with older API levels
* Android: Add AndroidDocumentInputSource, allowing for interop between the AudioThumbnail and AndroidDocument types
* Linux: Enable ARA compilation
* Eliminate all usages of JUCE_STANDALONE_APPLICATION in the modules
* Linux: Fix retrieving SpecialLocationType::currentApplicationFile
* CMake: Link against libatomic on Linux if is_lock_free is missing
* SystemStats: Correctly report Windows 11
* MenuBarComponent: Fix incorrect deactivation of the menu bar
* MacOS: Restore window style flags after leaving full screen
* ValueTree: Add early exit when copying a ValueTree to itself
* Mac Catalyst: Fix compilation issues
* DSP: make multiplyWithWindowingTable const
* InAppPurchases: Add generated bytecode for Android implementation
* InAppPurchases: Fix crash when consuming purchases on Android
* iOS: Add proper UITextInput implementation
* DemoRunner: Avoid hiding UI behind virtual keyboard
* Displays: Add keyboardInsets member to Display, to allow querying onscreen keyboard size
* ObjC: Add scoped notification observer
* Accessibility: Improve table navigation, row/column index/header reporting
* Accessibility: Correctly report number of disclosed rows in TreeView on macOS
* Mac Accessibility: Tidying
* JuceNSWindowClass: Tidying
* NSViewComponentPeer: Tidying
* Accessibility: Tidy up static functions
* Accessibility: Fix hit test behaviour on iOS
* Accessibility: Stop AccessibilityContainers from also being instances of AccessibilityElement
* Accessibility: Multiple table fixes
* HyperlinkButton: Use AccessibilityHandler with hyperlink role
* Matrix3D: Fixed an ordering bug in the multiplication operator
* Drawable: Fix clobbering Component transform when setDrawableTransform() isn\'t called
* ARAPluginDemo: Fix warning
* CMake: Fix missing ARA tag in ARA enabled AU plugin plist files
* ARAPluginDemo: Fix incorrect access of playhead from the GUI
* DefaultDialogWindow: Avoid bad positioning on Linux
* ARA Host: Fix memory leak in ARAHostDocumentController
* Colours: Support grey/gray spelling for HTML and SVG compatibility
* Drawable: Add setDrawableTransform() and use it in SVGParser
* VST3 Client: Fix setComponentState() threading on Linux
* MessageManager: Add mutex to isThisTheMessageThread() and setCurrentThreadAsMessageThread()
* FLAC/OGG: Fix a bug in buffered reads
* Improve some documentation
* Add space escape codes to paths in the README
* Add space escape codes to paths in the README
* Add dependency licensing information to the top level README
* Add dependency licensing information to the top level README
* CMake: Use forward-slashes in paths separators to avoid confusing MSVC in pragma comments
* CMake: Avoid building the Reaper embedded-view demos if no VST2 SDK is available
* DropShadower: Fix temporarily missing shadows, disable timer for non-desktop windows
* MultiDocumentPanel: Fix reporting wrong active document, avoid reordering
* UnitTestRunner: Improve tests status reporting
* Fixed a documentation typo
* TextEditor: Call repaint on clear
* Slider: Respect setNumDecimalPlaces after setRange
* Android/iOS: Avoid building LV2
* Android: Use default architectures for projects in extras
* Remove some debug logging
* DemoRunner: Fix a crash in MidiDemo
* Windows: Fix nullptr dereference when reopening plugin windows
* Resave all projects
* Bump version number to 7.0.1
* Linux: Fix resizing issue with the PopupMenu
* Projucer: Fix ARA project template
* Linux: Fix window positioning on HiDPI screens
* VST3 Client: Avoid AudioBuffer assertion when plugin has no audio channels
* VST3 Client: Fix warning when PreferredChannelConfigurations are set
* Viewport: Stop ongoing physical drag upon user interaction
* macOS: Fix CGMetalLayerRenderer assertions and resizing
* Projucer: Create LV2 install directory when necessary
* Update the README to include LV2 support
* AudioPlayHead: Set playing/recording/looping flags in CurrentPositionInfo
* VST3 Client: Fix missing prototype warning
* Projucer: Fix relative paths in LV2 plugin builds on macOS
* CMake: Silently disable AAX builds on unsupported platforms
* UnitTestsDemo: Enable LV2 hosting, so that the Projucer correctly sets up include paths
* Demos: Fix missing prototype warning
* Grid: Avoid hangs when positioning auto-placement items that are too large for the explicit grid
* AccessibilityTextHelpers: Fix MSVC/C++20 build issues
* ARAModelObjects: Fix docstring typos
* Projucer: Fix initialisation of MSVCBuildConfiguration::lv2BinaryLocation
* Projucer: Fix relative paths in LV2 plugin builds
* Accessibility: Add missing accessibility handler in TreeView Item
* AudioPlayHead: Fix docstring typo
* audio_basics: Add missing newline at end of file
* VST3 Client: Fix missing-prototype warning
* VST3 Host: Tidy up plugin creation code
* VST3 Host: Avoid calling getBusInfo from the processing thread
* Windows: Fix nullptr dereference when reopening plugin windows
* ARA: Add documentation
* ARA Client: Make model object creation functions virtual
* StandardHeader: Include for GCC 12 compatibility
* VST3 Client: Allow host to enable/disable buses at will
* VST(3) Host: Use standard (non-flipped) coordinate space for plugin editors
* DemoRunner: Avoid exposing unnecessary accessible component
* Accessibility: Avoid allowing TextEditor and Viewport internal components to be accessibility-focused
* VST3 Host: Fix UB in VST3Parameter implementation
* Android: Fix problems with accessible text navigation
* Android: Allow TalkBack borders to be displayed on OpenGL views
* DemoRunner: Add AccessibilityDemo to iOS and Android builds
* Android: Fix a couple of accessibility-related crashes
* VST3 Client: Handle null channels provided by host
* MultiOutSynthPlugin: Avoid assertions in VST3PluginTestHost
* Component: Use the rounded integer mouse position when evaluating hitTest
* DragAndDropContainer: Fix the escape key dismissing the drag operation
* MacOS: Override and implement JuceNSViewClass::updateTrackingAreas()
* Slider: Add keyboard control even without accessibility
* Windows: Fix virtual keyboard hide/show on Windows 11
* TextEditor: Add option to dismiss the virtual keyboard on touches outside
* Android: Improve complexity of ActivityLifecycleCallbacks::invoke
* Android: Add missing ActivityLifecycleCallbacks method
* InAppPurchases: Add support for Android BillingClient 5.0.0
* Update all examples to use Visual Studio 2022 as the default Windows exporter
* VS2022: Work around a compiler bug
* Resave all projects
* AndroidDocument: Support file access to shared storage locations on Android 30+
* Projucer: Request legacy file access when targeting older SDKs
* ConnectedChildProcess: Always cancel pending async updates before background thread stops
* FlacAudioFormat: Correctly balance preprocessor pragmas
* File: Add hasReadAccess()
* Linux: Adjust natively reported border size by the current scale factor
* DropShadower: Fix bug when setOwner() is called with a component without a parent
* Linux: Fix sporadic positioning error after window creation
* TableListBox: Avoid calling virtual functions in constructor
* Fonts: Avoid segfaulting on Linux when there are no installed fonts
* AUv3: Fix race on factoryPresets
* Linux Fonts: Replace font style if it does not exist for the requested font
* TableListBox: Fix spurious ListBox assertions
* Android: Fix dismissing screen keyboard when interacting with TextEditor
* Viewport: Fix a scrolling bug when internal components have a transform applied
* Value: Update refersToSameSourceAs documentation
* Linux: Fix an issue where the requested font style could be incorrectly overwritten
* VST3: Fix a compiler warning in the VST3 SDK
* DirectoryContentsList: Fix a bug in isStillLoading
* Fix a compilation error in Xcode 9.4
* iOS: Fix a compiler warning
* FloatVectorOperations: Add method docstrings
* FloatVectorOperations: Add methods to Doxygen
* macOS/iOS: Fix unguarded availability warnings
* GCC: Fix some compiler warnings in GCC 11
* Re-save projects
* Projucer: Use preprocessor definitions and include paths when building rc files
* Linux: Avoid picking a bold/oblique version of Bitstream Vera Sans by default
* StandardHeader: Include for GCC 12 compatibility
* Tue Jun 21 2022 Update to version
* Resave all projects
* Bump version number to 7.0.0
* Fix some Doxygen issues
* ExtensionsVisitor: Add missing defaulted special member functions
* AudioPlayHead: Move HostTimeNs out of AudioProcessor, to consolidate timing information
* AudioPlayHead: Improve granularity of position info
* Optional: Update implementation to improve debugging experience
* LV2 Host: Allow sending transport information to ports without \"control\" designation
* AudioPluginHost: Fix occasional deadlocks when scanning plugins out-of-process
* ARA Host: Add missing documentation
* Add a version ID macro
* VST3 Client: Allow host to enable/disable buses at will
* VST(3) Host: Use standard (non-flipped) coordinate space for plugin editors
* DemoRunner: Avoid exposing unnecessary accessible component
* Accessibility: Avoid allowing TextEditor and Viewport internal components to be accessibility-focused
* VST3 Host: Fix UB in VST3Parameter implementation
* Android: Fix problems with accessible text navigation
* Android: Allow TalkBack borders to be displayed on OpenGL views
* DemoRunner: Add AccessibilityDemo to iOS and Android builds
* Android: Fix a couple of accessibility-related crashes
* VST3 Client: Handle null channels provided by host
* MultiOutSynthPlugin: Avoid assertions in VST3PluginTestHost
* Component: Use the rounded integer mouse position when evaluating hitTest
* DragAndDropContainer: Fix the escape key dismissing the drag operation
* MacOS: Override and implement JuceNSViewClass::updateTrackingAreas()
* Windows: Fix virtual keyboard hide/show on Windows 11
* TextEditor: Add option to dismiss the virtual keyboard on touches outside
* Android: Improve complexity of ActivityLifecycleCallbacks::invoke
* Android: Add missing ActivityLifecycleCallbacks method
* InAppPurchases: Add support for Android BillingClient 5.0.0
* Slider: Add keyboard control even without accessibility
* Tue Jun 07 2022 Update to version 6.1.6+git.181.e86436297:
* LV2 Client: Update param IDs to avoid writing malformed manifests
* LV2 Host: Properly map non-ASCII IRIs to URIDs
* macOS: Use MTLStorageModeManaged for shared Metal textures
* Xcode: Update LastUpgradeCheck
* Projucer: Remove ARA related no-op code
* Remove VS2015 workarounds
* Projucer: Remove VS2015 and CLion exporters
* Remove the IAA demo project
* Update all examples to use Visual Studio 2022 as the default Windows exporter
* VS2022: Work around a compiler bug
* Resave all projects
* AndroidDocument: Support file access to shared storage locations on Android 30+
* Projucer: Request legacy file access when targeting older SDKs
* ConnectedChildProcess: Always cancel pending async updates before background thread stops
* FlacAudioFormat: Correctly balance preprocessor pragmas
* File: Add hasReadAccess()
* Linux: Adjust natively reported border size by the current scale factor
* DropShadower: Fix bug when setOwner() is called with a component without a parent
* Linux: Fix sporadic positioning error after window creation
* Wed May 18 2022 Update to version 6.1.6+git.162.2ec861d99:
* Update licensing banners to JUCE 7
* Windows: Consolidate graphics invalidation regions
* TableListBox: Avoid calling virtual functions in constructor
* Resave all projects
* Add ARAPluginDemo PIP
* Projucer: Add support for ARA plugin PIPs
* CMake: Add support for ARA plugin PIPs
* Projucer: Add ARA support
* ARA Client: Add CMake support for creating plugins
* ARA Client: Add ARA interface extensions to AU and VST3 wrappers
* ARA Client: Add ARA plugin model classes for writing plugins
* ARA Host: Add support for scanning and hosting ARA plugins
* Add PreSonus VST3 extensions
* ListenerList: Modify iterator during removals to guarantee callback
* AU Host: Call AudioUnitReset() before AudioUnitUninitialize() instead of after
* AU Client: Only call prepareToPlay() from SetProperty() if already in prepared state
* VST3 Client: Only call prepareToPlay() from IComponent::setActive()
* AudioProcessor: Add isRealtime()
* Add ScopedTryReadLock and ScopedTryWriteLock
* BufferingAudioFormatReader: Return failure from read() in more cases
* Thu May 12 2022 Update to version 6.1.6+git.142.2bca60e52:
* AudioDeviceManager: Fix MidiOutput dangling pointer
* PopupMenu: Avoid potential crash when accessing exitingModalState member
* LV2 Client: Update Atom parsing to use Optional
* LV2 Client: Request buffers large enough to hold a change event for each parameter
* LV2 Host: Ensure default parameter value lies between min and max when not explicitly provided
* LV2 Host: Always notify the UI about parameter changes, even if they originate from the UI
* LV2 Host: Remove unused function
* LV2 Host: Fix bug where atom ports would not be correctly resized
* VST3 Host: Send parameter changes triggered by MIDI CCs to the IEditController
* TableHeaderComponent: Use high-resolution image when header is dragged
* Fonts: Avoid segfaulting on Linux when there are no installed fonts
* macOS: Remove 32 bit specific functionality
* RTAS: Remove RTAS functionality
* LV2 Host: Add missing path separator to UI bundle path
* AU Client: Prevent parameter change messages being sent during state restoration
* AUv3: Fix race on factoryPresets
* LV2 Host: Avoid potential deadlock in AudioProcessorGraph
* Linux Fonts: Replace font style if it does not exist for the requested font
* LV2 Client: Avoid declaring the turtle_recall feature in plugin manifests
* LV2 Client: Always declare resize and noUserResize in extensionData, even if only one will be used
* LV2 Host: Supply correct bundle path during instantiation
* LV2 Client: Properly escape library names in the manifest.ttl
* TableListBox: Fix spurious ListBox assertions
* Android: Fix dismissing screen keyboard when interacting with TextEditor
* Viewport: Fix a scrolling bug when internal components have a transform applied
* Value: Update refersToSameSourceAs documentation
* macOS: Fix an unguarded availability warning
* DirectoryContentsList: Fix a bug in isStillLoading
* Fix a compilation error in Xcode 9.4
* iOS: Fix a compiler warning
* FloatVectorOperations: Add method docstrings
* FloatVectorOperations: Add methods to Doxygen
* macOS/iOS: Fix unguarded availability warnings
* GCC: Fix some compiler warnings in GCC 11
* Resave projects
* Projucer: Use preprocessor definitions and include paths when building rc files
* StandardHeader: Include for GCC 12 compatibility
* VST3: Fix a compiler warning in the VST3 SDK
* LiveConstantDemo: Improve the documentation
* Tue Apr 26 2022 Konstantin Voinov - JUCE7 preview
* Mon Apr 18 2022 Konstantin Voinov - add upstream patches: Account-for-native-frame-size-in-constrainer.patch Add-getVersionHint-function.patch Avoid-picking-a-bold-oblique-version-of-Bitstream-Vera-Sans.patch
* Sat Mar 12 2022 Konstantin Voinov - posttrans instead of postin
* Tue Mar 08 2022 Konstantin Voinov - remove 01-Projucer-Convert-plugin-manufacturer-code-errors-to-warnings.patch now upstream- update to 6.1.6
* Wed Feb 16 2022 Konstantin Voinov - fix no sounds in effects in LV2 wrapper- add /usr/src/JUCE link in -source- add 01-Projucer-Convert-plugin-manufacturer-code-errors-to-warnings.patch from upstream
* Wed Feb 02 2022 Konstantin Voinov - update LV2 wrapper
* Tue Feb 01 2022 Konstantin Voinov - update to 6.1.5- remove upstream patches
* Fri Jan 07 2022 Konstantin Voinov - Remove webkit2gtk from BuildRequires
* Thu Jan 06 2022 Konstantin Voinov - Add 01-Fix-BadWindow-error-when-XSETTINGS-is-not-available.patch
* Thu Dec 23 2021 Konstantin Voinov - Update LV2 wrapper
* Tue Dec 21 2021 Konstantin Voinov - update to 6.1.4, clean up sources
* Tue Dec 21 2021 Konstantin Voinov - update Use-old-JUCE-VST2-interface.patch
* Sat Dec 18 2021 Konstantin Voinov - update to 6.1.3, drop upstream patch(es)
* Tue Oct 19 2021 Konstantin Voinov - fix vst2 patch
* Wed Oct 13 2021 Konstantin Voinov - add resize.patch
* Fri Oct 01 2021 Konstantin Voinov - fix vst patch
* Fri Oct 01 2021 Konstantin Voinov - update to 6.1.2
* Mon Aug 23 2021 Konstantin Voinov - add Processor-add-lv2-return.patch
* Wed Aug 11 2021 Konstantin Voinov - re-update LV2 wrappers
* Tue Aug 03 2021 Konstantin Voinov - update LV2 wrappers
* Tue Jul 06 2021 Konstantin Voinov - update bundled LV2 generator