Changelog for
libsigc-3_0-0-3.6.0-3.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Mar 05 2024 Dominique Leuenberger
- Drop baselibs.conf: the -32bit packages are no longer needed and have not been part of Tumbleweed for a while already (build for i586 only enabled in LegacyX86).
* Sun Oct 01 2023 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 3.6.0: + sigc++config.h.
*: Update and clean up a bit for Visual Studio + scoped_connection: New wrapper to auto-disconnect a slot + signal: Add connect_first() + Documentation: - connection: Improve the class documentation - Improve Visual Studio build documentation - Remove AUTHORS and add general information to - manual: Add paragraph about new scoped_connection + Tests: Add test_scoped_connection + Build: - Meson: . Don\'t copy files with configure_file() . Fix the evaluation of is_git_build on Windows . Don\'t require the \'dot\' command to build the documentation - CMake: Prevent multiple target declaration for uninstall - Visual Studio: Support static builds- Use autosetup macro.
* Sun Oct 01 2023 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 3.4.0: + Add track_object(), deprecate track_obj() + Add trackable_signal_with_accumulator and trackable_signal + Examples, tests: - examples/member_method: Make on_print() non-virtual - clang++ requires another \'template\' - Don\'t use auto where a slot is required + Documentation: signal::make_slot(): Note that signal does not derive from trackable + Build: - Meson, MSVC: Compensate for the lack of msvc_recommended_pragmas.h - Fix build with -Dbuild-deprecated-api=false - Meson: . Avoid configuration warnings . Detect if we build from a git subtree . Simplify lookup of python command . Add build_tests option- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.- Update URL to new home.
* Fri Feb 11 2022 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 3.2.0: + Allow slots with rvalue reference parameters + Build: - Meson build: Perl is not required by new versions of mm-common - NMake Makefiles: Support building with VS2022 + Documentation: - Upgrade the manual from DocBook 4.1 to DocBook 5.0 - ptr_fun(), mem_fun() docs: Remove left-overs from sigc++-2.0 - Fix links to sigc::slot and sigc::signal
* Wed Nov 25 2020 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 3.0.6: + Build: Meson build: Fix versioning on macOS. + Documentation: - sigc++/sigc++.h: Describe how to use libsigc++ with Meson. - Update links to the web page, now at Remove mm-common BuildRequires: no longer needed after the switch to meson.
* Mon Nov 23 2020 Update to version 3.0.4: + Build: - Meson build: Set default value of the \'warnings\' option to \'min\'. - NMake Makefiles: Several improvements - Update for Doxygen >= 1.8.16 + Updated documentation.- Switch to meson build system: + Add meson BuildRequires. + Replace configure/make/make_install macros with their meson counterparts. + No longer ship the htmldoc as part of the devel package.
* Wed Mar 25 2020 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 3.0.3: + Build: - docs/docs/reference/ Check if perl is found. - Describe building with Meson. + Examples: Add example of using libsigc++ with Qt. + Tests: Replace C-style casts with static_cast<>.
* Wed Jan 01 2020 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 3.0.2: + Build: Meson build improvements.- Changes from version 3.0.1: + Build: - Add meson build, alongside the existing autotools and CMake builds. - CMake: Fix the MSVC build, enable warnings, and disable unnecessary warnings, with MVSC. + connection: Allow copying of empty connections. + sigc++/adaptors/bind.h: Make bind_functor::bound_ public. + test_limit_reference: Avoid virtual-move-assign warning. + signal: slot_iterator_buf: Remove unused T_result default type. + tests: Slight cleanups. + Remove unused #ifdefed code.
* Sat Sep 07 2019 Bjørn Lie - Update to version 3.0.0: + Fix tuple_transform_each() for libc++. + Documentation: Remove some obsolete documentation. + Tests: - Make compile with clang++. - Don\'t call static method via instance.
* Wed Aug 28 2019 Update to version 2.99.13: + Replace the deprecated std::result_of with std::invoke_result. + Build: CMake: Supply SIGC_BUILD and use CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD. + Documentation: - Remove some obsolete documentation. - Rename README to and update it. - Reference docs generated by Doxygen 1.8.11. Hopefully it will show up at + Tests: Add some necessary #include directives.