Changelog for ghc-aeson- :

* Tue Jun 11 2024 Peter Simons - Update aeson to version [#]##
* Support `hashable-`.
* Fix an issue where `Hashable Key` wasn\'t newtype instance over underlying `Text`, so with `-ordered-keymap` there were correctness issues.
* Add instances for `Data.Semigroup.Sum`, `Product`, `Any`, `All`
* Fri May 17 2024 Peter Simons - Update aeson to version revision 1. [#]##
* Support GHC-8.6.5...9.10.1
* Depend on `character-ps` instead of defining own Word8 pattern synonyms
* Mon Oct 16 2023 Peter Simons - Update aeson to version revision 1. [#]##
* Add `Data.Aeson.RFC8785`, a JSON Canonicalization Scheme implementation
* Add Data.Aeson.Decoding.Text, decodeStrictText :: Text -> ... We avoid intermediate `ByteString` copy by not doing `decode . TE.encodeUtf8`, but instead working on `Text` value directly. As we know that the stream is valid Unicode (UTF8 or UTF16), we can also take some shortcuts. One gotcha is that internal `Text` values (in `Key`s or `Value` `String`s) will most likely retain the original input `Text` value (its underlying `Array`). It shouldn\'t be an issue if the `Value` is then decoded to something else so these `Text` values disapper, but if not (e.g. `Object` keys survive) then users might want to use `Data.Text.copy`. [#]##
* Rework how `omitNothingFields` works. Add `allowOmittedFields` as a parsing counterpart. New type-class members were added: `omitField :: a -> Bool` to `ToJSON` and `omittedField :: Maybe a` to `FromJSON`. These control which fields can be omitted. The `.:?=`, `.:!=` and `.?=` operators were added to make use of these new members. GHC.Generics and Template Haskell deriving has been updated accordingly. Note: They behave as the parsers have been written with `.:!=`, i.e. if the field value is `null` it\'s passed to the underlying parser. This doesn\'t make difference for `Maybe` or `Option`, but does make for types which parser doesn\'t accept `null`. (`()` parser accepts everything and `Proxy` accepts `null). In addition to `Maybe` (and `Option`) fields the `Data.Monoid.First` and `Data.Monoid.Last` are also omitted, as well as the most newtype wrappers, when their wrap omittable type (e.g. newtypes in `Data.Monoid` and `Data.Semigroup`, `Identity`, `Const`, `Tagged`, `Compose`). Additionall \"boring\" types like `()` and `Proxy` are omitted as well. As the omitting is now uniform, type arguments are also omitted (also in `Generic1` derived instance). Resolves issues: - [#687]( Derived ToJSON1 instance does not respect omitNothingFields = True, - [#571]( omitNothingFields not used in Generic Decode, - [#792]( Make Proxy fields optional.
* Use `Data.Aeson.Decoding` parsing functions (introduced in version as default in `Data.Aeson`. As one side-effect, `decode` and `decode\'` etc pair functions are operationally the same. All variants use an intermediate `Value` in normal form. The lazier variant could had `Value` thunks inside `Array` (i.e. `Vector`), but the record had been value strict since version `` (before that the lazy `Data.Map` was used as `Object`).
* Move `Data.Aeson.Parser` module into separate [`attoparsec-aeson`]( package, as these parsers are not used by `aeson` itself anymore.
* Use [`text-iso8601`]( package for parsing `time` types. These are slightly faster than previously used (copy of) `attoparsec-iso8601`. Formats accepted is slightly changed: - The space between time and timezone offset (in `UTCTime` and `ZonedTime`) is disallowed. ISO8601 explictly forbidds it. - The timezone offsets can be in range -23:59..23:59. This is how Python, joda-time etc seems to do. (Previously the range was -12..+14)
* Remove internal `Data.Aeson.Internal` and `Data.Aeson.Internal.Time` modules. Everything from the former is exported elsewhere (`Data.Aeson.Types`), the latter was truly internal.
* Remove `cffi` flag. Toggling the flag made `aeson` use a C implementation for string unescaping (used for `text <2` versions). The new native Haskell implementation (introduced in version is at least as fast.
* Drop instances for `Number` from `attoparsec` package.
* Improve `Arbitrary Value` instance.
* Add instances for `URI` from `network-uri`.
* add instances for `Down` from `Data.Ord`.
* Use `integer-conversion` for converting `Text` and `ByteString`s into `Integer`s.
* Bump lower bounds of non GHC-boot lib dependencies.
* Tue Aug 22 2023 Peter Simons - Cosmetic changes to the spec file.
* Wed Aug 02 2023 Andreas Schwab - Reduce memory constraints for riscv64
* Thu Mar 30 2023 Peter Simons - Updated spec file to conform with ghc-rpm-macros-2.5.2.
* Sun Mar 19 2023 Peter Simons - Update aeson to version revision 3. Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Wed Mar 15 2023 Peter Simons - Update aeson to version revision 2. Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Wed Mar 01 2023 Peter Simons - Update aeson to version revision 1. [#]##
* Support `th-abstraction-0.5` [#]##
* Add `throwDecode :: (MonadThrow m, FromJSON a) => ByteString -> m a` and variants.
* Add `Data.Aeson.Decoding` which uses new underlying tokenizer / parser. This parser seems to be faster, and the intermediate `Tokens` streams allow to differentiate more than `Value` if needed. If no critical issues is found, this parser will become the default in next major `aeson` version.
* Support deriving for empty datatypes (such as `Void` and `V1`) in `FromJSON` and `ToJSON`.
* Add `To/FromJSONKey Void` instances
* Fix `FromJSONKey Double` handling of infinities
* Wed Sep 21 2022 Peter Simons - Update aeson to version Upstream has edited the change log file since the last release in a non-trivial way, i.e. they did more than just add a new entry at the top. You can review the file at:
* Sat Dec 11 2021 Peter Simons - Update aeson to version revision 5. Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Sat Nov 20 2021 Update aeson to version revision 4. Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Tue Nov 16 2021 Update aeson to version revision 3. Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Thu Sep 02 2021 Update aeson to version revision 2. Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Thu May 06 2021 Guillaume GARDET - Set memory constraints to avoid OOM
* Tue Mar 23 2021 Update aeson to version revision 1. Upstream has revised the Cabal build instructions on Hackage.
* Fri Feb 19 2021 Update aeson to version [#]##
* Make `Show Value` instance print object keys in lexicographic order.
* Mon Jan 04 2021 Update aeson to version [#]##
* Fix a bug in `FromJSON QuarterOfYear` instance. [#]##
* Add instances for `Month`, `Quarter` and `QuarterOfYear` (from `time-1.11`), thanks to Oleg Grenrus.
* The aeson repository has been moved to the haskell github organization!