Changelog for helix-24.07-1.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Jul 14 2024 Joshua Smith - Add MSRV to specfile- Require main package for completion- Remove deprecated cargo_audit -- Now part of cargo_vendor- Update to version 24.07: Features:
* Add a textobject for entries/elements of list-like things
* Add a picker showing files changed in VCS
* Use a temporary file for writes
* Allow cycling through LSP signature-help signatures with A-n/A-p
* Use tree-sitter when finding matching brackets and closest pairs
* Auto-save all buffers after a delay Commands:
* select_all_siblings (A-a) - select all siblings of each selection
* select_all_children (A-i) - select all children of each selection
* :read - insert the contents of the given file at each selection Usability improvements:
* Support scrolling popup contents using the mouse
* Sort the jumplist picker so that most recent items come first
* Improve goto_file\'s (gf) automatic path detection strategy
* Respect language server definition order in code action menu
* Allow using a count with goto_next_buffer (gn) and goto_previous_buffer (gp)
* Improve the positioning of popups
* Reset all changes overlapped by selections in :reset-diff-change
* Await pending writes in the suspend command (C-z)
* Remove special handling of line ending characters in replace (r)
* Use the selected register as a history register for rename_symbol (r)
* Use the configured insert-mode cursor for prompt entry
* Add tilted quotes to the matching brackets list
* Prevent improper files like /dev/urandom from being used as file arguments
* Allow multiple language servers to provide :lsp-workspace-commands
* Trim output of commands executed through :pipe Fixes:
* Use lldb-dap instead of lldb-vscode in default DAP configuration
* Fix creation of uneven splits when closing windows
* Avoid setting a register in delete_selection_noyank, fixing the command\'s use in command sequences
* Fix jump alphabet config resetting when using :config-reload
* Overlay LSP unnecessary/deprecated diagnostic tag highlights onto regular diagnostic highlights
* Fix crash on LSP text edits with invalid ranges
* Handle partial failure when sending multiple LSP textDocument/didSave notifications
* Fix off-by-one error for completion-replace option
* Fix mouse right-click selection behavior
* Fix scrolling to the end within a popup
* Fix jump label highlight locations when jumping in non-ascii text
* Fix crashes from tree-sitter query captures that return non-grapheme aligned ranges
* Include VCS change in mi/ma textobject infobox
* Override crossterm\'s support for NO_COLOR
* Respect mode when starting a search
* Simplify first-in-line computation for indent queries
* Ignore .svn version controlled files in file pickers
* Fix overloading language servers with completionItem/resolve requests
* Specify direction for select_next_sibling / select_prev_sibling
* Fix restarting language servers
* Don\'t stop at the first URL in goto_file
* Fix overflows in window size calculations for small terminals
* Allow missing or empty completion lists in DAP
* Revert statusline refactor that could cause the statusline to blank out on files with long paths
* Synchronize files after writing
* Avoid cnorm for cursor-type detection in certain terminals
* Reset inlay hints when stopping or restarting a language server
* Fix logic for updating --version when development VCS HEAD changes
* Set a max value for the count
* Deserialize number IDs in DAP module types
* Fix the behavior of jump_backwords when the jumplist is at capacity
* Fix injection layer heritage tracking for reused tree-sitter injection layers
* Fix pluralization of \"buffers\" in the statusline for :q, :q!, :wq
* Declare LSP formatting client capabilities
* Commit uncommitted changes before attempting undo/earlier
* Expand tilde for selected paths in goto_file
* Commit undo checkpoints before :write[-all], fixing the modification indicator Themes:
* Add jump label styles to nightfox, Solarized, cyan_light, onelight, tokyonight, papercolor, Darcula, autumn, Ayu themes, dark_high_contrast, varua, Modus themes
* Add flexoki-dark, flexoki-light, iroaseta, kanagawa-dragon themes
* Update material themes
* Add default theme keys for LSP diagnostics tags to existing themes
* Add jump label styles to base16 themes
* Add modeline and default virtual highlights to base16_default
* Dim primary selection in kanagawa
* Add ruler style to adwaita-dark
* Remove ui.highlight effects from solarized_dark
* Fix statusline color in material themes
* Brighten nord selection highlight
* Add inlay-hint styles to monokai themes
* Add bufferline and cursorline colors to vim_dark_high_contrast
* Switch themes with foreground rulers to background
* Fix statusline colors for everblush
* Use yellow1 for gruvbox warning diagnostics
* Refactor dark_plus and gruvbox themes
* Add debug highlights to dark_plus
* Fix per-mode cursor colors in the default theme
* Add tag and attribute highlights to dark_high_contrast
* Improve readability of virtual text with noctis theme
* Sync catppuccin themes with upstream New languages:
* BitBake, Earthfile, TCL, ADL, LDIF, XTC, Move, Pest, GJS/GTS, Inko, Mojo, Elisp Updated languages and queries:
* Recognize mkdn files as markdown
* Add comment injections for Gleam
* Recognize BuildKite commands in YAML injections
* Add F# block comment token configuration
* Update tree-sitter-templ and queries
* Recognize Tiltfile as Starlark
* Remove todo.txt from files recognized as todotxt
* Highlight type keyword in Python from PEP695
* Update tree-sitter-koka, add language server config
* Recognize node and Python history files
* Recognize more shell files as bash
* Recognize the bun shebang as typescript
* Add a configuration for the angular language server
* Add textobject queries for Solidity
* Recognize meson.options as Meson
* Improve Solidity highlighting
* Recognize _.tpl files as Helm
* Update tree-sitter-ld and highlights
* Add lldb-dap configuration for Odin
* Update tree-sitter-rust
* Update tree-sitter-typst
* Recognize hyprpaper.conf, hypridle.conf and hyprlock.conf as Hyprlang
* Improve HTML highlighting
* Add rust-script and cargo as shebangs for Rust
* Fix precedence of tag highlights in Svelte
* Update tree-sitter-bash
* Recognize
*.ignore files as ignore
* Add configuration to enable inlay hints in metals
* Enable highlighting private members in ECMA languages
* Add comment injection to typst queries
* Add textobject queries for Hurl
* Add try keyword to Rust
* Add is not and not in to Python highlights
* Remove \' and ⟨⟩ from Lean autopair configuration
* Match TOML/YAML highlights for JSON keys
* Recognize WORKSPACE files as Starlark
* Switch Odin tree-sitter grammar and highlights
* Update tree-sitter-slint
* Add missing operators for Solidity highlights
* Update tree-sitter-inko
* Add py, hs, rs and typ injection regexes
* Update Swift grammar and queries
* Update Cairo grammar and queries
* Update Rust grammar
* Add block comment tokens for typst
* Recognize jsonl as JSON
* Add rulers and text-width at 100 columns for Lean language
* Improve VDHL highlights
* Recognize hsc as Haskell
* Fix heredoc and $\'\' highlights in Bash
* Add LSP configuration for basedpyright
* Recognize npmrc and .nmprc files as INI
* Recognize ~/.config/git/ignore as git-ignore
* Recognize pdm.lock and uv.lock as TOML
* Recognize .yml as well as .yaml for Helm chart templates
* Add regex injections for Bash
* Update tree-sitter-todo Packaging:
* Make Helix.appdata.xml spec-compliant
* Expose all flake outputs through flake-compat
* Bump the MSRV to 1.74.0
* Improve fish completions
* Improve ZSH completions
* Sat Mar 30 2024 Joshua Smith - Remove obsolete cargo_config and references in spec- Update to version 24.03: Breaking changes:
* suffix file-types in the file-types key in language configuration have been removed
* The file-types key in language configuration no longer matches full filenames without a glob pattern Features:
* Open URLs with the goto_file command
* Support drawing a border around popups and menus
* Track long lived diagnostic sources like Clippy or rustc
* This improves the handling of diagnostics from sources that only update the diagnostic positions on save.
* Add support for LSP window/showDocument requests
* Refactor ad-hoc hooks to use a new generic event system
* This improves the behavior of autocompletions. For example navigating in insert mode no longer automatically triggers completions.
* Allow using globs in the language configuration file-types key
* Allow specifying required roots for situational LSP activation
* Extend selections using mouse clicks in select mode
* Toggle block comments
* Support LSP diagnostic tags
* Add a file-absolute-path statusline element
* Cross injection layers in tree-sitter motions (A-p/A-o/A-i/A-n)
* Add a Amp-editor-like jumping command Commands:
* :move - move buffers with LSP support
* page_cursor_up, page_cursor_down, page_cursor_half_up, page_cursor_half_down - commands for scrolling the cursor and page together
* :yank-diagnostic - yank the diagnostic(s) under the primary cursor
* select_line_above / select_line_below - extend or shrink a selection based on the direction and anchor Usability improvements:
* Make roots key of [[language]] entries in languages.toml configuration optional
* Exit select mode in commands that modify the buffer
* Use crossterm cursor when out of focus
* Join empty lines with only one space in join_selections
* Introduce a hybrid tree-sitter and contextual indentation heuristic
* Allow configuring the indentation heuristic
* Check for LSP rename support before showing rename prompt
* Normalize S- keymaps to uppercase ascii
* Add formatter status to --health output
* Change path normalization strategy to not resolve symlinks
* Select subtree within injections in :tree-sitter-subtree
* Use tilde expansion and normalization for $HELIX_RUNTIME paths
* Improve failure message for LSP goto references
* Use injection syntax trees for bracket matching
* Respect injections in :tree-sitter-highlight-name
* Respect injections in move_parent_node_end
* Use gix pipeline filter instead of manual CRLF implementation
* Follow Neovim\'s truecolor detection
* Reload language configuration with :reload, SIGHUP
* Allow numbers as bindings
* Respect undercurl config when terminfo is not available
* Ignore .pijul, .hg, .jj in addition to .git in file pickers configured to show hidden files
* Add completion for registers to :clear-register and :yank-diagnostic
* Repeat last motion for goto next/prev diagnostic
* Allow configuring a character to use when rendering narrow no-breaking space
* Switch to a streaming regex engine Fixes:
* Swap
* and + registers
* Use terminfo to reset terminal cursor style
* Fix precedence of AATTalign captures in indentat computation
* Only render the preview if a Picker has a preview function
* Fix the precedence of ui.virtual.whitespace
* Fix crash in :indent-style
* Fix didSave text inclusion when sync capability is a kind variant
* Update the history of newly focused views
* Initialize diagnostics when opening a document
* Sync views when applying edits to unfocused views
* Treat non-numeric +args passed in the CLI args as filenames
* Fix crash when using mm on an empty plaintext file
* Ignore empty tree-sitter nodes in match bracket
* Exit a language server if it sends a message with invalid JSON
* Handle failures to enable bracketed paste
* Gate all captures in a pattern behind #is-not? local predicates
* Make path changes LSP spec conformant
* Use range positions to determine insert_newline motion
* Fix division by zero when prompt completion area is too small
* Add changes to history in clipboard replacement typable commands
* Fix a crash in DAP with an unspecified line in breakpoints
* Fix space handling for filenames in bash completion
* Key diagnostics off of paths instead of LSP URIs
* Fix panic when using join_selections_space
* Fix panic when using surround_replace, surround_delete
* Fix panic in surround_replace, surround_delete with nested surrounds and multiple cursors
* Fix panic in select_textobject_around
* Don\'t stop reloading documents when reloading fails in :reload-all
* Prevent shell_keep_pipe from stopping on nonzero exit status codes Themes:
* Added gruber-dark, polmandres, starlight, modus operandi themes, modus vivendi themes, horizon-dark, ttox, voxed, gruvbox_light_soft, gruvbox_light_hard, curzon, monokai_soda, term16_dark, term16_light, jetbrains_dark
* Updated rose_pine, darcula, everblush, papercolor, naysayer, noctis, nord, monokai pro themes, tokyonight themes, sonokai, onedark, onedarker, cyan_light, GitHub themes, Zed themes, catppuccin themes, rasmus, dark_plus, gruvbox themes, material themes
* Added jump label themeing to dracula, horizon-dark, catppuccin themes, onedark themes, rose-pine themes, Nord themes, Monokai themes, gruvbox themes, kanagawa New languages:
* Typst, LPF, GN, DBML, log, Janet, Agda, Avro, Smali, HOCON, Tact, PKL, CEL, SpiceDB, Hoon, DockerCompose, Groovy, FIDL, Powershell, ld, Hyperland config, JSONC, PHP Blade, SuperCollider, Koka, PKGBUILD, Ada, Helm charts, Ember.js templates, Ohm Updated languages and queries:
* Add HTML injection queries for Rust
* Switch to tree-sitter-ron for RON
* Update and improve comment highlighting
* Highlight type parameters in Rust
* Change KDL tree-sitter parsers
* Update tree-sitter-markdown
* Update tree-sitter-purescript
* Add type parameter highlighting to TypeScript, Go, Haskell, OCaml and Kotlin
* Add indentation queries for Scheme and lisps using tree-sitter-scheme
* Recognize meson_options.txt as Meson
* Add language server configuration for Nushell
* Recognize musicxml as XML
* Update tree-sitter-rescript
* Update tree-sitter-python
* Recognize .envrc.local and .envrc.private as env
* Update tree-sitter-gleam
* Update tree-sitter-d
* Fix R-markdown language name for LSP detection
* Add haskell-language-server LSP configuration
* Recognize glif as XML
* Recognize .prettierrc as JSON
* Add auto-pairs configuration for scheme
* Add textobject queries for Scala
* Add textobject queries for Protobuf
* Update tree-sitter-wren
* Add spago.yaml as an LSP root for PureScript
* Improve highlight and indent queries for Bash, Make and CSS
* Update tree-sitter-scala
* Recognize .bash_history as Bash
* Recognize Helix ignore files as ignore
* Inject SQL into Scala SQL strings
* Update gdscript textobjects
* Update Go queries
* Update tree-sitter-nushell
* Update tree-sitter-unison, add indent queries
* Update tree-sitter-slint
* Update tree-sitter-swift
* Add fish_indent as formatter for fish
* Recognize zon as Zig
* Add a formatter for Odin
* Update tree-sitter-erlang
* Capture Rust fields as argument textobjects
* Improve Dart textobjects
* Recognize tmux.conf as a bash file-type
* Add textobjects queries for Nix
* Add textobjects queries for HCL
* Recognize osm and osc extensions as XML
* Update tree-sitter-sql
* Recognize pde Processing files as Java
* Update tree-sitter-lua
* Switch tree-sitter-nim parsers
* Recognize GTK builder ui files as XML
* Add configuration for markdown-oxide language server
* Add a shebang for elvish
* Fix precedence of Svelte TypeScript injection
* Recognize common Dockerfile file types
* Recognize NUON files as Nu
* Add textobjects for Java native functions and constructors
* Fix \"braket\" typeo in JSX highlights
* Update tree-sitter-hurl
* Add textobjects queries for Vala
* Update tree-sitter-git-config
* Recognize \'mmd\' as Mermaid
* Highlight Rust extern crate aliases
* Improve parameter highlighting in C++
* Recognize \'rclone.conf\' as INI
* Add injections for GraphQL and ERB in Ruby heredocs
* Add main.odin to Odin LSP roots
* Sat Oct 28 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Build requires git. It won\'t be used but it will fail if git binary is not detected.
* Sat Oct 28 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Remove patch 0001-fix-ub-in-diff-gutter.patch- Update to version 23.10: Breaking changes: - Support multiple language servers per language - This is a breaking change to language configuration Features: - Support multiple language servers per language - Add a statusline element for the selected register - Add `%`, `#`, `.`, `
*` and `+` special registers - Add initial support for LSP DidChangeWatchedFiles notifications - Search buffer contents in `global_search` - Add a \"smart tab\" command that intelligently jumps the cursor on tab - Add a statusline element for whether a file is read-only - Syntax highlight regex prompts - Allow defining alignment in indent queries - Show visual feedback in `surround_replace` - Switch to Nucleo for fuzzy matching - Insert a trailing newline on write - Add a `-w`/`--working-dir` CLI flag for specifying a working directory on startup - Accept a `+N` CLI argument to set the first file\'s line number - Accept Helix-specific ignore files in `.helix/ignore` and `~/.config/helix/ignore` Commands: - `merge_selections` (`A-minus`) - merge all selections into one selection that covers all ranges - `move_prev_long_word_end` and `extend_prev_long_word_end` - move/extend to the end of the previous WORD - `reverse_selection_contents` - swaps the values of each selection so they are reversed - Add `:rl` and `:rla` aliases for `:reload` and `:reload-all` - `yank_joined` - join the selections and yank to the selected register - `:write-all!` (`:wa!`) - forcibly write all buffers to disk and create any necessary subdirectories - `:redraw` - clear re-render the UI - `:tree-sitter-highlight-name` - show the theme scope name of the highlight under the cursor Usability improvements: - Allow cycling option values at runtime - Exit gracefully on termination signals - Add plaintext matching fallback to tree-sitter pair matching - Persist register selection in pending keymaps - Propagate the count and register to command palette commands - Auto indent on `insert_at_line_start` - Add a config option to control whether LSP completions are automatically inserted on preview - Add a config option for default line endings - Allow ANSI colors in themes - Match pairs that don\'t form a standalone tree-sitter node - Allow indent sizes of up to 16 columns - Improve performance of mapping positions through changes - Mark buffers created from stdin as modified - Forcibly shut down uninitialized language servers - Add filename completer for shell prompts - Allow binding F13-F24 - Resolve LSP code actions - Save an undo checkpoint before accepting completions - Include gitignored files in debugger completions - Make editor remember the last search register - Open directories with `goto_file` - Use relative path to open buffer in `goto_file` (`gf`) - Support `default` color in themes - Toggle between relative and absolute line numbers when the terminal loses focus - Lower default idle-timeout to 250ms - Allow theming diff gutters separately from other diff colors - Style bold/italic/strikethrough in markdown doc popups - Maintain the cursor position and view when splitting with `:hsplit`/`:vsplit` - Accept `-` in macros outside of `<`/`>` - Show all language servers for each language in `--health` - Don\'t break on hyphens in `:reflow` Fixes: - Update diagnostics correctly on language server exit - Fix off-by-one in `select_references_to_symbol_under_cursor` - Extend selection with repeat-last-motion only if the original motion extended the selection - Fix undefined behavior in the diff gutter - Check that tab width is non-zero - Fix styles being overwritten in table rows with multiple cells - Add file for `--log` CLI arg in help text - Fix underflow when repeating a completion that has a negative shift position - Prefer longer matches in `select_next_sibling` and `select_prev_sibling` - Preview scratch buffers in the jumplist picker - Fix chunking by bytes in tree-sitter parsing - Discard LSP publishDiagnostic from uninitialized servers - Use negotiated position encoding for LSP workspace edits - Fix error message for unknown gutter types in config - Fix `:log-open` when `--log` CLI arg is specified - Fix debouncing of LSP messages to fix the last message sticking around - Fix crash when the current working directory is deleted - Fix piping to Helix on macOS - Fix crash when parsing overlapping injections - Clear the statusline when the prompt is visible - Fix range formatting error message typo - Skip rendering gutters when gutter width exceeds view width - Center the picker preview using visual lines - Align view correctly for background buffers opened with `A-ret` - Fix cursor resetting to block when quitting via a keybind - Remove path completions for the `:new` command - Use binary path resolved by `which` for formatter commands - Handle crossterm\'s `hidden` modifier - Clear completion when switching between windows with the mouse - Eagerly remove the last picker (`\'`) when the picker has many items - Fix find commands for buffers with non-LF line-endings - Detect the tmux clipboard provider on macOS - Fix syntax highlighting in dynamic picker preview pane - Recognize HTML code tags with attributes as code in markdown previews - Fix multicursor snippet placeholder directions - Only show diagnostic highlights when diagnostics are enabled for a language server Themes: - Improve the selection color in `ferra` - Add `variable.other.member` theming to `spacebones_light` - Update `autumn` and theme the soft-wrap indicator - Add `gruvbox_dark_soft` - Add `merionette` - Add `zed_onedark` and `zed_onelight` - Use light-gray for `onedarker` inlay hint theming - Update the Nord theme to follow the style guidelines - Tune `dark_plus` inlay hint colors - Add `naysayer` - Add `kaolin-dark`, `kaolin-light` and `kaolin-valley-dark` - Fix selection highlighting in gruvbox variants - Add soft-wrap indicator to `gruvbox` - Add missing palette definitions in `everforest_dark` - Increase diagnostics clarity in `pop-dark` - Add `vim_dark_high_contrast` - Add `new_moon` - Add `yellowed` - Improve comment readability for `autumn` - Distinguish active bufferline buffer in `monokai` - Update ruler colors in `nord` - Update Catppuccin themes - Add text focus scope and diagnostics undercurls for `nord` - Add material theme collection - Improve indent line color in `dracula` - Clean up and refactor `papercolor` to use inheritance - Fix `zenburn` inlay hint color ([#8278]( - Fix picker crash when previewing an invalid range - Correctly center items in the picker preview - Add `cyan_light` - Theme HTML tags in `onedark` - Refine `darcula` and `darcula-solid` themes - Improve `nord` highlights - Add `nord-night` New languages: - Blueprint - Forth - t32 - WebC - Persistent DSL for Haskell - F# - Wren - Unison - Todo.txt - Jinja and Handlebars - Pod - Strace - Gemini - GNU Assembler (GAS) - JSON5 - TEMPL Updated languages and queries: - Add one to the ruler numbers for git-commit - Recognize XAML files as XML - Recognize `Cargo.lock` as TOML - Use Rust grammar for Cairo - Update tree-sitter-nickel - Tune auto-pair characters for Nickel - Recognize `Vagrantfile` as Ruby - Recognize hidden justfiles as Just - Update Java and TypeScript highlight queries - Recognize `.zimrc` as Bash - Recognize `.gir` as XML - Update tree-sitter-scala - Recognize make file-type as Makefile - Update tree-sitter-verilog - Update tree-sitter-cpp - Support core mode for delve debugger - Add Fortran comment injections - Switch Vue language server to `vue-language-server` - Update tree-sitter-sql - Replace the MATLAB tre-sitter grammar - Highlight TOML table headers - Recognize `cppm` file-type as C++ - Refactor ecma language queries into private and public queries - Update tree-sitter-dart - Add shebang for nushell files - Recognize systemd files as INI - Update TypeScript, TSX and Svelte grammars - Enable inlay hints in the Svelte language server - Recognize `Brewfile`s as Ruby - Add more file-types for R - Switch tree-sitter-perl to official upstream parser - Fix predicate typo in comment highlights - Update tree-sitter-prql - Recognize `.gitf` as JSON - Switch V language server to `v-analyzer` - Add protobuf language servers - Update tree-sitter-zig - Update tree-sitter-hare - Add Java indent queries - Update tree-sitter-scheme - Recognize `scm` as Scheme instead of TSQ - Update tree-sitter-git-commit - Update JavaScript, TypeScript and TSX grammars - Update tree-sitter-nu - Fix YAML indentation - Add `csharp-ls`, Pyright, Pylyzer and add roots for Python - Update tree-sitter-slint - Recognize more ZSH file-types as Bash - Recognize `star` extension as Starlark - Fix inline HTML tag highlighting in markdown - Update tree-sitter-robot - Highlight Dart 3 `sealed` and `base` keywords - Add configuration for `ltex-ls` to the default `languages.toml` - Update tree-sitter-strace - Update tree-sitter-gleam, enable auto-format - Update tree-sitter-esdl - Expand ignore file-types - Recognize feed related formats as XML - Improve YAML injections - Add shebangs for TypeScript, Julia, Java and OCaml - Highlight abbreviations in Scheme - Remove backtic auto-pair in OCaml - Recognize `flake.lock` as JSON - Add Python test script injection for Nix - Fix Nix comment injection precedence - Recognize editorconfig files as INI - Recognize `.babelrc` as JSON - Switch Purescript to its own tree-sitter parser - Update Unison highlights - Recognize `.webmanifest` as JSON - Recognize polkit policy files as XML - Recognize polkit rules files as JavaScript - Update Go highlight queries - Add shebangs for Makefiles - Add file-type associations from VSCode - Add validation to JSON/CSS language server configs - Add a configuration for the tailwind language server - Add a configuration for the ansible language server - Add a configuration for the GraphQL language server - Indent while statements in Bash - Update tree-sitter-haskell and queries
* Thu Aug 31 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Add 0001-fix-ub-in-diff-gutter.patch.
* This fixes issues when building helix with Rust >1.71. In the future, This will be removed once a fix lands on the `ropey` crate which was the cause of the issue.- Reenable usage of cargo-packaging macros- Remove explicit dependency declaration of cargo1.66 to use latest Rust.
* Wed Aug 30 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Disable usage of cargo-packaging macros
* Wed Aug 30 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Limit cargo version = 1.66
* Thu Jun 22 2023 Eyad Issa - helix-runtime now requires helix
* Mon May 22 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Add back env var `HELIX_DISABLE_AUTO_GRAMMAR_BUILD`.- Add manual compilation of grammars in relation to the env var `HELIX_DISABLE_AUTO_GRAMMAR_BUILD`
* Mon May 22 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Update to version 23.05:
* Features: - Add a config option to exclude declaration from LSP references request - Enable injecting languages based on their file extension and shebang - Sort the buffer picker by most recent access - Perform syntax highlighting in the picker asynchronously
* Commands: - :update is now aliased as :u - Add extend_to_first_nonwhitespace which acts the same as goto_first_nonwhitespace but always extends - Add :clear-register for clearing the given register or all registers - Add :write-buffer-close and :write-buffer-close!
* Fixes: - Normalize LSP workspace paths - Robustly handle invalid LSP ranges - Fix line number display for LSP goto pickers - Fix toggling of soft-wrap.enable option (#6656, 58e457a, #6742) - Handle workspace/configuration requests from stopped language servers - Fix possible crash from opening the jumplist picker - Fix theme preview returning to current theme on line and word deletions - Re-run crate build scripts on changes to revision and grammar repositories - Fix crash on opening from suspended state - Fix unwrap bug in DAP - Always build tree-sitter parsers with C++14 and C11 (#6792, #6834, #6845) - Exit with a non-zero statuscode when tree-sitter parser builds fail - Flip symbol range in LSP goto commands - Fix runtime toggling of the mouse option - Fix panic in inlay hint computation when view anchor is out of bounds - Significantly improve performance of git discovery on slow file systems - Downgrade gix log level to info - Conserve BOM and properly support saving UTF16 files - Correctly handle completion re-request - Fix offset encoding in LSP didChange notifications - Change gix logging level to info - Improve error message when writes fail because parent directories do not exist - Replace DAP variables popup instead of pushing more popups - Disable tree-sitter for files after parsing for 500ms - Fix crash when deleting with multiple cursors - Fix selection sliding when deleting forwards in append mode - Fix completion on paths containing spaces
* CHANGELOG information is too large. For more info, go to
* Tue May 16 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Addresses #bsc1211012. Issue with HELIX_RUNTIME
* Sun Apr 16 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Removed preinstall hook. Not needed since we added version in line with the helix binary.
* Thu Apr 06 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Remove HELIX_DISABLE_AUTO_GRAMMAR_BUILD.
* Thu Apr 06 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Remove sed command to modify HELIX_RUNTIME
* Thu Apr 06 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Update to version 22.03
* Breaking changes: - Select diagnostic range in goto_
*_diag commands - Remove jump behavior from increment/decrement - Select change range in goto_
*_change commands - Split file modification indicator from filename statusline elements - Jump to symbol ranges in LSP goto commands - Workspace detection now stops at the first .helix/ directory (merging multiple .helix/languages.toml configurations is no longer supported)
* Features: - Dynamic workspace symbol picker - Soft-wrap - Initial support for LSP snippet completions - Add a statusline element for showing the current version control HEAD - Display LSP type hints - Enable the Kitty keyboard protocol on terminals with support - Add a statusline element for the basename of the current file - Add substring matching syntax for the picker - Support LSP textDocument/prepareRename - Allow multiple runtime directories with priorities - Allow configuring whether to insert or replace completions - Allow per-workspace config file .helix/config.toml - Add workspace-lsp-roots config option to support multiple LSP roots for use with monorepos
* Commands: - :pipe-to which pipes selections into a shell command and ignores output - merge_consecutive_selections (A-_) combines all consecutive selections - rotate_view_reverse which focuses the previous view - goto_declaration (gD, requires LSP) which jumps to a symbol\'s declaration - file_picker_in_current_buffer_directory - :character-info which shows information about the character under the cursor - :toggle-option for toggling config options at runtime - dap_restart for restarting a debug session in DAP - :lsp-stop to stop the language server of the current buffer - :reset-diff-change for resetting a diff hunk to its original text - :config-open-workspace for opening the config file local to the current workspace
* Fixes: - Fix behavior of auto-completion flag for completion-on-trigger - Reset editor mode when changing buffers - Respect scrolloff settings in mouse movements - Avoid trailing s when only one file is opened - Fix erroneous indent between closers of auto-pairs - Expand ~ when parsing file paths in :open - Fix theme inheritance for default themes - Fix extend_line with a count when the current line(s) are selected - Prompt: Fix autocompletion for paths containing periods - Skip serializing JSONRPC params if params is null - Fix interaction with the xclip clipboard provider - Fix undo/redo execution from the command palette - Fix highlighting of non-block cursors - Fix panic when nooping in join_selections and join_selections_space - Fix selecting a changed file in global search - Fix initial syntax highlight layer sort order - Fix UTF-8 length handling for shellwords - Remove C-j and C-k bindings from the completion menu - Always commit to history when pasting - Properly handle LSP position encoding - Fix infinite loop in copy_selection_on_prev_line - Fix completion popup positioning - Fix a panic when uncommenting a line with only a comment token - Fix panic in goto_window_center at EOF - Ignore invalid file URIs sent by a language server - Decode LSP URIs for the workspace diagnostics picker - Fix incorrect usages of tab_width with indent_width - DAP: Send Disconnect if the Terminated event is received - DAP: Validate key and index exist when requesting variables - Check LSP renaming support before prompting for rename text - Fix indent guide rendering - Fix division by zero panic - Fix lacking space panic - Send error replies for malformed and unhandled LSP requests - Fix table column calculations for dynamic pickers - Skip adding jumplist entries for : line number previews - Fix completion race conditions - Fix shrink_selection with multiple cursors - Fix indentation calculation for lines with mixed tabs/spaces - No-op client/registerCapability LSP requests - Send the STOP signal to all processes in the process group - Fix workspace edit client capabilities declaration (7bf168d) - Fix highlighting in picker results with multiple columns - Canonicalize paths before stripping the current dir as a prefix - Fix truncation behavior for long path names in the file picker - Fix theme reloading behavior in :config-reload (ab819d8)
* More information at Remove helix-runtime-path.patch- Fix SPDX license names
* Wed Mar 08 2023 Andreas Schneider - Fix upgrade path
* Mon Mar 06 2023 Andreas Schneider - Changed runtime path to /usr/libexec/helix as it includes loadable shared objects
* Added helix-runtime-path.patch- Some spec file cleanup
* Wed Mar 01 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Replace Suggests to Recommends.
* Wed Mar 01 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Check desktop file
* Tue Feb 14 2023 William Brown - Automatic update of vendored dependencies
* Sat Feb 11 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Automatic update of vendored dependencies.
* Sun Jan 01 2023 Soc Virnyl Estela - Remove Requires on all shell completions. This seems to break supplements.
* Wed Dec 07 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - Update to version 22.12:
* Breaking changes: - Remove readline-like navigation bindings from the default insert mode keymap (e12690e, #3811, #3827, #3915, #4088) - Rename append_to_line as insert_at_line_end and prepend_to_line as insert_at_line_start (#3753) - Swap diagnostic picker and debug mode bindings in the space keymap (#4229) - Select newly inserted text on paste or from shell commands (#4458, #4608, #4619, #4824) - Select newly inserted surrounding characters on ms (#4752) - Exit select-mode after executing replace_
* commands (#4554) - Exit select-mode after executing surround commands (#4858) - Change tree-sitter text-object keys (#3782) - Rename fleetish theme to fleet_dark (#4997)
* Features: - Bufferline (#2759) - Support underline styles and colors (#4061, 98c121c) - Inheritance for themes (#3067, #4096) - Cursorcolumn (#4084) - Overhauled system for writing files and quiting (#2267, #4397) - Autosave when terminal loses focus (#3178) - Use OSC52 as a fallback for the system clipboard (#3220) - Show git diffs in the gutter (#3890, #5012, #4995) - Add a logo (dc1ec56) - Multi-cursor completion (#4496)
* Commands: - file_picker_in_current_directory (F) (#3701) - :lsp-restart to restart the current document\'s language server (#3435, #3972) - join_selections_space (A-j) which joins selections and selects the joining whitespace (#3549) - :update to write the current file if it is modified (#4426) - :lsp-workspace-command for picking LSP commands to execute (#3140) - extend_prev_word_end - the extend variant for move_prev_word_end (7468fa2) - make_search_word_bounded which adds regex word boundaries to the current search register value (#4322) - :reload-all - :reload for all open buffers (#4663, #4901) - goto_next_change (]g), goto_prev_change ([g), goto_first_change ([G), goto_last_change (]G) textobjects for jumping between VCS changes (#4650)
* Usability improvements and fixes: - Don\'t log \'LSP not defined\' errors in the logfile (1caba2d) - Look for the external formatter program before invoking it (#3670) - Don\'t send LSP didOpen events for documents without URLs (44b4479) - Fix off-by-one in extend_line_above command (#3689) - Use the original scroll offset when opening a split (1acdfaa) - Handle auto-formatting failures and save the file anyway (#3684) - Ensure the cursor is in view after :reflow (#3733) - Add default rulers and reflow config for git commit messages (#3738) - Improve grammar fetching and building output (#3773) - Add a text language to language completion (cc47d3f) - Improve error handling for :set-language (e8add6f) - Improve error handling for :config-reload (#3668) - Improve error handling when passing improper ranges to syntax highlighting (#3826) - Render tags as raw markup in markdown (#3425) - Remove border around the LSP code-actions popup (#3444) - Canonicalize the path to the runtime directory (#3794) - Add a themelint xtask for linting themes (#3234) - Re-sort LSP diagnostics after applying transactions (#3895, #4319) - Add a command-line flag to specify the log file (#3807) - Track source and tag information in LSP diagnostics (#3898, 1df32c9) - Fix theme returning to normal when exiting the :theme completion (#3644) - Improve error messages for invalid commands in the keymap (#3931) - Deduplicate regexs in search_selection command (#3941) - Split the finding of LSP root and config roots (#3929) - Ensure that the cursor is within view after auto-formatting (#4047) - Add pseudo-pending to commands with on-next-key callbacks (#4062, #4077) - Add live preview to :goto (#2982) - Show regex compilation failure in a popup (#3049) - Add \'cycled to end\' and \'no more matches\' for search (#3176, #4101) - Add extending behavior to tree-sitter textobjects (#3266) - Add ui.gutter.selected option for themes (#3303) - Make statusline mode names configurable (#3311) - Add a statusline element for total line count (#3960) - Add extending behavior to goto_window_
* commands (#3985) - Fix a panic in signature help when the preview is too large (#4030) - Add command names to the command palette (#4071, #4223, #4495) - Find the LSP workspace root from the current document\'s path (#3553) - Add an option to skip indent-guide levels (#3819, 2c36e33) - Change focus to modified docs on quit (#3872) - Respond to USR1 signal by reloading config (#3952) - Exit gracefully when the close operation fails (#4081) - Fix goto/view center mismatch (#4135) - Highlight the current file picker document on idle-timeout (#3172, a85e386) - Apply transactions to jumplist selections (#4186, #4227, #4733, #4865, #4912, #4965, #4981) - Use space as a separator for fuzzy matcher (#3969) - Overlay all diagnostics with highest severity on top (#4113) - Avoid re-parsing unmodified tree-sitter injections (#4146) - Add extending captures for indentation, re-enable python indentation (#3382, 3e84434) - Only allow either --vsplit or --hsplit CLI flags at once (#4202) - Fix append cursor location when selection anchor is at the end of the document (#4147) - Improve selection yanking message (#4275) - Log failures to load tree-sitter grammars as errors (#4315) - Fix rendering of lines longer than 65,536 columns (#4172) - Skip searching .git in global_search (#4334) - Display tree-sitter scopes in a popup (#4337) - Fix deleting a word from the end of the buffer (#4328) - Pretty print the syntax tree in :tree-sitter-subtree (#4295, #4606) - Allow specifying suffixes for file-type detection (#2455, #4414) - Fix multi-byte auto-pairs (#4024) - Improve sort scoring for LSP code-actions and completions (#4134) - Fix the handling of quotes within shellwords (#4098) - Fix delete_word_backward and delete_word_forward on newlines (#4392) - Fix \'no entry found for key\' crash on :write-all (#4384) - Remove lowercase requirement for tree-sitter grammars (#4346) - Resolve LSP completion items on idle-timeout (#4406, #4797) - Render diagnostics in the file picker preview (#4324) - Fix terminal freezing on shell_insert_output (#4156) - Allow use of the count in the repeat operator (.) (#4450) - Show the current theme name on :theme with no arguments (#3740) - Fix rendering in very large terminals (#4318) - Sort LSP preselected items to the top of the completion menu (#4480) - Trim braces and quotes from paths in goto-file (#4370) - Prevent automatic signature help outside of insert mode (#4456) - Fix freezes with external programs that process stdin and stdout concurrently (#4180) - Make scroll aware of tabs and wide characters (#4519) - Correctly handle escaping in command_mode completion (#4316, #4587, #4632) - Fix delete_char_backward for paired characters (#4558) - Fix crash from two windows editing the same document (#4570) - Fix pasting from the blackhole register (#4497) - Support LSP insertReplace completion items (1312682) - Dynamically resize the line number gutter width (#3469) - Fix crash for unknown completion item kinds (#4658) - Re-enable format_selections for single selection ranges (d4f5cab) - Limit the number of in-progress tree-sitter query matches (#4707, #4830) - Use the special # register with increment/decrement to change by range number (#4418) - Add a statusline element to show number of selected chars (#4682) - Add a statusline element showing global LSP diagnostic warning and error counts (#4569) - Add a scrollbar to popups (#4449) - Prefer shorter matches in fuzzy matcher scoring (#4698) - Use key-sequence format for command palette keybinds (#4712) - Remove prefix filtering from autocompletion menu (#4578) - Focus on the parent buffer when closing a split (#4766) - Handle language server termination (#4797, #4852) - Allow r/t/f to work on tab characters (#4817) - Show a preview for scratch buffers in the buffer picker (#3454) - Set a limit of entries in the jumplist (#4750) - Re-use shell outputs when inserting or appending shell output (#3465) - Check LSP server provider capabilities (#3554) - Improve tree-sitter parsing performance on files with many language layers (#4716) - Move indentation to the next line when using on a line with only whitespace (#4854) - Remove selections for closed views from all documents (#4888) - Improve performance of the :reload command (#4457) - Properly handle media keys (#4887) - Support LSP diagnostic data field (#4935) - Handle C-i keycode as tab (#4961) - Fix view alignment for jumplist picker jumps (#3743) - Use OSC52 for tmux clipboard provider (#5027)
* Other new changes can be found in Improve _service file- Remove helix.png since new logo is now shipped in the tarball- Remove non-executable-script rpmlint error- Add back helix-rpmlintrc- addFilter \"files-duplicate\" to remove false rpmlint error- Update specfile to remove \"non-executable-script\" rpmlint error
* Sun Dec 04 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - Use new logo for helix:
* add helix.png
* Sat Oct 15 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - Add shell completions for bash, fish and zsh.- Add desktop application entry and icon.- Increase memory to 8G and storage to 16G in _constraints file.
* Thu Sep 15 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - add in the specfile\'s sources.
* Wed Sep 07 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - Move tutor to helix instead of including it to helix-runtime.
* Sat Sep 03 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - Update to version 22.08.1:
* Patch release that fixes a panic caused by closing splits or buffers (#3633)- Other changes before the patch release (22.08):
* Breaking changes: - Special keymap names for +, ; and % have been replaced with those literal characters (#2677, #3556) - A-Left and A-Right have become C-Left and C-Right for word-wise motion (#2500) - The catppuccin theme\'s name has been corrected from catpuccin (#2713) - catppuccin has been replaced by its variants, catppuccin_frappe, catppuccin_latte, catppuccin_macchiato, catppuccin_mocha (#3281) - C-n and C-p have been removed from the default insert mode keymap (#3340) - The extend_line command has been replaced with extend_line_below and a new extend_line command now exists (#3046)
* Features: - Add an integration testing harness (#2359) - Indent guides (#1796, 906259c) - Cursorline (#2170, fde9e03) - Select all instances of the symbol under the cursor (h) (#2738) - A picker for document and workspace LSP diagnostics (g/G) (#2013, #2984) - Allow styling the mode indicator per-mode (#2676) - Live preview for the theme picker (#1798) - Configurable statusline (#2434) - LSP SignatureHelp (#1755, a8b123f) - A picker for the jumplist (#3033) - Configurable external formatter binaries (#2942) - Bracketed paste support (#3233, 12ddd03)
* Commands: - :insert-output and :append-output which insert/append output from a shell command (#2589) - The t textobject (]t/[t/mit/mat) for navigating tests (#2807) - C-Backspace and C-Delete for word-wise deletion in prompts and pickers (#2500) - A-Delete for forward word-wise deletion in insert mode (#2500) - C-t for toggling the preview pane in pickers (#3021) - extend_line now extends in the direction of the cursor (#3046)
* More of the changes listed in
* Sun Aug 28 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - Update vendored dependencies- add
* Sun Aug 28 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - Separate runtime files. They make this whole package too huge.- Update service file- Update of vendored dependencies- fix problems with sources to use rpmdev-spectool- fix specfile to create a top-level directory to extract tarball to
* Mon Jun 20 2022 William Brown - Automatic update of vendored dependencies
* Sun Jun 19 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - remove disabling of debuginfo generation
* Mon May 30 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - remove false positive by adding filter to shared-library-without-dependency-information
* Sun May 29 2022 Update to version 22.05:
* Fix the VERSION file
* mention the requirement of C++ compiler for building grammar in doc (#2592)
* Fix release action
* add 22.05 changelog notes (#2584)
* add section on syntax tree motions to the usage docs (#2568)
* Changing Macro color to avoid color confusion
* update Erlang grammar and queries
* update Gleam grammar and queries
* Add `parameter.around` text object query
* build(deps): bump once_cell from 1.10.0 to 1.12.0
* Thu May 19 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - add support for stable/point-release systems e.g. Leap- add ExclusiveArch to support more architectures that rust supports
* Sun May 01 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - remove home-in-%post filter in helix-rpmlintrc- fix LICENSE string
* Fri Apr 22 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - fix build errors
* Fri Apr 22 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - copy README.SUSE to doc
* Thu Apr 21 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - change to %{SOURCE4} in %doc section
* Thu Apr 21 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - add README.SUSE- remove %post message from spec file
* Thu Apr 21 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - add helix-rpmlintrc:
* filters duplicate errors
* filters home in %post errors when actually it is just a message
* Thu Apr 21 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - fix potential bashism in rpmlint
* Wed Apr 20 2022 Soc Virnyl Estela - Initial spec for helix (22.03~0)