Changelog for
python310-celery-batches-0.8.1-1.4.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Aug 09 2023 Dirk Müller
- update to 0.8.1:
* Fix installing celery-batches with Celery 5.3.
* Support passing through the `request_dict` from the original Celery request.
* Support Celery 5.3.
* Drop support for Celery < 5.0.
* Support Python 3.11.
* Drop support for Python 3.7.
* Thu Mar 30 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 0.7:
* Support passing multiple or keyword arguments by disabling Celery\'s ``typing`` feature for ``Batches`` tasks.
* Support |using a custom Request class|_ for ``Batches`` tasks.
* Support calling tasks with an ``eta`` or ``countdown`` specified.
* Handle \"hybrid\" messages that have moved between Celery versions.
* Fix task ETA issues when timezone is defined in configuration.
* Simplify tests.
* Improve PyPI metadata.
* Update README badges to include PyPI and GitHub Actions
* Update copyright information.
* Document use-cases and include more examples.
* Run the unit tests against RabbitMQ & Redis brokers/backends.
* Run `black `_, `isort `_,
* `flake8 `_, `pyupgrade `_,
* Fix a bug when passing a ``request`` to ``mark_as_done`` with Celery 5.1.0.
* Clean-up and re-organize code.
* Support Celery 5.2.
* Drop support for Python 3.6.
* Support Python 3.10.
* Tue Jan 26 2021 Markéta Machová - Update to 0.4
* Officially support Celery 5.0. Drop support for Celery < 4.4.
* Drop support for Python < 3.6.- Add celery-fixtures.patch to fix the testsuite
* Mon Mar 30 2020 Marketa Calabkova - Update to version 0.3
* Properly set the ``current_task`` when running Batch tasks.
* Call the success signal after a successful run of the Batch task.
* Support running tasks eagerly via the ``Task.apply()`` method. This causes the task to execute with a batch of a single item.
* Officially support Python 3.7 and 3.8. Drop support for Python 3.4.
* Officially support Celery 4.3 and 4.4.
* Thu Dec 05 2019 John Vandenberg - Remove test suite from runtime package
* Sun Jan 13 2019 Jan Engelhardt - Trim bias and use noun phrasing.
* Wed Jan 02 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Really run tests- Sort out with spec-cleaner
* Fri Nov 30 2018 Matthias Fehring - Initial package version 0.2