Changelog for pcb-4.3.0-1.14.x86_64.rpm :

* Tue Mar 02 2021 Wojciech Kazubski - New feature release 4.3.0 (no pcb file format change).
* Footprint file format now allows for stating the pad center and length, width parameters. This is in addition to the existing footprint format. pcb parses both definitions.
* User experience improvements: - the gtk hid no longer hides \"clearline\" lines, arcs, text under polygons in \"thin draw\" mode. - Updated zoom action comments. - Pads can now be defined by centerpoint coordinates and length, width parameters. - Pcb is no longer quiet when a save operation fails.
* Fri Jun 05 2020 Paolo Stivanin - updated to bugfix release 4.2.2
* This is a hot fix and bugfixes release (no pcb file format change). This release is required as the User Manual didn\'t build with ghostscript versions newer than 9.27, as these newer versions require an additional argument --permit-file-read for input files
* Tue Dec 31 2019 Wojciech Kazubski - updated to a new features and bugfixes release 4.2.1
* introduced a TinyCAD schematics import option (not fully tested)
* Fri Apr 05 2019 Wojciech Kazubski - more specfile cleanup (with workaround for SLE12 and Leap 42.3)
* Fri Mar 22 2019 Wojciech Kazubski - updated to bugfix release 4.2.0
* Improved routing styles.
* Improved DRC testing.
* Footprint attributes can now be added to the Bill of Materials [BOM] in a similar way as with gschem by defining attributes in a input file.
* XY output for Pick-and-Place now has proper values for non mm and mil units.
* Added regression tests.- specfile cleanup- patch pcb-no-build-time.patch removed (no more neded)
* Thu Oct 04 2018 Wojciech Kazubski - updated to bugfix release 4.1.3
* Fixed potential data loss when currently opened PCB file is modified on disk.
* Blind/Burried vias clear soldermask on layers they don\'t intersect.
* Fixed ChangeClearSize() for changing a via\'s solder mask clearance.
* Fixed polygon to line separation DRC.
* Fixed DRC flags lines that are cleared by other objects.
* Fixed DRC misses lines near polygons if clearance < bloat.
* Fixed the segfault on picking load netlist menu item.
* Tue May 15 2018 updated to bugfix release 4.1.2
* Sun Apr 08 2018 updated to bugfix release 4.1.1
* Sun Jan 28 2018 updated to release 4.1.0- file format changed to support padstacks- removed obsolete mimelink files
* Sun Sep 03 2017 updated to bugfix release 4.0.2