Changelog for rabbitmq-server-plugins-3.13.7-222.11.i586.rpm :
* Fri Sep 13 2024 Ana Guerrero - Update to 3.13.7 see https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/releases/tag/v3.13.7- Update to 3.13.6 see https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/releases/tag/v3.13.6- Update to 3.13.5 see https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/releases/tag/v3.13.5- Update to 3.13.4 see https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/releases/tag/v3.13.4- Update to 3.13.3 see https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/releases/tag/v3.13.2- Update to 3.13.2 see https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/releases/tag/v3.13.2 * Tue Apr 16 2024 Simon Lees - Update to 3.13.1 * Highlights Khepri now can be used as an alternative schema data store in RabbitMQ, replacing Mnesia MQTTv5 support Support for consumer-side stream filtering A new common message container format used internally, based on the AMQP 1.0 message format Improved classic non-mirrored queue performance with message sizes larger than 4 KiB (or a different customized CQ index embedding threshold) Classic queues storage implementation version 2 (CQv2) is now highly recommended for all new deployments. CQv2 meaningfully improves performance of non-mirrored classic queues for most workloads * Fixes bsc#1222591 * Tue Feb 06 2024 Dominique Leuenberger - Provide user/group for RPM 4.19 (boo#1219532). * Sat Jan 06 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 3.12.11: * Quorum queue declared when one of cluster nodes was down could trigger connection exceptions. * Avoids a rare exception that could stop TCP socket writes on a client connection. * `queue_deleted` and `queue_created` internal events now include queue type as a module name, and not an inconsistent (with the other queue and stream types) value `classic`. * Definition files that are virtual host-specific cannot be imported on boot. Such files will now be detected early and the import process will terminate after logging a more informative message. * Several AMQP 1.0 application properties are now more correctly converted to AMQP 0-9-1 headers by cross-protocol Shovels. * The priority property now populates an AMQP 1.0 header with the same name, per AMQP 1.0 spec. * Metric label values now escape certain non-ASCII characters. * Avoids an exception when an MQTT client that used a QoS 0 subscription reconnects and its original connection node is down. * Avoids an exception when an MQTT client connection was force- closed via the HTTP API. * Certain CLI commands could not be run in a shell script loop, unless the script explicitly redirected standard input. * `rabbitmq-diagnostics cluster_status` now responds much quicker when a cluster node has gone down, were shut down, or otherwise has become unreachable by the rest of the cluster. * Reverted a change to `DELETE /api/queues/{vhost}/{name}` that allowed removal of exclusive queues and introduced unexpected side effects. * `DELETE /api/policies/{vhost}/{policy}` returned a 500 response instead of a 404 one when target virtual host did not exist. * Avoid log noise when an HTTP API request is issued against a booting or very freshly booted node. * HTTP API endpoints that involves contacting multiple nodes now respond much quicker when a cluster node has gone down, were shut down, or otherwise has become unreachable by the rest of the cluster * Definition exported for just one virtual host cannot be imported at node boot time. * Now such files are detected early with a clear log message and immediate node boot process termination. * To obtain source code of the entire distribution, please download the archive named `rabbitmq-server-3.12.11.tar.xz` instead of the source tarball produced by GitHub. * Sun Dec 17 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 3.12.10: * Avoids two Shovels being started after an upgrade from 3.12.6 or older versions. * When a topic permission was deleted, an internal event of type permission.deleted was emitted in some cases, instead of topic.permission.deleted. * Shovels on 3.12.8 nodes failed during a rolling cluster upgrade due to internal identifier format changes. * Avoids an unnecessary warning in the logs. * avoids a potential exception in the autoheal partition handler. * raft.segment_max_entries is now validated to prevent the value from overflowing its 16-bit segment file field. Maximum supported value is now 65535. * Sun Oct 29 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 3.12.7: * Stream replication connections configured to use exclusively TLSv1.3 failed. * On startup, stream replicas will handle one more potential case of segment file corruption after an unclean shutdown. * `default_policies. *.queue_pattern` definition in `rabbitmq.conf` was incorrectly parsed. * Avoid log noise when inter-node connections frequently fail and recover. * Optimized stream index scans. Longer scans could result in some replicas stopping with a timeout. * Classic queue storage version is now a supported key for operator policies. * Queue length limit overflow behavior now can be configured via operator policies. * Several `list_stream_ *` commands (available via both `rabbitmq-diagnostics` and `rabbitmq-streams`) commands now can display replica node in addition to other fields. * `rabbitmqctl add_user` now can accept a pre-generated salted password instead of a plain text password, both as a positional argument and via standard input: * Message consumption with the \"Nack message, requeue: true\" option did not actually requeue deliveries. * HTTP API request body size is now limited to 10 MiB by default. * Two endpoints, one that accepts messages for publishing (note: publishing over the HTTP API is greatly discouraged) * and another for definition import, * will now reject larger transfers with a `400 Bad Request` response. * `DELETE /api/queues/{vhost}/{name}` now can delete exclusive queues. * Key supported by operator policies are now grouped by queue type in the UI. * Improved data safety for confirms in environments where the plugin uses classic queues. * Avoid an exception when a not fully established MQTT-over- WebSockets connection terminated. * Recovery of bindings of durable queues bound to a transient JMS topic exchange failed. * Recovery of bindings of durable queues bound to a transient `x-modulo-hash` exchange failed. * Recovery of bindings of durable queues bound to a transient recent history exchange failed. * `osiris` has been upgraded to `1.6.9` * Queue recovery on node restart in certain conditions could run into an exception * `file_handle_cache` operations are now safer when handling non-existent keys. * Fixed a potential resource leak in at-least-once dead lettering from quorum queues. * AMQP 1.0 clients that try to publish in a way that results in the message not being routed anywhere are now notified with a more sensible settlement status. * Prometheus scraping API endpoints now support optional authentication. * The plugin now filters out values that are `undefined` or `NaN`, simply excluding them from the API endpoint response. Previously, if a metric was not computed for any reason (e.g. free disk space monitor was disabled on the node), its value could end up being rendered as `undefined` or `NaN`, two values that Prometheus scrapers cannot handle (for * The plugin will now enforce maximum STOMP frame size. Frames larger than that size will be rejected. The default maximum size is 4 MiB. It can be increased or decreased: * ``` ini * # increase maximum supported STOMP frame size to 10 MiB * stomp.max_frame_size = 10485760 * ``` * To reduce it from the default 4 MiB to 2 MiB: * ``` ini * # 2 MiB * stomp.max_frame_size = 2097152 * ``` * Shovel will gracefully stop when its destination (target) does not exist. * Such shovels will then be periodically restarted to retry. * It is now possible to opt in to deactivate file handle cache use in the plugin: * ``` ini * web_mqtt.use_file_handle_cache = false * ``` * It is now possible to opt in to deactivate file handle cache use in the plugin: * ``` ini * web_stomp.use_file_handle_cache = false * ``` * `ra` was upgraded to `2.6.3` * Declaration of a classic queue could run into an exception. * Classic queues v1 (CQv1) that had a backlog of messages stored by 3.9 and earlier versions could run into an exception during queue index recovery after an upgrade to 3.10.x or any later series. * Nodes that had a large number of quorum queues could observe accumulation of Erlang processes under significant load. * Feature flag discovery on a newly added node could discover an incomplete inventory of feature flags. * Feature flag discovery operations will now be retried multiple times in case of network failures. * Nodes in clusters that had quorum queues and non-mirrored classic queues on stopped (or failed) nodes could run into an exception. * The same exception could affect `rabbitmqctl list_queues`. * Proxy Protocol v2 LOCAL packets were not supported. * When a quorum queue does not find its local replica data files on boot, it will now log a warning. * An attempt to clear limits of a non-existent virtual host failed with a 500 status code. * The \"Queues\" tab in the UI was renamed to \"Queue and Streams\" to better reflect its contents. * New HTTP API endpoints for quorum queue replica management, equivalent to the `rabbitmq-queues` commands that manage replicas. * ``` * POST /api/queues/quorum/{vhost}/{name}/replicas/add * DELETE /api/queues/quorum/{vhost}/{name}/replicas/remove * POST /api/queues/quorum/replicas/on/{node}/grow * DELETE /api/queues/quorum/replicas/on/{node}/shrink * ``` * Stream client connections that authenticated using x.509 certificates failed. * Only set OAuth 2 client\'s CA certificate file setting when it is defined. * The plugin will now accept JWT tokens without a `scope`. Such tokens would only be useful when the plugin is used exclusively for authentication and not authorization. * `oauth2` is now an accepted alias for the OAuth 2 authentication and authorization backend: * ``` * auth_backends.1 = oauth2 * ``` * Previously the only option for OAuth 2 was using a full module name, `rabbit_auth_backend_oauth2`. * STOMP plugin log entries had an extra line feed character. * `ra` was upgraded to `2.6.2` * Tue Jul 18 2023 Matwey Kornilov - Improve erlang-rabbitmq-client Provides: The package provides two erlang applications: amqp_client and rabbit_common which are expected to be Required as erlang-%{appname} * Mon Jun 05 2023 Fusion Future - Update to 3.12.0 * Optimizations for both quorum and classic queues: improved throughput, lower throughput variability, lower latency, lower memory footprint * More mature and efficient implementation of (non-mirrored) classic queues v2 (CQv2) * Classic queue lazy and non-lazy modes no longer apply: classic queues v2 always behave very similarly * to the lazy mode in earlier release series: moving data to disk aggressively and only keeping a subset of data in memory * Significantly reduced MQTT and Web MQTT memory footprint per connection * OAuth 2, OIDC, IDP support * Even more configurability of the OAuth 2 plugin- More bugfixes and enhancements: https://www.rabbitmq.com/changelog.html * Wed Nov 09 2022 Fusion Future - Update to 3.11.3 + Core Server * Stream unsubscription leaked metric counters. * Stream could become unavailable in certain node or network failure scenarios. * It is now possible to pre-configure virtual host limits for groups of virtual hosts. * Quorum queue replicas no longer try to contact their unreachable peers for metrics. + CLI Tools * rabbitmq-diagnostics status now handles server responses where free disk space is not yet computed. * All enabled (explicitly or as a dependency) plugins are scanned. * rabbitmq-diagnostics memory_breakdown now returns results much faster in environments with a large number of quorum queues. * Wed Oct 26 2022 Dominique Leuenberger - Update to version 3.10.10: + Core Server * Partially reverts an unsafe inter-node communication optimization that could affect classic mirrored queue operation ordering. * Classic mirrored queue leader replica issued to much credit to follower replicas, resulting in an uneven load and memory footprint between them. * Intra-cluster communication link metric collector could run into an exception when peer connection has just been re-established, e.g. after a peer node restart. + MQTT Plugin * When a node was put into maintenance mode, it closed all MQTT client connections cluster-wide instead of just local client connections.- For updates between 3.10.5 and 3.10.9, please see https://www.rabbitmq.com/changelog.html * Sat Jun 18 2022 Fusion Future - Update to 3.10.5 * Quorum queue could run into an exception when dead lettering a message under certain conditions.- Changes from 3.10.4 * Avoid seeding default user in old clusters that still use the deprecated management.load_definitions option. * Streams could run into an exception or fetch stale stream position data in some scenarios. * rabbitmqctl set_log_level did not have any effect on logging via amq.rabbitmq.log * Sat May 21 2022 Fusion Future - Update to 3.10.2 * Default log level used a four-character severity abbreviation instead of more common longer format, for example, warn instead of warning. * Fix CLI tools failed to run on Erlang 25 * Wed May 11 2022 Andreas Stieger - add upstream signing key and verify source signature * Sun May 08 2022 Fusion Future - Update to 3.10.0 * See https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/blob/v3.10.x/release-notes/3.10.0.md for the full changelog. * Potentially breaking changes - Messages delivered by a quorum queue and negatively acknowledged with a requeue will be added to the back of the queue until the queue has redelivery limit set. With a redelivery limit, requeueing will use the original position of the message if possible. - idle_since field now uses RFC 3339 format. * Fri Mar 25 2022 Fusion Future - Update to 3.9.14 * See https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/blob/v3.9.x/release-notes/3.9.14.md for the full changelog. * Build time compatibility with Elixir 1.13 (gh#rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server#4019) - Drop Elixir-1.13-OptionParser-no-longer-supports-atom-val.patch - Drop Support-Elixir-1.13.patch * Adapt to a breaking Erlang 24.3 LDAP client change. * Sat Feb 19 2022 Fusion Future - Add zsh BuildRequires to fix \"directories not owned by a package\" in zsh-completion. * Wed Jan 19 2022 Fusion Future - Update to 3.9.13 * Core Server Bug Fixes and Enhancements - Disk space monitor now correctly parses output on (at least some) systems where non-ASCII characters are used in paths. - Stream leader election is now deterministic when cluster is undergoing a rolling upgrade. - Queue and binding definition import can be delayed until a moment when at least N nodes (e.g. three) have joined the cluster.- Allow building with Elixir 1.13.x * Support-Elixir-1.13.patch * Elixir-1.13-OptionParser-no-longer-supports-atom-val.patch * Thu Jan 06 2022 Fusion Future - Update to 3.9.12 * See https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/blob/v3.9.x/release-notes/3.9.12.md for the full changelog. * Core Server Bug Fixes and Enhancements - (Fix) Authentication and authorization backend exceptions could potentially leak user-provided credentials to node log. - Unnamed parameters and policies in definition files will now be rejected as invalid. * Thu Dec 02 2021 Fusion Future - Update to 3.9.11 * Core Server Bug Fixes - When a TLS-enabled listener failed to stop, it logged all of its settings which could contain sensitive values. * Core Server Enhancements - Quorum queues now store commands for enqueued messages in a more compact format on disk (some derivative data has been dropped). - queue.declare-ok response to AMQP 0-9-1 clients operating on a stream could return a ready-for-delivery message count value that was out of sync with the stream leader replica. - Classic queues now deliver more efficiently on channels that had global QoS changed during consumer operation. * Prometheus Plugin Enhancements - New optional metrics provided by the GET /metrics/detailed endpoint. These metrics are cluster-wide, and therefore must not be aggregated. * Management Agent Plugin Enhancements - Disabling the plugin will stop metric collection performed periodically by queues, streams, connections, et cetera.- Changes in 3.9.10: * Core Server Bug Fixes - Make stream coordinator more defensive to rapid declaration and deletion cycles. * Core Server Enhancements - Several inter-node communication listener settings are now exposed to rabbitmq.conf: + distribution.listener.port_range.min = 25675 + distribution.listener.port_range.max = 25675 + distribution.listener.interface = * OAuth 2 Plugin Bug Fixes - Signing keys specified in rabbitmq.conf were not translated correctly, resulting in exceptions during permission checks.- Drop upstreamed patch * harden_rabbitmq-server.service.patch: https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/pull/3770 * Fri Nov 19 2021 Fusion Future - Update to 3.9.9: * Core Server Bug Fixes - Fixed an issue where node monitor could produce a false network partition when one of the cluster members was restarted. - Message store resiliency improvements. - Reduced log noise in certain scenarios where a new queue leader is elected. - Queue leader rebalancing now logs less. * Prometheus Plugin Bug Fixes - TLS-enabled Prometheus endpoint listener port was not correctly stored internally. * Management Plugin Bug Fixes - Persistent message count is now displayed correctly on individual queue pages. - Restore compatibility with IE 11. * Consistent Hashing Exchange Plugin Bug Fixes - Corrected deletion of duplicate bindings between an exchange and a queue. * Enhancements - Core Server: cluster_formation.target_cluster_size_hint is a new configuration setting that can be used to specify expected initial cluster size. - Prometheus Plugin: Metric rendering efficiency improvements (mostly latency).- Don\'t install the (now gone) OCF script.- Refreshed patch: * harden_rabbitmq-server.service.patch * Thu Oct 21 2021 Johannes Segitz - Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): * harden_rabbitmq-server.service.patch Modified: * rabbitmq-server.service * Wed Oct 20 2021 Fusion Future - Update to 3.9.8: * Core Server Bug Fixes - When the mandatory flag was used when publishing to classic queues, but publisher confirms were not, channels memory usage would grow indefinitely. - rabbitmq-diagnostics memory_breakdown failed to read memory of connection reader, writer and channel processes. - In some environments, Stream replicas advertised IP addresses that could not be reached by cluster peers. RabbitMQ node hostnames are now advertised as well so that other peers can resolve them to get an externally visible IP address. * Prometheus Plugin Enhancements - More data is exposed via the GET /metrics/detailed endpoint. * Management Plugin Bug Fixes - When setting topic permissions, the list of exchanges in the UI now honors the currently selected virtual host. * AWS Peer Discovery Plugin Enhancements - The plugin now logs more details for failed AWS API requests. * Web STOMP Plugin Enhancements - STOMP-over-WebSockets connections now can consume from streams. * Fri Sep 24 2021 Fusion Future - Update to 3.9.7: + All Components * All bytecode is now compiled using the +deterministic compiler flag. This should eliminate the capture of some irrelevant build environment attributes in produced artifacts, improve consistency between builds, and reduce the file level diff between release artifacts. + Core Server * Enhancements - Classic queue shutdown now uses a much higher timeout (up to 10 minutes instead of 30 seconds). - In environments with many queues (especially mirrored queues) and many consumers this means that the chance of queue indices rebuilding after node restart is now substantially lower. * Bug Fixes - Quorum queues no longer leak memory and disk space when a consumer is repeatedly added and cancelled on an empty queue. + Prometheus Plugin * Enhancements - More configurability for metrics exposed via the Prometheus endpoint. + Shovel Plugin * Bug Fixes - Shovel URIs could be logged with credentials in some scenarios. + Dependency Upgrades * observer_cli has been upgraded from 1.6.2 to 1.7.1 * Fri Sep 17 2021 Fusion Future - Update to 3.9.6: + Core Server * Bug Fixes - TLS information delivered in Proxy protocol header is now attached to connection metrics as if it was provided by a non-proxying client. - max_message_size had a one-off error in the validator. - mirroring_sync_batch_size was incorrectly validated as if it represented batch size in bytes. + Stream Plugin * Bug Fixes - Offset parameters were not stored correctly in some cases. - Partitions list order is now stable. - When stream clients close connections abruptly, publisher and consumer metrics get cleaned up correctly. + Management Plugin * Enhancements - Stream publishers are now listed on the individual stream page. - Counters have been added to the tiles of several sections on detail pages. + Dependency Upgrades * Osiris was upgraded to 1.2.0 * Ranch was upgraded to 2.1.0- Removes socat dependency from specs. (gh#rabbitmq/rabbitmq-packaging#8)- Fix rpmlint errors: * E: script-without-shebang for autocomplete scripts * E: dir-or-file-in-run /run/rabbitmq * Tue Sep 07 2021 Fusion Future - Update to 3.9.5: + Core Server * Bug Fixes - Virtual host metadata (description, tags) was not imported from definitions. - Reduced unnecessary debug logging from streams. + AWS Peer Discovery Plugin * Enhancements - AWS API calls are now retried multiple times. + Management Plugin * Enhancements - PUT /api/vhosts/{name} now can update metadata (tags and descriptions) for existing virtual hosts. * Wed Aug 25 2021 Fusion Future - Add install-bin and install-man to make target, and install into /usr/lib instead of /usr/lib64 on 64-bit platforms (boo#1189784).- Add deps/rabbit/docs/set_rabbitmq_policy.sh.example to %doc. * Mon Aug 23 2021 Fusion Future - Separate autocomplete files into individual packages. * Sun Aug 22 2021 Fusion Future - Update to 3.9.4: * Bug fixes, see https://www.rabbitmq.com/changelog.html- Major changes from 3.9.0: * Streams: a new messaging abstraction complementary to queues * Support for Erlang 24 * Kubernetes Cluster Operator and Messaging Topology Operator * Minimum required Erlang version is now 23.2- Fix spec file to align with gh#rabbitmq/rabbitmq-packaging/RPMS/Fedora/rabbitmq-server.spec.- Update rabbitmq-server.service and rabbitmq-server.logrotate.- Remove unused sources: + Already in source: * advanced.config.example * rabbitmq-script-wrapper * rabbitmq.conf.example * rabbitmq.config.example + Deprecated: * rabbitmq-server.init * rabbitmq-server.sysconfig * Thu Jul 15 2021 Danilo Spinella - Use /run instead of deprecated /var/run in tmpfiles.conf (bsc#1185075) * Tue May 11 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to RabbitMQ 3.8.16 * This is the first release to drop support for Erlang 22.3 and introduce support for the upcoming Erlang 24 release * AWS Peer Discovery Plugin was unintentionally excluded from the distribution in 3.8.15 and has now been added back. * Management Plugin: Messaging polling HTTP API endpoint leaked temporary connections it used in case of a polling timeout. * Fri May 07 2021 Ferdinand Thiessen - Update to RabbitMQ 3.8.15 * Fixed quorum queues did not take snapshots as frequently as they are expected to with some configurations. * Fixed quorum queue name was unintentionally limited: the length of virtual host and actual queue name was limited to 254 characters * Fixed deleting a quorum queue would leave some of its internal metrics data around. * Client destination address is now obtained w.r.t. the Proxy protocol settings. * Full changes: https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/releases/tag/v3.8.15- Update to RabbitMQ 3.8.14 * Fixed direct reply-to failed witn an exception on Erlang 22.3- Update to RabbitMQ 3.8.13 * Fixed nodes that had an unusually long name could overflow message property lengths with the direct reply-to identifier they generated.- Update to RabbitMQ 3.8.12 * Maintenance mode no longer transfers leaders of classic mirrored queue. * Exclusive queues that happen to be matched by classic queue mirroring policies will no longer be considered for rebalancing operations since they are not actually mirrored * Default replica count for quorum queues was using an incorrect configuration key name. The default value is now 3, so in a cluster of five or seven nodes, only three will host replicas for newly declared quorum queues. * Default runtime busy waiting settings were changed to none by default, which reduces CPU footprint on nodes that are mostly idle. * Definition import now imports runtime parameters after exchanges, queues, and bindings to reduce the likelihood of starting dynamic Shovels from racing with topology imports. * Fixed memory monitor could run into an exception if queried very early on node boot before it was fully initialized. * Thu Feb 04 2021 Jan Engelhardt - Remove recipe parts for SUSE 11.x, since that does not build. * Mon Feb 01 2021 Peter Simons - Update to RabbitMQ 3.8.11 * Quorum queues that had active consumers during a rolling cluster upgrade could run into an exception and restart loop. * Nodes that had reverse_dns_lookup set to true could not accept client connections.- Update to RabbitMQ 3.8.10 * This release deprecates boot time definition import build into the management plugin. * Repeated polling of a quorum queue with basic.get that yielded an empty response could result in an unbounded growth of log segment files on on disk. * RabbitMQ core plugin activation was revisited to be closer to that of 3.7.x. This does not any related improvements w.r.t. definition import, e.g. those introudced in RabbitMQ 3.8.6. * Syslog dependency was not started correctly. This meant no log messages were sent to Syslog. * rabbitmq-diagnostics check_if_node_is_quorum_critical returned a false positive for a node marked for maintenance. * Queues could update their internal bookkeeping state incorrectly in some cases, leading to a file_handle_cache operation exception. * Quorum queues now can use the reject-publish max length overflow strategy. * Quorum queues now support consumer priority. * Per-user connection and queue limits. This is similar to per-vhost limits but, as the name suggests, these limits are associated for a given user. * TLSv1.3 is no longer considered experimental (on Erlang 23) and excluded from TLS listener configuration. * When a node is put under maintenance, it will now stop all local quorum queue replicas after completing leadership transfer. This means that no quorum queue replicas on the node will be considered for leader elections. * Nodes now keep track of failed client authentication attempts and expose it as a metric via both the Prometheus endpoint and the HTTP API at GET /api/auth/attempts/{node}. * bypass_pem_cache is a new configuration key that makes it possible to disable the cache of PEM files used by the Erlang TLS implementation. This rotated certificates quicker to detect for nodes but can also increase latency for inbound TLS connections, e.g. under high connection churn scenarios. * Definition import now safely handles some missing queue object arguments. * rabbitmq.conf schema now allows for peer certificate chain verification depth to be set to zero. When this value is used, peer certificate must be signed by a trusted CA certificate directly in order for the verification to pass. * RABBITMQ_IO_THREAD_POOL_SIZE will no longer be respected by RabbitMQ nodes. It is no longer relevant with supported Erlang versions and will simplify rabbitmq-diagnostics runtime_thread_stats output. * The +K runtime parameter is no longer used by RabbitMQ nodes as it has no effect with supported Erlang versions.