Changelog for python312-JPype1-1.5.0-2.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Tue Feb 27 2024 Steve Kowalik - Switch to pyproject and autosetup macros.
* Sat Jan 06 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 1.5.0:
* Support for Python 3.12
* Switched __eq__ and __ne__ operator to use equals rather than compareTo for comparable objects to avoid exception when comparing object of different types.
* Fixed segmentation fault when comparing Java Comparable to primitives.
* Java exceptions that occur in inequality comparisons now map to Python TypeError.
* Fixed crash when calling subscript on JArray.
* Fixed direct byte buffers not reporting nbytes correctly when cast to memoryview.
* Expand the defintion for Functional interface to include classes without FunctionInterface annotation.
* Add additional matching level for derived types to resolve ambiguities when a derived type is used in place of base class when determining the method overload. This will resolve some previous ambiguities between methods.
* Mon Jun 12 2023 Fridrich Strba - Do not hardcode java-15-openjdk, since this can be built with any Java >= 9- Added patch:
* JPype1-java8compat.patch + Build packages that are fully backward compatible to Java 8
* Tue Mar 07 2023 John Vandenberg - Update to v1.4.1
* Fixed issue with startJVM changing locale settings
* Changes to support Python 3.11
* Fix truncation of strings on null when using convert strings
* Replaced distutil with packaging
* Thu Aug 18 2022 John Vandenberg - ExcludeArch armv7 and i586 due to significant test failures
* Tue Aug 16 2022 Yogalakshmi Arunachalam - Update to 1.4.0 Support for all different buffer type conversions.
* Improved buffer transfers to numpy as guaranteed to match Java types. However, exact dtype for conversions is os/numpy version dependent.
* Support for byte order channels on buffer transfers.
* Byte size for buffers now fixed to Java definitions.
* When directly accessing Java arrays using memory view, Python requires a cast from buffers. Required because Python does not support memory view alterations on non-native sizes. Fix crash when comparing JChar.
* Order handling for numerical operations with JChar fixed.
* Improved matching for Java functors based on parameter count.
* Dropped support for Python 3.5 and 3.6
* dbapi2 handles drivers that don\'t support autocommit.
* Fixed issue when Java classes with dunder methods such as __del__ caused conflicts in Python type system. Java method which match dunder patterns are longer translated to Python.
* Fix issue with numpy arrays with no dimensions resulting in crash.
* Support for user defined conversions for java.lang.Class and array types.
* Fixed issue with ssize_t on Windows for Python 3.10.
* Mon Feb 21 2022 John Vandenberg - Update to v1.3.0
* Fixes for memory issues found when upgrading to Python 3.10 beta.
* Add additional diagnositics for importing of non-public class.
* Fixed issue with classes with unsatified dependencies leading to a crash on windows.
* Fixed a bug with arrays created using the short cut.- from v1.2.1
* Missing stub files added.
* Python 3.9 issues are resolved on Windows.
* JPype scans jar files and rebuilding missing directories to allow imports from stripped and obfuscated jar files.- from v1.2.0
* Added builds for Python 3.9.
* Fixed bug when importing from multi-release jars.
* addClassPath can add jar files after the JVM is started. The default loader for JPype class is ``org.jpype.classloader.DynamicClassLoader``.
* Build support of z/OS added.
* Bug causing ambiguity between primitives and variadic arguments in method resolution was corrected.
* Boolean was inadvertently left out of method resolution. ``boolean`` now properly matched with boxed types.
* Support for PyInstaller was added.
* Tue Apr 27 2021 Markéta Machová - skip python36 because of numpy
* Sat Nov 14 2020 John Vandenberg - Initial spec for v1.1.2