Changelog for libonnx-1.16.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Mar 27 2024 Christian Goll - update to 1.16.0
* Update to support int4 and uint4: + Cast, CastLike, Constant, ConstantOfShape, Identity, If, Loop, Reshape, Scan, Shape, Size
* Update to support float8e4m3fnuz, float8e5m2, float8e5m2fnuz, int4 and uint4: + Flatten, Pad, Squeeze, Transpose, Unsqueeze
* Support blocked quantization. Support int4, uint4, int16, and uint16: + DequantizeLinear, QuantizeLinear,
* Support bfloat16 and float16 scales. Support float8e4m3fn, float8e4m3fnuz, float8e5m2, float8e5m2fnuz quantized tensors: + QLinearMatMul,
* Add stash_type attribute and change input shape of scale and bias from (G) to (C) for GroupNormalization
* Opset 4
* Addeded new operator TreeEnsemble
* IR Version 10 + Added support for UINT4, INT4 types + GraphProto, FunctionProto, NodeProto, TensorProto added metadata_props field + FunctionProto added value_info field + FunctionProto and NodeProto added overload field to support overloaded functions.- Security Updates
* Fix path sanitization bypass leading to arbitrary read (CVE-2024-27318)
* Fix Out of bounds read due to lack of string termination in assert (CVE-2024-27319)- Several Bug fixes and infrastructure improvements- removed python39 support
* Fri Jan 26 2024 Christian Goll - update to 1.15.0
* New Operators (ai.onnx): + ImageDecoder a new ImageDecoder operator to be used in preprocessing models + RegexFullMatch a new operator for regex matching that is commonly used in feature preprocessing + StringConcat takes two string tensors as input and returns the elementwise concatenation of the strings in each tensor + StringSplit takes a string tensor as input and splits each element based on a delimiter attribute and a maxsplit attribute + AffineGrid Generates a 2D or 3D flow field (sampling grid), given a batch of affine matrices theta + Gelu applies gaussian error linear unit function or its approximation to input
* Operator Updates (ai.onnx): + ConstantOfShape extends supported data types + GridSample extends to ND data + ReduceMax adds support for boolean + ReduceMin adds support for boolean + IsNan adds support of float8 types + IsInf adds support of float8 types + DFT promote axis as input
* New functionality: + Enable empty list of values as attribute + Update diff bakend node tests for auto update doc + Enable pylint checks with Ruff and remove pylint from lintrunner + Getting onnx to treat inf/-inf as float literals. + Create the onnxtxt serialization format + Support JSON as a serialization target + Support for parsing and printing empty list value as attribute + Add auto update doc pipeline to help developers update docs + Implement GELU as function op + Integrate function-inlining with version-conversion + Extend function type inference to handle missing optional parameters + Create repr functions for OpSchema + Utility to inline model-local functions + Faster reference implementation for operator Conv based on im2col + Support textproto as a serialization format
* ONNX now supports serializing to JSON, Text Proto as well as the ONNX Text Representation
* Users are now able to serialize the model proto to a text format by specifying supported file extensions or supplying the format= argument in save_model.
* Bug fixes + Do not use LFS64 on non-glibc linu + Reject absolute path when saving external data + Support Python editable builds + Supports float 8 initializers in ReferenceEvaluator + Transpose scalar shape inference + Enable RUFF as a formatter + Fix type constraints of Reshape(19)
* Wed Oct 11 2023 ecsos - Update to 1.14.1
* Bug fixes - Fix shape data propagation function to handle missing optional parameters #5219 - Fix a couple of shape inference issues #5223 - Extend function type inference to handle missing optional parameters #5169 - Fix check_tensor to work with large models on Windows #5227 - Fix check_tensor to work with large models on UNIX #5286- Changes from 1.14.0
* Opset 19 is released
* New operators - DeformConv added in #4783
* Operator extensions - Equal - Support for string data type added in #4828 - AveragePool - New attribute dilations #4790 - Pad - Added new wrap to the mode attribute to support circular padding #4793 - Resize - Added half_pixel_symmetric to the coordinate_transformation_mode attribute #4862
* IR updates (bump to 9) - Support attributes with default values: #4911 - Added 4 new 8-bit floating point data types: #4805
* Backend tests - Replaced real models with light models in backend tests. #4861 #4960
* Support Protobuf v21 - Now ONNX supports Protobuf v21: #4956
* Deprecation notice - Python 3.7 support will be deprecated due to EOL in next release: #5191 - onnx-weekly package will be deprecated in TestPyPI. Please use them from PyPI instead: #4930 - Properties in FormalParameter will be deprecated in future release. Please use newer properties name: #5074 - Variables from will be deprecated and become private implementation details. Please use public functions to get corresponding types from instead: #4554- Changes from 1.13.1
* Bug fixes - Add missing f-string for DeprecatedWarningDict in #4707 - Fix types deprecated in numpy==1.24 #4721 - Update URL for real models from ONNX Runtime #4865 - Fix attribute substitution within subgraphs during function type/shape inference #4792 - Handle variants of constant op in shape inference #4824 - Fix parser bug in handling non-tensor types #4863 - Fix function shape inference bug #4880
* Announcement - Deprecate real model tests from onnx repo in next ONNX release #4885 - Move onnx-weekly package from TestPyPI to PyPI and stop uploading onnx-weekly to TestPyPI after next ONNX release #4930- Changes from 1.13.0
* New operators - Col2Im added in #3948 - BitwiseNot added in #4497 - BitwiseAnd, BitwiseOr and BitwiseXor added in #4496
* Operator extensions - Resize - New attributes: antialias, axes and keep_aspect_ratio_policy, allow for both scales and sizes to be provided when one of them is an empty constant #4126, #4388 - Pad - New attribute axes #4190 - OptionalHasElement - New input types handling #4326 - OptionalHasElement and OptionalGetElement - Accept tensor and sequence types #4421 - ScatterElement and ScatterND - Add max and min as supported reduction attributes #4411 - Split - Add support for uneven tensor splitting and a new num_outputs attribute #4481 - LpPool - New attributes: ceil_mode and dilations #4534
* Function updates - CenterCropPad added in #4190 - mish added in #4350 - GroupNormalization added in #4621
* Reference Python runtime - Reference Python runtime dependent on only Python and numpy has been added. #4483
* Python 3.11 support - ONNX 1.13.0 supports Python 3.11. #4490
* Apple Silicon support - Support for M1/M2 ARM processors has been added. #4642
* More ONNX 1.13.0 also comes with numerous: - bugfixes - infrastructure improvements - CI improvements - documentation updates - security updates For full details see
* Deprecation notice - TENSOR_TYPE_TO_STORAGE_TENSOR_TYPE has been deprecated #4270 - ONNXIFI: ONNX Interface for Framework Integration has been deprecated #4431
* Thu Sep 21 2023 ecsos - Add %{?sle15_python_module_pythons}
* Fri Jul 21 2023 Guillaume GARDET - Use older protobuf (protobuf21) to fix build
* Mon Oct 17 2022 python-six is not required
* Wed Jul 20 2022 Guillaume GARDET - Update to version 1.12.0: Drop upstream patch:
* 3734-enable-python310.patch
* Tue May 03 2022 Matej Cepl - Add 3734-enable-python310.patch to make the package Python 3.10 compatible (gh#onnx/onnx#3734).- Remove no-python2.patch, it is really better to fix shebang with a sed command.
* Fri Jan 14 2022 Guillaume GARDET - Update to 1.10.2: Rebase no-python2.patch- Disable python 3.10 support as onnx is not ready yet.- Do not run tests in parallel, since it is not parallel safe.
* Mon Feb 15 2021 Ben Greiner - NEP 29: Tumbleweed does not have python36-numpy and depending packages anymore. Skip python36 build.- Make cmake call and %cmake macros compatible, even for multiple python3 flavors (when we get python39)- Fix boo#1182258
* Fri Feb 05 2021 Guillaume GARDET - Update to 1.8.1:
* Bug fixes: - #3169 To resolve memory crash on Windows, register python exceptions and update exceptions handling - #3171 Fix bugs in external data helpers and add add size thresholds for converting - #2961 Fix build issues on some distributions of linux due to hard dependency on python2 - #3221 Fix mypy wrapper error while using ONNX as a submodule- Changes from skipped 1.8.0:
* Training - Added Differentiable tags to make Gradient operator better defined #2723, #2893, #2911, #2954 - Removed GraphCall; eliminated need to implement GraphCall #2964 - Created a tool and example for users to use TrainingInfoProto for training #3008
* Shape Inference and Checker - Large model (>2GB model) support added for checker and shape_inference #2744 - Graph level shape inference fixes to patch the IR gap introduced since IR version 4 #3023 - Node level shape inference fixes for operators
* Version Converter - More operators supported #2664
* General Features - Added serialization for inputs and outputs of Sequence and Map data types #2581 - Added programmatic access to version-table and extend make-model #2918 - Added size check to make_tensor #2987- Drop patch as the related problem has been fixed upstream:
* using-onnxruntime-proto.patch