Changelog for weechat-lua-4.3.1-1.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Jun 02 2024 Georg Pfuetzenreuter - Update to version 4.3.1:
* irc: close /list buffer when the server buffer is closed (#2121)
* xfer: fix send of data on the DCC chat buffer after /upgrade if the buffer was opened before the upgrade (#2092)
* php: fix return value of function hdata_longlong
* tcl: fix return value of function hdata_longlong (#2119)
* core: fix detection of libgcrypt ≥ 1.11 (debian #1071960)
* core, relay: fix include directory of libcjson and libzstd
* tests: fix relay tests on s390x (#2118)
* tests: fix check of php plugin (#2117)
* tests: fix compilation of tests on Fedora 40 (#2116)
* tests: fix compilation of tests on Rocky 9.4- From version 4.3.0: - Changed:
* reaking: irc: add server option \"autojoin_delay\" (delay before autojoin), use option \"command_delay\" before execution of the command (#862)
* breaking: irc: rename option irc.color.item_channel_modes to weechat.color.status_modes
* breaking: irc: add option -all in command /allchan, do not execute command on parted channels by default (#2085)
* breaking: relay: rename option relay.weechat.commands to and change default to
*,!quit (#2066)
* breaking: relay: change option type relay.look.auto_open_buffer to string (#2066)
* breaking: core: add buffer properties \"input_prompt\" and \"modes\", used to display bar items (#2066)
* breaking: core: add bar item \"lag\" to display lag on relay remote buffers (#2066)
* breaking: core: send signal \"buffer_line_added\" on buffers with free content
* breaking: core: convert option weechat.look.hotlist_sort to a list of fields (#2097)
* breaking: core: rename variables with creation time in hdata \"hotlist\": \"creation_time.tv_sec\" to \"time\" and \"creation_time.tv_usec\" to \"time_usec\"
* breaking: api: return -1 or 1 if one input string is NULL and not the other in string comparison functions
* breaking: api: use whole replacement string instead of first char in function string_remove_color
* core: use nick offline color for nick in action message
* core: display a specific message when the value of option is unchanged after /set command
* core: add variable ${highlight} in option weechat.look.buffer_time_format (#2079)
* core: reintroduce help on the variables and operators in /help eval (#2005)
* core: allow case insensitive search of partial buffer name with (?i)name in command /buffer
* core: use function util_strftimeval in evaluation of expression date:xxx
* fset: allow filename starting with \"~\" in command /fset -export
* irc: store lag in channel and private buffers (local variable \"lag\"), in addition to the server buffer
* irc: allow range in commands /unban and /unquiet (#2113)
* tcl: add support of Tcl 9.0 (#2075) - Added:
* relay: add \"api\" protocol (HTTP REST API), add options relay.look.display_clients, relay.api.remote_get_lines and (#2066)
* relay: add command /remote to connect to remote WeeChat relay servers (#2066)
* relay: add support of websocket extension \"permessage-deflate\" (#1549)
* core, api: add unique identifier \"id\" in buffer and nicklist (group and nick), add function \"hdata_longlong\", allow search by buffer id in function buffer_search, allow search by group and nick id in functions nicklist_search_group and nicklist_search_nick (#2081)
* core: add support of XDG \"state\" directory (#2106, #1747)
* core: add support of SGR mouse events (#2082)
* fset: add option -import in command /fset
* core: add option -s in command /command to execute multiple commands separated by semicolons
* core: add option malloc_trim in command /sys
* core: add option weechat.look.config_permissions (#2057)
* core: add option weechat.look.highlight_prefix (#2079)
* core: add option weechat.completion.case_sensitive
* api: add functions config_option_get_{string|pointer} and config_{boolean|integer|string|color|enum}_inherited in scripting API
* api: add modifier \"color_decode\" to decode WeeChat colors with a replacement string
* api: add support of base64url in encode/decode functions
* api: add support of specifier %! for timestamp in function util_strftimeval
* api: add info \"plugin_loaded\"
* script: add option enable in command /script
* script: add info \"script_loaded\" - Fixed:
* core: fix conversion of WeeChat colors to ANSI colors: \"default\", \"bar_fg\", \"bar_bg\", \"bar_delim\"
* core: fix recursive search of group in nicklist
* core: use nick offline highlight color for prefix of action message when the nick is offline with a highlight
* core: add missing hdata name \"buffer\" in hdata \"hotlist\"
* core: fix reset to initial scroll position after search of text in buffer (#2093)
* core: add missing mouse events \"alt-ctrl-button2\" and \"alt-ctrl-button3\"
* core: remove trailing directory separators in home directories (#2070)
* exec: remove trailing space on buffers with free content when line numbers are not displayed
* exec: add missing exec tags in lines of buffers with free content (#2086)
* irc: fix crash in split of IRC message containing a newline if the server is not given
* irc: fix display of reply for CTCP request received on a channel when capability echo-message is enabled
* irc: display CTCP reply to a nick in server buffer instead of channel
* irc: add missing tags on self action messages when capability echo-message is enabled (#2074)
* irc: don\'t strip monospace color code 0x11 from incoming messages (#2073)
* irc: fix random date displayed when a received message contains tags but no \"time\" (#2064)
* lua: fix freeze on call to \"debug.debug\" (#1906, #1907)
* python: fix truncation of unsigned long long integer returned by function string_parse_size
* relay: set the last IRC client disconnection time only after a successful connection (#2103)
* script: always display list of scripts when searching scripts with /script search (#2077)
* script: fix default mouse keys (#2076)
* scripts: fix crash on script unload when a hook is created in a buffer close callback (#2067)
* tcl: fix truncation of long integer returned by function hdata_long
* trigger: fix memory leak when adding a new trigger with /trigger command- From version 4.2.3:
* xfer: fix send of data on the DCC chat buffer after /upgrade if the buffer was opened before the upgrade (#2092)
* irc: fix crash in split of IRC message containing a newline if the server is not given
* core, relay: fix include directory of libzstd
* Sun Apr 28 2024 Dirk Müller - update to 4.2.2:
* core: fix reset to initial scroll position after search of text in buffer (issue #2093)
* core: add missing mouse events \"alt-ctrl-button2\" and \"alt-ctrl-button3\"
* exec: remove trailing space on buffers with free content when line numbers are not displayed
* exec: add missing exec tags in lines of buffers with free content (issue #2086)
* irc: add missing tags on self action messages when capability echo-message is enabled (issue #2074)
* python: fix truncation of unsigned long long integer returned by function string_parse_size
* relay: set the last IRC client disconnection time only after a successful connection (issue #2103)
* script: always display list of scripts when searching scripts with `/script search` (issue #2077)
* script: fix default mouse keys (issue #2076)
* scripts: fix crash on script unload when a hook is created in a buffer close callback (issue #2067)
* tcl: fix truncation of long integer returned by function hdata_long
* trigger: fix memory leak when adding a new trigger with `/trigger` command
* Tue Feb 06 2024 Dominique Leuenberger - Update to version 4.2.1: + irc: fix random date displayed when a received message contains tags but no \"time\".- Changes from version 4.2.0: + core: - add variable \"opening\" in buffer, do not send buffer signals when the buffer is opening. - store microseconds in buffer lines. - evaluate expressions even when the suffix is missing (\"}\" by default). - add syntax highlighting in evaluation of expressions with raw_hl:string and hl:string, add option weechat.color.eval_syntax_colors. - add option search_history in command /input, add key Ctrl+r to search in commands history, add key context \"histsearch\". - add option weechat.look.buffer_search_history. - add key Ctrl+o to send command found and insert next one in input. - add buffer variables \"text_search_direction\", \"text_search_history\" and \"text_search_ptr_history\". - move key Ctrl+r to Ctrl+s. - move key Ctrl+s, Ctrl+u to Alt+Shift+U. - display only version with command /version, add options -o and -ol in command /upgrade. - add number of processes in command /sys waitpid. + core, alias, trigger: allow wildcard in commands /bar, /item, /proxy, /alias and /trigger. + api: add functions util_strftimeval, util_parse_time, printf_datetime_tags, printf_y_datetime_tags. + api: - add argument \"date_usec\" in hook_print callback. - api: add property \"type\" in function buffer_get_string. - api: add info \"mouse\". + buflist: jump to previous/next buffer displayed in buflist item with ctrl+wheel up/down on a buflist item. + irc: - add option irc.look.display_host_wallops. - add server option \"anti_flood\" (now in milliseconds), remove server options \"anti_flood_prio_{high|low}\". - add option irc.look.list_buffer. - change default value of server option \"tls_priorities\" to NORMAL. - add support of RGB colors in messages, add option irc.color.term_remap. - add tags \"nick_xxx\" and \"host_xxx\" in all messages, including self and server messages. - add option irc.look.ignore_tag_messages. + relay: change default value of option to NORMAL. + trigger: change format of variables ${tg_date} from \"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\" to \"%FT%T.%f\". + trigger: rename local variable \"trigger_filter\" to \"filter\" on monitor buffer. + ruby: add detection of Ruby 3.3.- Changes from version 4.1.3: + core: fix crash on plugin reload when using musl libc. + core: fix infinite loop in display when the chat area is too small. + irc: check if arguments are not NULL in some infos. + irc: fix info \"irc_is_message_ignored\". + irc: fix display of self messages when the message split fails due to inconsistent max lengths sent by the server in message 005.
* Sun Dec 10 2023 Wang Jun - Update to version 4.1.2
* core: fix value of buffer variable \"num_history\" when the value defined in option weechat.history.max_commands is reached
* core: remove incorrect warning when binding keys kbd:[F10] to kbd:[F20] (issue #2039)
* core: fix memory leak when config version is invalid or not supported
* core: fix crash when \"config_version\" is present in a configuration file without a value
* core: display an error on startup if environment variable \"HOME\" is not set
* irc: remove trailing \"\\r\
\" in signals \"irc_out\" and \"irc_outtags\" when messages are queued
* irc: fix target buffer of IRC message 337 (whois reply: \"is hiding their idle time\")
* relay: close properly connection with the IRC client in case of server disconnection (issue #2038)
* ruby: fix use of NULL variable when displaying exception- changes from version 4.1.1
* core: fix crash when a custom bar item name is already used by a default bar item (issue #2034)
* core: fix random timeouts when a lot of concurrent processes are launched with hook_process (issue #2033)
* irc: revert compute of nick colors to case sensitive way, deprecate again infos \"irc_nick_color\" and \"irc_nick_color_name\" (issue #194, issue #2032)
* core: make libintl.h required if CMake option ENABLE_NLS is enabled (issue #2031)- changes from version 4.1.0
* core: add completion \"eval_variables\", used in completion of `/eval`
* core: add command `/sys` to show resource limits/usage and suspend WeeChat process, add key kbd:[Ctrl+z] to suspend WeeChat (issue #985)
* core: ignore key bindings with empty command
* core: add support of quotes in commands `/key bind` and `/key bindctxt`
* core: evaluate command given to `/repeat` with contextual variables (issue #2007)
* core: add option `callbacks` in command `/debug`
* core: add option type \"enum\" (issue #1973)
* core: add options weechat.buffer.
* to save buffer properties set by user, add option `setauto` in command `/buffer` (issue #352)
* core: add parameters and key bindings to move to edges of current area with commands `/cursor go` and `/cursor move` (issue #1282)
* core: add variables \"_chat_focused_line_bol\" and \"_chat_focused_line_eol\" in focus data (issue #1955)
* api: add function hook_url, add option `url` in command `/debug` (issue #1723)
* api: add support of path to variable and hashtable comparison in function hdata_compare (issue #1066)
* api: add infos \"nick_color_ignore_case\" and \"nick_color_name_ignore_case\" (issue #194)
* api: add info \"buffer\" (issue #1962)
* buflist: add support of item names in command `/buflist refresh`, add completions \"buflist_items\" and \"buflist_items_used\"
* buflist: increase max number of buflist items from 3 to 5 (issue #1703)
* fset: add variable `allowed_values` in options, add options fset.color.allowed_values and fset.color.allowed_values_selected
* fset: allow long type name in type filter
* irc: add count for all nick modes in output of `/names` (issue #97, issue #2020)
* irc: add count and mode filter in command `/names` (issue #98)
* irc: compute color in case insensitive way, reintroduce infos \"irc_nick_color\" and \"irc_nick_color_name\", add support of server name (issue #194)
* irc: add buffer for /list reply, add options irc.color.list_buffer_line_selected, irc.color.list_buffer_line_selected_bg, irc.look.list_buffer_sort, irc.look.list_buffer_scroll_horizontal, irc.look.new_list_position, irc.look.list_buffer_topic_strip_colors (issue #1972)
* irc: display commands 716/717 in private buffer (if present) (issue #146)
* irc: create default options irc.ctcp.
* when file irc.conf is created (issue #1974)
* irc: evaluate options irc.ctcp.
* (issue #1974)
* irc: build dynamically the list of CTCPs supported in reply to \"CTCP CLIENTINFO\" (issue #1974)
* irc: remove Git revision and compilation date from CTCP VERSION reply (issue #1974)
* irc: remove default CTCP replies FINGER and USERINFO (issue #1974)
* irc, xfer: add support of passive DCC (issue #2004, issue #487)
* script: rename parameters up/down/go to -up/-down/-go in command `/script`
* script: allow jump to the last script with command `/script -go end`
* script: allow commands `/script autoload`, `/script noautoload`, `/script toggleautoload` with scripts not present in the repository (issue #1980)
* trigger: add options `-o`, `-ol`, `-i` and `-il` in command `/trigger list` (issue #1953)
* core: fix zombie processes after fork (hook process or connect) (issue #1994)
* core: fix generation of TOTP on Big Endian systems (issue #2021)
* core: fix cursor position after `/plugin list -i` or `/plugin list -il`
* core: display focus hashtable for debug even if no key is matching
* fset: add local key bindings during the buffer creation
* fset: remove extra spaces between min and max values when second format is used
* fset: fix mouse actions when second format is used
* fset: apply option fset.color.help_description (issue #1988)
* irc: move value `-all` at the end of completions for command `/ignore del`
* irc: fix memory leak when joining channels with keys
* irc: fix unexpected message sent to server when part of the second line of an IRC command (issue #1992)
* irc: fix display of country code in message 344 received as whois geo info (issue #1736)
* irc: add missing \"account-tag\" in list of supported capabilities
* irc: add channel in \"autojoin\" server option only when the channel is actually joined (issue #1990)
* relay: synchronize nick modes with IRC client upon connection (issue #1984)
* script: add local key bindings during the buffer creation
* script: add parameters up/down/go in `/help script` and command completion
* script: fix cursor position after `/script list -i` or `/script list -il`
* script: fix buffer used by command `/script list -i|-il|-o|-ol`
* xfer: display an error message when opening file for read or write fails (issue #2010)
* core: add tests on GUI buffer functions
* core: fix build error if CMake option ENABLE_NLS is turned to off or if required dependencies are not found (issue #2026)
* core, logger, relay: make zstd dependency optional (issue #2024)- changes from version 4.0.7
* core: fix value of buffer variable \"num_history\" when the value defined in option weechat.history.max_commands is reached
* core: remove incorrect warning when binding keys kbd:[F10] to kbd:[F20] (issue #2039)
* core: fix memory leak when config version is invalid or not supported
* core: fix crash when \"config_version\" is present in a configuration file without a value
* core: display an error on startup if environment variable \"HOME\" is not set
* irc: remove trailing \"\\r\
\" in signals \"irc_out\" and \"irc_outtags\" when messages are queued
* irc: fix target buffer of IRC message 337 (whois reply: \"is hiding their idle time\")
* relay: close properly connection with the IRC client in case of server disconnection (issue #2038)
* ruby: fix use of NULL variable when displaying exception- changes from version 4.0.6
* core: fix crash when a custom bar item name is already used by a default bar item (issue #2034)
* core: fix generation of TOTP on Big Endian systems (issue #2021)
* irc: move value `-all` at the end of completions for command `/ignore del`
* irc: fix memory leak when joining channels with keys
* core: fix build error if CMake option ENABLE_NLS is turned to off or if required dependencies are not found (issue #2026, issue #2031)- changes from version 4.0.5
* core: automatically backup config file read if it has an unsupported version (issue #2013)
* core: display a message when a configuration file is updated to a newer version
* python: make stub (weechat.pyi) compatible with Python 3.8 and 3.9 (issue #2006)
* irc: add option irc.look.open_pv_buffer_echo_msg to open private buffer on self message when capability echo-message is enabled (issue #2016)
* irc: fix title of private buffers wrongly set to own address when capability echo-message is enabled (issue #2016)
* irc: fix autojoin of channels when private buffers are opened (issue #2012)
* irc: fix string comparison when CASEMAPPING is set to \"ascii\"
* script: fix removal of script in system directory while trying to install a script (issue #2019)
* script: fix autoload of multiple scripts at once with `/script autoload` (issue #2018)
* script: fix crash when a `/script` command triggers another `/script` command (issue #923)
* xfer: fix memory leak on plugin unload
* irc: add tests on server functions
* Sun Sep 17 2023 Updated to version 4.0.4:
* core: fix integer overflow when setting integer option with ++N or --N.
* core: fix increment/decrement of options weechat.notify.
* irc: add missing tags on multiline messages, (issue #1987).
* irc: fix redirection of command /list when the reply doesn’t start with message 321 (start of /list).
* irc: fix wrong time displayed for CTCP messages received from self nick, (issue #2000).
* logger: remove trailing empty line in display of backlog, (issue #2002).
* perl: fix display of non-ASCII chars after load of a script with Perl >= 5.38, (issue #1996).
* script: adjust scroll after command /script go N.- Changes from version 4.0.3:
* core: fix input length and crash after delete of line, (issue #1989)
* irc: fix display of self CTCP message containing bold attribute, (issue #1981).
* irc: fix memory leak in IRC message parser.
* irc: fix switch to channel manually joined when server option autojoin_dynamic is on and option irc.look.buffer_switch_autojoin is off, (issue #1982).
* irc: fix display of outgoing notice with channel when capability \"echo-message\" is enabled, (issue #1991).
* relay: fix display of IRC CTCP messages received from client, (issue #1986)
* doc: display a warning if a locale is missing with fallback to English for auto-generated content, (issue #1985).
* Sun Jul 16 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 4.0.2:
* Tue Mar 21 2023 Dirk Müller - update to 3.8:
* new Commands: /allbuf, /hotlist
* add option weechat.look.chat_space_right- drop weechat-ruby3.2.patch (upstream)
* Mon Mar 06 2023 Dominique Leuenberger - Add weechat-ruby3.2.patch: Fix build against Ruby 3.2.- Add pkgconfig(libzstd) BuildRequires: fix linking of the binaries.
* Wed Nov 09 2022 Andrea Manzini - Update to version 3.7.1:
* core: add option -save in command /upgrade
* core: add option weechat.look.highlight_disable_regex and buffer property \"highlight_disable_regex\"
* core: sort filters by name
* core: add key Alt+Backspace to delete previous word, change key Ctrl+w to delete previous word until whitespace
* core: fix wrong terminal title on terminal resize, fix page scroll in bare display
* api: rename function string_build_with_split_string to string_rebuild_split_string, add arguments \"index_start\" and \"index_end\"
* irc: display SETNAME command in channels and private buffers, add options irc.color.message_setname and irc.look.smart_filter_setname
* trigger: add elapsed time for trigger execution on monitor buffer when trigger debug is set, add option trigger.color.identifier, add variable ${tg_hook_type}
* Sun Jul 17 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 3.6:
* core: add command `/item` to create custom bar items (issue #808)
* core: add bar item \"spacer\" (issue #1700)
* core: add case conversion in evaluation of expressions with `lower:string` and `upper:string` (issue #1778)
* core: move detailed list of hooks from command `/plugin listfull` to `/debug hooks `
* core: allow to remove multiple filters at once with command `/filter del`
* api: allow to catch multiple signals in functions hook_signal and hook_hsignal (issue #1780)
* irc: rename option `save` to `apply` in command `/autojoin`
* irc: add support of RPL_HELPSTART, RPL_HELPTXT and RPL_ENDOFHELP (messages 524, 704, 705, 706) (issue #1772)
* php: add support of PHP 8.2 (issue #1787)
* core: fix bad window size on startup with some terminals like[kitty] (issue #1769)
* api: run hook_print callback also on empty messages
* buflist: fix memory leak when reading config and changing option buflist.look.sort
* irc: remove channel from autojoin option when manually closing a buffer with `/buffer close` or `/close`
* irc: fix add of channel to autojoin option when joining a channel with a buffer still opened
* relay: fix save of channels in autojoin option when JOIN and PART commands are received from an IRC relay client (issue #1771)
* trigger: add `${buffer.notify} > 0` in conditions of default trigger \"beep\"
* trigger: fix completion of command `/trigger add` when there are spaces in the following arguments
* trigger: fix memory leak in command `/trigger addinput`
* Sun Mar 27 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 3.5:
* search in message tags when tags are displayed with \"/debug tags\"
* add support of date and tags in messages displayed in buffers with free content, add function printf_y_date_tags
* add command /autojoin, add IRC server option \"autojoin_dynamic\"
* add IRC message tags in messages displayed
* add \"zstd\" (Zstandard) compression in relay weechat protocol, remove option \"compression\" from \"init\" command, rename option to
* add trigger variables \"${tg_tag_irc_xxx}\" containing IRC message tags
* many bugs fixed.- drop 0001-ruby-add-detection-of-Ruby-3.1.patch (upstream)
* Mon Mar 14 2022 Andreas Stieger - update to 3.4.1:
* core: set again TLS verification functions after options and are changed (boo#1197083)
* Fri Feb 11 2022 Christophe Giboudeaux - Add upstream patch:
* 0001-ruby-add-detection-of-Ruby-3.1.patch
* Mon Dec 20 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 3.4:
* core: add support of static arrays in hdata
* core: add command /toggle
* api: add parameters pointers, extra_vars and options in function hdata_search
* api: add user variables in evaluation of expressions with \"define:name,value\"
* api: add IRC message parameters \"param1\" to \"paramN\" and \"num_params\" in output of irc_message_parse
* irc: allow quotes around IRC message in command /server fakerecv
* trigger: hide key and password in command \"/msg nickserv setpass nick key password\"
* trigger: add support of option \"-server\" when hiding passwords in command /msg nickserv register
* core: fix memory leak in evaluated expression \"split:number,seps,flags,xxx\" when multiple \"strip_items\" are given
* core: fix random integer number with large range in evaluation of expressions on GNU/Hurd
* core: fix access to integer/long/time arrays in hdata
* api: fix search of option when the section is not given in functions config_search_option and config_search_section_option
* irc: fix join of channels with long name (issue #1717)
* irc: fix parsing of parameters in all IRC messages (issue #1666)
* irc: fix parsing of CAP message when there is no prefix (issue #1707)
* irc: fix parsing of TAGMSG message when there is a colon before the channel
* doc: remove tester\'s guide
* doc: add dark theme (automatic, following browser/desktop settings)
* doc: make build reproducible
* doc: disable web fonts
* doc: switch from prettify to pygments for syntax highlighting
* core: add build with CMake and Ninja in CI
* Sat Oct 16 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 3.3:
* core: change key kbd:[Alt+h] to kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+c]
* core: add options \"hotlist_remove_buffer\", \"hotlist_restore_buffer\" and \"hotlist_restore_all\"
* core: add option \"certs\" in command /debug
* core: add options \"-o\", \"-ol\", \"-i\" and \"-il\" in command \"/plugin list\"
* api: add split of string and shell arguments in evaluation of expressions with \"split:number,seps,flags,xxx\" and \"split_shell:number,xxx\"
* api: add `${re:repl_index}` to get the index of replacement in function string_eval_expression
* api: add random integer number in evaluation of expressions with \"random:min,max\"
* api: add function string_cut
* api: add function file_copy
* api: remember insertion order in hashtables
* api: add keys/values with tags in output of irc_message_parse_to_hashtable
* irc: add option \"-parted\" in command /allchan
* irc: allow signals \"irc_raw_in\" and \"irc_in\" to eat messages
* irc: implement IRCv3.2 SASL authentication, add command /auth, reconnect by default to the server in case of SASL authentication failure
* irc: add support of capability \"message-tags\" and TAGMSG messages
* irc: enable all capabilities by default (if supported by server and WeeChat), change default value of option irc.server_default.capabilities to \"
* irc: add options irc.look.display_account_message and irc.look.display_extended_join
* irc: add command /setname, add support of message and capability \"setname\"
* irc: always set realname in nicks even when extended-join capability is not enabled
* irc: add support of FAIL/WARN/NOTE messages
* irc: drop support of DH-BLOWFISH and DH-AES SASL mechanisms
* typing: new plugin \"typing\": display users currently writing messages on IRC channel/private buffers
* core: fix decoding of attributes in basic ANSI colors
* api: fix function string_match with joker in the string if multiple words matched in input string
* irc: fix send of empty JOIN when connecting to a server with only parted channels
* irc: fix SASL authentication when AUTHENTICATE message is received with a server name
* irc: remove unneeded message about Diffie-Hellman shared secret exchange during SSL connection to server
* irc: escape/unescape IRC message tags values
* irc: set notify level to \"private\" for received WALLOPS
* script: fix move of installed script on another filesystem
* core: switch to PHP 8.0 in CI
* core: add build on macOS in CI
* core: fix build on macOS (issue #1662)
* lua: add detection of Lua 5.4
* php: add support of PHP 8.0 and 8.1 (issue #1599, issue #1668)
* Sun Jul 04 2021 Maximilian Trummer - update to 3.2- main changes:
* use XDG directories by default (config, data, cache, runtime)
* add support of IRC SASL mechanisms SCRAM-SHA-1, SCRAM-SHA-256 and SCRAM-SHA-512
* automatically load system certificates without giving a hardcoded path to the file with certificates
* add options to customize commands executed on system signals received (SIGHUP, SIGQUIT, SIGTERM, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2)
* add bar item \"tls_version\" and buflist format
* add signals \"cursor_start\" and \"cursor_end\"
* add function crypto_hmac in API
* add translated string in evaluation of expressions with \"translate:xxx\"
* add info \"weechat_daemon\"
* add Python stub for WeeChat API
* add variables \"${tg_shell_argc}\" and \"${tg_shell_argvN}\" in command trigger evaluated strings
* many bugs fixed.- for all changes, please visit:
* Sun Mar 07 2021 Maximilian Trummer - update to 3.1- New features
* core: add options weechat.look.hotlist_update_on_buffer_switch and weechat.look.read_marker_update_on_buffer_switch (issue #992, issue #993)
* core: add option sec.crypt.passphrase_command to read passphrase from an external program on startup, remove option sec.crypt.passphrase_file (issue #141)
* core: improve debug in command /eval: display more verbose debug with two \"-d\", add indentation and colors
* core: add options \"setvar\" and \"delvar\" in command /buffer, rename option \"localvar\" to \"listvar\"
* core: add buffer local variable \"completion_default_template\" (evaluated) to override the value of option \"weechat.completion.default_template\" (issue #1600)
* core: add option \"recreate\" in command /filter
* core: add raw string in evaluation of expressions with \"raw:xxx\" (issue #1611)
* core: add evaluation of conditions in evaluation of expressions with \"eval_cond:xxx\" (issue #1582)
* api: add info_hashtable \"secured_data\"
* irc: add info \"irc_is_message_ignored\"
* irc: add server option \"default_chantypes\", used when the server does not send them in message 005 (issue #1610)
* trigger: add variable \"${tg_trigger_name}\" in command trigger evaluated strings (issue #1580)- Bug fixes
* core: fix quoted line in cursor mode (issue #1602)
* core: fix wrong size of the new window after vertical split (issue #1612)
* core: do not remove quotes in arguments of command /eval as they can be part of the evaluated expression/condition (issue #1601)
* core: display an error when the buffer is not found with command /command -buffer
* buflist: add option buflist.look.use_items to speed up display of buflist (issue #1613)
* irc: add bar item \"irc_nick_prefix\"
* irc: fix separator between nick and host in bar item \"irc_nick_host\"
* irc: fix completion of commands /halfop and /dehalfop- Documentation
* do not build weechat-headless man page if headless binary is disabled (issue #1607)
* Tue Feb 02 2021 Dirk Müller - update to 3.0.1:
* exec: fix search of command by identifier
* spell: fix refresh of bar item \"spell_suggest\" when the input becomes empty (issue #1586)
* spell: fix crash with IRC color codes in command line (issue #1589)