Changelog for python311-pyFFTW-0.14.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Jul 22 2024 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update to 0.14.0
* Add the header a suitable args to the test compile (#354)
* Cython 3 updates and test build linker flags (#363)
* Add search paths for FFTW on macOS/Apple Silicon hosts (#365)
* Fix conflicting get_platform changes in (#369)
* Execute in a nogil environment (#375)
* Compatibility Scipy 1.12.0 (#379)
* Support Python 3.12 (#380)
* Fix segfault #346 and race condition #377 (#381)
* Build with Numpy 2.0 + no more Linux i689 + setup PDM (#383)
* Build on MacOS ARM64 (#386)
* Update documentation and fix readthedocs (#388)
* Update CI release (#389)- Drop patches for issues fixed upstream
* cython3.patch
* python312.patch
* Mon Feb 12 2024 Daniel Garcia - Add python312.patch gh#pyFFTW/pyFFTW#370- Remove shebangs from python files- Use fdupes to remove duplicates
* Thu Sep 14 2023 Markéta Machová - Add upstream cython3.patch to fix the build
* Wed Feb 15 2023 Daniel Garcia - Update to 0.13.1:
* fix typo by AATTMicaelJarniac in #345
* Additional platform support and removal of support for old setups by AATTJeppeKlitgaard in #351- 0.13.0:
* add pyproject.toml (#226)
* Real-to-real transforms (#256)
* Drop testing on Python 2.7 and 3.5 (#285)
* Minor doc changes to README (#305)
* Build wheels on GitHub Actions via cibuildwheel (#318)
* Fixed and working CI builds (#323)
* Update NumPy and SciPy interfaces with new norm options (take 2) (#330)
* CI: Added the correct gh actions badge and tweaked the name of the workflow (#331)
* CI: Improved badge to link to the actual workflow (#332)
* remove use of distutils (#333)
* Increase time allowed for cache clearance in test (#334)
* Increase timing in cache tests (#336)
* Fix miscellaneous typos (#337)
* Fri Feb 12 2021 Ben Greiner - skip python36: NEP 29 makes python36-numpy and -scipy unavailable in TW- Don\'t build inplace for tests, drop deprecated test command
* Sun Feb 02 2020 Atri Bhattacharya - Update to version 0.12.0: + scipy.fft interface This interface operates like the existing scipy.fftpack interface, but matches the API of the newer scipy.fft module introduced in SciPy 1.4. + test suite was updated to be compatible with more recent dask (gh#pyFFTW/pyFFTW#278). + Cython variable _N was renamed to avoid a name conflict with a preprocessor token on some platforms (gh#pyFFTW/pyFFTW#259). + Cython code has been updated to explicitly use `language_level=3str` for compatibility with a future Cython 3.0 release.- Drop 265.patch: Incorporated upstream.- Update URL and Source URL to point to new github repository.
* Mon Jan 27 2020 Martin Hauke - Add patch:
* 265.patch (Fix Factory builds)
* Sat Dec 22 2018 Todd R - Update to version 0.11.1 + New features
* Dask interface
* Fast transform planning utility
* Expanded support for norm keyword argument in the numpy interfaces
* Support for norm keyword argument in FFTW builders
* Dynamic library detection at build and run time
* OpenMP threading support
* Custom Configuration of Planners and Interfaces + Bugs Fixed
* A platform-dependent bug that results in potentially overwriting a previously computed output upon repeated calls to the numpy interfaces was fixed (#199).
* Fix to potential platform-dependent integer overflow in empty_aligned (#192).
* rfftfreq is now present in the numpy fft interfaces for numpy >= 1.8 (#207) + Other changes
* float16 inputs are now transformed using single rather than double precision.
* The default planning for the numpy and scipy interfaces has changed from FFTW_MEASURE to FFTW_ESTIMATE. This results in faster planning. In cases where the same transform is to be repeated many times, it is likely advantageous to manually specify FFTW_MEASURE instead (or use the FFTW builders to pre-plan the FFT).
* FutureWarnings related to NumPy multiindexing in NumPy 1.15 are avoided by using more modern indexing conventions.
* version number handling is now automatically handled by versioneer
* All documentation is now built and hosted at Read the Docs (
* Sun Oct 08 2017 Replace future aims in description.
* Wed Aug 23 2017 Implement single-spec version- Update to version 0.10.4 + Fixed bugs:
* Numpy interface can fail with non-writeable arrays.
* undefined symbol: simd\\_alignment with gcc 5.3.0
* FTBFS: TypeError: can\'t pickle Cython.Compiler.FlowControl.NameAssignment objects + Closed issues:
* pyfftw fails with ImportError/undefined symbol fftwl\\_plan\\_with\\_nthreads
* pyfftw does not appear to be using available wisdom files
* Accuracy of non-power 2 data
* Cannot find fftw3l when installing from pip
* Incorrect links to docs
* PyFFTW returning all zero array after transform...
* Move to separate pyFFTW project page
* Release GIL during planning?
* Merging/sharing wisdom
* scipy interface patching.
* very slow test suite
* setup: some targets should not require numpy to be installed
* 2x margin on the planning timelimit test is inadequate in windows on Complex64