Changelog for
python311-gspread-6.1.0-1.1.noarch.rpm :
* Sun Apr 14 2024 Dirk Müller
- update to 6.1.0:
* types can be obtained using mypy to type code using gspread
* Add a new method to authenticate using API key for public spreadsheets
* Add py.typed marker
* Improve back-off client
* Add new auth method API key
* Bugfix/add set timeout
* Fix wrapper `cast_to_a1_notation`
* fix error message readability
* Add missing method `import_csv()`
* Add user friendly message when we can\'t override a test cassette
* Allow \"warning\" type protected ranges
* Improce README and documentation with value render options
* Wed Feb 07 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 6.0.1:
* Allow client to use external Session object
* Remove-py-3.7-support
* bugfix/client export
* Fix oauth flow typo
* check oauth creds type using isinstance
* Fix type hints at find method in
* Fixup get empty cell value is None
* Fix missing attribute spreadsheet in Worksheet.
* update migration guide
* Tue Jan 30 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 6.0.0:
* Remove deprecated method delete_row
* Initial typing in
* Split client http client
* Spelling fix & update docs with date_time_render_option behaviour
* #966 Add sketch typing for
* Remove accepted_kwargs decorator
* Remplace named tuples with enums
* Feature/add type hints worksheets
* Implement hex color conversion
* remove lastUpdateTime
* Merge master into feature/release_6_0_0
* Add type checking to lint
* Warning/update swapped args
* Improve Worksheet.sort() signature
* Make get_values and alias of get
* fix type issue (remove .first() function)
* Remove/get records use index
* increase warning stacklevel from 1 to 2
* Feature/merge master
* feature/merge master
* Simplify get records
* Add util function to_records to build records in
* feature/add utils get records
* Add migration guide for get_all_records
* feature/merge master into release 6 0 0
* Feature/release 6 0 0
* Sat Jan 13 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 5.12.4:
* Fixed default value of merge_type parameter in merge_cells function docstring.
* 1363 get all records retrieves a large number of empty rows after the end of the data
* Many fixes for get_records
* change worksheet.update migration guide
* feature/readme migration v6
* add deprecation warnings for lastUpdateTime...
* remove use_index and references to it in get_records
* make deprecation warning dependent on if kwarg is used for client_factory
* fix 1352 expected headers broken
* fix combine_merged_cells when using from a range that doesn\'t start at A1
* feature -- adding worksheet.get_records to get specific row ranges
* Fix list_spreadsheet_files return value
* Fix warning message for worksheet.update method
* change lambda function to dict (fix pyupgrade issue)
* allows users to silence deprecation warnings
* Add maintain_size to keep asked for size in get, get_values
* Fix list_spreadsheet_files return value by AATTmephinet in
* Fix merge_combined_cells in get_values (AND 5.11.2 RELEASE)
* remove Drive API access on Spreadsheet init (FIX - VERSION 5.11.1)
* add docs/build to .gitignore
* add release process to
* add test_fill_gaps and docstring for fill_gaps
* Remove API calls from creationTime/lastUpdateTime
* Fix Worksheet ID Type Inconsistencies
* Add column_count prop as well as col_count
* Add required kwargs with no default value
* Add deprecation warnings for colors
* Add better Exceptions on opening spreadsheets
* Fix rows_auto_resize in by removing redundant self
* Add deprecation warning for future release 6.0.x
* FEATURE: show/hide gridlines (#1197)
* CLEANUP: cleanup tox.ini, and ignore ./env
* Refactor/update-contributing-guide
* Spelling fix (with legacy option)
* 457-fetch-without-hidden-worksheets
* Add_deprecated_warning_sort_method
* Update (and test for) internal properties on change
* Feature: Add \"Remove tab colour\" method
* Refresh-test-cassettes
* update self._properties after batch_update
* 700-fill-merged-cells
* Fix/update-internal-properties
* Add breaking change warning in Worksheet.update()
* remove deprecated methods from tests
* Bugfix/fix get last update time
* Add batch notes insert/update/clear
* #1104: added a delete by worksheet id method
* Wed Dec 07 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to version 5.7.2
* Fix: hidden property might not be set from the API by AATTlavigne958 in #1151
* Sat Dec 03 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to version 5.7.1
* Fix dependencies required version by AATTlavigne958 in #1147- Update to version 5.7.0
* chore: Update outdated LICENSE year by AATTbluzir in #1124
* add dependabot to maintain dependencies by AATTlavigne958 in #1126
* improve trigger on CI by AATTlavigne958 in #1134
* Bump bandit from 1.7.0 to 1.7.4 by AATTdependabot in #1133
* cancel previous run on same ref by AATTlavigne958 in #1135
* Bump actions/setup-python from 2 to 4 by AATTdependabot in #1127
* Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 by AATTdependabot in #1128
* Bump black from 22.3.0 to 22.10.0 by AATTdependabot in #1132
* Bump isort from 5.9.3 to 5.10.1 by AATTdependabot in #1131
* Bump codespell from 2.1.0 to 2.2.2 by AATTdependabot in #1130
* add named tuple for DateTimeRenderOption by AATTlavigne958 in #1136
* Feature/copy cut paste by AATTlavigne958 in #1138
* isSheetHidden method added to by AATTSazidAF in #1140
* Fri Oct 28 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to version 5.6.2 (2022-10-23)
* update parent folder for client.copy method by AATTlavigne958 in #1123- Update to version 5.6.0 (2022-09-10)
* Fix clear_note method when using numeric boundaries by AATTlavigne958 in #1106
* Fix a typo in the permissions:create API payload by AATTjiananma in #1107
* Fix spreadsheet URL by AATTlavigne958 in #1110
* Return created permission on Spreadsheet.share() by AATTlavigne958 in #1111
* (fixed #1113) Supply correct Google API v3 permission for domains by AATTNickCrews in #1115
* Bugfix/numericese all by AATTlavigne958 in #1119
* Wed Sep 28 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - 5.5.0 (2022-08-31) Use pathlib by AATTlavigne958 in #1057 Migrate to drive API V3 by AATTlavigne958 in #1060 Implement __eq__ method for Cell by AATTchisvi in #1063 Add missing documentation on set_timeout by AATTlavigne958 in #1070 Add method to transfer / accept ownership of a spreadsheet by AATTlavigne958 in #1068 Add client_factory param to auth methods by AATTjlumbroso in #1075 Fix list_protected_ranges by AATTlavigne958 in #1076 Add function to convert column letter to column index by AATTlavigne958 in #1077 Fix docstring name of named_range() param by AATTdgilman in #1081 Fix grammar in docstring for client.export by AATTdgilman in #1080 Many typo fixes to worksheet docstrings by AATTdgilman in #1083 Fix function numericise_all by AATTlavigne958 in #1082 Fix documentation about oauth_from_dict by AATTlavigne958 in #1088 inherit_from_before option for insert_row/insert_rows by AATTyongrenjie in #1092 add method to change the color of a tab by AATTlavigne958 in #1095 docs: Fix a few typos by AATTtimgates42 in #1094 Fix typo in Worksheet.batch_format method by AATTlavigne958 in #1101 [#]# New Contributors
* AATTchisvi made their first contribution in #1063
* AATTjlumbroso made their first contribution in #1075
* AATTyongrenjie made their first contribution in #1092- 5.4.0 (2022-06-01) fix typo by AATTjoswlv in #1031 Fix error message in get_all_records by AATTlavigne958 in #1028 Added feature request #1022. Auto resizing is now available for rows … by AATTmketer1 in #1033 add new method to hide/show a worksheet by AATTlavigne958 in #1030 feat: Download PDF from Spreadsheet #1035 by AATT100paperkite in #1036 Add test on auto_resize_columns by AATTlavigne958 in #1039 Add method to unmerge cells by AATTlavigne958 in #1040 Add method to delete a protected range by AATTlavigne958 in #1042 Feature/clean organize documentation by AATTlavigne958 in #1043 Add warning about deprecated oauth flow by AATTlavigne958 in #1047 Add new batch_format method. by AATTlavigne958 in #1049 Encode string to utf-8 when importing CSV content by AATTlavigne958 in #1054 New Contributors AATTjoswlv made their first contribution in #1031 AATTmketer1 made their first contribution in #1033 AATT100paperkite made their first contribution in #1036- 5.3.2 (2022-04-12) Bugfix/black python3.10 by AATTlavigne958 in #1020 Automate releases by AATTlavigne958 in #1025 Bugfix/get all record duplicated columns by AATTlavigne958 in #1021- 5.3.0 (2022-03-28) Feature/rework test cassettes recording by AATTlavigne958 in #1004 add method list protected ranges by AATTlavigne958 in #1008 Add new methods to add/list/delete dimensionGroups by AATTlavigne958 in #1010 Add method to hide rows/columns by AATTlavigne958 in #1012 Add ability to rename Spreadsheets (via a new Spreadsheet.update_title) by AATTjansim in #1013 [#]# New Contributors
* AATTjansim made their first contribution in #1013- 5.2.0 (2022-02-27) Copy comments when during spreadsheet copy by AATTlavigne958 in #979 Update user-guide.rst by AATTmaky-hnou in #980 merge setup test cassettes by AATTlavigne958 in #982 Feature/add header validation get all records by AATTlavigne958 in #984 Add timeout to client by AATTlavigne958 in #987 Feature/update timezone and locale by AATTlavigne958 in #989 Feature/make case comparison in find by AATTlavigne958 in #990 Updated API rate limits by AATThvinayan in #993 Feature/prevent insert row to sheet with colon by AATTlavigne958 in #992 [#]# New Contributors
* AATTmaky-hnou made their first contribution in #980
* AATThvinayan made their first contribution in #993- 5.1.1 (2021-12-22) Fix documentation about oauth (#975 by AATTlavigne958)- 5.1.0 (2021-12-22) Codespell skip docs build folder (#962 by AATTlavigne958) Update contributing guidelines (#964 by AATTlavigne958) Add oauth from dict (#967 by AATTlavigne958) Update to include badges (#970 by AATTlavigne958) Add new method to get all values as a list of Cells (#968 by AATTlavigne958) automatic conversion of a cell letter to uppercase (#972 by AATTBurovytskyi)- 5.0.0 (2021-11-26) Fix a typo in HISTORY.rst (#904 by AATTTurnrDev) Fix typo and fix return value written in docstrings (#903 by AATTrariyama) Add deprecation warning for delete_row method in documentation (#909 by AATTjavad94) split files and (#912 by AATTlavigne958) parent 39d1ecb59ca3149a8f46094c720efab883a0dc11 author Christian Clauss 1621149013 +0200 commit ter Christian Clauss 1630103641 +0200 (#869 by AATTcclaus) Enable code linter in CI (#915 by AATTlavigne958) isort your imports (again), so you don\'t have to (#914 by AATTcclaus) lint_python.yml: Try \'tox -e py\' to test current Python (#916 by AATTcclaus) Add more flake8 tests (#917 by AATTcclaus) Update test suite (#918 by AATTcclaus) Avoid IndexError when row_values() returns an empty row (#920 by AATTcclaus) Bugfix - remove wrong argument in batch_update docstring (#912 by AATTlavigne958) Improvement - Add Worksheet.index property (#922 by AATTlavigne958) Add ability to create directory if it does not exist before saving the credentials to disk. (#925 by AATTbenhoman) Update test framework and VCR and cassettes (#926 by AATTlavigne958) Delete .travis.yml (#928 by AATTcclaus) Update tox.ini with all linting commands under lint env (by AATTlavigne958) Build package and docs in CI (#930 by AATTlavigne958) Update oauth2.rst (#933 by AATTamlestin) Update the link to the Google Developers Console (#934 by AATTCroebh) allow tests to run on windows, add and improve tests in WorksheetTests, add test on unbounded range, use canonical range as specified in the API, add test cassettes, prevent InvalidGridRange, improve code formatting (#937 by AATTFendse) fix fully qualified class names in API documentation (#944 by AATTgeoffbeier) fix editor_users_emails - get only from list not all users added to spreadsheet (#939 by AATTLukasz) add shadow method to get a named range from a speadsheet instance (#941 by AATTlavigne958) auto_resize_columns (#948 by AATTFelipeSantos75) add functions for defining, deleting and listing named ranges (#945 by AATTp-doyle) Implement open sheet within Drive folder (#951 by AATTdatavaluepeople) Fix get range for unbounded ranges (#954 by AATTlavigne958) remove potential I/O when reading spreadsheet title (956 by AATTlavigne958) Add include_values_in_response to append_row & append_rows (#957 by AATTmartimarkov) replace raw string \"ROWS\" & \"COLUMNS\" to Dimension named tuple, replace raw string \"FORMATTED_VALUE\", \"UNFORMATTED_VALUE\", \"FORMULA\" to ValueRenderOption named tuple, replace raw string \"RAW\", \"USER_ENTERED\" to ValueInputOption named tuple (#958 by AATTccppoo)- 4.0.1 (2021-08-07) Do not overwrite original value when trying to convert to a number (#902 by AATTlavigne958)- 4.0.0 (2021-08-01) Changed Worksheet.find() method returns None if nothing is found (#899 by AATTGastonBC) Add Worksheet.batch_clear() to clear multiple ranges. (#897 by AATTlavigne958) Fix copy_permission argument comparison in Client.copy() method (#898 by AATTlavigne958) Allow creation of spreadhsheets in a shared drive (#895 by AATTlavigne958) Allow gspread.oauth() to accept a custom credential file (#891 by AATTslmtpz) Update tox.ini, remove python2 from env list (#887 by AATTcclaus) Add SpreadSheet.get_worksheet_by_id() method (#857 by AATTa-crovetto) Fix store_credentials() when authorized_user_filename is passed (#884 by AATTneuenmuller) Remove python2 (#879 by AATTlavigne958) Use Makefile to run tests (#883 by AATTlavigne958) Update documentation Authentication:For End Users using OAuth Client ID (#835 by AATTManuNaEira) Allow fetching named ranges from Worksheet.range() (#809 by AATTagatti) Update README to only mention python3.3+ (#877 by AATTlavigne958) Fetch creation and lastUpdate time from SpreadSheet on open (#872 by AATTlavigne958) Fix bug with Worksheet.insert_row() with value_input_option argument (#873 by AATTelijabesu) Fix typos in doc and comments (#868 by AATTcclauss) Auto cast numeric values from sheet cells to python int or float (#866 by AATTlavigne958) Add Worksheet.get_values() method (#775 by AATTburnash) Allow gspread.oauth() to accept a custom filename (#847 by AATTbastienboutonnet) Document dictionary credentials auth (#860 by AATTdmytrostriletskyi) Add Worksheet.get_note() (#855 by AATTwater-ghosts ) Add steps for creating new keys (#856 by AATThanzala-sohrab) Add folder_id argument to Client.copy() (#851 by AATTpunnerud) Fix typos in docstrings (#848 by AATTdgilman)
* Fri Mar 19 2021 Steve Kowalik - Update to 3.7.0:
* Add `Worksheet.insert_note()`, `Worksheet.update_note()`, `Worksheet.clear_note()` (#818 by AATTlavigne958)
* Add `Worksheet.insert_cols()` (#802 by AATTAlexeyDmitriev)
* Add `value_render_option` parameter to `Worksheet.get_all_records()` (#776 by AATTdamgad)
* Remove `requests` from `install_requires` (#801)
* Simplify implementation of `Worksheet.insert_rows()` (#799 by AATTAlexeyDmitriev)
* Add `auth.service_account_from_dict()` (#785 b7 AATTmahenzon)
* Fix `ValueRange.from_json()` (#791 by AATTerakli)
* Allow `auth` to be `None`. Fix #773 (#774 by AATTlepture)
* Add `Worksheet.insert_rows()` (#734 by AATTtr-fi)
* Add `Worksheet.copy_to()` (#758 by AATTJoachimKoenigslieb)
* Add ability to create a cell instance using A1 notation (#765 by AATTtivaliy)
* Add `auth.service_account()` (#768)
* Add Authlib usage (#552 by AATTlepture)
* Simplified OAuth2 flow (#762)
* Fix `Worksheet.delete_rows()` index error (#760 by AATTrafa-guillermo)
* Deprecate `Worksheet.delete_row()` (#766)
* Scope `Worksheet.find()` to a specific row or a column (#739 by AATTalfonsocv12)
* Add `Worksheet.add_protected_range()` #447 (#720 by AATTKesterChan01)
* Add ability to fetch cell address in A1 notation (#763 by AATTtivaliy)
* Add `Worksheet.delete_columns()` (#761 by AATTrafa-guillermo)
* Ignore numericising specific columns in `get_all_records` (#701 by AATTbenjamindhimes)
* Add option ``folder_id`` when creating a spreadsheet (#754 by AATTAbdellam1994)
* Add `insertDataOption` to `Worksheet.append_row()` and `Worksheet.append_rows()` (#719 by AATTlobatt)
* Fix `TypeError` when using gspread in google colab (#750)
* Remove `oauth2client` in favor of `google-auth` #472, #529 (#637 by AATTBigHeadGeorge)
* Convert `oauth2client` credentials to `google-auth` (#711 by AATTaiguofer)
* Remove unnecessary `login()` from `gspread.authorize`
* Fix sheet name quoting issue (#554, #636, #716): + Add quotes to worksheet title for get_all_values (#640 by AATTgrlbrwrg, #717 by AATTzynaxsoft) + Escaping title containing single quotes with double quotes (#730 by AATTvijay-shanker) + Use `utils.absolute_range_name()` to handle range names (#748)
* Fix `numericise()`: add underscores test to work in python2 and * Add `supportsAllDrives` to Drive API requests (#709 by AATTjustinr1234)
* Add `Worksheet.merge_cells()` (#713 by AATTlavigne958)
* Improve `Worksheet.merge_cells()` and add `merge_type` parameter (#742 by AATTaiguofer)
* Add `Worksheet.sort()` (#639 by AATTkirillgashkov)
* Add ability to reorder worksheets #570 (#571 by AATTrobin900) + Add `Spreadsheet.reorder_worksheets()` + Add `Worksheet.update_index()`
* Add `test_update_cell_objects` (#698 by AATTogroleg)
* Add `Worksheet.append_rows()` (#556 by AATTmartinwarby, #694 by AATTfabytm)
* Add `Worksheet.delete_rows()` (#615 by AATTdeverlex)
* Speed up `` by querying files by title in Google Drive (#684 by AATTaiguofer)
* Add `freeze`, `set_basic_filter` and `clear_basic_filter` methods to `Worksheet` (#574 by AATTaiguofer)
* Use Drive API v3 for creating and deleting spreadsheets (#573 by AATTaiguofer)
* Implement `value_render_option` in `get_all_values` (#648 by AATTmklaber)
* Set position of a newly added worksheet (#688 by AATTdjmgit)
* Add url properties for `Spreadsheet` and `Worksheet` (#725 by AATTCrossNox)
* Wed Apr 08 2020 Marketa Calabkova - Update to 3.3.1
* Support old and new (#745 by AATTtimgates42)
* Added `Spreadsheet.values_batch_update()` (#731)
* Added more parameters to `Worksheet.append_row()` (#726)
* Fix usage of client.openall when a title is passed in (#572 by AATTaiguofer)
* Fixed sharing from Team Drives (#646 by AATTwooddar)
* Fixed KeyError in list comprehension in `Spreadsheet.remove_permissions()` (#643 by AATTwooddar)
* Added `Spreadsheet.values_batch_get()` (#705 by AATTaiguofer)
* Added `stacklevel=2` to deprecation warnings