Changelog for libdatovka-0.7.0-23.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Sep 30 2024 Jiri Slaby - update to 0.7.0
* Assigned explicit values to enum isds_credit_event_type values.
* Added new value ISDS_CREDIT_DELETED_MESSAGE_RECOVERED and added struct isds_credit_event_deleted_message_recovered.
* Changed URL to new source code download place.
* Sun Mar 17 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 0.6.2:
* Using XML_PARSE_NODICT in xmlReadMemory() because of old libxml2 versions which may cause segmentation faults.
* Fixed VoDZ service locator assignment for MEP and TOTP (SMS) authentication methods.
* Fixed parsing of large (mainly VoDZ) ZFO files with recent libxml2 versions.
* Using xmlReadMemory() with XML_PARSE_HUGE option set.
* Sat Jan 06 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 0.6.0:
* Added isds_set_xferinfo_callback() as a replacement for isds_set_progress_callback(). Marked isds_set_progress_callback() as deprecated.
* Mon Dec 04 2023 Jiri Slaby - update to 0.5.1
* Added missing test input files into source package.
* Optimisations inside isds_GetMessageAuthor2(), avoided copying of attribute names.
* Added functions isds_GetListOfErasedMessages_interval(), isds_GetListOfErasedMessages_month() and isds_GetListOfErasedMessages_year() which implement the GetListOfErasedMessages ISDS operation.
* Added function isds_PickUpAsyncResponse() which implements the PickUpAsyncResponse ISDS operation.
* Added function isds_load_erased_messages() which can be used to read data from a XML-formatted decompressed asynchronous GetListOfErasedMessages response. Actual decompression of obtained ZIP-compressed data isn\'t handled by this library.
* Added support for the new PFO_ARCH, PFO_AIAT and PFO_AZI data-box types introduced in the version 3.04 of the XSD and WSDL definitions.
* Added new elements dmFileGuid and dmUpFileGuid into struct isds_dmFile and struct isds_dmExtFile.
* Wed Sep 20 2023 Jiri Slaby - update to 0.4.0
* Added functions for new ISDS services
* Added variants of function for services
* Added new elements dmVODZ and attsNum into struct isds_envelope.
* Added new element ext_files into struct isds_message.
* Fixed compilation of simline/server_cli with musl libc.
* Favouring xmlBufferDetach() over setting XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_IMMUTABLE.
* Fri Mar 03 2023 Jiri Slaby - update to 0.3.0
* Added idLevel member into struct isds_envelope.
* Added function isds_GetMessageAuthor2() which implements the GetMessageAuthor2 ISDS operation and corresponding data structures.
* Modified the interface of function isds_set_opt() because of an ambiguity or undefined behaviour in variable argument handling in C.
* Function isds_check_func_timegm() also checks time conversion using struct tm containing negative hour values.
* Added support for the new PFO_REQ data-box type introduced in the version 2.36 of the XSD and WSDL definitions.
* Disabled fatal warnings by default.
* Mon Nov 15 2021 Jiri Slaby - update to 0.2.1
* Added function isds_DTInfo() which implements the DTInfo ISDS operation and corresponding data structures.
* Mon Aug 30 2021 Jiri Slaby - update to 0.2.0
* Added function isds_PDZSendInfo() which supports the PDZSendInfo ISDS operation.
* Using struct isds_timeval instead of struct timeval in the library interface. The new structure always uses 64-bit integers for seconds.
* Added functions to provide own time conversion functions for example in situations in which the target system suffers from the year 2038 problem.
* Fixed memory leak inside isds_get_received_envelope().
* Fixed memory leaks in code located in client/ and test/offline/ directories.
* Fri Apr 23 2021 Jiri Slaby - update to 0.1.2
* Added support for the new PFO_ZNALEC and PFO_TLUMOCNIK data-box types.
* Fixed found typos in documentation and commentaries in sources.
* Fri Mar 19 2021 Jiri Slaby - move .lang to the main rpm (to avoid conflicts of w/ multiple libs)
* Mon Mar 01 2021 Jiri Slaby - initial version (0.1.1)