Changelog for nodejs-packaging-10.beta11-4.5.noarch.rpm :

* Mon Nov 28 2022 Steve Kowalik - Drop unneeded Requires on python.
* Wed Feb 16 2022 Dominique Leuenberger - Files in /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d are not config files: drop %config marker.
* Tue Feb 15 2022 Dominique Leuenberger - Move rpm macro file from /etc/rpm to /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d (boo#1191387).
* Fri Jul 01 2016 Fix typo in Group tag.
* Thu Jun 16 2016 update version v10.beta11
* bower.rb: github tags can be in more than one page. so the check for avaiable versions should be recursive.
* Tue Mar 29 2016 update version v10.beta10
* sometimes bower.json doesn\'t have dependencies tag
* fix encodings for nodejs-check.rb
* add --drop option to nodejs-fixdep.rb to drop dependency
* Tue Mar 01 2016 update version v10.beta9
* expose build log in nodejs_build macro
* nodejs_build: more general build using node-gyp, depends on the existence of compiled .node files
* filter \'sample\' directory when copying files
* auto link executables in bin to /usr/bin, you can delete unneeded ones later
* add nodejs_check macro, easy to check for unsatisfied dependency now
* bugfix: semver.rb can\'t handle version like \'1.0.0-rc3\'
* bugfix: sometimes \'engines\' tag is empty
* bugfix: nodejs-fixdep can\'t handle multiple occurance of the same module
* Fri Feb 26 2016 update version v10.beta8
* recursively copy files and fix exec permissions for all files outside bin (github#6)
* colored text to prompt sources that should be deleted for npkg
* bugfix: .css pattern will be skipped when copy because of the regex \".c\"
* bugfix: if two versions of tarball, only one version will be copied.
* bugfix: bower in npkg, sometimes multiple name-
* will be found
* Thu Feb 25 2016 update version v10.beta7
* fix bugs related with licenses in dependency.rb
* nodejs.rb: fix a bug that \'v2.0.0\' dir will be renamed
* fix a bug in semver.rb
* add npkg-mgmt-merge: possible to create a huge bundle
* add bower.rb plugin to handle bower dependencies
* build C node modules automatically
* add a global filter for rpmlint warnings
* Sun Feb 14 2016 update version v10.beta6
* history.rb: some version exists in version timestamp but has no details, not downloadable, so drop them
* clean_temp for parent.rb: don\'t use array substraction, it will all values matched. we just need to free the last
* skiploop in dependencies.rb: parents variable can be nested arrays
* skip in dependencies.rb: let those \"parent\" element without \"name\" variable return -1 to break infinite loop
* vcmp.rb: fix a bug in \">=\" test
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