Changelog for
wmpomme-1.39-18.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Apr 10 2024 Bernhard Wiedemann
- Add reproducible.patch to produce deterministic build results independent of the number of cores/parallelism (boo#1102408)- Update pommed-dbus_policy.patch pommed-desktop.patch to allow using %autopatch
* Thu Feb 29 2024 Dominique Leuenberger - Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.
* Tue Oct 19 2021 Johannes Segitz - Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified:
* pommed.service
* Mon Sep 21 2020 add patch pommed-1.39-multiple-def-lcd_bck_info.patch to fix link issues in factory. struct is already declared in sysfs_backlight
* Thu Jun 02 2016 Cleanup a bit to have up-to-date spec-file- Update url to point to some existing page with repository
* Wed Sep 12 2012 removed init.d script and added a systemd service file- symlinked pommed.service so it starts by default.- removed rpmlint filter... we do not install in kde3 anymore- added a resonable settings, pommed.conf, works fine on my MBP7,1
* Thu Jun 02 2011 Update to version 1.39 to fix kernel 2.6.39 compatibility
* Sat May 07 2011 pommed.init: Remove 4 from default start per rpmlint warning- Re-enable as-needed support now that it works- Update to version 1.38- Changes: version 1.38: - pommed: add support for the Early 2011 MacBook Pro: MacBookPro8,1 (13\"), MacBookPro8,2 (15\"), MacBookPro8,3 (17\"). - pommed: add acpi_video0 as a possible sysfs backlight driver. - pommed: allow disabling audio support entirely. version 1.37: - pommed: fix oversight in applesmc probing change. - pommed: prefer nvidia_bl over Nouveau. - pommed: add new option to fade keyboard backlight instead of switching off when idle. From Alex Launi . version 1.36: - pommed: probe for applesmc through /sys/class/hwmon. - pommed: add support for the MacBook7,1 (April 2010). - all: use LDLIBS instead of adding libraries to LDFLAGS. - pommed: fix keyboard backlight fading on pmac. - pommed: lock/unlock auto kbd backlight using up/down keys. - pommed: add ADB product IDs for ANSI and JIS keyboard variants. version 1.35: - pommed: fix crash if no fnmode sysfs node found. - pommed: add support for the MacBookAir3,1 & 3,2 (October 2010). version 1.34: - pommed: be more careful when invoking eject (Alioth #312213). - pommed: add the nouveau sysfs backlight driver. version 1.33: - pommed: added support for the MacBook6,1 (October 2009). - pommed: added support for the MacBookPro6,1 & 6,2 (Core i5/i7, April 2010). - pommed: kill PCI device check in nv8600mgt. - pommed: added support for the MacBookPro7,1 (13\", Core2 Duo, April 2010). Requires a patched nvidia-bl module for backlight support at the moment. - gpomme: replaced Glade with hardcoded GTK+ code. version 1.32: - pommed: add the rivabl sysfs backlight driver for older 12\" PowerBook G4 laptops. Reported by Nic Boet. version 1.31: - pommed: add IDs for newer wireless keyboard. - pommed: add the MacBookPro5,4 (15\" June 2009).
* Sun Oct 31 2010 Use %_smp_mflags
* Tue Nov 17 2009 rediffed for fuzz=0