Changelog for
python311-bleach-6.1.0-1.5.noarch.rpm :
* Sat Oct 28 2023 Dirk Müller
- update to 6.1.0:
* Dropped support for Python 3.7.
* Add support for Python 3.12.
* Fix linkify with arrays in querystring
* Handle more cases with < followed by character data
* Fix entities inside a tags in linkification
* Update cap for tinycss2 to <1.3
* Updated Sphinx requirement
* Add dependabot for github actions and update github actions
* Thu Jun 29 2023 Markéta Machová - Add patch strip-spaces.patch (bsc#1212852)
* sent upstream:
* Mon May 08 2023 Daniel Garcia - Update to 6.0.0:
* bleach.clean, bleach.sanitizer.Cleaner, bleach.html5lib_shim.BleachHTMLParser: the tags and protocols arguments were changed from lists to sets.
* bleach.linkify, bleach.linkifier.Linker: the skip_tags and recognized_tags arguments were changed from lists to sets.
* bleach.sanitizer.BleachSanitizerFilter: strip_allowed_elements is now strip_allowed_tags. We now use “tags” everywhere rather than a mishmash of “tags” in some places and “elements” in others. [#] Bug fixes
* Add support for Python 3.11. (#675)
* Fix API weirness in BleachSanitizerFilter. (#649)
* We’re using “tags” instead of “elements” everywhere–no more weird overloading of “elements” anymore.
* Also, it no longer calls the superclass constructor.
* Add warning when css_sanitizer isn’t set, but the style attribute is allowed. (#676)
* Fix linkify handling of character entities. (#501)
* Rework dev dependencies to use requirements-dev.txt and requirements-flake8.txt instead of extras.
* Fix project infrastructure to be tox-based so it’s easier to have CI run the same things we’re running in development and with flake8 in an isolated environment.
* Update action versions in CI.
* Switch to f-strings where possible. Make tests parametrized to be easier to read/maintain.
* Fri Apr 21 2023 Dirk Müller - add sle15_python_module_pythons (jsc#PED-68)
* Thu Apr 13 2023 Matej Cepl - Make calling of %{sle15modernpython} optional.
* Fri Mar 24 2023 Daniel Garcia - Remove not needed dependency python-packaging
* Thu Nov 03 2022 Daniel Garcia - Remove not needed python-six dependency- Remove python_module macro definition- More specific python_sitelib in files
* Thu Sep 29 2022 Steve Kowalik - Update to 5.0.1:
* Add missing comma to tinycss2 require. Thank you, AATTshadchin!
* Add url parse tests based on wpt url tests. (#688)
* Support scheme-less urls if \"https\" is in allow list. (#662)
* Handle escaping ``<`` in edge cases where it doesn\'t start a tag. (#544)
* Correctly urlencode email address parts. Thank you, AATTlarseggert! (#659)
* ``clean`` and ``linkify`` now preserve the order of HTML attributes.
* Drop support for Python 3.6. Thank you, AATThugovk! (#629)
* CSS sanitization in style tags is completely different now.
* Python 3.9 support
* Drop support for unsupported Python versions <3.6. (#520)
* add more tests for CVE-2021-23980 / GHSA-vv2x-vrpj-qqpq- Refresh de-vendor.patch, and convert to patch level 1
* Tue Apr 13 2021 Andreas Stieger - update to 3.3.0:
* Backwards incompatible change: clean escapes HTML comments even when strip_comments=False
* Fix CVE-2021-23980: mutation XSS on bleach.clean with specific combinations of allowed tags (boo#1184547)- includes changes from 3.2.3:
* fix clean and linkify raising ValueErrors for certain inputs- includes changes from 3.2.2:
* fix linkify raising an IndexError on certain inputs- includes changes from 3.2.1:
* change linkifier to add rel=\"nofollow\" as documented- includes changes from 3.2.0:
* html5lib dependency increased to 1.1.0
* Mon Aug 31 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Skip tests that fail with html5lib 1.1 ref the upstream ticket