Changelog for
octave-forge-nan-3.7.0-1.9.x86_64.rpm :
* Fri Jul 08 2022 Atri Bhattacharya
- Update to version 3.7.0:
* minor improvements (kappa, cdfplot, signrank).
* Fri Nov 12 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 3.6.1:
* signrank: update computation of p-value according to revised references, and validated against R.
* cdfplot: use histo instead of histo_mex.
* Wed Sep 15 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 3.6.0:
* corrplot, knnsearch .
* Sat Mar 13 2021 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 3.5.3
* kappa: Youden index (YI), and SSE as return value
* roc: add maxYI as output value
* naninsttest: check ttest for NaN handling
* Sun Nov 15 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 3.5.2:
* New functions added: - gini: Gini index. - lmom: L-moments. - betapdf, betacdf, betainv: beta distribution functions.
* Bug fixes: - bland-altman: fix ylabel. - fix debian bug #964210: test tries to download data. - fix #59335: \"\'load_fisheriris\' fails on Windows\". - fix #59336: \"(nan) BIST for `ttest` fails\".
* Tue Aug 04 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 3.5.0:
* ttest: support output arguments CI and STATS.
* fishers_exact_test: - Use VPA from symbolic pkg if available. - Add unit tests. - Improve help.- Remove exec bits from a file that isn\'t in executable path.
* Mon Dec 09 2019 Stefan Brüns - Update to version 3.4.5:
* fishers_exact_test: added
* bug fixes for: + #57263: [octave forge] (nan) fails to build on a system without libblas (Octave built with OpenBLAS) + #57232: [octave forge] (nan) Spelling error in message of function str2array + #50248: [octave forge] (nan) Spelling error in the help string of the train function + #57228 \"[octave forge] (nan) fails to build with undefined references in Octave 5 when LDFLAGS is set\"
* gscatter: fix use of argument \"doleg\"
* address \"warning: no return statement in function returning non-void\"- Drop fix_missing_return.patch, fixed upstream
* Wed Nov 27 2019 Stefan Brüns - Update to version 3.4.3: + Makefile.
* Add missing copyright/licenses + liblinear, libsvm: add license from original author + roc.m: number of data points limited to about 5000 add final data point at (1,1).- Update to version 3.4.0: + quadratic classifiers: check for positive-definiteness of covariance matrix and return no classification (encoded as NaN), if not. + mad, meandev: make sure source is ascii/utf-8 compliant- Update to version 3.3.0: + detrend: the 2nd output (trend) can be interpolated and should not contain NaNs. + train_sc: some supported classifiers should not be used with the short-cut for two-class problems. + xval: report also results w/o crossvaliation + ecdf: fix ylim in case data contains missing values.- Update to version 3.2.3: + ROC is included. ROC is derived from the implementation in \"biosig for octave and matlab\" biosig-code/biosig4matlab/t490_EvaluationCriteria/ + load_cifar100 load_cifar10 load_mnist: loading of various machine-learning databases + kolmogorov_smirnov: Multiple two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test + kstest2: wrapper for kolmogorov_smirnov + requires Octave 3.8 or later + histo2, histo3: bug fix for case when whole column contains NaNs + inst/signrank.m: add Wilcoxon signred rank test Unlike Octave\'s wilcoxon_test, this works also for sample sizes smaller than N=25 + corrcoef: improve documentation on one- and two- pass algorithm + histogram functions (histo.m) included + upgrade to liblinear 2.2.1 weightening of samples not supported anymore + upgrade to libsvm 3.2.3 weightening of samples not supported anymore + minor changes- Fix missing return value for non-void function, add fix_missing_return.patch
* Wed Aug 23 2017 Update to version 3.1.4
* Minor changes and fixes, see `news nan` for details- Drop oblosete:
* nan-cpp11.patch
* nan_xpt2d_add_return_for_BE.patch
* Sat Sep 17 2016 Update to version 3.0.3
* Bug fixes- Fix build with GCC 4.8
* nan-cpp11.patch