Changelog for tine20-base-2022.12.1-lp155.1.1.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Jan 19 2023 Johannes Weberhofer - tine version 2022.12.1 See
* Mon Dec 20 2021 Johannes Weberhofer - tine version 2021.12.1 Bugfix and feature release See
* Mon Sep 27 2021 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2021.02.4 Bugfix and feature release See
* PHP 7.4+ (including PHP 8) is now required
* Added tine20-sso package
* Tue Jul 20 2021 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2021.02.3 Bugfix and feature release See
* Mon Apr 26 2021 Johannes Weberhofer - Improved packaging- Tine version 2021.02.2 See
* Added support for multiple MFA providers (SMS, yubico, ...)
* Several more fixes and features
* Sat Feb 20 2021 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2021.02.1 See Warning: MySQL 8.0.20 has a major bug (see for more information) and should not be used!
* Wed Feb 03 2021 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2020.08.8 See
* Wed Dec 30 2020 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2020.08.7 See Several new features and bugfixes
* Fri Nov 20 2020 Johannes Weberhofer - Simplified Apache config- Include all php files from base
* Fri Nov 20 2020 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2020.08.5 See
* Clear cache moved to setup (setup.php --clear_cache [-v])
* Support OpenSync on Android
* Shard Containers: don\'t give anyone export/sync grants
* Major Bug in Update Script has been fixed in 2020.08.5- Tine version 2020.08.4 See
* Major Bug in Update Script has been fixed in 2020.08.4
* Support for PHP versions < 7.2 has been dropped.
* Thu Oct 22 2020 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2020.08.3 See We found an issue with MySQL 8 - some queries did not work correctly. This has been fixed so MySQL 8 is now fully supported.- Added \"setup.php --clear_cache [-v]\"- make week view days configurable- confirm changeing event status
* Thu Sep 24 2020 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2020.08.2 See Many fixes and improvements
* Thu Sep 10 2020 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2020.08.1 See Tine 2.0 now supports the new Thunderbird release. We also added support for the sync-token with this version.- Many fixes and improvements
* Thu Jul 16 2020 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2020.03.4 See Tine 2.0 admins are now able to configure a DB logger, that logs into a database table. The logs can be viewed in the Tine 2.0 Admin module- Many fixes and some new features
* Wed Jun 10 2020 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2020.03.3 See GUI + CLI export functions for VCARD (contact) and VCALENDAR/VEVENT (event) have been added- The old qCal-based export has been removed. The exports use the same functionality as the CardDAV/CalDAV sync APIs.- Many fixes- Features:
* ActiveSync/Admin add device owner filter
* Addressbook/Export: add VCard export
* Tinebase: implement /health check
* Tinebase/Filesystem: add setNodeAcl CLI
* Timetracker: use accounting_time for invoicing
* Calendar/Export: export all personal calendars
* Calendar/Export: split big export files
* Timetracker: Add accounting Time and Factor
* Calendar/Export: make big exports work
* Calendar/Export: export VCalendar into file
* Calendar/Export: add attachment to VCalendar export
* Calendar/Export: add VCalendar export to gui
* Tinebase/LDAP: allow to set SYNC_USER_ACCOUNT_STATUS via config
* Calendar: use sabredav for ics export
* Crm/Export: add csv export for leads
* Tinebase: allow authUser/roleChange login
* Felamimail: define html editor default font
* Tue Apr 28 2020 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2020.03.2 See and and Many fixes- Features:
* tweak(ci) do not run pipelines for feature branches
* tweak(Tinebase/FilesystemPreviews): create previews now is a feature
* feature(Tinebase/PreviewService): allow to disable proxy for preview
* feature(Calendar): import resource
* feature(Filemanager): add Demodata csv import.
* feature(Tinebase/Cli): add repairFSAclNodes
* feature(Felamimail): switch grid columns and filter for sent folder
* feature(Addressbook): set private grant cli script
* feature(Calendar): allow custom periods in gridView
* feature(Setup/Cli): add verbose mode to --update
* feature(ci): phpstan code quality reports
* feature(Tinebase/EmailUser): activate EMAIL_USER_ID_IN_XPROPS by default
* feature(Tinebase): make expanding of layerCombos interceptable
* feature(Addressbook): Add Contact private grant
* Mon Apr 06 2020 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2020.03.1 See and and Many fixes- Features
* feature(Addressbook/Import): add DE Outlook 2010 import definition
* feature(Tinebase/Previews): resetErrorCount on fileSystemCheckPreviews
* feature(Admin/EmailAccount): convert from system to userInternal
* feature(Sales/Products): show product attributes in grid
* feature(Felamimail/Grid): allow to move to all accounts
* feature(Filemanager): add file name filter
* feature(Admin/User): do not create email account without password
* feature(ci): gitlab ci
* feature(ci): gitlab ci
* feature(Setup/Cli): add update_needed cli
* (Felamimail/Compose): improve contact/list filtering
* (Filemanager): enable favorites panel in filemanager
* (Task): add pref for default alarm
* (test/e2etest): backport from 2020.11
* (TB add json api restoreRevision for VFS node)
* (Admin/Cli): add enableAutoMoveNotificationsinSystemEmailAccounts
* Fri Feb 21 2020 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2019.12.5 See and and
* Mon Jan 20 2020 Johannes Weberhofer - Tine version 2019.12.4 See and and
* Thu Jan 09 2020 Johannes Weberhofer - Upgraded to version 2019.12.3 See and and Fixes:
* Felamimail: Error when forwarding mail with attachment #7119
* Tinebase/Core: make (RELEASE) buildtype work again #7118
* Sales: invoice positions might be empty
* Felamimail: MessageComposeDlg does not close- Upgraded to version 2019.12.2 See and and Features:
* Filemanager: add file hash to node grid
* Filemanager: delete tempfile after upload Fixes:
* Tinebase: allow to create empty record from json- Upgraded to version 2019.12.1 See and and Features:
* ActiveSync: delete AS device if user is deleted
* Addressbook+Tinebase: add xprops to user and list models
* Admin: group/list member synchronizer
* Admin/EmailAccounts: change personal email via system account
* Felamimail: add feature switch for auto-save drafts
* Felamimail: save email user id in account xprops
* Felamimail/Account: add xprops to account model
* Setup: allow to create email addresses via updateAllAccountsWithAccountEmail
* Setup/Backup: allow to skip backup validation
* Tinebase: add additionalFilterSpec for combobox in editdialog
* Tinebase: allow creation of new files in filePicker
* Tinebase: introduce additionaldomains smtp config
* Tinebase/Config: check conf.d files before include
* Tinebase/Notes: allow to purge redundant nodes
* Tinebase/User: move email user id to user xprops
* Tinebase+Felamimail: add config EMAIL_USER_ID_IN_XPROPS Fixes:
* Addressbook: allowEmpty for ContactSearchCombo
* Addressbook: don\'t check short name when merging records
* Addressbook: fix system user adding/removal from group
* Addressbook/List: add system accounts as system group members
* Addressbook/List: write modlog of list if it is created/update from group
* Admin/User: prevent problems with missing param
* Calendar: catch TENF when setting cal user
* Calendar: use iso week in wk period picker
* Crm: save relation always set type = CUSTOMER if missing
* enforce utf8 on authenticate
* Felamimail: attachments from filemanger can not be renamend (yet
* Felamimail: use correct email regex in gridpanel hook
* Felamimail/MessageEditDialog: fix opening of unfetched mails
* Filemanager: create folder sometimes fails
* Filemanager: in/active staate of upload/createFolder actions
* Filemanager: no account_grants for actionUpdater
* Filemanager: word type icons
* fix #7113 - setupuser adb contact missing
* fix #7113 - setupuser adb contact missing
* fix expressive response envelop http status handling
* fix minimumRequiredVersion
* PollClient: branding logo max size
* Setup/Cli: always return 0 in --update if there are no errors
* Setup/Update: always update import/export definitions
* Tinebase Controller searchCount add missing defaultFilter call
* Tinebase filePicker overwrite check not working
* Tinebase: contentype for uploads missing
* Tinebase: error if additionalFilterSpec null
* Tinebase: nodeSaveDlg, check for conflicts
* Tinebase: tempfile id wrong after bus add
* Tinebase: westpanel state was not preserved
* Tinebase: wrong fieldName in getByFieldDefinition
* Tinebase/FileSystem: add missing json_encode for alarm options
* Tinebase/FileSystem: fix table names in repairTreeIsDeletedState
* Tinebase/Groups: re-add deleteAllGroups
* Tinebase/Layout: max width on loginpage
* Tinebase/Notes: make purge redundant nodes finally work
* Tinebase/purgeDeletedRecords: make purge work for tree_nodes with children and fix account purging too
* Tinebase/Record: only call isEmpty on Diff objects
* Tinebase/User/Ldap: add getLoginName to ldap abstract
* Tinebase+Admin/EmailUser: introduce smtpAliasesDispatchFlag capability
* Upload create tempfile with proper mime type
* Fri Nov 22 2019 Johannes Weberhofer - Upgraded to version 2019.08.4 See and and
* Thu Oct 17 2019 Johannes Weberhofer - Upgraded to version 2019.08.3 See and
* Fri Sep 20 2019 Johannes Weberhofer - Upgraded to version 2019.08.2 See and
* Wed Jul 31 2019 Johannes Weberhofer - Upgraded to version 2019.02.8 See
* SSO via OpenID Connect has been added.
* Lots of additional fixes and improvements
* Tue May 07 2019 Johannes Weberhofer - Upgraded to version 2019.02.7 See Fixes major issues in verson 2019.02.5
* Thu May 02 2019 Johannes Weberhofer - Upgraded to version 2019.02.5 See
* Tinebase database not updated to v. 12.21 when v. 2019.02.4 installed
* Update 2018.08.9 > 2019.02.4 PHP intl Fehler
* CoreData broken, if right to execute Felamimail is not granted
* Tue Mar 26 2019 Johannes Weberhofer - Upgraded to version 2019.02.4 See
* Restored the support for older versions of MySQL/MariaDB
* Fixed major bug from version 2019.02.3
* Sat Mar 02 2019 Johannes Weberhofer - Upgraded to version 2019.02.2 See
* Support for PGSQL has been dropped
* Support for Oracle has been dropped
* MySQL Version needs to be greater or equal to 5.7.5
* MariaDB Version needs to be greater or equal to 10.0.2
* Security fix apply generating user grants in Filemanager_Controller_DownloadLink::getNode gh#/tine20/tine20#7000
* Fixed major bug from version 2019.02.1
* Thu Jan 17 2019 Upgraded to version 2018.08.9 See and
* Export-Templates: export templates for older installations has been restored. If you customized the default templates, you might have to save your changes in separate template files.
* OwnCloud Client 2.5 Support
* DAVx5 Support
* Wed Jan 09 2019 Upgraded to version 2018.08.8 See and:
* DB collation check
* Support for PHP 7.3
* Dropped Support for PHP 5
* Thu Dec 20 2018 Upgraded to version 2018.08.7 See: and: A check has been added if the table collations is utf8[mb4]_unicode_ci to the update process. If this throws an error, you might have to repair your table schema (for example with phpMyAdmin) as it is not considered valid. Note: is the only column with a different collation: utf8[mb4]_bin
* Fixed: Problem defining new resources
* Fixed: Addressbook: JS Error on contact copy
* Fixed: Translations with slash in name dont work with sales module
* Fixed: Can not delete calendar
* Fri Nov 30 2018 Upgraded to version 2018.08.6 See: More Details at
* MailFiler module removed
* Some updgrade errors fixed
* Tue Oct 30 2018 Upgraded to version 2018.08.5 See: More Details at
* Enforcing table structure of addressbook, container and applications
* Time-sheet filter \"billed\" yes/no disappeared in tine 2018.08.4 Bug Timetracker
* Mysql <5.5 Error even when config \'useUtf8mb4\' => false is set Database Setup
* Addressbook: Unable to resolve conflict on \"copy contact\" Addressbook Bug
* improve preferences performance
* Update ts_default_ods.xml Export Timetracker
* DoctrineMappingDriver.php _removeFullTextIndex($table) is wrong in
* Tue Sep 04 2018 Upgraded to version 2018.08.4 See: More Details in
* Thu Aug 30 2018 Upgraded to version 2018.08.3 See: More Details in Removed several files not required in the package
* Tue Jul 24 2018 Upgraded to version 2018.08.2 See: More Details in
* tine20-6876 2018.08.1: Shared folder - Error in property dialog
* 2018.08.1 not working with IE11
* 2018.08.1: Shared folder - Error in property dialog
* Fri Jun 22 2018 Upgraded to version 2018.08.1 See:
* CardDav update support for gnome evolution contacts
* Calendar Resource acl update doesn\'t work
* MySQL: Specified key was too long
* fix(Calendar): removes (not working) import into new container from gui
* fix(Felamimail): ignore \"invalid xml\" errors when loading html mail
* feature(Calendar): configure allowed free/busy informations
* Tinebase WebDAV Container - disallow property updates on file container
* Felamimail Backend Imap - fix zend imap protocol weakness
* Calendar Frontend iMIP - add test for external organizer/multi import
* tweak(Addressbook): support standard DE address schema
* Wed Jun 20 2018 Upgraded to version 2018.02.6 See:
* Removed the Events app which is no longer maintained by the main project
* Update Problems have been fixed (see #77, #74 and others)
* A new SVG based icon set is used
* Several mor fixes
* Fri May 25 2018 Upgraded to version 2018.02.5 Security Release: found a possible denial-of-service attack in release 2018.02.4
* Sat May 19 2018 Updated package to work with PHP7- Do no longer use old php5-pear-phpexcel packages- Cleaned up spec- Upgraded to version 201.02.4
* ActiveSync: ActiveSync folder type not working for custom Trash folder
* ActiveSync: allow attendee in all calendars for iOS >=11
* ActiveSync: Call to a member function getClone() on null
* CalDAV: Shared calendars are shown twice locally in calDAV
* Calendar: week picker in paging toolbar neglects year
* HumanResources: feast calendar not selectable in Admin panel
* Setup: have verifyPeer config option for email
* Tinebase: generic attachment renderer with previews
* Tinebase JavaScript: wrong genders in filter toolbar (n)one of operators
* Tinebase: skip empty csv rows
* Tinebase: switch to mysql utf8mb4
* Tinebase: Tinebase ActionQueue Monitoring
* Tinebase: Update auf 2018.02.3 Community Edition crasht mit Verweis auf Redis im Stacktrace
* Mon Apr 16 2018 Upgraded to version 201.02.3
* Addressbook: add contact event panel to contact edit dialog
* Addressbook: selection of all addresses on all pages doesn\'t work with compose email
* Admin: allow to prevent special chars in user login name
* CRM: Overdue leads are not marked red any more
* Other: Found another db user/password leak
* Sales: invoice position timesheet export
* Sales: Unknown column \'fulltext\' in sales_sales_invoices
* Timetracker: don\'t copy relations of timeaccounts
* Tinebase: define custom access log rotation
* Tinebase: move user pw policy to separate config struct
* Tinebase: Reopen Bug 0013512 - Wrong Quota in Admin panel for Cyrus Imap Backend
* Tinebase: Tinebase Application - add relational state table
* WebDAV: Hidden groups break webdav due to missing
* WebDAV: Tinebase WebDAV - show hidden users
* WebDAV: Tinebase WebDAV support for NTLMv2 authentification
* Wed Mar 14 2018 Upgraded to version 201.02.2
* Calendar: Can\'t reschedule an event using the webinterface in monthly view
* Calendar: Fatal error: Call to a member function getId() on a non-object in Calendar/Model/Attender.php
* Calendar: shared user calendar report
* Felamimail: Search for recepients brings irrelevant results
* Felamimail: Sieve Filter + SSL - does not work, tine20 blocks entirely
* Felamimail: Unable to modify existing calendar event - TypeError: Cannot read property \'hasPoll\' of undefined
* Filemanager: add i18n to public download views
* Filemanager: creator should have admin grant for new toplevel shared folder node
* Inventory: fix image display in grid details panel
* Setup: don\'t allow installation without configured filesdir
* Tinebase: configurable area locks (server)
* Tinebase: configuration for fulltext fields in query filter
* Tinebase: fix backslash in text filter
* Tinebase: fulltext index Support for MariaDB
* Tinebase: generalize import + definition handling in json frontends
* Tinebase: get numbearable config from container xprops
* Tinebase JavaScript: internet explorer 11.0.9600.18738 is unable to open tine
* Tinebase JavaScript: js unittests with karma
* Tinebase: repair some failing email tests
* Tinebase: support PHP 7.2
* Mon Feb 19 2018 Upgraded to version 2018.02.1
* Addressbook: convert Addressbook Model Contact to ModelConfig
* Felamimail: improve display of deeply nested rfc/822 messages
* Filemanager: file download possible via properties dialog only
* Filemanager: remove recursive filter automatecally
* Filemanager: resolve account grants in recursive search
* HumanResources: feast calendar not selectable in Admin panel
* Tinebase: adds cli queue check for monitoring
* Tinebase: do not log \"program flow\" exceptions to error log
* Tinebase: False detection MariaDB version
* Tinebase: integrate error handling
* Tinebase JavaScript: force available note types
* Tue Jan 23 2018 Upgraded to version 2017.0.11
* Admin: LDAP user backend: groups are not synced
* Calendar: Calendar List is mixed up while printing
* Calendar: Calendar: printing day and week sheet broken in FF
* Calendar: remove finally from MSEventFacade
* Setup: setup CLI: allow to apply schema changes when running --compare
* Tinebase: add autocomplete type for mc model fields
* Tinebase: customfield with type string should not use fulltext filtering
* Tinebase: improve relation degree definitions and renderer
* Tinebase JavaScript: Almost every modal window is broken
* Tinebase JavaScript: Hammerjs does not load
* Tinebase JavaScript: iOS: edit dialogs out of view on orientationchange
* Tinebase: model configuration: add generic records filter
* Tinebase: recursive resolving of dependent records
* WebDAV: Misused php header causes malformed headers
* WebDAV: Owncloud client status.php produces malformed headers lately
* Tue Dec 19 2017 Upgraded to version 2017.0.10
* ActiveSync: allow to remote wipe device from admin gui
* Addressbook: pdf export from edit dialog empty
* Admin: add quota-usage panel to admin
* Admin: show file and email quota in admin user grid and Filemanager
* CalDAV: macOS 10.13 - event exceptions mixed up after THISANDFUTURE update
* Calendar: Calendar polls: add poll url to event mails and switch to mass mailing mode
* Calendar: no emails are sent on external invitation reply
* Felamimail: sending plain text messages with special chars fails
* Filemanager: add quota config to usage panel
* Filemanager: add user/group quotas to Filemanager / Tinebase_FileSystem
* Setup: setup.php --restore -- db=1 bails out and leave database unusable
* Timetracker: notes and relations actions/panels are disabled in TA edit dialog
* Timetracker: timesheet billable checkboxes are not updated
* Tinebase: Changing user account adds 8 MByte garbage to account field xprops, breaks some Admin functions and user cannot log in
* Tinebase: improve fulltext handling in frontend
* Tinebase JavaScript: add christmas tree icon to title
* Tinebase JavaScript: apply generic sort order for tabpanels in editDialogs
* Tinebase JavaScript: default page size of comboBoxes
* Tinebase JavaScript: fileselection, email compose dialog rework
* Tinebase JavaScript: fix grid renderer for foreign records
* Tinebase JavaScript: have tags&description open at once
* Tinebase JavaScript: split webpack config into dev & prod
* Tinebase: refactor export framework - resolved.
* Tinebase: Tinebase ActionQueue Worker - make tine20.php configurable
* Tinebase: use new periodPicker for date filters
* Translations: update translation files
* Thu Nov 30 2017 Upgraded to version 2017.0.9
* ActiveSync: allow to remote wipe device from admin gui
* Addressbook: pdf export from edit dialog empty
* Admin: add quota-usage panel to admin
* Admin: show file and email quota in admin user grid and Filemanager
* CalDAV: macOS 10.13 - event exceptions mixed up after THISANDFUTURE update
* CalDAV: Reinstate CalDAV default time-range filter to avoid memory issues
* CalDAV: Tine sends an invalid VTODO during sync, when a task is marked as done
* Calendar: no emails are sent on external invitation reply
* Felamimail: Felamimail Message - introduce mass mailing and plugins for it
* Felamimail: sending plain text messages with special chars fails
* Filemanager: add quota config to usage panel
* Filemanager: add user/group quotas to Filemanager / Tinebase_FileSystem
* Setup: configure timezone of log timestamp
* Setup: setup.php --restore -- db=1 bails out and leave database unusable
* Setup: update from 2017.02.2 to 2017.08.6 fails
* Timetracker: notes and relations actions/panels are disabled in TA edit dialog
* Timetracker: timesheet billable checkboxes are not updated
* Tinebase: Changing user account adds 8 MByte garbage to account field xprops, breaks some Admin functions and user cannot log in
* Tinebase: Enhancement of 0011236: Smtp-Backend simpleMail should remove remaining user data
* Tinebase: improve fulltext handling in frontend
* Tinebase JavaScript: apply generic sort order for tabpanels in editDialogs
* Tinebase JavaScript: default page size of comboBoxes
* Tinebase JavaScript: fileselection, email compose dialog rework
* Tinebase JavaScript: fix grid renderer for foreign records
* Tinebase JavaScript: have tags&description open at once
* Tinebase JavaScript: update to latest webpack
* Tinebase: refactor export framework - resolved.
* Tinebase: rework scheduler
* Tinebase: Tinebase ActionQueue Worker - make tine20.php configurable
* Tinebase: update app versions to 11.0- removed tine20-ical-import.patch after upstream integration
* Wed Oct 25 2017 Require php5-openssl instead of php5-mcrypt- Change most requirements from php5 to php- Upgraded to version 2017.0.8
* ActiveSync: ActiveSync: Add android as device which is abled to handle multiple folders
* Addressbook: remove group member role column from adressbook grid
* Admin: Human readable password policies
* CalDAV: macOS 10.13 - daily event update produces doubled events
* Calendar: import of VEVENTs with RRULE COUNT=9999 causes out of memory exception
* Calendar: new event window sometimes does not open
* Calendar: ok button disabled in event edit dialog
* Calendar: resource can\'t be saved after it loses all grants
* Calendar: sort contacts by type in attendee search
* Felamimail: IMAP Quota miscalculated
* Felamimail: linkify uris: handle special case with \">\" at the end of uri
* Filemanager: delete action in node grid is not updated
* Filemanager: grants grid should be readOnly when folder has no own grants
* Filemanager: other people root node name is their login name
* Filemanager: prevent to upload folders but allow all files
* Tinebase: create abstract Tinebase_Controller_Record_Container
* Tinebase: Dovecot Email Backend: respect instancename if configured
* Tinebase: fix attach/detach tags in grids of model config v2 apps
* Tinebase JavaScript: numberable fields should be disabled by default
* Tinebase JavaScript: remove maxSize of west panel
* Tinebase: PostgreSQL and table \"notes\": index on \"record_id\" speeds up things a little bit...
* Tinebase: Tinebase - add acl table cleaning scheduler task and cli fe
* Fri Oct 06 2017 Upgraded to version 2017.0.6
* Felamimail: add email note should check contact acl
* Felamimail: failing smtp authentication after upgrade to tine 2017.08.3 CE
* Filemanager: Update from 10.16 -> 10.28 fails
* MailFiler: Sorting of certain columns is not possible
* Tinebase: pgsql: repair index creation and add missing indices
* Tue Sep 26 2017 Upgraded to version 2017.0.5
* Addressbook: Filemanager needed to open contacts
* Calendar: improve resource permission handling
* Felamimail: always show loadmask when filing messages
* Felamimail: fix toolbar in sieve rules grid
* Filemanager: improve performance / selection of relatable files
* Filemanager: repair revision history
* MailFiler: fix doubleclick on folder node
* MailFiler: folder acl is broken
* MailFiler: Improve loading performance
* MailFiler: Only 50 folders visible
* Setup: Tinebase needs to be updated first
* Syncroton: update to version 1.4
* Tinebase: deleteUser fails partly saying you don\'t have permission
* Tinebase: Tinebase Path Filter - fix empty value behavior
* Tinebase: update scripts should work without dedicated setupuser
* Mon Aug 28 2017 Upgraded to version 2017.0.3 Calendar: add timeline as additional view Protect applications with second factor
* Addressbook: Change of contact image does not log useful information in timemachine
* Addressbook: skip path generation for lists without access
* Addressbook: Unescaped values for displayed name and company
* Admin: only show \"Computers\" if manageSAM is configured
* Calendar: add timeline as additional view
* Calendar: allow multitype attendee search with freebusy info
* Calendar: allow to edit transistent daysView events
* Calendar: Allow to filter for rrule
* Calendar: allow to set fixed calendars as user preference
* Calendar: Calendar update fails with \"no permission\"
* Calendar: Calendar update fails with \"no permission\"
* Calendar: ignore default container if it\'s not definitely selected
* Calendar: select week of year button for week view
* CardDAV: CardDAV URL in Adressbook Properties contains #/Addressbook/
* CRM: Added contacts not preserved in a new CRM lead
* CRM: DemoData creation failed
* Felamimail: fix toolbar in sieve rules grid
* Felamimail: More attachment methods for mail
* Felamimail: Notification to external email via sieve
* Felamimail: Wrong name in \"from:\" in sent mail
* Filemanager: add pin protection to folders
* Filemanager: repair revision history
* Filemanager: upload of bigger files fails
* Filemanager: Use filepicker for filemanager relations
* MailFiler: allow to download nodes
* MailFiler: allow to move nodes
* MailFiler: doubleclick should open edit dialog
* MailFiler: Sorting of certain columns is not possible
* Sales: export button missing
* Sales: integer vs int may cause issues in Sales_Controller_NumerableAbstract
* Setup: add --setpassword to setup cli
* Setup: install from dump with url
* Setup: \"Setup Admin undefined\" when updating Tinebase 10.9 ? 10.28
* Setup: setup.php --install should only install available apps on demand
* Setup: Tinebase needs to be updated first
* Setup: user sync creates contact even if user creation fails
* Syncroton: update to version 1.4
* Timetracker: Timesheet: select duration text on focus
* Timetracker: Unable to add new timesheets
* Tinebase: Acl/Grant account_type should support roles too
* Tinebase: add pin column, backend and config
* Tinebase: allow second factor with pin for accounts
* Tinebase: allow to configure default user/admin role names
* Tinebase: Currency selector
* Tinebase: customfield as duplicate check field does not work for empty values
* Tinebase: customfield filter for type record with \"defined by\"
* Tinebase JavaScript: client presence observer for pin validation
* Tinebase JavaScript: custom field tab might appear twice
* Tinebase: new customfield type (multiple) \"records\"
* Tinebase: pass actionqueue config to queue backend
* Tinebase: protect applications with second factor
* Tinebase: Redis-Actionqueue isn\'t working anymore
* Tinebase: rework action queue
* Tinebase: Scrollbar in detailspanel textarea missing
* Tinebase: show user report (CLI)
* Tinebase: Tinbase Roles - change int id to uuid
* Tinebase: Tinebase_Container - container id to uuid
* Tinebase: Tinebase_EmailUser - add new postfix multi instance backend
* Tinebase: Tinebase_FileSystem - make it replicable
* Tinebase: Tinebase_Filesystem - undo filesystem actions
* Tinebase: Tinebase Records / TimeMachine - make all changes revertable
* Tinebase: Tinebase.undo CLI function should support undelete
* Tinebase: triggerAsyncEvents: After SMTP error alarm sent_status is on \'success\'
* Tinebase: update zf to 1.12.20pl15
* Tinebase: use useridAATTinstancename and for email account name
* Translations: create mo files for extra translations during build
* WebDAV: do not check download grant for record attachments
* Tue Jul 04 2017 Upgraded to version 2017.02.5
* Felamimail: Add feature to \"add attachement from filemanager\" as link to the file
* Felamimail: can\'t send attachements from Filemanager
* Mon Jun 19 2017 Upgraded to version 2017.02.4
* Addressbook: Allow to manage resources in addressbook module
* Addressbook: allow to print groups from edit dialog
* Addressbook: contact single print in edit dialog
* Addressbook: Exception if no email is set
* Addressbook: Some fields groups have invalid content
* Admin: Popup window for user edit not working (touch device)
* Admin: user search should find disabled/hidden users
* Admin: Via Admin-App created calendar-container have a wrong model
* CalDAV: wrong CalDav URL
* Calendar: Calendar not working anymore in web interface
* Calendar: event details panel is a bit to small
* Calendar: export: add handling for multiday whole day events
* Calendar: export event from resource attendee
* Calendar: improve demodata: use recurring events and extend visibility
* Calendar: One cannot add a new calendar within the calendar-app
* CRM: CRM can\'t store leads
* Events: 2016.09.7 Exception during cron purgeDeletedRecords - closed.
* Felamimail: allow to set system account default folders via config
* Felamimail: convert single part file content body to attachment
* Felamimail: External mail accounts credentials break after update.
* Felamimail: Favorites are not working
* Felamimail: fix HR and FMail template folder nodes
* Felamimail: improve action renderer in sieve rules grid panel
* Felamimail: löschen der email Zugangsdaten bei Sonderzeichen im User-Passwort
* Felamimail: navigate anchors in mails via javascript
* Filemanager: add GRANT_DOWNLOAD
* Filemanager: add GRANT_PUBLISH
* Filemanager: add ui for indexed status
* Filemanager: Allow document preview by selecting any file and pressing space
* Filemanager: auto create personal folders for initial and synced users
* Filemanager: Dropping folder into FM causes a crash
* Filemanager: Extend document preview
* Filemanager: fix handling of otherUsers in Filemanager
* Filemanager: Introduce notifications into filemanager
* Filemanager: new filter criteria \'contains a word starting with\'
* Filemanager: Owncloud Clients Dateiverwaltung no permission
* Filemanager: refactor filemanager node actions
* Filemanager: return account grants for toplevel nodes
* Filemanager: Revision settings in fm dialog
* Filemanager: WebDAV can\'t \"move\" (rename) files (lab-at-nohl) - resolved.
* Inventory: don\'t show image in grid
* MailFiler: base Mailfiler UI on Filemanager
* MailFiler: Filing process fails with large no. of mails
* MailFiler: mails containing backshlashes in subject can\'t be filed
* Other: Touch devices show double modal popups
* Setup: Menu and displayed content not consistent after logging into setup.php
* Setup: Setup - set setup user
* Timetracker: Timetracker cannot be updated
* Tinebase: add failcount to scheduled import filter
* Tinebase: allow to config grid copy edit via modelconfig
* Tinebase: allow to configure when removed users should be deleted
* Tinebase: allow to create textarea customfields
* Tinebase: Crash on execution of phing
* Tinebase: Export - enable export of custom fields for RichtextDoc
* Tinebase: Export - enable to put template files in Tine FileSystem
* Tinebase: fix \"method not found\" in example app
* Tinebase: generic json api should resolve customfields by default
* Tinebase: If virtual node is selected, select all container below
* Tinebase: IMAP passwords containing \"notAlnum\" characters are not accepted anymore
* Tinebase JavaScript: Allow contains and notcontains for description
* Tinebase JavaScript: allow dynamic layout for customfields
* Tinebase JavaScript: applications keep switching
* Tinebase JavaScript: export favourites in adressbook
* Tinebase JavaScript: export into attached/linked template
* Tinebase JavaScript: generic export buttons & favorite
* Tinebase JavaScript: support custom conditions for custom fields
* Tinebase: Ldap port isn\'t set automatically anymore
* Tinebase: move all exports to definition files
* Tinebase: mysql lock ids can\'t be longer than 64 chars
* Tinebase: Password field
* Tinebase: Remove button order preference
* Tinebase: set interval for user password change
* Tinebase: some context menu entries missing
* Tinebase: Tinebase Config: fix lazy db loading
* Tinebase: Tinebase Export - reimplemented abstract framework
* Tinebase: Tinebase not updateable
* Tinebase: Tinebase Update from 10.9 to 10.20 not working, Tine 2.0 completely offline
* Tinebase: Tinebase Update from 10.9 to 10.20 not working, Tine 2.0 completely offline, even after applying patch 0012990
* Tinebase: Tinebase_User_ActiveDirectory - accountStatus fix
* Tinebase: Tinebase_User_Sql - only persist status enabled, disabled and expired
* UNKNOWN: Severe Display Problems in Tine
* WebDAV: add Tinebase to webdav root tree
* WebDAV: can\'t save file over webdav
* WebDAV: increase announced own cloud server version
* Thu Apr 27 2017 Use tine20 standard languages and remove tine20-translation.patch- Upgraded to version 2017.02.3
* Addressbook: add a flag to select a preferred address
* Addressbook: can\'t see contacts of other users
* Addressbook: show groups of contact in edit dialog
* Admin: admin application grid quick filter not working
* Admin: role rights are not working: access log read / active sync devices management
* Calendar: add attachments to resources
* Calendar: add location relation to resources
* Calendar: add max attendee as structured resource property
* Calendar: add resource edit shortcut to calendar attendeeGrid
* Calendar: add resource edit shortcut to calendar tree
* Calendar: admin container actions break resources
* Calendar: don\'t send custom alarms to declined attendee
* Calendar: replace resource location flag by resource type key field
* Calendar: week view -> print page -> sheet is broken
* Felamimail: External mail accounts credentials break after update.
* Felamimail: Filter breaks in felamimail until filtertoolbar is rendered once
* Felamimail: fix some mail issues with php 7
* Felamimail: \'#\' in urls should not be replaced
* Felamimail: löschen der email Zugangsdaten bei Sonderzeichen im User-Passwort
* Felamimail: search recipients dialog fails to close in IE
* Felamimail: TLS doesn\'t work with Self-signed
* Filemanager: acl UI for folder nodes
* Filemanager: add filemanager recursive search
* Filemanager: add usage tab to file/folder properties dialog
* Filemanager: allow acl for all folder nodes
* Filemanager: allow filemanager deep links
* Filemanager: implement fulltext search for files
* Filemanager: Improve upload handling in filemanager
* Filemanager: view/download revisions in file manager
* MailFiler: Display and print filed mails
* Setup: update of inventory fails without php 5.5+
* Tinebase: add more feature switches
* Tinebase: add option to keep filesystem revisions
* Tinebase: Addressbook - Lists get their paths appended
* Tinebase: colorize logging
* Tinebase: Extend tag description and add fulltext index
* Tinebase: Fixing user deletion
* Tinebase: IMAP passwords containing \"notAlnum\" characters are not accepted anymore
* Tinebase: implement nested/recursive config
* Tinebase JavaScript: allow native context menu for links
* Tinebase JavaScript: file picker dialog in fileuploadgrid
* Tinebase JavaScript: Fix RecordPickerManager and wrong registered pickercombo
* Tinebase JavaScript: horizontal space in westpanel is broken for long folder names in IE 11
* Tinebase JavaScript: new file picker component
* Tinebase JavaScript: no paging in print -> print all pages at once
* Tinebase JavaScript: relation type cannot be set/changed
* Tinebase JavaScript: remove clearable combos in filter toolbar
* Tinebase: linkify descriptions / details panels
* Tinebase: logger user is always setupuser with ldap user backend
* Tinebase: make sessionLifetime configurable at runtime
* Tinebase: path filter with fulltext search
* Tinebase: recursively sum up file sizes as folder size
* Tinebase: reimplementation of record paths
* Tinebase: remove no longer used file (revisions) with cleanup task
* Tinebase: skip broken persistent filters
* Tinebase: sum up sizes of all available file revisions
* Tinebase: Tinebase Path - getPathPart implement decorator pattern
* Tinebase: update sabredav vobject to support php7
* Thu Mar 30 2017 Upgraded to version 2017.02.2
* ActiveSync: message-id double quoted
* Addressbook: allow to configure when user contacts are hidden
* Addressbook: Contact Edit Dialog does not close with Modal Windows
* Addressbook: list member filter in lists not working
* Addressbook: nominatim service could not handle invalid xml response
* Addressbook: phone numbers: fix update
*_normalized for empty values
* Addressbook: Refactor detailspanel
* Addressbook: seq is missing for lists
* Admin: grid not reloading after delete
* Calendar: Changing the weekday for a whole series should change the rrule as well
* Calendar: disable more editDialog elements when write grant is missing
* Calendar: introduce abstract calendar import class
* Calendar: reply to external organiser is not send in some cases
* Felamimail: add reply-to setting to email account
* Felamimail: \"Datetime field overflow\" when adding message to cache
* Felamimail: fix delimiter handling for Domino mailserver
* Felamimail: Mail appears to be empty on webview
* Felamimail: Mail composer gets cleared and not closed after send
* Felamimail: trim invalid mails address format
* Filemanager: replication: implement for filemanager
* MailFiler: Display and print filed mails
* MailFiler: Filter on field \'Description\'
* Other: upgrade to PHP 7.1.x (remove mcrypt ext + fix DateTime)
* Sales: allow to set product aggregate attributes
* Setup: add cache busting params in initial html
* Setup: allow to whitelist available languages
* Setup: improve detection of version update in client
* Setup: install from (backup) dump
* Setup: install from dump sets master replication id
* Setup: master/slave replication of tine20 installations
* Setup: pgsql - fix autoincrement in update
* Setup: rework setup view to use new assetMap
* Timetracker: export button is incorrectly disabled
* Tinebase: add client user agent to modlog
* Tinebase: add frontend to request modification logs
* Tinebase: CORS preflight requests are not dispatched properly
* Tinebase: don\'t cache mainscreen / popup html in DEV mode
* Tinebase: implement replication client
* Tinebase: improve creation of system users
* Tinebase: improve session handling for webApps
* Tinebase: introduce full text search
* Tinebase JavaScript: add iOS homescreen shortcut
* Tinebase JavaScript: advancedSearch/linkedSearch feature breaks UI
* Tinebase JavaScript: apps without mainscreen should not appear in menu
* Tinebase JavaScript: convert touch events to mouse events
* Tinebase JavaScript: Deal with empty values in numberfield
* Tinebase JavaScript: detect orientation change
* Tinebase JavaScript: fix history panel for mc v2 apps
* Tinebase JavaScript: implement d&d alternatives
* Tinebase JavaScript: improve touch device login experience
* Tinebase JavaScript: Improve usability on small screens
* Tinebase JavaScript: improve user experience on tablet / touch devices
* Tinebase JavaScript: MessageBox \"Session invalid\" occurs if Browser is closed without logout in the last Session
* Tinebase JavaScript: module panel click on active module should reset filters
* Tinebase JavaScript: multiedit not working with modal windows
* Tinebase JavaScript: own state for touch devices in grids
* Tinebase JavaScript: redirectUrl prevents browser cache clearing
* Tinebase JavaScript: show checkbox selection model for touch devices
* Tinebase JavaScript: show message if popup window does not close
* Tinebase JavaScript: support new w3c Notification api
* Tinebase: language change does not work
* Tinebase: modlog refactoring
* Tinebase: Replication - email notifications for errors
* Tinebase: support additional translations
* Tinebase: tidy LDAP user sync
* Tinebase: Tinbase_Model_Filter_Query - reimplement using FilterGroup
* Tinebase: Tinebase_FileSystem - fix clear deleted files
* Tinebase: Tinebase_Group - add modlog / replication feature
* Tinebase: Tinebase_User - add modlog / replication feature
* Thu Feb 16 2017 Upgraded to version 2017.02.1
* ActiveSync: Email: update cache error repeating when folder is missing
* ActiveSync: Too much linebreaks using Nine Client
* Addressbook: allow to update all contact geodata with cli command
* CalDAV: Allow BusyCal as CalDAV client to write to calendar
* CalDAV: reminders app creates calendars if tasks is disabled
* Calendar: ActiveSync: creating recur exceptions with group attendee creates a contact
* Calendar: calendar icon missing when installed in subdir
* Calendar: fix displaycontainer calendar update script broken
* Felamimail: container select for filing mails broken
* Felamimail: delimiter could be empty when extracting folder
* Felamimail: untranslated menu item
* Filemanager: do not limit plaintext body text in description
* Filemanager: filter non-ascii chars from mail filenames
* Filemanager: use mb_substr to preserve utf8 chars when filing mail
* MailFiler: attachments of mail nodes not found
* MailFiler: Mail with same subject only saved once
* Other: move example app to doctrine model
* Other: update zendframework1 to 1.12.20pl8
* Other: upgrade to PHP 7.1.x (Tinebase_DateTime)
* Other: upgrade to PHP 7.1.x (Zend_Translate)
* Packaging: Missing packages expressomail, requesttracker and sipgate available
* Sales: Add EC Card to payment methods
* Setup: don\'t use table schema cache during update
* Setup: during update to 2016.09.7: Unknown column \'container.owner_id\'
* Tasks: DavDROID can\'t save tasks
* Timetracker: Bulk edit doesn\'t work
* Tinebase: allow generic csv import without definition
* Tinebase: cronuser needs to be in admin group
* Tinebase: fix AD account expiry
* Tinebase JavaScript: add extendable global context menu
* Tinebase JavaScript: add support for canonical paths
* Tinebase JavaScript: avoid unnecessary state saving calls
* Tinebase JavaScript: client reloads without confirm on session timeout
* Tinebase JavaScript: Deal with empty values in numberfield
* Tinebase JavaScript: get rid of cryptoJS
* Tinebase JavaScript: increase js/lang and index caching
* Tinebase JavaScript: RecordPickerCombo set value fails if no element selected
* Tinebase JavaScript: show description is recordCombo pickers
* Tinebase JavaScript: support npm style package includes
* Tinebase JavaScript: uidtriggerfield isn\'t working correctly
* Tinebase JavaScript: use one version of lodash only
* Tinebase: only cache conf.d configs in RELEASE mode
* Tinebase: related records should be updateable during create
* Tinebase: use configured proxy for scheduled imports
* Fri Jan 27 2017 Upgraded to version 2016.0.7
* ActiveSync: AccessLog is flooded by ActiveSync Logins without correspondend Logout
* ActiveSync: quality of contact picture is degrading
* Addressbook: Add \"Saved in \" to column selection and in adressbook
* Addressbook: allow to configure nominatim http client proxy
* Admin: Delete user should not delete participating events
* CalDAV: add caldav sync token feature switch
* CalDAV: CalDAV - add synctoken support to Inbox
* CalDAV: CalDAV speedup for etag/content type property lookups
* CalDAV: caldav sync with thunderbird problem: replay action failed
* CalDAV: support property-update calendar-order
* Calendar: daysView calendar refresh removed currently editing event
* Calendar: empty validator in event edit dialog does not work
* Calendar: fix diverged displaycontainer of container owner
* Calendar: groupmember filter adds wrong attendee
* Calendar: iCal .ics file import fails
* Calendar: splitView drag create doesn\'t end if other view is focused
* Calendar: split view should not be enabled by default
* Calendar: Suppress resource notifictions should suppress ALL notifications
* CardDAV: handle empty ADR TYPE property
* Felamimail: Change signature to medium text
* Felamimail: Felamimail crashes when tried to set credentials for email account.
* Felamimail: message-id is not valid because of double brackets
* Felamimail: Preview panel hides main panel on low resolution displays
* Filemanager: can\'t move node to parent dir
* Filemanager: can\'t upload into other users container
* HumanResources: default feast_calendar not selectable
* HumanResources: Extrafreetime days can be negative
* HumanResources: Fix small issues with vacation datepicker
* HumanResources: supervisor not shown in grid
* HumanResources: vacation popup can\'t be closed
* Inventory: no german notation in Inventory / Buchhaltung / Price
* Inventory: property costcentre renamed to costcenter
* MailFiler: make html format the default for filed messages
* Sales: adds product (aggregate) filter to contracts
* Sales: fix needsInvoiceRecreation for TA with budget
* Setup: add useEmailAsUsername IMAP config option to setup
* Setup: bump app versions to 10.x
* Setup: compare schema of two tine dbs
* Setup: useEmailAsUsername IMAP config option not working for standard system accounts
* Setup: Zend_Cache_Backend_Redis: prevent redis exceptions on remove()
* Syncroton: catch database exceptions during sync loop
* Timetracker: change timeaccount of a timesheet breaks it\'s billable settings
* Timetracker: Don\'t shorten description in export
* Timetracker: Improve infopanel for timetracker
* TimeZoneConvert: update timezoneconvert to be php7 compatible
* Tinebase: add repair container owner cli fn and improve update script
* Tinebase: catch access denied exceptions when trying to fetch model config
* Tinebase: catch credential cache problems during scheduled import
* Tinebase: Clear numberfield default 0 on focus
* Tinebase: Fixing user deletion
* Tinebase: fix replace of attachments
* Tinebase: group column description too short
* Tinebase: improves (default) session save path handling
* Tinebase: introduce tree config structs
* Tinebase JavaScript: add modlog and customfield columns to Tasks grid
* Tinebase JavaScript: avoid line break in col headers
* Tinebase JavaScript: deleted container needs to be removed from \"recents\" in container selection combo
* Tinebase JavaScript: details panel might break edit-dialog save
* Tinebase JavaScript: don\'t apply small window sizes from state
* Tinebase JavaScript: eTag calculation for js/lang delivery fails
* Tinebase JavaScript: FF fails loading login page
* Tinebase JavaScript: fix generic details panel for current mc apps
* Tinebase JavaScript: fix horizontal scrolling for automatic editDialogs
* Tinebase JavaScript: generalize import/export and allow to configure via modelconfig
* Tinebase JavaScript: implement generic details panel
* Tinebase JavaScript: replace jsb2k with webpack
* Tinebase JavaScript: show record in import failure grid
* Tinebase JavaScript: support field dependent automatic editDialogs
* Tinebase JavaScript: was missing after build
* Tinebase JavaScript: use code-splitting for less frequent used js libs
* Tinebase JavaScript: use run right as fallback if app has no view right
* Tinebase: ldap sync: do not remove users with same login name
* Tinebase: re-use of WebDAV and ActiveSync access logs not working
* WebDAV: WebDAV - SyncToken - check if synctoken is valid
* Fri Jan 27 2017 Upgraded to version 2016.09.7
* Packages expressomail, requesttracker and sipgate are no longer supported
* The complete changelog can be found at:
* Thu Dec 08 2016 Upgraded to version 2016.09.6
* Calender: empty validator in event edit dialog does not work - #12354
* Calender: daysView calendar refresh removed currently editing event - #0012348
* Calender: split view should not be enabled by default: #12360
* Tinebase: Tinebase_Application::getModelsOfAllAplications
* Tinebase: Tests: - Tinebase clear dangling data tests
* Tinebase: Tinebase_Numberable: adding free() implementation
* Timetracker: skip test
* Phone: fix update script for phone_history
* Phone: Setup - fix update_2
* Sales: purchase invoice description column too short: #12358
* MailFiler: tags not working: #12370
* MailFiler: flag filter not working (PGSQL): #12372
* MailFiler: can\'t move node to parent dir: #12376, #12378
* MailFiler: multipart mails with attachments are not shown correctly: #12384
* MailFiler: allow to forward mail nodes with attachments: #12392
* MailFiler: fix mailfiler actions: #12388
* Revert \"0012316: change timeaccount of a timesheet breaks it\'s billable settings\"
* Thu Nov 24 2016 removed tine20-issue11832-disable-sync-token.patch- Upgraded to version 2016.09.5
* 0012340: [Felamimail] Incorrect validation of recipient mail address (\"Invalid address format\")
* 0012324: [Other] Since upgrading from 2016.09.2 to 2016.09.4 the \"tine20.php --method Tinebase.triggerAsyncEvents\" fails
* 0012308: remove \"(null)\" from contact getTitle if email is null
* 0012310: gracefull fallback if custom field definition is missing/broken
* 0011470: Tine 2.0 creates additional container when importing stick to interface
* 0012066: Existing Event cannot be modified when it exists in a deleted
* fix scheduledImport failcount feature
* 0011986: Default Calender in Preferences reset to personal
* 0012316: change timeaccount of a timesheet breaks it\'s billable settings
* Addressbook - Ldap Sync Backend - added mozilla ab schema fields
* Tinebase - CLI - cleanCustomFields / Notes
* Addressbook Sync Backend - cli + catch error
* Addressbook - Ldap Sync Backend - update: implement diff
* Setup - create setup user - fixed ldap plugin handling
* Addressbook Backend Sync Ldap - exclude uid / dn from diff
* 0012328: birthday in ldap breaks login/user sync
* 0012302: fix controller tests with PGSQL (skipped)
* fix setting caching backendOptions
* 0012306: allow custom setup initialize hooks
* fix custom favicon in app tab panel
* Revert \"0012292: check and show invalid email addresses before sending mail\"
* removes duplicate _createCustomField() in tests
* 0012276: LDAP addressbook sync
* 0012312: pgsql text filters should be case insensitive
* uit variable was renamed
* Merge branch \'2015.11-develop\' into 2016.11
* 0012318: deactivated invoice module breaks timesheet grid and filters
* only put setupuser in config if created successfully
* fixes merge failure in ScheduledImport
* skip some tests that require invoices module feature
* 0012300: add container owner column
* allow apps without own js, lang and css files
* fix sambaad build
* 0012330: fix inventory price column alter table for pgsql
* 0011736: SQLSTATE: Syntax error or access violation: is to long
* improves uninstall applications
* 0011366: support privacyIdea authentication
* fixes createTable function call in ADB updates
* 0012262: remove quoting fromforwarded rfc822 attachment names
* adds Deutsches Museum to CREDITS
* fixes createTable function call in ADB updates #2
* container table version has increased
* 0012336: php-redis prevents installation of Inventory
* 0012338: add more output for clean CFs and Notes CLI fns
* moves tine/.gitignore to main .gitignore
* 0012334: catch and repair json encode errors in Tinebase_Server_Json
* 0012222: customfields with space in name are not shown
* 0012342: cli function for truncating email cache
* adds another assertion for messages
* 0012352: only allow integer numbers for customer number
* improve webdav container tree logging
* allow to include user sync hook from include_path
* 0012280: Add Industries to Contact
* 0011736: SQLSTATE: Syntax error or access violation: is to long
* keep copy translations
* 0012268: update script for calendar import definitions
* 0012292: check and show invalid email addresses before sending mail
* Fri Nov 11 2016 Upgraded to version 2016.09.4
* New: Event Application
* New: Favorites for timeaccounts
* 0012292: check and show invalid email addresses before sending mail set app name in MailFiler_Model_Node
* 0012136: support port and enable ssl using ldap
* 0012296: no longer disable HR if feast days cal is deleted
* 0009292: Filemanager Custom Fields not saved
* 0012182: item price is not saved
* improves setPW test with complex pw
* 0012298: add new Events application
* 0011688: fix line end encoding in attachments
* 0011720: ActiveSync stopped working when signed/encrypted S/MIME Mails are sent
* 0012138: Favorites for timeaccounts
* 0012288: improve user feedback for file messages action
* 0012258: Tinebase/Mail.php::convertFromTextToHTML exhausts memory
* only syncContactData on webclient login
* support apps without own models
* only syncContactData on webclient login (fixed)
* Tinebase - Advanced Search - improve filter performance
* 0012290: ics import: support deletion of no longer existing events
* 0011992: Selected e-mail-address is unusable
* 0011054: Problems with ScheduledImport of external ics calendars
* fix import job execution frequency- Upgraded to version 2016.09.3
* Calendar: .ics import should import attendees
* Calendar: .ics import yearly
* Calendar: Import Calender fails
* MailFiler: create new MailFiler application
* Tinebase: PHP Fatal Error after upgrade in CustomField.php
* Thu Oct 20 2016 Upgraded to version 2016.09.2
* Calendar: support caldav sync token
* Felamimail: Email attachments are suddenly limited in size
* Felamimail: Fehlermeldung bei schicken von großen Anhängen per E-Mail
* Filemanager: save emails in filemanager
* Filemanager: User managed to destroy folder structure
* MailFiler: create new MailFiler application
* Timetracker: Simply assign a predefined tag by one click to timesheets
* Tinebase: Factor2Authentication via Yubikey
* Tinebase JavaScript: support custom placement custom fields
* Tinebase: support privacyIdea authentication
* Mon Sep 19 2016 Manually remove old Zend symlik because rpm doesn\'t handle that correctly- Fixed php dependency
* Sat Sep 17 2016 Upgraded to version 2016.09.1
* Felamimail: allow self signed certificates for imap tls
* Setup: Extend LDAP configuration options in Setup
* Setup: Extend setup to support configuration of ssl port and enable ssl for authentication using ldap
* Setup: update app versions to 10.0
* Setup: Zend_Cache_Backend_Redis: prevent redis exceptions on load()
* Syncroton: update syncroton to 1.3.1
* Tinebase: Tine 2.0 dependencies are raising php min level to 5.5- Disabled synctoken as it does not work: tine20-issue11832-disable-sync-token.patch
* Thu Aug 11 2016 Upgraded to version 2016.03.5
* CalDAV: Unknow client: Caldav Synchronizer
* Expressomail: Fixes and improvements for Expressomail
* Felamimail: Decouple Tinebase_EmailUser backend from Felamimail
* Other: Update ExpressoLite client for 20160518 release
* Packaging: create dedicated ubuntu 16.04 xenial debs
* Packaging: Packages in composer.json missing
* Tinebase: run \"composer update\"
* Tinebase: Windows aren\'t opened centered on second monitory
* Translations: update translations
* Unittests: Update to Phing 2.6.2 when released- Upgraded to version 2016.03.4
* Setup: setup.php (webbased) \"accept conditions\"-dialog broken now
* Setup: terms and conditions writing misstake
* CalDAV: Merge SOGO integrator changes- Do no longer require the external Zend-Framework as tine uses a modified version
* Mon Aug 08 2016 Fixed two bugs in tine20-asyncrunner
* Thu Jun 16 2016 Upgraded to version 2016.03.3
* CalDAV: Tine 2.0 blocks emClient 7 (lab-at-nohl) - resolved.
* Felamimail: credential cache decode fails sometimes
* Felamimail: Felamimail crashes when tried to set credentials for email account.
* Felamimail: Felamimail reply, forward or reply-all broken for most emails
* Felamimail: SMTP user set without domain while using Postfix Ldap (qmail schema) in setup
* Filemanager: can\'t create new folder
* Setup: setup.php wird nicht geladen: PHP-Pfad falsch?
* Thu Apr 21 2016 Upgraded to version 2016.03.2
* Calendar: broken daysView after hidden background refresh
* Calendar: __clone method called on non-object in /usr/share/tine20/Calendar/Controller/Event.php on line 482
* Filemanager: can\'t create new folder
* Timetracker: multi-update is not working for timesheets
* Tinebase: CLI Function Tinebase.clearTable not working
* Tinebase JavaScript: FF border bellow appTabs to big
* Tinebase: PHP 7 can\'t decode empty JSON-strings- Removed tine20-2016.03.00-0011702-clone-method-called-on-non-object-rrule_co.patch
* Fri Apr 01 2016 Added tine20-2016.03.00-0011702-clone-method-called-on-non-object-rrule_co.patch from upstream which fixes the problem described in
* Thu Mar 17 2016 Remove seperate tine20-ZendFramework and use the system\'s default ZendFramework- Upgraded to version 2016.03.1
* Addressbook: Add unit tests for new list feature
* Addressbook: allow list customfields and add list type
* Addressbook: allow to set group member roles
* Addressbook: fire event when list has changed
* Addressbook: use default contact picker with search combo for list members
* Admin: deactivated user is removed from group when group is saved
* CalDAV: caldav sync with thunderbird problem: replay action failed
* Calendar: add calendar doc export
* Calendar: add config for visible hours in day|week sheet view
* Calendar: add export functionality to gui
* Calendar: add full screen mode
* Calendar: add relations and custom fields to calendar resources
* Calendar: add rrule constraints
* Calendar: Copy Event to clipboard and paste not working
* Calendar: Localisation issues: preferences for calendar start day and time format
* Calendar: Optionally Deny Resource Overbooking
* Calendar: Single Event printable
* CardDAV: make CardDAV image size configurable
* CoreData: add list roles to CoreData + Addressbook
* CoreData: add new CoreData application
* CoreData: move cal resources to core data
* CRM: apply new config concept to CRM
* Expressodriver: Some fixes for Expressodriver
* Expressomail: Update Expressomail to 0.6 version
* Felamimail: Images in Emails are not being displayed.
* Felamimail: improve mailvelope integration
* Felamimail: Parse UTF-8 from header correctly
* Felamimail: use mailvelope API if available
* Inventory: record images as attachment / Inventory images
* Other: Update ExpressoLite client for 20151221 release
* Packaging: adjust packaging to changes in file
* Setup: Unable to enter setup.php after update to newes version
* Tinebase: add \"path\" filter for records
* Tinebase: add state to relation panel
* Tinebase: allow more than one tine 2.0 instance in one database
* Tinebase: allow to sort shared containers
* Tinebase: avoid dead/outdated dependencies
* Tinebase: degree configuration is mixed up in UI
* Tinebase: Feature: SMTP Backend handling \"simpleMail\" and other LDAP schemata (lab-at-nohl) - resolved.
* Tinebase: improve concurrent update check performance
* Tinebase JavaScript: separate application main screens
* Tinebase: support adding relation on multi updates
* Tinebase: update RELEASENOTES for Egon
* Tinebase: Update to latest ZF1
* Translations: update translations
* Thu Dec 03 2015 Upgraded to version 2015.07.7
* ActiveSync: unable to add new activesync-devices in tine20
* CalDAV: caldav sync with thunderbird stopped working
* Calendar: group attendee notifications raise error
* Calendar: support caldav sync token- Removed patch tine20-fix-SyncToken.php.patch
* Mon Nov 23 2015 Added patch tine20-fix-SyncToken.php.patch to fix issue #11450
* Thu Nov 19 2015 Upgraded to version 2015.07.6
* Admin: generic application settings dialog for saving config values
* Calendar: support caldav sync token
* Felamimail: Update8.4 fails on MySQL < 5.5
* Other: A mobile client for Tine 2.0
* Other: Fix composer order for Zend Framework 1
* Packaging: Debian / Ubuntu: depend on virtual-mysql-server instead of mysql-server
* Setup: LDAP sync should delete contacts
* Setup: remove relations + modlog if app is uninstalled
* Timetracker: Use check_grants to block editing of timesheets of closed Timeaccount
* Tinebase: add maintenance mode
* Tinebase JavaScript: completely remove flash from extjs
* Tinebase: Tinebase.purgeDeletedRecords fails
* Translations: push/pull transifex- Removed tine20-php5.3.8-comaptibility.patch; lost php 5.3.8- compatibility.- Do not include some binary files from sabre
* Thu Oct 22 2015 Upgraded to version 2015.07.5
* Addressbook: add module view for lists in addressbook
* Calendar: ics-scheduled import only imports 1 remote calendar
* CRM: send mail on lead import to responsibles
* Felamimail: add index account_id + folder_id + messageuid to messages table
* Felamimail: Attachments in draft converted to rfc-822 attachment
* Felamimail: attachments in forwarded messages (avoid .eml)
* Felamimail: Attachments in templates converted to rfc-822 attachment
* Felamimail: gmail can\'t open attachments of forwarded mails
* Felamimail: show a tine20 icon on each message which was written in tine20
* Filemanager: count anonymous downloads (via link)
* Filemanager: mime-type lost after detail update
* Sales: Add Payment Methods
* Sales: invoices update mechanism
* Setup: First Configuration fails after Installation
* Setup: support backup and restore via cli
* Tinebase: add own_id index to relations table
* Tinebase: cleanup script for relations of removed records
* Tinebase: improve cache cleaning after LDAP sync
* Tinebase: keep both records if duplicates are within current import file
* Tinebase: multiple destinations in csv import mapping
* Tinebase: New version notification should not be visible to users
* Tinebase: Plugin system for filters
* Tinebase: prune tine20 history
* Tinebase: repair function for persistent filters (favorites) without grants
* Tinebase: use php session.save_handler ini setting if available
* Thu Sep 17 2015 Upgraded to version 2015.07.4
* Addressbook: Addressbook_Model_Contact::__set function should validate org_name + lastname
* Addressbook: allow contacts without org/family name
* Addressbook: Translate salutation in xls export
* CalDAV: Calendars with read etc access are not synced to OX X Calendar Mac OS X
* Calendar: Accepting (some, likely external) calendar events results in database error when using Postgres
* Calendar: Calender print shows only time range 0-11 o\'clock
* Calendar: Create a Event in Month View is not possible
* Calendar: increase size of event fields summary and location
* Calendar: Make resource notification handling and default status configurable
* Calendar: resource invitation: organizer receives no mail if he is no attendee
* Calendar: special subject for booked resources
* Calendar: Update all day event with \"this and future\" hides last event in old series
* Calendar: When creating a new event with Split View, Calendar owner does not appear with status \"Accepted\" (jeferson.miranda) - resolved.
* CardDAV: Fetch Exception when Client tries to delete system folder
* CRM: automatically add task for responsible person on lead import
* Expressodriver: New application Expressodriver: filemanager with WebDAV backend
* Expressomail: Can not use Expressomail
* Expressomail: Expressomail: Interface not found
* Felamimail: standard Email settings not used in Elena (version 07.2+3)
* Sales: add price gross for purchase invoices
* Tinebase: 0011250: Registry function containsKey does not work in Firefox
* Tinebase: add \"not\" and \"not in\" operators to container filter
* Tinebase: can\'t upload files when upload_max_filesize is given in GB
* Tinebase: ChangeAccount fails when user logged in via SSO / loginFromPost
* Tinebase: Feature: SMTP Backend handling \"simpleMail\" and other LDAP schemata
* Tinebase: LDAP sync: contact image is not updated
* Tinebase: prevent parallel cli execution on multiple servers
* Tinebase: tag filter returns wrong counts
* WebDAV: optimize getGroupmemberships in Principalbackend
* WebDAV: support ATTENDEE in OSX 10.10- removed obsolete tine20-0011230-Expressomail-Interface.patch
* Tue Aug 25 2015 Use Zend-Framework distributed by tine20, as a mixture of older and newer version is required. Automatically un-install the old package- Refactored and renamed the delivered scripts. Removed file not longer needed.- The packaging proces is now using the original sources- Don\'t check the java version
* Fri Aug 14 2015 Upgraded to version 2015.07.3
* Admin: setup.php --create_admin failed with segmentation fault
* CalDAV: After upgrade to 2015.07.2: Exception in Pdo.php
* Calendar: Accepting events from attendee grid does not work
* Calendar: Davdroid support for calendar
* Calendar: multiple bugs in calendar js
* Felamimail: Mail application with IMAP direct access
* Other: Improvement of file
* Setup: Setup logout destroy credential cache
* Tinebase: extend caching of Tinebase_Container functions
* Tinebase: Update and decoupling of digital certificate implementation
* Tinebase: Zend_Filter_Empty can not be loaded by Zend_Loader_PluginLoader- Upgraded to version 2015.07.2
* Calendar: handle bad originator timzone in VCALENDAR converter
* Calendar: recur events with missing displaycontainer_id
* Calendar: recur exceptions lose history
* Calendar: resolveGrantsOfExternalOrganizers $event->organizer non-object
* Calendar: UID can be duplicate
* Calendar: Use Organizer view for events as default
* Filemanager: big files can\'t be uploaded
* Phone: Snom Webserver Backend: Unable to read response, or response is empty
* Setup: can\'t activate TLS for LDAP connections
* Setup: Extend LDAP configuration options in Setup
* Setup: LDAP sync should delete contacts
* Setup: LDAP with secure connection (TLS) not available
* Setup: start TLS combobox in LDAP settings is broken
* Timetracker: Allow to close timeaccounts by context menu
* Tinebase: allow to lock preferences for individual users
* Tinebase: Cannot login since upgrade to Koriander
* Tinebase: fix non-autoincrement integer id column for pgsql
* Tinebase: Fix static call to method
* Tinebase JavaScript: Allow DurationSpinner.js to exceed 24h limitation
* Tinebase: LDAP auth: user without Tinebase permissions is able to login
* Tinebase: Ldap plugin error: no user object found
* Tinebase: Renaming a group is actually not renaming the group in ldap
* Tinebase: secondaryDomains are static if Tine 2.0 configures SMTP/LDAP
* WebDAV: optimize getGroupmemberships in Principalbackend
* Thu Jul 02 2015 Upgraded to version 2015.07.1
* ActiveSync: Attachments in synced emails can\'t be downloaded
* ActiveSync: Foldermapping ActiveSync funktioniert nicht
* ActiveSync: \"Private field\" for calendar events doesn\'t sync using ActiveSync
* Calendar: Calendar sheet year view
* Calendar: Events from external organizers are not visible in calendar
* Calendar: Make more readable condition to get deleted records
* Calendar: Prevent user edit external organizer events
* Calendar: Split View + Month View kills the whole view
* CRM: keep both leads when duplicate is detected
* CRM: remove flash pie charts
* Sales: popup window error ins some modules
* Setup: update all applications to 9.0
* Tinebase: Active Directory as User Backend
* Tinebase: Open_basedir error- Removed obsolete patch: tine20-no-searches-in-test-path.patch
* Fri May 29 2015 Upgraded to version 2014.09.12
* Admin: don\'t treat expired user as disabled
* CalDAV: Cannot accept invitation to meeting when organiser email is too long
* Calendar: don\'t show external imip events in shared calendars
* Calendar: Fix event conversion of CANCELLED status
* Calendar: Uncaught TypeError when saving items
* Calendar: VEVENT converter: fix timezone handling for all day events
* Felamimail: Hinzufügen von E-Mail Konten
* Filemanager: Folder structure is displayed incorrectly
* Sales: property \'Product\' of undefined
* Setup: Dovecot MySQL SSHA512 password too long
* Tinebase: Cron job not working any more: getDispatchServer returns NULL
* Tinebase: failed scheduled imports stop async job
* Tinebase: Frequent messages because autoloader can not load LICENSE/Config.php and PRIVACY/Config.php
* Tinebase JavaScript: MessageBox \"Session invalid\" occurs if Browser is closed without logout in the last Session
* Tinebase: Ldap plugin error: no user object found
* Tinebase: Modules get disabled every now and then
* Tinebase: No such windowType
* Tinebase: Search for CustomField type \"keyField\" does not work
* Tinebase: setting the locale on login screen throws errors
* Translations: Language selector in Loginpage not working
* Thu Apr 30 2015 Added upstream patch tine20-0010998-LICENSE_and_PRIVACY_were_loaded_as_plugin.patch to prevent lots of log messages
* Thu Apr 30 2015 Upgraded to version 2014.09.10
* ActiveSync: update script for android 5.0 / lollipop devices
* Admin: LDAP plain password not possible
* Calendar: introduce calendar split view
* CardDAV: DavDROID does can\'t save contacts
* CardDAV: shrink contact images for vcards
* Felamimail: .eml attachments can\'t be opened
* Filemanager: Filemanager Edit Dialog is broken
* Setup: Setup DNS name limit
* Timetracker: Adding timesheets results in fatal error for some users
* Tinebase: Create input field to theme configuration
* Tinebase: filter record relations should not be resolved
* Tinebase: IE9/11: User interface reloads permanently
* Tinebase: improve caching (in memory/persistent/apc)
* Tinebase JavaScript: MessageBox \"Session invalid\" occurs if Browser is closed without logout in the last Session
* Tinebase: load additional config from conf.d
* Translations: transifex push / pull- Fixed old typo in tine20-translation.patch- Don\'t lookup for libraries in not existing test paths
* Thu Mar 26 2015 Added tine20-Timesheet-fix-10894.patch to allow all users update their calendars
* Thu Mar 26 2015 Upgraded to version 2014.09.9
* ActiveSync: language preference is changed by ActiveSync clients to \'en\'
* ActiveSync: update script for android 5.0 / lollipop devices
* CalDAV: private flag not working in iOS / OSX
* Calendar: Frozen whole day events
* CRM: lead import
* Projects: No actions on Projects possible since 2014.09.7
* Tinebase: add monitoring cli function for active users
* Tinebase: Calendar application gets disabled continuously
* Tinebase: Fatal error: Class Tinebase_EmailUser_Smtp_Standard contains 3 abstract methods
* Tinebase: fix non-autoincrement integer id column for pgsql
* Tinebase JavaScript: every popup window triggers survey check
* Tinebase: Upon login the recommendation to the already installed version appears at each log-in- PHP Version is now 5.3.7+
* Tue Feb 17 2015 Upgraded to version 2014.09.8
* ActiveSync: activesync device management
* ActiveSync: Activesync no longer functions correctly with android 5.0 / lollipop --> gmail, contacts and calendar are empty
* Addressbook: Import contacts using merge mine
* CalDAV: Latest GIT breaks some Cal/CardDAV stuff - iPhone/Thunderbird/KDE
* Calendar: Modal Window: Mute Notification Buttons Stacks if reopen
* Calendar: Print header breaks all day events
* CRM: contact relation is not saved correctly when new lead is created
* CRM: quicksearch should search in related records
* CRM: Sort leads by status and source
* Sales: set product lifespan
* Setup: Setup does not allow to accept terms and conditions
* Tinebase: add feature switches for easy enabling/disabling of features
* Tinebase: add \"use personal tags\" right to all applications
* Tinebase: allow to filter for foreign records with \"not\" operator
* Tinebase: defining a key-value costumfield breaks addressbook
* Tinebase: locale preference should not be checked in every request
* Tinebase: use current grid sort in exports- Removed old upstream patches
* Tue Jan 20 2015 Added a patch to resolve a Activesync/Android 4.0 issue (#10520)- Added a patch to fix CalDAV/CardDAV issue with latest tine20 (#10198)
* Fri Jan 09 2015 Upgraded to version 2014.09.7
* Tinebase: new notes dialog conflicts with felamimail
* Tinebase: update RELEASENOTES for Koriander
* Thu Jan 08 2015 Upgraded to version 2014.09.6
* ActiveSync: CLI function for resetting sync on devices
* CalDAV: CalDAV / CardDav stopped working after Koriander update
* Calendar: Dates with annual repetition can not be saved
* Calendar: load event relations on demand
* Calendar: yearly event is not shown in week view
* Courses: create default department (school) on Courses installation
* Courses: Fix for groups in active directory is broken
* Courses: maximal username length
* Courses: Shorten Usernames
* Felamimail: Tld with more than 4 letter in Webmail as receipt address
* Sales: fix failing tests in Sales_JsonTest (user is not resolved)
* Tinebase JavaScript: always show tags in edit dialog
* Tinebase: LDAP user sync needs to set creation time
* Tinebase: user contact email is not updated during LDAP sync
* Mon Dec 01 2014 Upgraded to version 2014.09.5
* Admin: add modlog information to Accounts and Groups
* Other: Error message in e-mail every hour
* Sales: updating postal address fails due concurrency conflict
* Setup: startup not working because DB is not initialized yet (redis)
* Setup: Update von Version: Collin (2013.10.7) auf Koriander schlägt fehl. SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column
* Tinebase: Remove password from log
* Translations: grants/permissions strings are not translated in edit filter dialog
* Translations: update translations
* Thu Nov 13 2014 Upgraded to version 2014.09.3, 2014.09.4
* ActiveSync: ActiveSync doesn\'t work (http user agent session validator)
* ActiveSync: Exdate update does not update seq of base event / container content_seq
* ActiveSync: require Syncroton 1.1.0
* ActiveSync: E-Mail sync stopped to work
* CalDAV: Allow caldav updates for OSX 10.10 ical
* CalDAV: create synced events even if the id already exists
* CalDAV: Kein CalDAV Änderungen mit in MacOSX 10.10
* Calendar: adopt Calendar_Controller_EventTests::testAdoptAlarmTimeOfYearlyEvent
* Calendar: allow to ignore data when importing ics
* Calendar: attendee filter grid breaks: Cannot read property \'getElementsByTagName\' of undefined
* Calendar: cli script for comparing calendars
* Calendar: cli script for repairing attendee
* Calendar: could not delete resource if resource container already got deleted
* Calendar: displaycontainer events are not shown when single calendar is clicked
* Calendar: Fail to intelligent add resources to an new entry
* Calendar: report script for acknowledged alarms
* Calendar: Status-change of attendees in events | Status von Teilnehmern ändern
* Filemanager: Publish
* Inventory: Inventory_Import_CsvTest::testImportOfCSVWithHook fails sometimes
* Other: user access_log handling
* Packaging: error in tine20.log after update to 2014.09.2
* Phone: saving phone settings / connect to asterisk should close session writing
* Sales: setup.php --update should not require a user/password
* Tinebase: access log record could not be found on logout
* Tinebase: add repair script for groups without list_ids
* Tinebase: CLI script for repairing containers
* Tinebase: save access log / client information when acknowledging alarm
* Tinebase: Security: Remove password from scheduled import log
* Tinebase: use lazy loading to access credential cache
* Unittests: add tests for new access log & session management & login handling- Removed upstream patches- Fixed download path
* Thu Nov 13 2014 Added patch which prevents from questing a password during the update
* Mon Oct 20 2014 Fixed packaging error; failure has been fixed upstream- Updated managed: ActiveSync could not be updated when previous update failed
* Fri Oct 17 2014 Async module must now be downloaded using https
* Fri Oct 17 2014 Removed patch for larger caldav-sync frame as this is configurable now
* Thu Oct 16 2014 Upgraded to version 2014.09.2
* ActiveSync: Calendar sync does not work if there is a wrong configured mail account
* Addressbook: add cli function for deleting autogenerated contacts
* Addressbook: cli command for removing autogenerated contacts
* Addressbook: getPreferedEmailAddress() of lists
* Addressbook: Import Conflict Window is broken
* Admin: edit user does not accept email address with new \".cologne\" top level domain
* Admin: loginname generating functions break Umlaute
* Admin: Undefined value in user edit dialog
* CalDAV: Latest GIT breaks some Cal/CardDAV stuff - iPhone/Thunderbird/KDE
* Calendar: Adding calendar sources via CalDAV
* Calendar: improve calendar performance by reducing the number of recurring events fetched
* Calendar: today is marked on every month
* Calendar: Updating fails due to conversion problem
* CRM: Add source (leadsource_id) field to filter
* CRM: Show Expected Turnover as currency
* Felamimail: Anchors get converted
* Felamimail: do not send unused config data to client
* Filemanager: Update using PGSQL backend fails
* Packaging: deb: allow to use alternative php5-mysqlnd
* Sales: Billables won\'t be set billed on clearing an invoice
* Sales: Make Billing dependent on Products
* Sales: Price Gross should be rounded up
* Sales: Render volumes as GB
* Sales: Show costcenter in grid
* Setup: SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name \'conjunction\'
* TimeZoneConvert: Event invitation email is not rendered as expected
* Tinebase: Refactoring of login methods
* Tinebase: Refactoring of session management
* Tinebase: Tinebase record resolving
* Unittests: Tinebase test calls method non-existent
* Voipmanager: Allow to configure canreinvite of Sip-Peers