Changelog for
haxe-4.3.4-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Mar 21 2024 Andy Li
- update to 4.3.4
* General improvements: + all : allow AATT:using with Class and Enum + display : expose list of metadata/defines
* Bugfixes: + all : typedef vs. GADT + all : don\'t double-throw exceptions + all : fix some abstract inlining failures + all : fix JsonPrinter empty parent class + all : dce: clean up operator handling + all : analyzer: deal with unreachable block in binops + all : analyzer: don\'t recursively check enum values when const propagating + all : analyzer: fix check for inlined purity meta + display : fix errors from parser missing in diagnostics + display : fix display services with static extension + display : fix display services with safe navigation + hl : hlopt rework try-catch control flow + hl/c : fix reserved keywords
* Deprecation / future version handling: + all : don\'t infer string on concat, when using -D haxe-next + all : handle optional arguments with bind, when using -D haxe-next + macro : build order vs inheritance, when using -D haxe-next + macro : deprecate some API from haxe.macro.Compiler + java/jvm : warn about --java ... -D jvm vs --jvm ...
* Details can be found in the issues references in
* Fri Jan 12 2024 Lubos Kocman - Normalize the license based on legaldb requirements
* Sun Nov 19 2023 Andy Li - update to 4.3.3
* General improvements: + all : improve extra field error range + all : better error messages for --connect + hl : improve error message when hl_version is missing + hl/c : compiler now adds hlc define when targeting hl/c + macro : update macro API restriction warnings when using -D haxe-next
* Bugfixes: + all : handle non existing files for positions in pretty errors + all : metadata support for local static vars + all : catch trailing invalid syntax in string interpolation + eval : fix Array.resize retaining values + eval/hl : fix catching haxe.ValueException + hl : make genhl respect Meta.NoExpr + hl : don\'t add bindings for non existing methods + hl/c : add missing I64 mod support + hl/c : rework reserved keywords + hl/c : fix Int64 unsigned right shift overflow + java/cs: fix stack overflow from closures constraints + js : DOMElement insertAdjacentElement should not be pure + macro : catch trailing invalid syntax in Context.parseInlineString + macro : fix TDAbstract without flags in haxe.macro.Printer
* Thu Sep 07 2023 Andrea Manzini - update to 4.3.2
* General improvements: + all : do not raise error on no-op reification outside macro
* Bugfixes: + all : don\'t infer Null if it already is Null + all : fix ?? inference and precedence + all : bring back forced inline + all : allow non constant \"inline\" var init with -D no-inline + all : improve AATT:enum abstract deprecation warning handling + all : fix some stack overflow with pretty errors + display : fix go to definition with final + display : fix completion requests with AATT:forwardStatics + eval : fix MainLoop.add not repeating + hl/eval/neko : fix exception stack when wrapping native exceptions + macro : map this when restoring typed expressions + macro : safe navigation fix for + macro : safe navigation fix for haxe.macro.Printer + macro : macro generated EVars position fixes + macro : fix abstract casts for local statics + macro : add flags to TDAbstract to be able to construct enum abstracts + nullsafety : make break/continue expressions not-nullable + nullsafety : handle return in assignment
* Sun May 21 2023 JaneStreet libraries are 64bit, this pkg depends on them
* Wed May 03 2023 Jan Engelhardt - Remove old specfile constructs
* Tue May 02 2023 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz - Update to 4.3.1
* Breaking changes:
* all : namespace message reporting defines (gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#11142)
* General improvements:
* all : support deprecation for defines
* Bugfixes:
* all : fix --times with compilation server (gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#11091)
* all : fix default type parameters not respecting imports (gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#11161)
* all : fix bytecode bindings issues (gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#11098)
* macro : allow local statics in macro functions (gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#11096)
* cpp : fix AtomicInt warnings on cppia (gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#11105)
* cpp : fix deprecated implicit casts of cpp.Int64 (gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#10998)
* cpp : add white space around template type syntax (gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#11107)
* java : don\'t check native signatures on extern functions (gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#11131)
* lua : remove non existent luautf8 charCodeAt extern (gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#11097)
* Tue May 02 2023 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz - Require the mbedtls-devel version to be lower than 3.0.0
* Wed Apr 12 2023 Andy Li - Update to 4.3.0
* New features:
* support defaults for type parameters
* support AATT:op(a()) on abstracts
* support abstract keyword to reference the abstract
* support static var at expression-level
* support ?. safe navigation operator
* added ?? null coalescing operator
* add -w compiler option to configure warnings
* added new error reporting modes
* support custom metadata and defines
* Standard Library:
* added atomic operations to several targets
* added Vector.fill
* added sys.thread.Condition and Semaphore
* added Http.getResponseHeaderValues to deal with multiple values of same key
* make Sys.environment consistent between targets
* consistent way to unset environment variables with Sys.putEnv
* Various improvements and bug fixes detailed in
* Update haxelib to 4.1.0
* Added support for documenting custom defines and metadata (#573)
* Fixed a segmentation fault on Linux systems
* Mon Mar 14 2022 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz - Update to 4.2.5
* New features:
* php : support PHP attributes generation gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#9964
* Bugfixes:
* all : fixed compiler crash in complex constraints chains gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#10445
* all : fixed timers execution order for timers with small time delta gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#10567
* js : fixed constructors with rest arguments when compiling for ES3, ES5 gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#10490
* php : excluded E_DEPRECATED notices from error reporting gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#10502
* php : fixed safe casts to native arrays gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#10576
* nullsafety : fixed false error on extern var fields without initialization gh#HaxeFoundation/haxe#10448
* Mon Nov 01 2021 Andy Li - Update to 4.2.4
* hl : add clipboard support in hl 1.12
* eval : added `%` operator to `eval.numbers.Int64` and `UInt64`
* macro : support maps in `haxe.macro.Context.makeExpr`
* js : added `-D js-global=globalThis` to customize global object name
* php : added more externs for PHP buildins
* Various bug fixes detailed in
* Tue Apr 13 2021 Update to 4.2.1
* Added \"classic\" abstract classes and functions
* Added module-level static declarations
* Added rest arguments with `haxe.Rest` type
* Added per-thread event loops ``
* Support method overloading for extern methods
* Added `EIs` constructor to `haxe.macro.Expr`
* Treat `Any` as `Dynamic` in variance unification
* eval : added libuv bindings under `eval.luv` package
* Various bug fixes detailed in
* Mon Jan 11 2021 Andy Li - Update to 4.1.5
* added an error on `return` outside of a function
* php/python: support AATT:native(\"\") for extern classes
* allowed `Any` as type parameter in `catch(e:SomeType)`
* improved compilation speed for `try..catch` expressions
* added an argument to `haxe.CallStack.exceptionStack` to return full stack up to the topmost call
* compatibility with PHP 8
* Various bug fixes detailed in