Changelog for orthanc-source-1.12.3-5.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Mar 21 2024 Christophe Marin - Update orthanc-source requirements to fix the orthanc-wsi build
* Tue Mar 19 2024 Axel Braun - apply dcmtk patch to install section: we need this patch in the source RPM as well for the plugins, otherwise TW and Leap 15.6 fail to build plugins
* Thu Mar 07 2024 Axel Braun - fix build for Leap < 15.6
* Thu Mar 07 2024 Max Lin - Build orthanc with gcc13 on Leap 15
* Fri Feb 02 2024 Axel Braun - version 1.12.3
* dcmtk.diff added to fix TW build issue
* add user/group orthanc
* Performance of databases: - At startup, if using a database plugin, displays the latency to access the DB. - Added support for new DB primitives to enable the \"READ COMMITTED\" transaction mode in the PostgreSQL plugin.
* API version upgraded to 23
* Added a \'KeepLabels\' option in /modify routes (default = false)
* Upgraded dependencies for static builds: - boost 1.84.0 - curl 8.5.0 - dcmtk 3.6.8 - jsoncpp 1.9.5 - libjpeg 9f - libpng 1.6.40 - openssl 3.1.4 - pugixml 1.14 - zlib 1.3.1
* Thu Dec 21 2023 Axel Braun - version 1.12.2 - see NEWS for full changelog libboost.diff removed (included in source)
* Mon Dec 18 2023 Axel Braun - libboost.diff to fix build error with boost 1.84
* Wed Jul 05 2023 Axel Braun - version 1.12.1
* Orthanc now anonymizes according to Basic Profile of PS 3.15-2023b Table E.1-1
* Added metrics: - \"orthanc_storage_read_bytes\" - \"orthanc_storage_written_bytes\" - \"orthanc_memory_trimming_duration_ms\"
* API version upgraded to 21
* \"/tools/create-dicom\" can now be used to create Encapsulated 3D Manufacturing Model IODs (MTL, OBJ, or STL)
* Added a route to delete the output of an asynchronous job (right now only for archive jobs): e.g. DELETE /jobs/../archive
* Added \"OrthancPluginLoadDicomInstance()\" to load DICOM instances from the database
* Added \"OrthancPluginSetMetricsIntegerValue()\" to track metrics with integer values
* Fix decoding of YBR_FULL RLE images for which the \"Planar Configuration\" tag (0028,0006) equals 1
* Made Orthanc more resilient to common spelling errors in SpecificCharacterSet
* Modality worklists plugin: Allow searching on private tags (exact match only)
* Fix orphan files remaining in storage when working with MaximumStorageSize (
* When deleting a resource, the \"LastUpdate\" metadata of its parents are now updated
* Reduced the memory usage when downloading archives when \"ZipLoaderThreads\" > 0
* Metrics can be stored either as floating-point numbers, or as integers
* Reduce the frequency of memory trimming from 100ms to 30s to avoid high idle CPU load (
* Upgraded dependencies for static builds: - boost 1.82.0
* Sun Apr 16 2023 Axel Braun - version 1.12.0
* Support for labels associated with patients, studies, series, and instances
* Added a sample plugin bringing multitenant DICOM support through labels
* Many other fixes and improvements, see NEWS
* Fri Apr 14 2023 Axel Braun - version 1.11.3
* cmake.diff removed (included in source)
* install_cmd.diff removed (included in source)
* Many improvements, for detailed log see NEWS
* Tue Oct 25 2022 Axel Braun - Build fixed for new plugins cmake.diff added install_cmd.diff added
* Tue Sep 27 2022 Axel Braun - version 1.11.2
* Added support for RGBA64 images in tools/create-dicom and /preview
* New configuration \"MaximumStorageMode\" to choose between recyling of old patients (default behavior) and rejection of new incoming data when the MaximumStorageSize has been reached.
* New sample plugin: \"DelayedDeletion\" that will delete files from disk asynchronously to speed up deletion of large studies.
* Lua: new \"SetHttpTimeout\" function
* Lua: new \"OnHeartBeat\" callback called at regular interval provided that you have configured \"LuaHeartBeatPeriod\" > 0.
* \"ExtraMainDicomTags\" configuration now accepts Dicom Sequences. Sequences are stored in a dedicated new metadata \"MainDicomSequences\". This should improve DicomWeb QIDO-RS and avoid warnings like \"Accessing Dicom tags from storage when accessing series : 0040,0275\". Main dicom sequences can now be returned in \"MainDicomTags\" and in \"RequestedTags\".
* Fix the \"Never\" option of the \"StorageAccessOnFind\" that was sill accessing files (bug introduced in 1.11.0).
* Fix the Storage Cache for compressed files (bug introduced in 1.11.1).
* Fix the storage cache that was not used by the Plugin SDK. This fixes the DicomWeb plugin \"/rendered\" route performance issues.
* DelayedDeletion plugin: Fix leaking of symbols
* SQLite now closes and deletes WAL and SHM files on exit. This should improve handling of SQLite DB over network drives.
* Fix static compilation of boost 1.69 on Ubuntu 22.04
* Upgraded dependencies for static builds: - boost 1.80.0 - dcmtk 3.6.7 (fixes CVE-2022-2119 and CVE-2022-2120) - openssl 3.0.5
* Housekeeper plugin: Fix resume of previous processing
* Added missing MOVEPatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel in DicomControlUserConnection::SetupPresentationContexts()
* Improved HttpClient error logging (add method + url)
* API version upgraded to 18
* /system is now reporting \"DatabaseServerIdentifier\"
* Added an Asynchronous mode to /modalities/../move.
* \"RequestedTags\" option can now include DICOM sequences.
* New function in the SDK: \"OrthancPluginGetDatabaseServerIdentifier\"
* DicomMap::ParseMainDicomTags has been deprecated -> retrieve \"full\" tags and use DicomMap::FromDicomAsJson instead
* Tue May 10 2022 Axel Braun - version 1.11.0
* new API version 1.7
* new configuration parameter
* for detailed changelog see NEWS
* Fri May 06 2022 Marcus Meissner - switched source urls to https
* Fri Mar 25 2022 Axel Braun - version 1.10.1
* for detailed changelog see NEWS
* Wed Oct 13 2021 Johannes Segitz - Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified:
* orthanc.service
* Sun Sep 26 2021 Axel Braun - Test for SharedLibrary.Basic disabled (fails with new glibc)
* Wed Sep 01 2021 Axel Braun - Version 1.9.7
* New configuration option \"DicomAlwaysAllowMove\" to disable verification of the remote modality in C-MOVE SCP
* API version upgraded to 15
* Added \"Level\" option to POST /tools/bulk-modify
* Added missing OpenAPI documentation of \"KeepSource\" in \".../modify\" and \".../anonymize\"
* Added file CITATION.cff
* Linux Standard Base (LSB) builds of Orthanc can load non-LSB builds of plugins
* Fix upload of ZIP archives containing a DICOMDIR file
* Fix computation of the estimated time of arrival in jobs
* Support detection of windowing and rescale in Philips multiframe images
* Thu Jul 22 2021 Axel Braun - version 1.9.6
* In lookup and query/retrieve, possibility to provide a specific study date
* Clicking on \"Send to remote modality\" displays the job information to monitor progress
* Fix orphaned attachments if bad revision number is provided
* Mon Jul 19 2021 Steve Kowalik - Remove executable bits from Python scripts when creating the source tree for the -source package to stop it requiring /usr/bin/python
* Sun Jul 11 2021 Axel Braun - version 1.9.5
* Anonymization is applied recursively to nested tags
* API version upgraded to 14
* Added \"Short\", \"Simplify\" and/or \"Full\" options to control the format of DICOM tags in: - POST /modalities/{id}/find-worklist - POST /queries/{id}/answers/{index}/retrieve - POST /queries/{id}/retrieve
* Fix broken \"Do lookup\" button in Orthanc Explorer
* Error code and description of jobs are now saved into the Orthanc database
* Thu Jun 24 2021 Axel Braun - version 1.9.4
* Orthanc now anonymizes according to Basic Profile of PS 3.15-2021b Table E.1-1
* New configuration options: - \"ExternalDictionaries\" to load external DICOM dictionaries (useful for DICONDE) - \"SynchronousZipStream\" to disable streaming of ZIP
* Orthanc Explorer supports the DICONDE dictionary
* API version upgraded to 13
* New routes to handle groups of multiple, unrelated DICOM resources at once: - \"/tools/bulk-anonymize\" to anonymize a set of resources - \"/tools/bulk-content\" to get the content of a set of resources - \"/tools/bulk-delete\" to delete a set of resources - \"/tools/bulk-modify\" to modify a set of resources
* ZIP archive/media generated in synchronous mode are now streamed by default
* \"Replace\" tags in \"/modify\" and \"/anonymize\" now supports value representation AT
* \"/jobs/...\" has new field \"ErrorDetails\" to help identify the cause of an error
* \"Replace\", \"Keep\" and \"Remove\" in \"/modify\" and \"/anonymize\" accept paths to subsequences using the syntax of the dcmodify command-line tool (wildcards are supported as well)
* Added \"short\", \"simplify\" and/or \"full\" options to control the format of DICOM tags in: - GET /patients, GET /studies, GET /series, GET /instances (together with \"&expand\") - GET /patients/{id}, GET /studies/{id}, GET /series/{id}, GET /instances/{id} - GET /patients/{id}/studies, GET /patients/{id}/series, GET /patients/{id}/instances - GET /studies/{id}/patient, GET /studies/{id}/series, GET /studies/{id}/instances - GET /series/{id}/patient, GET /series/{id}/study, GET /series/{id}/instances - GET /instances/{id}/patient, GET /instances/{id}/study, GET /instances/{id}/series - GET /patients/{id}/instances-tags, GET /patients/{id}/shared-tags - GET /studies/{id}/instances-tags, GET /series/{id}/shared-tags - GET /series/{id}/instances-tags, GET /studies/{id}/shared-tags - GET /patients/{id}/module, GET /patients/{id}/patient-module - GET /series/{id}/module, GET /studies/{id}/module, GET /instances/{id}/module - POST /tools/find
* \"/studies/{id}/split\" accepts \"Instances\" parameter to split instances instead of series
* \"/studies/{id}/merge\" accepts instances inside its \"Resources\" parameter
* Full support of hierarchical relationships in tags whose VR is UI during anonymization
* C-MOVE SCP: added possible DIMSE status \"Sub-operations Complete - One or more Failures\"
* Fix issue #146 (Update Anonyization to 2019c) - was actually updated to 2021b
* Upgraded dependencies for static builds (notably on Windows): - curl 7.77.0
* Sun May 09 2021 Axel Braun - Version 1.9.3
* New configuration option: \"DicomTlsRemoteCertificateRequired\" to allow secure DICOM TLS connections without certificate
* \"ETag\" headers for metadata and attachments now allow strong comparison (MD5 is included)
* New CMake option: \"ORTHANC_LUA_VERSION\" to use a specific version of system-wide Lua
* Fix the lifetime of temporary files associated with jobs that create ZIP archive/media: - In synchronous mode, their number could grow up to \"JobsHistorySize\" in Orthanc <= 1.9.2 - In asynchronous mode, the temporary files are removed as soon as their job gets canceled
* Fix regression in the handling of \"DicomCheckModalityHost\" configuration option introduced by changeset 4182 in Orthanc 1.7.4
* Reduced memory consumption of \"OrthancPluginHttpClient()\", \"OrthancPluginHttpClient2()\" and \"OrthancPluginCallPeerApi()\" on POST/PUT if chunked transfer is disabled
* Fix issue #195 (No need for BulkDataURI when Data Element is empty)- from version 1.9.2:
* New configuration options related to multiple readers/writers: - \"DatabaseServerIdentifier\" identifies the server in the DB among a pool of Orthanc servers - \"CheckRevisions\" to protect against concurrent modifications of metadata and attachments
* API version upgraded to 12
* \"/system\" reports the value of the \"CheckRevisions\" global option
* \"/.../{id}/metadata/{name}\" and \"/.../{id}/attachments/{name}/...\" URIs handle the HTTP headers \"If-Match\", \"If-None-Match\" and \"ETag\" to cope with revisions
* New function in the SDK: OrthancPluginCallRestApi()
* Full refactoring of the database plugin SDK to handle multiple readers/writers, which notably implies the handling of retries in the case of collisions
* Use the local timezone for query/retrieve in the Orthanc Explorer interface (was UTC before)
* Fix \"OrthancServer/Resources/Samples/Python/\" for Python 3.x
* Fix issue #83 (ServerIndex shall implement retries for DB temporary errors)
* Upgraded dependencies for static builds (notably on Windows and LSB): - civetweb 1.14 - openssl 1.1.1k
* Thu Feb 25 2021 Axel Braun - version 1.9.1
* The \"dicom-as-json\" attachments are not explicitly stored anymore to improve performance
* If the storage area doesn\'t support range reading, or if \"StorageCompression\" is enabled, a new type of attachment \"dicom-until-pixel-data\" is generated
* New metadata automatically computed at the instance level: \"PixelDataOffset\"
* New configuration option related to networking: - \"Timeout\" in \"DicomModalities\" to set DICOM SCU timeout on a per-modality basis - \"Timeout\" in \"OrthancPeers\" to set HTTP client timeout on a per-peer basis
* API version upgraded to 11
* BREAKING CHANGES: - External applications should not call \"/instances/.../attachments/dicom-as-json\" anymore, and should use \"/instances/.../tags\" instead - \"/instances/.../tags\" route does not report the tags after \"Pixel Data\" (7fe0,0010) anymore
* \"/peers/{id}/store-straight\": Synchronously send the DICOM instance in POST body to the peer
* New arguments in the REST API: - \"Timeout\" in \"/modalities/.../query\" - \"Timeout\" in \"/modalities/.../storage-commitment\" - \"Timeout\" in \"/queries/.../answers/.../query-{studies|series|instances}\"
* New value in enumeration: OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_StopAfterPixelData
* New value in enumeration: OrthancPluginDicomToJsonFlags_SkipGroupLengths
* Improved precision of floating-point numbers in DICOM-as-JSON and DICOM summary
* Optimization in C-STORE SCP by avoiding an unnecessary DICOM parsing
* Fix build on big-endian architectures
* Handle public tags with \"UN\" value representation and containing a string (cf. DICOM CP 246)
* The numbering of sequences in Orthanc Explorer now uses the DICOM convention (starts at 1)
* Possibility to generate a static library containing the Orthanc Framework
* Fri Jan 29 2021 Axel Braun - Version 1.9.0
* Support of DICOM TLS
* New configuration options related to DICOM networking: - \"DicomTlsEnabled\" to enable DICOM TLS in Orthanc SCP - \"DicomTlsCertificate\" to provide the TLS certificate to be used in both Orthanc SCU and SCP - \"DicomTlsPrivateKey\" to provide the private key of the TLS certificate - \"DicomTlsTrustedCertificates\" to provide the list of TLS certificates to be trusted by Orthanc - \"UseDicomTls\" in \"DicomModalities\" to enable DICOM TLS in outgoing SCU on a per-modality basis - \"MaximumPduLength\" to tune the maximum PDU length (Protocol Data Unit) - \"LocalAet\" in \"DicomModalities\" to overwrite global \"DicomAet\" for SCU on a per-modality basis - \"AcceptedTransferSyntaxes\" to set the transfer syntax UIDs accepted by Orthanc C-STORE SCP - \"H265TransferSyntaxAccepted\" to enable/disable all the transfer syntaxes related to H.265 - \"DicomAlwaysAllowFind\" to disable verification of the remote modality in C-FIND SCP - \"DicomAlwaysAllowGet\" to disable verification of the remote modality in C-GET SCP
* New configuration option: \"DicomScuPreferredTransferSyntax\" to control transcoding in C-STORE SCU
* New command-line option: \"--openapi\" to write the OpenAPI documentation of the REST API to a file
* New metadata automatically computed at the series level: \"RemoteAET\"
* The DICOM meta-header and the transfer syntax are displayed at the \"Instance\" level
* API version upgraded to 10
* \"/tools/accepted-transfer-syntaxes\": Get/set transfer syntaxes accepted by Orthanc C-STORE SCP
* \"/tools/unknown-sop-class-accepted\": Get/set whether C-STORE SCP accepts unknown SOP class UID
* \"/modalities/{...}/query\": New string argument \"LocalAet\"
* \"/tools/create-dicom\": New flag \"Force\" to bypass consistency checks for the DICOM tags
* BREAKING CHANGE: All the Lua callbacks \"IsXXXTransferSyntaxAccepted()\" and \"IsUnknownSopClassAccepted()\" have been removed
* New functions in the SDK: - OrthancPluginCreateMemoryBuffer64() - OrthancPluginRegisterStorageArea2() - OrthancPluginCreateDicom2()
* Refactoring and improvements to the cache of DICOM files (it can now hold many files)
* New Prometheus metrics \"orthanc_dicom_cache_count\" and \"orthanc_dicom_cache_size\"
* Fix upload of multiple DICOM files using one single POST call to \"multipart/form-data\" Could be the final resolution of issue #21 (DICOM files missing after uploading with Firefox)
* Partial fix of issue #48 (Windows service not stopped properly), cf. comments 4 and 5
* Explicitly use little-endian to encode uncompressed file size with zlib compression
* Upgraded dependencies for static builds (notably on Windows): - dcmtk 3.6.6 - jsoncpp 1.9.4