Changelog for
muse-lang-4.2.1-2.52.noarch.rpm :
* Mon Sep 25 2023 Konstantin Voinov
- remove .a from package, and it\'s workarounds- Update to 4.2.1
* Fix issue 1247: Fix compilation without MODULES_BUILD_STATIC=1
* Fixed issue 1243: Slow startup
* Fixed missing simpledrums MESS synth
* Thu Sep 14 2023 Konstantin Voinov - add muse-rpmlintrc
* Wed Sep 13 2023 Konstantin Voinov - update spec- add missing rdf and rubberband libs
* Wed Sep 13 2023 Konstantin Voinov - remove LV2-Missing-link-with-libserd.patch now upstream- update to 4.2.0
* New: Midi remote control feature redesigned.
* New: Export midi options
* New: Soft bypass support for plugins.
* New: Generic plugin UI \'Off\' button.
* New: Export midi selected visible tracks only. In main app menu.
* New: Export midi selected parts on visible tracks only. In main app menu.
* New: LV2 midi-out support added. Supports things like midi arpeggiators, midi effects etc.
* New: Midi control assignment
* New: Momentary Mute and Solo buttons!
* NEW audio automation graphs redesign
* New: Audio automation graphs: Choice of DISCRETE or INTERPOLATED points.
* New: LATCH automation mode, in addition to OFF, READ, TOUCH, WRITE modes.
* New: Audio automation graphs: \'Align all selected to point\' context menu item.
* New: Adjustable graph point size. In Global Settings > GUI tab.
* New: Buttons on toolbar turn the graph points on and off !
* Added: Latency correction for VST midi-out.
* Major plugin/controller/logarithmic/UI changes
* Midi assign and mixer overhaul
* Fix VST midi-out: Recording times were way off. (Midi arpeggiators, midi effects etc.)
* Fix #1088: Cannot copy/paste parts
* Fix: Reuploaded script (Fix issue 1037: Time stretching/shrinking for midi/drum parts.)
* Fix #1106: Running scripts in midi editors takes waaay too long.
* Fix #1238: Not responding to program MSB from inputs.
* Fix #1233: RtAudio 6 compatibility.
* Fix midi remote control: Don\'t accept note-offs.
* Fix #1121: Undefined symbol ipatch_close.
* Fix #1120: Cannot clone parts.
* Fix #1119: Routing doesn\'t work with utf-8 symbols in names.
* Fix #1022: Allow even more zoom out in piano roll.
* Fixed: A number of crash bugs! For the complete list of changes see:
* Wed May 17 2023 Konstantin Voinov - Add LV2-Missing-link-with-libserd.patch fixes serd linking.
* Sun Nov 20 2022 Konstantin Voinov - proper URL- split with lang package
* Mon Apr 18 2022 Fabio Pesari - Update to 4.1.0
* Mon Apr 26 2021 Konstantin Voinov - update to 4.0 final
* Wed Jan 27 2021 Konstantin Voinov - Update to 4.0pre2
* Fix #933: Sort automation controls in menu.
* Fix #718: Missing strips/selections at first mixer display.
* Fix #932: Add Show All with Events/Hide All to track automation menu.
* Fix: Total number of bars not updated when signature has been changed.
* For issue 920: More values (480-based) in global settings midi division list.
* Fix: More fixes for HiDPI and plugin UIs
* Fix: Improve handling of LV2 native UIs on HiDPI.
* Fix: Bug in Set range to selection, not always correctly set.
* Fix: Set range to selection not working in wave editor.
* Fix issue #935: Track list toggling of solo/mute indicators.
* Fix: Clean up edit menu, move Structure submenu to Edit->Global.
* Fix: Standardize Track list as far as possible
* New: Selection dialog for Add synth track
* New: \'Save New Revision...\' dialog
* New: Create generic LV2 UIs based on available plugin metadata.
* New: Implement LV2 UI features FixedSize/NoUserResize.
* New: Add context menu to audio output track type column for downmixing.
* Add: Functions for moving multiple tracks in the track list
* Add: Enable CC events for MIDI remote control (#566).
* Add: Resizings multiple tracks at the same time.
* Add: Menu item for Set range to selection in all relevant editors.
* Add: Dynamic value tooltip in control canvas.
* Add: Add Duplicate track function to track context menu.
* Add: Storing missing slider and other settings in MESS fluidsynth.- Version 4.0.pre1
* Lots of new icons
* More customizable colours
* Reworked mixer strips
* Menus rearranged to make more sense in new UI layout
* Added more shortcuts
* New: Add new toolbars to replace the separate transport window.
* Fix: Issues with saving window geometry/state.
* Add: Refresh function for the midi Scripts menu.
* Fixed bug #853: Crash in infinite loop in latency code.
* Add: Draw marker/position symbols as labels in the position toolbar.
* Add: Show index of active part in title bar/tab in multi-part editors.
* Settings > Midi Division fixes: Full re-work of grid raster and snap system
* Wave Editor now has Snap to grid
* Fixed crash in #842 extending parts to the left
* Pianoroll: Lots of improvements including vector drawed piano keys and tooltips with note information.
* Midi import/export improvements, including key signatures supports \'minor\' keys as well.
* Tue Nov 17 2020 Fabio Pesari - Updated to v4.0pre1