Changelog for
goverlay-1.1.1-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Sat Jun 01 2024 Update to version 1.1.1:
* update version to 1.10
* update qt6pas url
* FIX: Update dependencies definition to QT6
* Update
* Update
* Update app logo and centralize main app window
* Disable AF and Mipmap if value is 0
* Update io.github.benjamimgois.goverlay.desktop
* Add files via upload
* Add files via upload
* Add files via upload
* Thu Feb 22 2024 Dominique Leuenberger
- Do not use %attr(644,-,-) %license: this happens to also create the relevant directories with mode 644, i.e not accessible. Rather remove the spurious exec bits from the files during prep.
* Mon Jan 08 2024 Antonio Teixeira - Update to 1.0:
* A much speedier, shiny new codebase
* Now compatible with Wayland
* Every
*.TTF font in /usr/share/fonts is ready to use
* A fresh look for the user interface
* Loads of new features inspired by MangoHUD 0.7
* Bid farewell to replaysorcery- Change Mesa-demo, vkbasalt and vulkan-tools to weak dependencies.- Remove replay-sorcery dependency.
* Sun Oct 01 2023 Fix build on Factory/TW: requires lazarus-lcl-qt5.- Clean up spec file.
* Thu Dec 22 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 0.9.1:
* NEW: Mangohud - Multigpu support with PCIDEV option
* NEW: Mangohud - Vertical and horizontal hud orientation (not in the mangohud stable yet, you need use mangohud-git for it)
* NEW: Mangohud - NVME temperature option
* New: Goverlay - Transparency trackbar moved to main form
* New: Goverlay - Opengl Cube has a widemode to better fit the hud horizontal orientation
* FIX: Goverlay - Interface fonts adjustments to improve interface scalling
* Fix: Tabs reorder (Visual is the first one now)
* FIX: removed message ¨paint\" spammed when running from terminal
* Change: Some cosmetic changes on the spinning cube
* Change: Removed framecount from the \"Complete\" quick layout
* Fix: Removed lsb_release dependency and reimplemented feature through os-release file. by AATTGloriousEggroll
* Removed: Hack option to run steam with deckUI (no longer needed)
* Sun Mar 13 2022 Simon Vogl - Update to version 0.9.
* NEW: Mangohud - Added frame_count option to display the number of frames since start
* NEW: Mangohud - Added GPU throttling option to show if GPU is throttling based on Power, current, temp or \"other\" (Only shows if throttling is currently happening)
* NEW: Mangohud - Selected quick layout button will keep the active color
* NEW: Mangohud - Added Option to run vkcube with Gamescope in the Hamburguer menu
* FIX: Removed Breeze theme dependency/style. GUI will use the current system theme but it is optimised for Breeze (QT) and Adwaita (GTK) themes.
* FIX: Mangohud - Driverversion wasn\'t selected on the complete quick layout
* FIX: Mangohud - Displayed Kernelversion will update automatically now (not attached to a text file anymore)
* FIX: Mangohud - Notifications didn\'t expire, now they are transient (thanks AATTNoXPhasma)
* FIX: VKbasalt - Changed menu icon to standart hamburguer menu
* FIX: Vkbasalt , replaysorcery - Display wrong hint message from the mangohud toolbox
* Sun Mar 13 2022 Simon Vogl - Update to version 0.8 & 0.8.1.
* NEW - New option to start steam using the Deck UI
* NEW - New Classic mode to fix the problem of white text in white background for GTK desktops with no Breeze theme. Issue #198
* FIX - Created icons for hamburguer options.
* FIX - Re-add Autostart logging feature. Issue #188
* FIX - Wrong hint on log duration. Issue #188
* NEW: Mangohud - Display gamepad controllers battery status (needs xone driver for xbox one and series X controllers)
* NEW: Mangohud - Preconfigure color themes (Mangohud default, Simple White, Old Afterburner, Intel + Nvidia, Intel + Radeon, AMD + Nvidia, AMD + Radeon)
* NEW: Mangohud - Added option FPS_Only to display only FPS value. Issue #192
* NEW: Mangohud - Added Minimal quick layout with only fps and frametime
* FIX: Global enable method updated. Issue #186
* FIX: Mangohud - Colors from colorsbuttons resemble but doesn\'t matched the stock mangohud. Now they do.
* FIX: Removed the lines \"exec=echo\" from baterry config. It seems it were causing steam errors. Issue #178
* FIX: Custom FPS field was locked to 200. Now the maximum value is 999. Issue #172
* FIX: Added Dependency checker for Breeze-theme
* CHANGE: Changed cpuload color 2 to a lighter orange tone: old $000078FF , new $007FAAFF
* CHANGE: Preconfigure layouts now instantly save the new options and update previews
* CHANGE: Now a “Config saved” message is also displayed next to the save button. It disapear on mouse enter the mangohud panel.
* Fri Dec 17 2021 andy great - Update to version 0.7.1.
* NEW: Goverlay: Switch QT theme from Fusion to Breeze
* NEW: Goverlay: Change panel backgrounds from color \"cldefault\" to dark gray \"$00383838\"
* FIX: Goverlay: Several aligments ajustments due to diferences in controls sizes
* FIX: Goverlay: Save buttons using Noto-sans font instead Sans font
* FIX: Goverlay: Save buttons font color changed from \"cldefault\" to \"clwhite\". (Fix a problem with adwaita theme)
* FIX: Goverlay: Bitbtns changed from Darkgray \"$00383838\" background to \"cldefault\" (Fix a problem with adwaita theme)
* FIX: ReplaySorcery: Repositioned the \"Full screen\" and \"Auto\" options to fit Breeze
* Tue Nov 30 2021 andy great - Update to version 0.7.
* NEW: Goverlay - tabbed UI optimized for steamdeck resolution. (1280x800)
* NEW: Mangohud - Added hud positions middle-left and middle-right
* NEW: Mangohud - Added round corners option to hud background
* Many fixes around the code
* Sun Oct 31 2021 andy great - Update to version 0.6.4.
* NEW / FIX: New global-enable implementation. (Needs to enter 2x the root password)
* NEW / FIX: Force x11 mode by default, so goverlay works on wayland enviroments
* New: Mangohud - Added option to choose diferent font types (DejavuSans, DejavuSans Bold, DejavuSans Oblique, DejavuSans Bold Oblique, DejavuSans Light, Ubuntu regular, Ubuntu Bold, Ubuntu Medium).
* New: Mangohud - Added option to monitor Process Memory usage
* FIX: Mangohud - Swap option was checked when you select the GRAPHs prebuilt option.
* FIX: ReplaySorcery - Fixed typo in the configuration file (videoBitratey instead videoBitrate).
* Mon Sep 13 2021 andy great - Update to version 0.6.3.
* NEW: Add vkcube test inside the Gamemenu button
* NEW: Add script \"\" to the .tar.xz binary
* FIX: Fixed the custom FPS option that broke some updates ago.
* FIX: Changed Distro version implementation so it works on steam games now.
* FIX: Code cleanup after text hud was removed
* FIX: small interface fixes
* Sat Aug 21 2021 andy great - Update to version 0.6.2.
* NEW: Implemented realtime Opengl cube for realtime hud preview.
* NEW: Keybind to upload logging results to
* FIX: Save button on the logging folder window automatically closes the form. (Asked by jason)
* FIX: VKbasalt generating wrong path for Shaders folder
* FIX: Small interface tweaks
* REMOVE: Text hud preview
* Thu Jul 29 2021 andy great - Update to version 0.6.1.
* fix: Distro info , Session and /home texts weren\'t displaying correctly (Thanks to AATTdevnull for the help)
* fix: HUD Title text doesn\'t apear as intended
* fix: Hints for Hud title and Custom command text boxes doesn\'t apear.
* Thu Jul 22 2021 andy great - Update to version 0.6.0.
* New: Mangohud - Included core_load_change in load_change CPU option
* New: Mangohud - include Gamemode status
* New: Mangohud - include vkbasalt status
* New: Mangohud - include max fps limit
* New: Mangohud - include Session Type (x11 or wayland)
* New: Mangohud - include Current resolution
* New: Mangohud - include battery status
* New: Mangohud - include Distribution info (Distro name, version and kernel)
* New: Mangohud - Added new fps limits (60 / 30 , 120 / 60, 240 , 360, 420)
* New: vkbasalt - Added option to launch steam, lutris or heroic with vkbasalt enabled
* fix: vkbasalt - Removed glxgears from vkbasalt test button
* New: ReplaySorcery - Added new video encoders from 0.6 release (x265, hevc, vaapi_h264, vaapi_hevc)
* fix: Tweaks in Global enablement for Mangohud and vkbasalt
* fix: fix showing red dot when MangoHud is the only missing dependency
* Sat Jun 05 2021 andy great - Update to version 0.5.1.
* New: Mangohud - Redesigned GRAPHs layout to better suit different distribution QT themes. (WIP)
* New: Mangohud - Added missing SWAP option
* New: Mangohud - Added option to force run Gamelaunchers (Steam, Lutris and Heroic) with Mangohud, this can fix problems with opengl games not showing mangohud correctly and some distros not working properly with the global enablement.
* Support running previews without mangohud
* Replace \"Find\" with \"Which\" command for better distro compatibility
* Fixed notification typos- Updates for 0.5.0.
* New: Mangohud - Added option to display GRAPHs on Mangohud
* New: Mangohud - Added new Hud Type (GRAPH HUD)
* New: Mangohud - Added Fix to display power Drawn on intel CPUs
* New: Mangohud - Added option to display or hide the FPS counter
* New: Mangohud - Moved HUD version and Time options to the botton part of the HUD
* Fix: GUI - small fixes in the interfaces.
* Fix: VKbasalt - Wrong color used on Toggle key combobox
* Fix: About - Wrong colors on about page
* Thu Feb 04 2021 andy great - Update to version 0.4.4.
* Support for ReplaySorcery 0.5.0.- Updates for 0.4.3.
* New functions introduced in mangohud 0.6.1 and some fixes to vkbasalt implementation and Replaysorcery
* New - Added option to change CPU and GPU colors based on Load introduced in MangoHUD 0.6.1
* New - Added option to autostart logging after specific seconds introduced in MangoHUD 0.6.1
* New - Added option to display CPU Power introduced in MangoHUD 0.6.1
* New - Added option to display CPU Frequency introduced in MangoHUD 0.6.1
* Fix - Interface overhaul in replaysorcery
* Fix - Mangohud lost configuration after saving a config for replaysorcery
* Fix - CAS doesn\'t work in VKbasalt if other effects weren\'t in use
* Fix - Comboboxes with wrong font sizes
* Fix - Hudversion remove from compact and complete hud profile
* Fix - Time removed from complete hud profile
* Fix - trackbars of CAS in vkbasalt and Compress quality in replaySorcery do not display values on QT5
* Fix - Small interface changes
* Wed Jan 06 2021 andy great - Add replay-sorcery as dependency.