Changelog for dnscap-2.2.1-1.2.i586.rpm :

* Tue Sep 10 2024 Jerry Lundström 2.2.1-1- Release 2.2.1
* This patch release fixes the BPF to correct capture ICMPv6, a typo in the filter had it matching \"ip\" and not \"ip6\".
* Other changes are updates to GitHub workflows and man-pages.
* Commits: ea82cd1 Copyright aa14a9f ICMP BPF filter 6ef17e2 Badges 6722677 Workflow 1cb22f0 Man-page opt, Dumper
* Wed Aug 23 2023 Jerry Lundström 2.2.0-1- Release 2.2.0
* This release adds anonymization of EDNS Client Subnet to all anonymizer plugins and improves TCP state handling by adding a hash table for lookup rather than walking a list.
* Plugins that anonymize can now take two new options: - `-e`: also anonymize EDNS Client Subnet - `-E`: only anonymize EDNS Client Subnet
* Other changes: - Cleanup and improvements to building and testing - Mention PowerTools repository for building on CentOS etc - Remove old workarounds in tests before #133
* Commits: d4e0b2c TCP state hash table 1ea8d3f Doc 12ea061 EDNS Client Subnet anonymization c9ed7be pcap-dist b76f745 Cleanup 7682d41 hashtbl
* Tue Jun 27 2023 Jerry Lundström 2.1.3-1- Release 2.1.3
* This release fixes a memory leak when using pattern matching options `-x` or `-X`, the LDNS packet was not freed correctly.
* The processing of the LDNS packet during matching has also been improved.
* Commits: 3990795 Test ee5d554 Pattern match
* Thu Jun 15 2023 Jerry Lundström 2.1.2-1- Release 2.1.2
* This release fixes reusing of TCP state during an out-of-memory event, the reused structure was not cleared of old information. And fixes compatibility with OpenSSL v3.0+ due to deprecated functions.
* Commits: 756f78a OpenSSL 3.0+ d2bd12f tcpstate on out of memory
* Fri Feb 03 2023 Jerry Lundström 2.1.1-1- Release 2.1.1
* This release includes fixes to TCP state code, anonymizing plugins and handling of EDNS extended error code. - Ken Renards AATTkdrenard (PR #275) fixed handling of EDNS extended error code, the previous code looked at `arcount` but ldns \"consumes\" OPT records so the count could be zero even with existing extended error code. - Changed anonymizing plugins to anonymize both sending and receiving IP address if both used the server port, part of issue #276 reported by Duane Wessels AATTwessels. This fixes situations where clients weren\'t anonymize because they sent using that port. - Fixed multiple issues with garbage collection in TCP state handling. It was reusing a pointer that was meant to return the current TCP state so it could return the wrong state when garbage collection was triggered. It also just unlinked stale states and didn\'t free them, new code uses the discard function so released state is also tagged as \"gc stale\". Lastly the discard function was fixed to clear the current TCP state pointer used by plugins if the discarded state was it.
* Commits: 7f2ddcf Copyright fd5b744 CodeQL alerts 726d241 TCP state GC dff421e Anonymize clients 2eb8489 Add CodeQL workflow for GitHub code scanning c5a0919 Better test for presence of EDNS option with extended error code
* Fri Sep 09 2022 Jerry Lundström 2.1.0-1- Release 2.1.0
* This release adds a new option (`-o pid_file=`) to specify a PID file when running as daemon, corrects handling of LDNS include files for some plugins and updates the Root Server Scaling Measurement (RSSM) plugin w.r.t. the upcoming version 5 of RSSAC002 specifications.
* The RSSM plugin can now optionally generate `label-count` metric. This is enabled with `-L` and is tagged as `rssac002v5-draft` until v5 is finalized. The merge tool `dnscap-rssm-rssac002` has also been updated because of this, there is now `--skip-unsupported` to skip all unsupported RSSAC002 version metrics instead of `die()`\'ing.
* Commits: ca7707d RSSAC002v5 label-count metric 3ebee80 Made label count metric optional 41b029a Adding support for label acount metric 799c3fe Missing includes 7089f12 PID file
* Mon Jun 13 2022 Jerry Lundström 2.0.3-1- Release 2.0.3
* Thanks to a patch from Duane Wessels (AATTwessels) this release fixes an issue with filtering where DNS messages without a question section would bypass it.
* Commits: ba2112c Fix COPR 0e019ab Filtering c7e1c8f Refactor and fix qtype and qname matching/filtering.
* Tue Mar 08 2022 Jerry Lundström 2.0.2-1- Release 2.0.2
* Thanks to a patch from Duane Wessels (AATTwessels) this release fixes memory leaks when using `-x`/`-X` regexp filtering due to incorrect usage of LDNS library.
* Other minor changes: - Clarify what happens if you don\'t specify `-i` and add information about `any` and `all` - Update debhelper compatibility level to 10
* Commits: a8925a7 ldns_pkt_all() clones RRs which need to be freed with ldns_rr_list_deep_free() 5104814 Doc 30c36aa debhelper 4ae4356 Bye Travis
* Thu Mar 11 2021 Jerry Lundström 2.0.1-1- Release 2.0.1
* Fixed incorrect line break in eventlog\'s (plugin) output.
* Commits: 5df363c remove trailing newline
* Fri Feb 12 2021 Jerry Lundström 2.0.0-1- Release 2.0.0
* This major release contains three backward incompatible changes, two new command line options and a completely restructured man-page(!), please read the change notes carefully before upgrading!
* The first backward incompatible change has to do with the removal of libbind dependency. This library was causing segfaults on OpenBSD due to shared (and overwritten) symbols with OpenBSD\'s libc. It was replaced with LDNS and LDNS renders domain names as Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN, the trailing dot!) so every output of a domain name has been changed to a FQDN. This also changes `-X`/`-x`, which will now match against FQDNs.
* The second backward incompatible change is that `-6` has been removed. This was used to alter the BPF in order to \"fix\" it, dnscap adds specific filters to IP and UDP headers which does not work for IPv6 traffic. The generated BPF has been changed to allow IPv6 to always pass, making the option obsolete. IPv6 filtering is then done in dnscap.
* The last backward incompatible change has to do with the output format of `-g` related to EDNS0 and is now more consistent with the rest of the parsable output: - No more spaces in the output - Fix incorrect `\\` and extra empty new-line - All EDNS0 options are added after `edns0[...]` using comma separation, example: `edns0[],edns0opt[],...` - Client Subnet format: `edns0opt[ECS,family=nn,source=nn,scope=nn,addr=...]` - Unknown/unsupported code: `edns0opt[code=nn,codelen=nn]` - Parsing error messages have changed, they came from libbind, now comes from LDNS
* New options: - Add `-q` and `-Q` to filter on matched/not matched QTYPE
* Bugfixes: - Fix memory leak in EDNS0 ECS address parsing - `network`: Fix sonarcloud issues, potential `memcpy()` of null pointer
* Other changes: - Fix CBOR output inclusion, LDNS is always available now - Add macros for Apple and Windows endian functions - Restructure and correct the man-page
* Commits: 557e5f5 man-page 025529f v6bug, interval 37b79e9 FQDN ebcf434 QTYPE match, args, tests 0cb5562 v6bug 75f6115 Endian aaeb213 Sonarcloud 8685946 CBOR output 3e26802 Sonarcloud 30aa366 libbind 3f94d0b Mattermost