Changelog for racket-8.13-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Fri May 24 2024 Martin Schreiner - Update to 8.13.- Changes from 8.13: * The racket/treelist and racket/mutable-treelist libraries provide list-like containers that support many operations in effectively constant time, including appending and extracting sub-lists without mutating the given list. Treelists are implemented as RRB Vectors, invented by Stucki, Riompf, Ureche, and Bagwell. * The hash-filter-keys and hash-filter-values functions allow users to filter hashes using a predicate on either keys or values. * The vector-extend and vector *-extend functions provide a way to pre-populate the prefix of a newly allocated vector using the elements of an existing vector. * Command-line raco setup, package update, and package installation use terminal control (when available) to show what they are working on more compactly and with a progress bar. * Racket v8.13 uses Unicode 15.1 for character and string operations. * Machine-specific cross-module optimization allows improved support for static generation of foreign-function bindings. * The scribble/acmart language uses v2.01, which avoids errors concerning the hyperref package in some latex installations.- Changes from 8.12: * The \"Die Macht der Abstraktion\" language levels are no longer present, replaced by the \"Schreibe dein Programm\" language levels which have been available for several years. * The release fixes a problem with the binding structure of the for/fold form in the rare situation when an iteration clause identifier shadowed an accumulator identifier. This change may break code that depends on the old binding structure. * Racket automatically sets the close-on-exec flag when opening a file, on systems where this is available. This change lowers the cost of avoiding problems that can occur when file descriptors become accidentally shared between processes. * Match includes hash and hash * patterns. * The vector-set/copy function allows creation of a new vector that differs at only one index. This change also adds vector-append and vector-copy primitives. * The pregexp-quote function brings the functionality of regexp-quote to pregexps. * The C FFI convention-based converter supports PascalCase and camelCase in addition to an underscore-based convention. * The racket/case library allows case-like forms that use different equality comparisons, such as eq? and equal-always?. * Scribble rendering to HTML adds linking and information buttons when hovering over heading titles. * The interval-map data structure supports iterator functions in the style of gen:ordered-dict. * Sun Apr 07 2024 Christian Boltz - mzdyn3m.lo no longer gets built for s390x, remove it from %files * Fri Feb 23 2024 Dominique Leuenberger - Use %autosetup macro. Allows to eliminate the usage of deprecated %patchN. * Sat Dec 16 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 8.11.1: * This bug-fix release repairs a problem with building from source when using the “builtpkgs” source distribution * Wed Nov 15 2023 Fred Fu - Update to 8.11: * Match clauses can include a #:do option to allow evaluation of code and bindings before a following #:when clause. * JSON Serialization supports indentation with an #:indent option to write-json. Cf. https://docs.racket-lang.org/json/index.html#%28def._%28%28lib._json%2Fmain..rkt%29._write-json%29%29 * An initiate-sequence function simplifies the creation of sequences. Cf. https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/sequences.html#%28def._%28%28lib._racket%2Fsequence..rkt%29._initiate-sequence%29%29 * The :do-in form allows an inner definition sequence. Cf. https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/for.html#%28form._%28%28lib.racket%2Fprivate%2Fbase..rkt%29.~3ado-in%29%29 * The redex-define form allows pattern-matching in PLT Redex using a define-like syntax. Cf. https://docs.racket-lang.org/redex/reference.html#%28form._%28%28lib._redex%2Freduction-semantics..rkt%29._redex-define%29%29 * Racket and Chez Scheme use Robert L. Smith’s “Algorithm 116” for division of complex numbers. Cf. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/368637.368661 * DrRacket has indentation guides that provide visual cues indicating how code is indented and grouped, accessible by using (-shift-i). * “Comment-out” menu items can be specific to the #lang used by the current file. Cf. https://docs.racket-lang.org/framework/Text.html#%28def._%28%28lib._framework%2Fmain..rkt%29._text~3aindent-guides~3c~25~3e%29%29 * Unused identifiers have a tooltip indicating that they have no bound occurrences. * Quickscript includes a new form of scripting in the form of “hook” functions that can be attached to existing events. Cf. https://docs.racket-lang.org/quickscript/index.html#%28part._.Hooks%29 * Plots include plot-inset and plot-legend-padding parameters to control the amount of space left unused around the plot edge and plot legend. Cf. https://docs.racket-lang.org/plot/params.html#%28def._%28%28lib._plot%2Fmain..rkt%29._plot-inset%29%29 * There are many other documentation improvements, optimizations, and bug fixes! * Fri Aug 18 2023 Matthias Eliasson - Update to 8.10: * syntax/parse no longer always compiles its patterns; this release includes an interpreter which is used to reduce code size * Racket includes primitives [im]mutable-string?, [im]mutable-bytes?, [im]mutable-vector?, [im]mutable-box?, and [im]mutable-hash? (cf. https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/booleans.html#%28mod-path._racket%2Fmutability%29) * Redex adds judgment-form->rule-names (cf. https://docs.racket-lang.org/redex/reference.html#%28def._%28%28lib._redex%2Freduction-semantics..rkt%29._judgment-form-~3erule-names%29%29) * Fasl and compiled code allow fxvectors and flvectors * DrRacket allows #lang-specific customization of the definition navigation popdown (cf. https://docs.racket-lang.org/tools/drracket_language.html#%28idx._%28gentag._55._%28lib._scribblings%2Ftools%2Ftools..scrbl%29%29%29) * Racket and DrRacket include Finnish internationalization * Check Syntax binding arrows are drawn for names bound with define-local-member-name * Many other improvements and bug fixes are included, including to the scribble and plot packages- Remove config.sub since the fix is now included in upstream release * Sat May 13 2023 Fred Fu - Update to 8.9: * The HtDP student languages come with checked signatures. Programmers can express signatures in a formal notation, and these signatures are checked at run-time (in a performance-neutral manner). The addition of this formal language associates meaning with several names that had no meaning before. — This feature is experimental, and we may amend or retract it later. (cf. 2 Beginning Student with List Abbreviations 27) * Switching into and out of dark mode is handled better on Mac OS and Linux. * Racket uses Unicode 15.0 for character and string operations. * The racket/hash-code library provides support for combining hash codes. (cf. 4.1 Equality 5) * A language module can have a configure-expand submodule that is dynamically required to configure a parameterization before expansion of another module. (cf. 18.1 Running Racket or GRacket 1) * stream-cons supports multiple values. (cf. 4.16.2 Streams 5) * unit/c subcontracts may depend on bindings from any imported or exported signature. Additionally, bindings’ contracts are enforced within subcontracts, and violations blame the contract itself (like ->i). (cf. 7.9 Unit Contracts 2) * racket/class provides the dynamic-instantiate procedure for instantiating a class with a dynamic list of by-name initialization arguments. (cf. 6.3 Creating Objects 2) * TCP output block buffering implies TCP_NODELAY. (cf. 15.3.1 TCP 3) * Submodules and Check Syntax require arrows work better together. * Typed Racket\'s shallow check generation is improved. * Many other improvements and bug fixes are included! * Wed Feb 15 2023 Fred Fu - Update to 8.8: * The dependent contract form, ->i, supports a #:param element that specifies dependencies for parameter values that are set during the dynamic extent of the function call. * The copy-file library function supports permission-management arguments. * Pressing -return in DrRacket’s interactions window makes it easier to edit and enter expressions without sending them to be evaluated. * The numeric comparison operators (=, etc.) require at least two arguments in the “How To Design Programs” teaching languages. * Redex has improved typesetting when customized renders are used in certain multi-line situations. * We have fixed many bugs, and written lots of documentation. * Wed Dec 14 2022 Andreas Schwab - Update config.sub from upstream * Mon Dec 05 2022 Fred Fu - Update to 8.7: * Typed Racket offers Shallow and Optional modes for its gradual types. These modes lower the cost of interacting with untyped code, but provide less protection against buggy interactions. * Racket uses Unicode 14.0 for character and string operations, and includes grapheme operations. DrRacket supports emojis. * Racket supports RV64G (RISC-V). * Programmers can disable definition shadowing using `(#%declare #:require=define)`. * The module dependency graphs available using raco dependencies-graph and DrRacket\'s Module browser are faster and have new package filtering support. * DrRacket is more responsive when killing programs that produce a lot of output. * Plot 3D allows negative altitude values (e.g., looking at the plot from \"below\"). * The `scriblib/bibtex` and `scriblib/autobib` libraries support DOIs. * There are many other repairs and improvements! * Thu Aug 18 2022 Andreas Schwab - Fix file list * Fri Aug 12 2022 Fred Fu - Update to 8.6: * Racket has an “equal-always?” primitive that equates values that will stay the same even if mutated. See https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/Equality.html#%28def.%28%28quote.~23~25kernel%29._equal-always~3f%29%29 * This release uses a new build system, Zuo, which is implemented as a little language, in accordance with the ideas of Language Oriented Programming (LOP). The implementation has a single C file (plus libraries implemented in Zuo), so it compiles easily. The zuo/build library is modeled on make and Shake for tracking dependencies and build steps. See https://docs.racket-lang.org/zuo/index.html and https://racket.discourse.group/t/new-build-system-pushed-to-git-repo/873 * Racket supports stencil vectors, which associate a virtual bitmask with a vector, enabling certain mask-equipped update operations. See https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/stencil_vectors.html * Racket supports Arm64 machines running Windows. * Redex has support for simultaneous substitutions. See https://docs.racket-lang.org/redex/reference.html#%28form._%28%28lib._redex%2Freduction-semantics..rkt%29._substitute%29%29 * The Web Server provides control over the maximum number of concurrent connections via its “safety limits” construct. See https://docs.racket-lang.org/web-server-internal/dispatch-server-unit.html#%28part._safety-limits%29 * The Web Server has improved logging performance and improved request parsing performance, reducing tail latencies. * The Web Server supports logging response status code via web-server/dispatchers/dispatch-logresp. See https://docs.racket-lang.org/web-server-internal/dispatch-logresp.html * The db library supports custom types for PostgreSQL connections; see pg-custom-type for details. See https://docs.racket-lang.org/db/util.html#%28def._%28%28lib._db%2Futil%2Fpostgresql..rkt%29._pg-custom-type%29%29 * The release includes many other repairs and changes!- Remove patch racket-amsmath-mathabx.patch, since the conflict between modern amsmath and mathabx LaTeX styles has been resolved in the upstream * Thu Jun 09 2022 Dr. Werner Fink - Add patch racket-amsmath-mathabx.patch * Avoid conflict between modern amsmath and mathabx LaTeX styles to get e.g. scsh build again * Sun May 08 2022 Fred Fu - Update to 8.5: * Racket\'s new `-y` flag automatically keeps compiled files up to date, reducing subsequent load times. * Error-message realms allow Racket-hosted languages to adapt and rewrite error messages to make sense in a particular context. * Nonprivileged users can control package installation scope using an \"other-version\" directory in the addon-dir. * Racket CS runs on platforms where native-code generation is not currently supported (e.g., s390x or ppc64). See \"README.txt\" in the source distribution for more information on the --enable-pb flag to configure. * DrRacket\'s new \'Reopen Closed Tab\' file menu item will open previously closed tabs. * Typed Racket has support for the `xml` library; use `typed/xml`. * Rackunit reports source locations for failed test cases in the Typed Racket language. * Plot has violin plots and improved box-and-whisker plots. * Boxes are supported alongside lists, vectors etc. in place-channel messages. * Those who manually configure Racket CS to use Zlib compression for compiled code should be aware of CVE-2018-25032; the next release and the current snapshot builds use a newer, safer version of zlib. * The release includes many other repairs and changes!- Spec changes: * add google-roboto-fonts to the build dependencies. Fonts are required for the following two cases: 1. making scribble documents 2. compiling programs that depend on font-related library (e.g. racket/draw) at compile time. * Sat Apr 16 2022 Fred Fu - Fix bug for boo#1198475 * add a new build dependency, `ncurses-devel`, to enable `expeditor` * Sun Mar 06 2022 Fred Fu - Update to 8.4: * Command-line Racket provides a new expression editor by default for its read-eval-print loop (REPL). The new REPL is based on the Chez Scheme expression editor, but extended to use the same language-sensitive syntax coloring and indentation tools as DrRacket. * Typed Racket adds a kind system, preventing programmers from writing nonsensical type expressions. It checks whether type constructors are correctly applied to arguments, and separates type constructors from polymorphic types. The `:kind` form enables checking the kind of a type expression at the REPL. The new system also correctly rejects some ill-formed recursive types. * Racket has a `file-or-directory-stat` for unified information about file-system objects. * DrRacket shows the region affected by an `#;` S-expression comment by fading the commented-out region. * Racket on Chez has faster multiplication and division for some numbers. * Web server: The files dispatcher supports all standard caching-related HTTP response headers (e.g., Cache-Control). * Web server: A new dispatcher captures the common pattern of processing HTTP requests and responses in a layered fashion. * The Web Server supports use of the Cache-Control header, and includes a new wrapping dispatcher. * Expander: add \"portal\" syntax to support new forms of syntax object binding. * Documentation search is improved. * Some hash operations support an optional `try-order?` argument. * The plot-metrics interface has documentation. * Fonts support OpenType feature settings. * The Gui library has improved support for Wayland. * The computation of quadratic roots is further improved. * The `set/c` contract adds support for random generation. * DrRacket\'s interactions window supports #lang-specific coloring and indentation. * DrRacket\'s parenthesis-based keyboard shortcuts change based on the parentheses that each different #lang uses. * The release includes many other bug repairs and other improvements! Transition/Update notes: * To turn off expeditor and make Racket\'s REPL go back to the old editline/readline-based editor, use the command ,input readline and then restart Racket. Get back to the new expression editor with ,input expeditor To toggle color mode for the new expression editor, use one of the following, which does not require restarting Racket: ,color #false ,color #true * Support for comment fading in DrRacket requires an increment to the \"WXME\" format version so files with non-text content written by DrRacket v8.4 will open only in v8.4 and later. This does not affect files that consist only of unicode text. * The addition of the kind system to Typed Racket means that certain mild abuses of the type system no longer type check, most notably the \'application\' of a polymorphic type.- Spec changes: * fix the path to locate a list of html files where references of %{build-root} need to removed * add more html files to the list above * remove the command that deletes `.LOCKpkgs.rktd`, so users will not have to manually create this file as a root user in order to successfully run `raco` or `drracket`.- RPMlintrc changes: * remove unused filters. * add a filter to ignore warnings on `.LOCKpkgs.rktd` * Wed Dec 01 2021 Fred Fu - Update to 8.3: * Racket removes syntax arming and disarming in favor of a simpler system of protected syntax operations, along with other updates to the syntax system. * DrRacket has improved support for custom #lang languages. * Typed Racket improves precision for type-checking of non-polymorphic structures, existential types, and certain binding forms. * Scribble HTML output gains a button to show / hide the table of contents on mobile platforms. * Redex’s stepper’s GUI shows IO-judgment form rule names. * Many bug fixes!- Remove dont-strip.patch, since --disable-strip has been repaired or improved in 8.3. * Sun Oct 10 2021 Fred Fu - Update to 8.2: * Racket CS improved the performance of large-integer arithmetic. * Racket has improved support for layered and tethered installation. * Racket CS supports nonatomic allocation via ffi/unsafe. * Cross-compilation works fully with the raco cross tool, which is distributed separately as the “raco-cross” package. * DrRacket has performance improvements when editing files with picts containing large bitmaps. * Typed Racket more consistently refines field types of non-polymorphic structs. * Printing of values is unified across the teaching language implementations and the stepper.- Rebase racket-doc.patch * Wed Jun 16 2021 Dr. Werner Fink - Fix for bug boo#1187288 * Do not remove pre-compiled and compresse object files ( *.zo) as with 8.1 those are mandatory for a functional racket installation- Enforce the usage of the system libraries libz and liblz4 * Mon May 31 2021 Paolo Stivanin - Update to 8.1: * DrRacket tabs can be dragged, and have new close buttons. * Racket CS supports cross-compilation using raco exe. * Racket CS supports Android on 32-bit and 64-bit ARM processors. * The database library supports running queries in OS threads. * Check-Syntax arrows correctly identify the definition site of identifiers with contracts. * Racket CS performance has improved for structure predicates and accessors * Racket CS is faster at multiplying extremely large numbers and dividing large integers. * Racket CS allows callbacks to raise exceptions if they are annotated with #:callback-exns?. * New ephemeron hash tables simplify the implementation of tables where keys can refer to values. * Typed Racket supports for/foldr. * The stepper works for #lang htdp/ *sl. * Struct signatures work for the ASL teaching language. * Tue Apr 27 2021 Paolo Stivanin - Update to 8.0: * Racket CS is the default implementation (except for ppc64le and s390x) * Racket CS has better parallel garbage collection, a 10%–30% reduction in the size of generated code, and various targeted optimizations. * A rewrite of the test-engine package allows the #lang versions of teaching languages to produce linked test-failure messages. * The release comes with a new mark-up DSL for composing text to appear in the REPL (simple-tree-text-markup). * Redex has an added define-overriding-judgment form and improved error source location reporting. * Windows scrolling speed reflects the system preference. * The db package uses the utf8mb4 charset for MySQL connections.- Rebase dont-strip.patch