Changelog for qbittorrent-5.0.0-267.4.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Sep 30 2024 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 5.0.0 New features:
* Support creating .torrent with larger piece size
* Improve tracker entries handling
* Add separate filter item for tracker errors
* Allow to remove tracker from tracker filter widget menu
* Implement \"Reannounce In\" column
* Expose \"DHT bootstrap nodes\" setting
* Add support for Mark-of-the-Web (
* Allow to keep unwanted files in separate folder
* Add \"Copy Comment\" to the torrent list\'s context menu
* Allow relative profile paths
* Enable Ctrl+F hotkey for more inputs
* Add seeding limits to RSS and Watched folders options UI
* Subcategories implicitly follow the parent category options
* Add option to name each qbittorrent instance
* Add button for sending test email
* Allow torrents to override default share limit action
* Use Start/Stop instead of Resume/Pause
* Add the Popularity metric
* Focus on Download button if torrent link retrieved from the clipboard
* Add ability to pause/resume entire BitTorrent session
* Add an option to set BitTorrent session shutdown timeout
* Apply \"Excluded file names\" to folder names as well
* Allow to use regular expression to filter torrent content
* Allow to move content files to Trash instead of deleting them
* Add ability to display torrent \"privateness\" in UI
* Add a flag in \"Peers\" tab denoting a connection using NAT hole punching Bug fixes:
* Display error message when unrecoverable error occurred
* Update size of selected files when selection is changed
* Normalize tags by trimming leading/trailing whitespace
* Correctly handle share limits in torrent options dialog
* Adjust tracker tier when adding additional trackers
* Fix inconsistent naming between \"Done/Progress\" column
* Sanitize peer client names
* Apply share limits immediately when torrent downloading is finished
* Show download progress for folders with zero byte size as 100 instead of 0
* Fix highlighted piece color
* Apply \"merge trackers\" logic regardless of way the torrent is added Web UI:
* Improve WebUI responsiveness
* Do not exit the app when WebUI has failed to start
* Add \"Moving\" filter to side panel
* Add dark theme
* Allow to remember torrent content files deletion
* Leave the fields empty when value is invalid
* Use natural sorting
* Improve WebUI login behavior
* Conditionally show filters sidebar
* Add support for running concurrent searches
* Improve accuracy of trackers list
* Fix error when category doesn\'t exist
* Improve table scrolling and selection on mobile
* Restore search tabs on load
* Restore previously used tab on load
* Increase default height of \"Share ratio limit\" dialog
* Use enabled search plugins by default
* Add columns \"Incomplete Save Path\", \"Info Hash v1\", \"Info Hash v2\"
* Always create generic filter items
* Provide \"Use Category paths in Manual Mode\" option
* Provide \"Merge trackers to existing torrent\" option Web API:
* Fix wrong timestamp values
* Send binary data with filename and mime type specified
* Expose API for the torrent creator
* Add support for SSL torrents
* Provide endpoint for listing directory content
* Provide \"private\" flag via \"torrents/info\" endpoint
* Add a way to download .torrent file using search plugin
* Add \"private\" filter for \"torrents/info\" endpoint
* Add root_path to \"torrents/info\" result RSS:
* Show RSS feed title in HTML browser
* Allow to set delay between requests to the same host Search:
* Allow users to specify Python executable path
* Lazy load search plugins
* Add date column to the built-in search engine
* Allow to rearrange search tabs Other changes:
* Add support for systemd power management
* Add support for localized man pages
* Specify a locale if none is set
* Drop support for Qt5, qmake, autotools
* Minimum supported versions: Qt: 6.5, Boost: 1.76, OpenSSL: 3.0.2
* Switch to C++20- Replace qbittorrent-fix_boost_1.66_build.patch with qbittorrent-fix_boost_1.75_build.patch
* Tue Sep 17 2024 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.6.7 Bug fixes:
* The updater will launch the link to the build variant you\'re currently using Web UI:
* RSS: The list of feeds wouldn\'t load for Apply Rule
* Focus on Download button if torrent link retrieved from the clipboard
* Mon Aug 19 2024 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.6.6 Bug fixes:
* Fix handling of tags containing \'&\' character
* Show scroll bar in Torrent Tags dialog
* Apply bulk changes to correct content widget items
* Hide zero status filters when torrents are removed
* Fix `Incomplete Save Path` cannot be changed for torrents without metadata Web UI:
* Correctly apply changed \"save path\" of RSS rules
* Clear tracker list on full update Other changes:
* Update User-Agent string for internal downloader and search engines
* Sun May 26 2024 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.6.5 Bug fixes:
* Prevent app from being closed when disabling system tray icon
* Fix Enter key behavior in Add new torrent dialog
* Prevent invalid status filter index from being used
* Add extra offset for dialog frame
* Don\'t overwrite stored layout of main window with incorrect one
* Don\'t forget to resume \"missing files\" torrent when rechecking Web UI:
* Restore ability to use server-side translation by custom WebUI
* Fix wrong peer number Other:
* Improve AppStream metadata
* Fri Apr 19 2024 Luigi Baldoni - Build against boost 1.75 on Leap 15 to match the one used by libtorrent-rasterbar (code-o-o#leap/features/issue/155)
* Mon Mar 25 2024 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.6.4 Bug fixes:
* Correctly adjust \"Add New torrent\" dialog position in all the cases
* Change \"metadata received\" stop condition behavior
* Add a small delay before processing the key input of search boxes
* Ensure the profile path is pointing to a directory RSS:
* Use better icons for RSS articles Other:
* Fix sorting when ICU isn\'t used
* Fix invisible tray icon on Plasma 6
* Wed Jan 17 2024 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.6.3 Bug fixes:
* Correctly update number of filtered items
* Don\'t forget to store Stop condition value
* Show correctly decoded filename in log
* Specify a locale if none is set
* Apply inactive seeding time limit set on new torrents
* Show URL seeds for torrents that have no metadata
* Don\'t get stuck loading on mismatched info-hashes in resume data
* Tue Nov 28 2023 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.6.2 Bug fixes:
* Do not apply share limit if the previous one was applied
* Show Add new torrent dialog on main window screen Web UI:
* Fix JS memory leak
* Disable stdout buffering for qbt-nox Wayland:
* Fix parent widget of \"Lock qBittorrent\" submenu- Also fixes boo#1217677 (CVE-2023-30801, upstream reference gh#qbittorrent/qBittorrent#19738)
* Tue Nov 21 2023 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.6.1 New features:
* Add option to enable previous Add new torrent dialog behavior Fixed bugs:
* Prevent crash due to race condition when adding magnet link
* Fix Enter key behavior when add new torrent
* Add missing main window icon
* Update size of selected files when selection is changed
* Correctly handle changing save path of torrent w/o metadata
* Use appropriate icon for \"moving\" torrents in transfer list Web UI:
* Drop WebUI default credentials
* Add I2P settings to WebUI
* Fix duplicate scrollbar on Transfer List
* Fix incorrect subcategory sorting
* Correctly set save path in RSS rules
* Allow to request torrents count via WebAPI
* Improve performance of getting torrent numbers via WebAPI
* Improve free disk space checking for WebAPI Misc:
* Fix invisible tray icon with Qt5 in Linux
* Fri Oct 27 2023 Luigi Baldoni - Reintroduce qbittorrent-fix_boost_1.66_build.patch that had been hastily removed and add qbittorrent-altpython.patch to use a newer python for plugins on Leap.
* Mon Oct 23 2023 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.6.0 New features:
* Add (experimental) I2P support
* Provide UI editor for the default theme
* Various UI theming improvements
* Implement torrent tags editing dialog
* Revamp \"Watched folder options\" and \"Automated RSS downloader\" dialog
* Allow to use another icons in dark mode
* Allow to add new torrents to queue top
* Allow to filter torrent list by save path
* Expose \'socket send/receive buffer size\' options
* Expose \'max torrent file size\' setting
* Expose \'bdecode limits\' settings
* Add options to adjust behavior of merging trackers to existing torrent
* Add option to stop seeding when torrent has been inactive
* Allow to use proxy per subsystem
* Expand the scope of \"Proxy hostname lookup\" option
* Add shortcut for \"Ban peer permanently\" function
* Add option to auto hide zero status filters
* Allow to disable confirmation of Pause/Resume All
* Add alternative shortcut CTRL+E for CTRL+F
* Show filtered port numbers in logs
* Add button to copy library versions to clipboard Bug fixes:
* Ensure ongoing storage moving job will be completed when shutting down
* Refactored many areas to call non UI blocking code
* Various improvements to the SQLite backend
* Improve startup window state handling
* Use tray icon from system theme only if option is set
* Inhibit system sleep while torrents are moving
* Use hostname instead of domain name in tracker filter list
* Visually validate input path in torrent creator dialog
* Disable symlink resolving in Torrent creator
* Change default value for `file pool size` and `stop tracker timeout` settings
* Log when duplicate torrents are being added
* Inhibit suspend instead of screen idle
* Ensure file name is valid when exporting torrents
* Open \"Save path\" if torrent has no metadata
* Prevent torrent starting unexpectedly edge case with magnet
* Better ergonomics of the \"Add new torrent\" dialog WebUI:
* Add log viewer
* WebAPI: Allow to specify session cookie name
* Improve sync API performance
* Add filelog settings
* Add multi-file renaming
* Add \"Add to top of queue\" option
* Implement subcategories
* Set \"SameSite=None\" if CSRF Protection is disabled
* Show only hosts in tracker filter list
* Set Connection status and Speed limits tooltips
* set Cross Origin Opener Policy to `same-origin`
* Fix response for HTTP HEAD method
* Preserve the network interfaces when connection is down
* Add \"Add Tags\" field for RSS rules
* Fix missing error icon RSS:
* Add \"Rename rule\" button to RSS Downloader
* Allow to edit RSS feed URL
* Allow to assign priority to RSS download rule Search:
* Use python isolate mode
* Bump python version minimum requirement to 3.7.0 Other:
* Numerous code improvements and refactorings- Drop qbittorrent-fix_boost_1.66_build.patch (will require major rework)
* Wed Aug 30 2023 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.5.5 Bug fixes:
* Fix transfer list tab hotkey
* Don\'t forget to enable the Apply button in the Options dialog
* Immediately update torrent status on moving files
* Improve performance when scrolling the file list of large torrents
* Don\'t operate on random torrents when multiple are selected and a sort/filter is applied RSS:
* Fix overwriting feeds.json with an incomplete load of it
* Sun Jun 18 2023 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.5.4 Bug fixes:
* Allow to disable confirmation of Pause/Resume All
* Sync flag icons with upstream Web UI:
* Fix category save path
* Mon May 29 2023 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.5.3 Bug fixes:
* Correctly check if database needs to be updated
* Prevent incorrect log message about torrent content deletion
* Improve finished torrent handling
* Correctly initialize group box children as disabled in Preferences
* Don\'t miss saving \"download path\" in SQLite storage
* Improve logging of running external program Web UI:
* Disable UPnP for web UI by default
* Use workaround for IOS file picker
* Work around Chrome download limit
* Improve \'exporting torrent\' behavior
* Tue Feb 28 2023 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.5.2 Bug fixes:
* Don\'t unexpectedly activate queued torrents when prefetching metadata for added magnets
* Update the cached torrent state once recheck is started
* Be more likely to allow the system to use power saving modes Web UI:
* Migrate away from unsafe function
* Blacklist bad ciphers for TLS in the server
* Allow only TLS 1.2+ in the server
* Allow to set read-only directory as torrent location
* Reject requests that contain backslash in path RSS:
* Prevent RSS folder from being moved into itself
* Sun Feb 12 2023 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.5.1 New features:
* Re-allow to use icons from system theme Bug fixes:
* Fix Speed limit icon size
* Revise and fix some text colors
* Correctly load folder based UI theme
* Fix crash due to invalid encoding of tracker URLs
* Don\'t drop !qB extension when renaming incomplete file
* Correctly count the number of torrents in subcategories
* Use \"additional trackers\" when metadata retrieving
* Apply correct tab order to Category options dialog
* Add all torrents passed via the command line
* Fix startup performance on Qt5
* Automatic move will now overwrite existing files
* Some fixes for loading Chinese locales
* New Pause icon color for toolbar/menu
* Adjust env variable for PDB discovery Web UI:
* Fix missing \"queued\" icon
* Return paths using platform-independent separator format
* Change order of accepted types of file input
* Add missing icons
* Add \"Resume data storage type\" option
* Make rename file dialog resizable
* Prevent incorrect line breaking
* Improve hotkeys
* Remove suggestions while searching for torrents
* Expose \"IS PRIVATE\" flag
* Return name/hash/infohash_v1/infohash_v2 torrent properties Other:
* Fix tray icon issues
* Sun Nov 27 2022 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.5.0 New features:
* Add `Auto resize columns` functionality
* Allow to use Category paths in `Manual` mode
* Allow to disable Automatic mode when default \"temp\" path changed
* Add tuning options related to performance warnings
* Add right click menu for status filters
* Allow setting the number of maximum active checking torrents
* Add option to toggle filters sidebar
* Allow to set `working set limit` on non-Windows OS
* Add `Export .torrent` action
* Add keyboard navigation keys
* Allow to use POSIX-compliant disk IO type
* Add `Filter files` field in new torrent dialog
* Implement new icon/color theme
* Add file name filter/blacklist
* Add support for custom SMTP ports
* Split the OS cache settings into Disk IO read/write modes
* When duplicate torrent is added set metadata to existing one
* Greatly improve startup time with many torrents
* Add keyboard shortcut to Download URL dialog
* Add ability to run external program on torrent added
* Add infohash and download path columns
* Allow to set torrent stop condition
* Add a `Moving` status filter
* Change color palettes for both dark, light themes
* Add a `Use proxy for hostname lookup` option
* Introduce a `change listen port` cmd option
* Implement `Peer ID Client` column for `Peers` tab
* Add port forwarding option for embedded tracker Bug fixes:
* Store hybrid torrents using `torrent ID` as basename
* Enable Combobox editor for the `Mixed` file download priority
* Allow shortcut folders for the Open and Save directory dialogs
* Rename content tab `Size` column to `Total Size`
* Fix scrolling to the lowermost visible torrent
* Allow changing file priorities for finished torrents
* Focus save path when Manual mode is selected initially
* Disable force reannounce when it is not possible
* Add horizontal scrolling for tracker list and torrent content
* Enlarge \"speed limits\" icons
* Change Downloaded to Times Downloaded in trackers tab
* Remove artificial max limits from `Torrent Queueing` related options
* Preserve `skip hash check` when there is no metadata
* Fix DHT/PeX/LSD status when it is globally disabled
* Fix rate calculation when interval is too low
* Add tooltip message when system tray icon isn\'t available
* Improve sender field in mail notifications
* Fix \"Add torrent dialog\" spill-over on smaller screens
* Fix peer count issue when tracker responds with zero figure
* Don\'t merge trackers by default
* Don\'t inhibit system sleep/auto shutdown for torrents stuck at downloading metadata
* Allow to pause a checking torrent from context menu
* Allow to use subnet notation in reverse proxy list
* Fine tune translations loading for Chinese locales
* Fix torrent content checkboxes not updated properly
* Correctly load state of `Use another path for incomplete torrents` in Watched folders
* Add confirmation to resume/pause all
* Fix wrong count of errored trackers WebUI:
* Allow blank lines in multipart form-data input
* Make various dialogs resizable
* Fix wrong v2 hash string displayed
* WebAPI: return correct status
* Fix empty selection in language combobox
* Store WebUI port setting in human readable number
* Add support for exporting .torrent
* WebAPI: Add endpoint to set speed limit mode
* Improve progress bar rendering
* Add transfer list refresh interval settings
* Use natural sort
* Apply i18n translation only to built-in WebUI
* Alert when HTTPS settings are incomplete
* Handle drag and drop events
* Fix wrong behavior for shutdown action
* Don\'t disable combobox for file priority RSS:
* Increase limit of maximum number of articles per feed Other:
* Mark as single window app in .desktop file
* Add Dockerfile
* Remove option of using icons from system theme- Delete qbittorrent-fix_boost_1.66_detection.patch- Add qbittorrent-fix_boost_1.66_build.patch- Use the Qt6 rpm macros
* Tue Aug 30 2022 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.4.5 Bug fixes:
* Fix missing trackers when adding magnet link. Affects libtorrent 2.0.x builds.
* Tue Aug 23 2022 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.4.4.
* Improve D-Bus notifications handling Bug fixes:
* Correctly handle data decompression with Qt 6.3
* Fix wrong file names displayed in tooltip
* Fix incorrect \"max outgoing port\" setting
* Make working set limit available only on libtorrent 2.0.x builds
* Try to recover missing tags RSS:
* Clear RSS parsing error after use Web API:
* Set HTTP method restriction on WebAPI actions
* Wed May 25 2022 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version Bug fixes:
* Fix broken translations
* Mon May 23 2022 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.4.3 Bug fixes:
* Correctly handle changing of temp save path
* Fix storage in SQLite
* Correctly apply content layout when \"Skip hash check\" is enabled
* Don\'t corrupt IDs of v2 torrents
* Reduce the number of hashing threads by default (improves hashing speed on HDDs)
* Prevent the \"update dialog\" from blocking input on other windows
* Add trackers in exported .torrent files
* Fix wrong GUI behavior in \"Optional IP address to bind to\" setting Web UI:
* Fix WebUI crash due to missing tags from config
* Show correct location path
* Wed Apr 20 2022 Luigi Baldoni - Require libQt6Svg at runtime (fixes boo#1198544)
* Fri Mar 25 2022 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.4.2 New features:
* Allow to limit max memory working set size Bug fixes:
* Fix UI crash when torrent is in a non-existent category
* Correctly handle changing of global save paths
* Disable performance alert
* Prevent loading resume data with inconsistent ID
* Properly handle metadata download for an existing torrent
* Prevent crash when open torrent destination folder
* Wed Feb 16 2022 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.4.1 New features:
* Restore all torrent settings to the torrent\'s main context menu
* Add confirmation for enabling Auto TMM from context menu
* Add tooltip to Automatic Torrent Management context menu action
* Add Select All/None buttons in new torrent dialog Bug fixes:
* Keep \"torrent info\" alive while generate .torrent file
* Correctly handle Auto TMM in Torrent Files Watcher
* Correctly track the root folder name change
* Various fixes to the moving torrent code
* Update the torrent\'s download path field when changing category
* Correctly handle received metadata
* Store hybrid torrents using legacy filenames
* Open correct directory when clicked on Browse button
* Fix crash when shutting down and clicing on system tray icon
* Fix \"Free space on disk\" in new torrent dialog
* Optimize completed files handling
* Migrate proxy settings
* Try to recover missing categories Web UI:
* fix wrong key used for categories
* Remove hack for outdated IE 6 browser RSS:
* Correctly handle XML parsing errors- Add qbittorrent-fix_boost_1.66_detection.patch
* Mon Jan 10 2022 Luigi Baldoni - Switch build to Qt6 (fixes boo#1193893)
* Fri Jan 07 2022 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.4.0 New features:
* Support for v2 torrents along with libtorrent 2.0.x support
* Support for Qt6
* Expose libtorrent hashing_threads settings
* Add \"Notification timeout\" option
* Add `connection_speed` to advanced settings
* Announce to all trackers if IP changed
* Add tooltip for various columns
* Add context menu to toggle content tab columns
* Add filter \"Checking\" to side panel
* Add \"Forced metadata downloading\" state
* Remember last viewed page in Options dialog
* Add tooltip to listening port spinbox
* Add \"Skip hash check\" option for watched folders
* Add \"Show torrent options\" double-click action
* Allow setting temp folder per torrent/catergory
* Support folder based UI Themes Bug fixes:
* Save \"resume data\" once file priority is changed
* Show priority menu at top level if there is no other in Add New Torrent dialog
* Capitalize \"peer flags\" descriptions
* Reorder peer flags
* Show \"last activity\" value under all circumstances
* Elide text from the right for all columns\' header
* Fix startup with different profiles
* Move a few torrent context menu actions into \"Torrent options\" dialog
* Allow deselecting radio buttons in \"Torrent options\" for mixed torrents
* Apply file priority changes correctly
* Use proper string for Korean language
* Disable \"add peers\" menu items instead of hiding it
* Disable system tray icon menu when app is exiting
* Show GUI lock icon after system tray icon is initialized
* Apply selected layout to displayed torrent content in \"Add New Torrent\" dialog Web UI:
* Add reverse proxy source IP resolution
* Support navigating UI tables with arrow keys
* Support expanding/collapsing UI folders with arrow keys
* Support sorting UI tables via touch
* Add pieces progress bar to General tab
* Update authors page
* Set icon sizes attribute
* Add meta application name
* Sort WebUI language selection values
* Use correct URL scheme in user prompt when HTTPS is enabled RSS:
* Stick Unread row to top in RSS feed list
* Correctly use fallback icons for RSS feed in GUI Search:
* Add context menu for tabs in search widget
* Add more download options to torrent search result right-click menu Experimental:
* Setting to store/load fastresume/torrent files in an SQLite database Other:
* Prolong wait time for shutdown for qbittorrent-nox
* Install vector program icon
* Many internal code refactorings and bug fixing by many people- Refresh harden_qbittorrent-noxAATT.service.patch
* Sun Oct 31 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.3.9 Bug fixes:
* Fix \"no action\" option on torrent double click
* Fix broken behavior of \"priority by shown file order\" Web UI:
* Fix WebUI crash when tracker URL is invalid
* Revert \"WebUI: group trackers by hostname\"
* Thu Oct 21 2021 Johannes Segitz - Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es):
* harden_qbittorrent-noxAATT.service.patch
* Sun Aug 29 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.3.8 Bug fixes:
* Delay processing of watched folders
* Use the same icon for selecting folders/files
* Use default upper limits for ddns entries Web UI:
* Expose SSRF mitigation
* Update webui libraries
* Group trackers by hostname
* Improve \"last activity\" calculation in WebAPI
* Wed Aug 04 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.3.7 Bug fixes:
* Don\'t forget to start Watched folders timer
* Don\'t close tags menu when toggling items
* Don\'t overwrite tracker message
* Bump file pool size
* Properly create \"clean path\" for watched folder Web UI:
* Disconnect comment links
* Sun Jun 27 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.3.6 New features:
* New languages: Mongolian, Persian, Thai Bug fixes:
* Provide correct error description in \"upload mode\"
* Allow adding torrents with relative save path
* Fix main window turns blank after restoring from tray
* Remove the lockfile on exit
* Improve \"Watched folders\" feature
* Keep sub-sorting order
* Properly add torrent with new tags
* Mon May 03 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.3.5 Bug fixes:
* Move cursor to the end when autofilling URL/hash in \"Download from URLs\" dialog
* Sort invalid QDateTime values after valid values
* Fix tabChangesFocus attribute in \"Edit trackers\" dialog
* Update DynDNS register url
* Handle \"not enough disk space\" error more graciously
* Correctly draw progress background with stylesheet Web UI:
* Fix magnet url from the search facility
* Revise folder monitoring functions
* Fix magnet url from the browser
* Allow to specify file indexes in torrents/files API Other:
* Fix D-Bus Notification `desktop-entry` field
* Lower Qt requirement to 5.11
* Clarify that the license is GPLv2+
* Mon Apr 05 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Drop qbittorrent-libtorrent_pthread.patch (no longer necessary)
* Wed Mar 24 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version Bug fixes:
* Correctly draw progress bar Web UI:
* Fix javascript code which broke the UI
* Wed Mar 24 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.3.4 New features:
* Add ability to prioritize selected items by shown file order
* Allow tab to escape the text box in \"Edit trackers\" dialog
* Support sub-sorting in Transferlist
* Expose ToS setting from libtorrent
* Improve tracker entries handling Bug fixes:
* Drop extension from generated content folder name
* Change qBittorrent Updater window title
* Validate HTTPS Tracker Certificate by default
* Don\'t let \"program update\" dialog steal focus
* Disable expand on double click in TorrentContentTreeView
* Add hyperlink to Transifex on translator list
* Enlarge \"speed limit\" icon slightly
* Don\'t prevent system sleep due to errored torrents
* Use stable sorting in transfer list
* Allow \"missing files\" torrents to save more resume data
* Restart \"missing files\" torrents after changing location
* Show proper string when torrent availability is not available
* Apply \"Hide zero/infinity values\" to \"Time Active\", \"Down/Up Limit\" and ETA columns
* Fix potential out-of-bounds access
* Make SpeedPlotView averager time aware
* Add a 3-Hour graph
* Add an option to disable icons in menus
* Improve detection of filename extension of audio/video files
* Various drawing improvements of progress bar
* Properly stop torrent creation if aborted
* Replace external program parameters in one step
* Improve \"save resume data\" handling
* Fix bad IPv6 address format for outgoingInterfaces WebUI:
* Properly decode strings
* Accept \"share limits\" when adding torrent using WebAPI
* Add seeding time to the active time column
* Fix incorrect seeding time string in General tab
* Allow >100 days in WebUI function \"friendlyDuration\"
* Avoid decoding strings repeatedly RSS:
* Add category button on AutomatedRSSDownloader on GUI Other:
* Systemd: wait for mounting of local filesystems
* Raise minimum libtorrent version to 1.2.12
* Raise minimum Qt version to 5.12
* Tue Jan 19 2021 Luigi Baldoni - Update to version 4.3.3 New features:
* New languages: Azerbaijani, Estonian Bug fixes:
* Unify global speed dialogs for normal/alternative speeds
* Increase maximum global speed limits ~2 GiB/s
* Save fastresume when setting torrent speed limits
* Group several torrent options into one dialog
* Capitalize locale names
* Improve content file/folder names handling
* Drop notification about move storage finished or failed
* Reload \"missing files\" torrent instead of re-checking
* Remember dialog sizes
* Improve detection of file extension string WebUI:
* Don\'t call non-existent elements
* Update \"Keep top-level folder\" in WebUI options Other:
* Use legacy \'data\' directory only as a fallback
* Bump project requirement to C++17