Changelog for pdns-4.1.14-23.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Sep 23 2020 Update to 4.1.14:
* fixes a security issue that results in leaking uninitialised memory through crafted zone records (CVE-2020-17482, bsc#1176535) Other changes since 4.1.11,
* Raise an exception on invalid hex content in unknown records
* stop using select() in places where FDs can be >1023 For details, see
* Thu Aug 01 2019 Update to 4.1.11:
* update postgresql schema to address a possible denial of service by an authorized user by inserting a crafted record in a MASTER type zone under their control. (bsc#1142810, CVE-2019-10203) To fix the issue, run the following command against your PostgreSQL pdns database: ALTER TABLE domains ALTER notified_serial TYPE bigint USING CASE WHEN notified_serial >= 0 THEN notified_serial::bigint END;- spec file simplifications and cleanup
* Fri Jun 21 2019 Update to 4.1.10 with security fixes:
* fixes a denial of service but when authorized user to cause the server to exit by inserting a crafted record in a MASTER type zone under their control. (bsc#1138582, CVE-2019-10162)
* fixes a denial of service of slave server when an authorized master server sends large number of NOTIFY messages (bsc#1138582, CVE-2019-10163)
* Tue Jun 18 2019 Update to 4.1.9
* #7922: by popular demand, the option to disable superslave support has been backported from 4.2.0 to 4.1.9
* #7921: `pdnsutil b2b-migrate` would lose NSEC3 settings. This has been corrected now.
* Fri Mar 22 2019 Update to 4.1.8
* #7604: Correctly interpret an empty AXFR response to an IXFR query,
* #7610: Fix replying from ANY address for non-standard port,
* #7609: Fix rectify for ENT records in narrow zones,
* #7607: Do not compress the root,
* #7608: Fix dot stripping in `setcontent()`,
* #7605: Fix invalid SOA record in MySQL which prevented the authoritative server from starting,
* #7603: Prevent leak of file descriptor if running out of ports for incoming AXFR,
* #7602: Fix API search failed with “Commands out of sync; you can’t run this command now”,
* #7509: Plug `mysql_thread_init` memory leak,
* #7567: EL6: fix `CXXFLAGS` to build with compiler optimizations.
* Mon Mar 18 2019 Update to 4.1.7 with a security fix:
* Insufficient validation in the HTTP remote backend (bsc#1129734, CVE-2019-3871)
* Mon Mar 18 2019 Update to 4.1.6
* Prevent more than one CNAME/SOA record in the same RRset
* Wed Mar 13 2019 adjust buildrequires for mariadb 10.2.x on SLES
* Wed Nov 07 2018 Update to 4.1.5
* Improvements - Apply alias scopemask after chasing - Release memory in case of error in the openssl ecdsa constructor - Switch to devtoolset 7 for el6
* Bug Fixes - Crafted zone record can cause a denial of service (bsc#1114157, CVE-2018-10851) - Packet cache pollution via crafted query (bsc#1114169, CVE-2018-14626) - Fix compilation with libressl 2.7.0+ - Actually truncate truncated responses
* Wed Aug 29 2018 Update to 4.1.4 - Improvements
* #6590: Fix warnings reported by gcc 8.1.0.
* #6632, #6844, #6842, #6848: Make the gmysql backend future-proof
* #6685, #6686: Initialize some missed qtypes. - Bug Fixes
* #6780: Avoid concurrent records/comments iteration from running out of sync.
* #6816: Fix a crash in the API when adding records.
* #4457, #6691: pdns_control notify: handle slave without renotify properly.
* #6736, #6738: Reset the TSIG state between queries.
* #6857: Remove SOA-check backoff on incoming notify and fix lock handling.
* #6858: Fix an issue where updating a record via DNS-UPDATE in a child zone that also exists in the parent zone, we would incorrectly apply the update to the parent zone.
* #6676, #6677: Geoipbackend: check geoip_id_by_addr_gl and geoip_id_by_addr_v6_gl return value. (Aki Tuomi)
* Thu May 24 2018 Use HTTPS links in .spec file like mentioned in PowerDNS announcements- removed obsolete 6370.patch- Update to 4.1.3 - Improvements
* #6239, #6559: pdnsutil: use new domain in b2bmigrate (Aki Tuomi)
* #6130: Update copyright years to 2018 (Matt Nordhoff)
* #6312, #6545: Lower ‘packet too short’ loglevel - Bug Fixes
* #6441, #6614: Restrict creation of OPT and TSIG RRsets
* #6228, #6370: Fix handling of user-defined axfr filters return values
* #6584, #6585, #6608: Prevent the GeoIP backend from copying NetMaskTrees around, fixes slow-downs in certain configurations (Aki Tuomi)
* #6654, #6659: Ensure alias answers over TCP have correct name
* Fri May 11 2018 Update to 4.1.2 - Improvements
* API: increase serial after dnssec related updates
* Auth: lower ‘packet too short’ loglevel
* Make check-zone error on rows that have content but shouldn’t
* Auth: avoid an isane amount of new backend connections during an axfr
* Report unparseable data in stoul invalid_argument exception
* Backport: recheck serial when axfr is done
* Backport: add tcp support for alias - Bug Fixes
* Auth: allocate new statements after reconnecting to postgresql
* Auth-bindbackend: only compare ips in ismaster() (Kees Monshouwer)
* Rather than crash, sheepishly report no file/linenum
* Document undocumented config vars
* Backport #6276 (auth 4.1.x): prevent cname + other data with dnsupdate - misc
* Move includes around to avoid boost L conflict
* Backport: update edns option code list
* Auth: link dnspcap2protobuf against librt when needed
* Fix a warning on botan >= 2.5.0
* Auth 4.1.x: unbreak build
* Dnsreplay: bail out on a too small outgoing buffer (CVE-2018-1046 bsc#1092540)
* Mon Apr 23 2018 add patch for upstream issue #6228
* Fri Apr 13 2018 geoip not available on SLE15 but protobuf support is available.
* Fri Feb 16 2018 Update to version 4.1.1: bug-fix only release, with fixes to the LDAP and MySQL backends, the pdnsutil tool, and PDNS internals
* Thu Nov 30 2017 Update to version 4.1.0: + Recursor passthrough removal. Migration plans for users of recursor passthrough are in documentation and available at, + Improved performance: 4x speedup in some scenarios + Crypto API: DNSSEC fully configurable via RESTful API + Database: enhanced reconnection logic solving problems associated with idle disonnection from database servers. + Documentation improvements + Support for TCP Fast Open + Removed deprecated SOA-EDIT values: INCEPTION and INCEPTION-WEEK- pkgconfig(krb5) is now always required for building LDAP backend- pdns-4.0.4_mysql-schema-mariadb.patch: removed, upstreamed
* Mon Nov 27 2017 package schema files in ldap subpackage
* Mon Nov 27 2017 Update to version 4.0.5: + fixes CVE-2017-15091: Missing check on API operations + Bindbackend: do not corrupt data supplied by other backends in getAllDomains + For create-slave-zone, actually add all slaves, and not only first n times + Check return value for all getTSIGKey calls. + Publish inactive KSK/CSK as CDNSKEY/CDS + Treat requestor’s payload size lower than 512 as equal to 512 + Correctly purge entries from the caches after a transfer + LuaWrapper: Allow embedded NULs in strings received from Lua + Stubresolver: Use only recursor setting if given + mydnsbackend: Add getAllDomains + LuaJIT 2.1: Lua fallback functionality no longer uses Lua namespace + gpgsql: make statement names actually unique + API: prevent sending nameservers list and zone-level NS in rrsets
* Tue Oct 31 2017 Ensure descriptions are neutral. Remove ineffective --with-pic.- Do not ignore errors from useradd.- Trim idempotent %if..%endif around %package.
* Thu Oct 19 2017 Added pdns.keyring linked from
* Fri Sep 29 2017 Don\'t BuildRequire Botan 1.x which will be dropped (bsc#1055322)
* upstream support for Botan was dropped in favor of OpenSSL, see
* Sun Jul 30 2017 This makes the schema fit storage requirements of various mysql/mariadb versions. pdns-4.0.4_mysql-schema-mariadb.patch- preset uid and gid in configuration
* Fri Jun 23 2017 fixed use of pdns_protobuf
* Fri Jun 23 2017 update to 4.0.4 - fixes ed25519 signer. This signer hashed the message before signing, resulting in unverifiable signatures. - send a notification to all slave servers after every dnsupdate for complete list of changes, see
* Fri Mar 31 2017 added pdns-4.0.3_allow_dacoverride_in_capset.patch: Adding CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE to fix startup problems with sqlite3 backend
* Thu Feb 02 2017 use individual libboost-
*-devel packages instead of boost-devel
* Tue Jan 17 2017 update to 4.0.3 which obsoletes b854d9f.diff
* Fri Jan 13 2017 b854d9f.diff: revert upstream change that caused a regression with multiple-backends
* Fri Jan 13 2017 update to 4.0.2: The following security issues were fixed: - 2016-02: Crafted queries can cause abnormal CPU usage (CVE-2016-7068, boo#1018326) - 2016-03: Denial of service via the web server (CVE-2016-7072, boo#1018327) - 2016-04: Insufficient validation of TSIG signatures (CVE-2016-7073, CVE-2016-7074, boo#1018328) - 2016-05: Crafted zone record can cause a denial of service (CVE-2016-2120, boo#1018329) For complete changelog, see
* Mon Dec 12 2016 BuildRequire pkgconfig(libsystemd) instead of pkgconfig(libsystemd-daemon): these libs were merged in systemd 209 times. The build system is capable of finding either one.
* Sat Jul 30 2016 update to 4.0.1 Bug fixes - #4126 Wait for the connection to the carbon server to be established - #4206 Don\'t try to deallocate empty PG statements - #4245 Send the correct response when queried for an NSEC directly (Kees Monshouwer) - #4252 Don\'t include bind files if length <= 2 or > sizeof(filename) - #4255 Catch runtime_error when parsing a broken MNAME Improvements - #4044 Make DNSPacket return a ComboAddress for local and remote (Aki Tuomi) - #4056 OpenSSL 1.1.0 support (Christian Hofstaedtler) - #4169 Fix typos in a logmessage and exception (Christian Hofsteadtler) - #4183 pdnsutil: Remove checking of ctime and always diff the changes (Hannu Ylitalo) - #4192 dnsreplay: Only add Client Subnet stamp when asked - #4250 Use toLogString() for ringAccount (Kees Monshouwer) Additions - #4133 Add limits to the size of received {A,I}XFR (CVE-2016-6172) - #4142 Add used filedescriptor statistic (Kees Monshouwer)
* Mon Jul 11 2016 update to 4.0.0 packaging changes: - remotebackend split out now - enabled experimental_gss_tsig support - enabled protobuf based stats support - no more xdb and lmdb backend - added odbc backend where supported- drop pdns-3.4.0-no_date_time.patch: replaced with - -enable-reproducible
* Sun May 29 2016 update to 3.4.9
* use OpenSSL for ECDSA signing where available
* allow common signing key
* Add a disable-syslog setting
* fix SOA caching with multiple backends
* whitespace-related zone parsing fixes [ticket #3568]
* bindbackend: fix, set domain in list()
* Wed Feb 03 2016 update to 3.4.8
* Use AC_SEARCH_LIBS (Ruben Kerkhof)
* Check for inet_aton in libresolv (Ruben Kerkhof)
* Remove hardcoded -lresolv, -lnsl and -lsocket (Ruben Kerkhof)
* pdnssec: don\'t check disabled records (Pieter Lexis)
* pdnssec: check all records (including disabled ones) only in verbose mode (Kees Monshouwer)
* traling dot in DNAME content (Kees Monshouwer)
* Fix luabackend compilation on FreeBSD i386 (RvdE)
* silence g++ 6.0 warnings and error (Kees Monshouwer)
* add gcc 5.3 and 6.0 support to boost.m4 (Kees Monshouwer)
* Tue Nov 03 2015 update to 3.4.7 Bug fixes:
* Ignore invalid/empty TKEY and TSIG records (Christian Hofstaedtler)
* Don\'t reply to truncated queries (Christian Hofstaedtler)
* don\'t log out-of-zone ents during AXFR in (Kees Monshouwer)
* Prevent XSS by escaping user input. Thanks to Pierre Jaury and Damien Cauquil at Sysdream for pointing this out.
* Handle NULL and boolean properly in gPGSql (Aki Tuomi)
* Improve negative caching (Kees Monshouwer)
* Do not divide timeout twice (Aki Tuomi)
* Correctly sort records with a priority. Improvements:
* Direct query answers and correct zone-rectification in the GeoIP backend (Aki Tuomi)
* Use token names to identify PKCS#11 keys (Aki Tuomi)
* Fix typo in an error message (Arjen Zonneveld)
* limit NSEC3 iterations in bindbackend (Kees Monshouwer)
* Initialize minbody (Aki Tuomi) New features:
* OPENPGPKEY record-type (James Cloos and Kees Monshouwer)
* add global soa-edit settings (Kees Monshouwer)
* Wed Sep 02 2015 update to 3.4.6 [boo#943078] CVE-2015-5230 Bug fixes:
* Avoid superfluous backend recycling
* Removal of dnsdist from the authoritative server distribution
* Add EDNS unknown version handling and tests EDNS unknown version handling Improvements:
* Update YaHTTP to v0.1.7
* Make trailing/leading spaces stand out in pdnssec check_zone
* GCC 5.2 support and sync boost.m4 macro with upstream
* Log answer packets only if log-dns-details is enabled
* Tue Jun 09 2015 update to 3.4.5 Bug fixes:
* be careful reading empty lines in our config parser and prevent integer overflow.
* prevent crash after --list-modules (Ruben Kerkhof)
* Limit the maximum length of a qname Improvements:
* Support /etc/default for our debian/ubuntu packages (Aki Tuomi)
* Our Boost check doesn\'t recognize gcc 5.1 yet (Ruben Kerkhof)
* Various PKCS#11 fixes and improvements (Aki Tuomi)
* Several fixes for building on OpenBSD (Florian Obser)
* Fix several issues found by Coverity (Aki Tuomi)
* Look for mbedtls before polarssl (Ruben Kerkhof)
* Detect Lua on OpenBSD (Ruben Kerkhof)
* Let pkg-config determine botan dependency libs (Ruben Kerkhof)
* kill some further mallocs and add note to remind us not to add them back
* Move remotebackend-unix test socket to testsdir (Aki Tuomi)
* Defer launch of coprocess until first question (Aki Tuomi)
* pdnssec: check for glue and delegations in parent zones (Kees Monshouwer)
* Mon Apr 27 2015 no longer ship dnsdist here, we will ship a new package based on the snapshots from
* Thu Apr 23 2015 update to 3.4.4 with a fix for CVE-2015-1868 (boo# 927569) Bug fixes: - commit ac3ae09: fix rectify-(all)-zones for mixed case domain names - commit 2dea55e, commit 032d565, commit 55f2dbf: fix CVE-2015-1868 - commit 21cdbe5: Blocking IO in busy-wait for remote backend (Wieger Opmeer) - commit cc7b2ac: fix double dot for root MX/SRV in bind slave zone files (Kees Monshouwer) - commit c40307b: Properly lock lmdb database, fixes ticket #1954 (Aki Tuomi) - commit 662e76d: Fix segfault in zone2lmdb (Ruben Kerkhof) New Features: - commit 5ae212e: pdnssec: warn for insecure wildcards in opt-out zones - commits cd3f21c, 8b582f6, 0b7e766, f743af9, dcde3c8 and f12fcf7: TKEY record type (Aki Tuomi) - commits 0fda1d9, 3dd139d, ba146ce, 25109e2, c011a01, 0600350, fc96b5e, 4414468, c163d41, f52c7f6, 8d56a31, 7821417, ea62bd9, c5ababd, 91c8351 and 073ac49: Many PKCS#11 improvements (Aki Tuomi) - commits 6f0d4f1 and 5eb33cb: Introduce xfrBlobNoSpaces and use them for TSIG (Aki Tuomi) Improvements: - commit e4f48ab: allow \"pdnssec set-nsec3 ZONE\" for insecure zones; this saves on one rectify when securing a NSEC3 zone - commits cce95b9, e2e9243 and e82da97: Improvements to the config-file parsing (Aki Tuomi) - commit 2180e21: postgresql check should not touch LDFLAGS (Ruben Kerkhof) - commit 0481021: Log error when remote cannot do AXFR (Aki Tuomi) - commit 1ecc3a5: Speed improvements when AXFR is disabled (Christian Hofstaedtler) - commits 1f7334e and b17799a: NSEC3 and related RRSIGS are not part of the dnstree (Kees Monshouwer) - commits dd943dd and 58c4834: Change ifdef to check for __GLIBC__ instead of __linux__ to prevent errors with other libc\'s (James Taylor) - commit c929d50: Try to raise open files before dropping privileges (Aki Tuomi) - commit 69fd3dc: Add newline to carbon error message on auth (Aki Tuomi) - commit 3064f80: Make sure we send servfail on error (Aki Tuomi) - commit b004529: Ship in tarball (Ruben Kerkhof) - commit 9e6b24f: Allocate TCP buffer dynamically, decreasing stack usage - commit 267fdde: throw if getSOA gets non-SOA record
* Mon Mar 02 2015 update to 3.4.3 Bug fixes: - [commit ceb49ce] pdns_control: exit 1 on unknown command (Ruben Kerkhof) - [commit 1406891]: evaluate KSK ZSK pairs per algorithm (Kees Monshouwer) - [commit 3ca050f]: always set di.notified_serial in getAllDomains (Kees Monshouwer) - [commit d9d09e1]: pdns_control: don\'t open socket in /tmp (Ruben Kerkhof) New features: - [commit 2f67952]: Limit who can send us AXFR notify queries (Ruben Kerkhof) Improvements: - [commit d7bec64]: respond REFUSED instead of NOERROR for \"unknown zone\" situations - [commit ebeb9d7]: Check for Lua 5.3 (Ruben Kerkhof) - [commit d09931d]: Check compiler for relro support instead of linker (Ruben Kerkhof) - [commit c4b0d0c]: Replace PacketHandler with UeberBackend where possible (Christian Hofstaedtler) - [commit 5a85152]: PacketHandler: Share UeberBackend with DNSSECKeeper (Christian Hofstaedtler) - [commit 97bd444]: fix building with GCC 5 Experimental API changes (Christian Hofstaedtler): - [commit ca44706]: API: move shared DomainInfo reader into it\'s own function - [commit 102602f]: API: allow writing to domains.account field - [commit d82f632]: API: read and expose domain account field - [commit 2b06977]: API: be more strict when parsing record contents - [commit 2f72b7c]: API: Reject unknown types (TYPE0) - [commit d82f632]: API: read and expose domain account field
* Tue Feb 03 2015 set $LD for now. this fixes the configure check for relro,now.
* Tue Feb 03 2015 remove custom PIE handling. upstream does it for us now.
* Tue Feb 03 2015 update to 3.4.2 This is a performance and bugfix update to 3.4.1 and any earlier version. For high traffic setups, including those using DNSSEC, upgrading to 3.4.2 may show tremendous performance increases. A list of changes since 3.4.1 follows. Please see the full clickable changelog at move man pages to section 1 to follow upstream change
* Tue Nov 25 2014 disable botan and geoip on SLE_12 because of missing dependencies.
* Tue Nov 11 2014 Fixed broken _localstatedir
* Sun Nov 09 2014 fix bashisms in pre script
* Thu Oct 30 2014 update to version 3.4.1 Changes since 3.4.0:
* commit dcd6524, commit a8750a5, commit 7dc86bf, commit 2fda71f: PowerDNS now polls the security status of a release at startup and periodically. More detail on this feature, and how to turn it off, can be found in Section 2, “Security polling”.
* commit 5fe6dc0: API: Replace HTTP Basic auth with static key in custom header (X-API-Key)
* commit 4a95ab4: Use transaction for pdnssec increase-serial
* commit 6e82a23: Don\'t empty ordername during pdnssec increase-serial
* commit 535f4e3: honor SOA-EDIT while considering \"empty IXFR\" fallback, fixes ticket 1835. This fixes slaving of signed zones to IXFR-aware slaves like NSD or BIND.
* Tue Oct 28 2014 only enable geoip backend on distros newer than 12.3 before the package lacks the pkg-config file and there is no fallback to finding geoip without it.
* Tue Oct 28 2014 fix permissions of the home directory
* Tue Oct 28 2014 enable some backends that we had forgotten: - pipe (main package) - random (main package) - geoip (new subpackage) - new BR: yaml-cpp-devel and GeoIP-devel
* Wed Oct 01 2014 enable sqlite3 support also on sle11
* Wed Oct 01 2014 also drop asciidoc and ragel buildrequires: - asciidoc seems unused - ragel is only needed when we patch pdns/dnslabeltext.rl
* Wed Oct 01 2014 drop xmlto buildrequires
* Wed Oct 01 2014 only enable pkcs11 and zeromq support on distros newer than 11.1/SLE11
* Wed Oct 01 2014 convert all conditionals in the spec file to bcond_with(out)
* Tue Sep 30 2014 update to version 3.4.0 upgrade notes: This is a performance, feature, bugfix and conformity update to 3.3.1 and any earlier version. It contains a huge amount of work by various contributors, to whom we are very grateful. For all the details see use system polarssl on 13.2 and newer new buildrequires polarssl-devel >= 1.1- enable lmdb backend on 13.2 and newer (new subpackage) new buildrequires: lmdb-devel- enable zeromq backend (new subpackage) new buildrequires: zeromq-devel- enable pkcs11 support new buildrequires: pkgconfig(p11-kit-1)- drop docbook tools from buildrequires- no longer extend the libdir with the pkg_name, configure does that automatically now.- drop remotebackend-http again. it got removed.- refreshed the date/time patch: new name: pdns-3.4.0-no_date_time.patch- drop pdns-3.2_polarssl.patch: no longer needed. the intree copy is integrated into the normal build system.- package newly provided sql files in each subpackage.
* Mon Sep 29 2014 fix build in distros that do not have %_tmpfilesdir macro.
* Mon Sep 29 2014 Use lua-devel, current versions now support lua 5.2- Use /run/pdns as _localstatedir in distros with systemd this also requires using --with-socketdir even when no systemd otherwise the path is overriden by the build system.- pdns-no-date-time.patch : Do not use __DATE__ or __TIME__ in source code and/or build system to make build-compare happy.
* Sun Jul 20 2014 Use systemd instead of sysvinit for openSUSE > 12.2- Remove redundant %clean section
* Tue Jun 10 2014 forgot to remove the --enable-tools at the top.
* Tue Jun 10 2014 only enable the tools on distros newer than sle 11: the boost version seems to be too old.
* Sun Jun 08 2014 update to version 3.3.1 Update notes - direct-dnskey is no longer experimental, thanks Kees Monshouwer & co for extensive testing (commit e4b36a4). - Handle signals during poll (commit 5dde2c6). - commit 7538e56: Fix zone2{sql,json} exit codes - commit 7593c40: geobackend: fix possible nullptr deref - commit 3506cc6: gpsqlbackend: don\'t append empty dbname=/user= values to connect string - gpgsql queries were simplified through the use of casting (commit 9a6e39c). - commit a7aa9be: Replace hardcoded make with variable - commit e4fe901: make sure to run PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG before the first PKG_
* usage - commit 29bf169: fix hmac-md5 TSIG key lookup - commit c4e348b: fix 64+ character TSIG keys - commit 00a7b25: Fix comparison between signed and unsigned by using uint32_t for inception on INCEPTION-EPOCH - commit d3f6432: fix building on os x 10.9, thanks Martijn Bakker. - We now allow building against Lua 5.2 (commit bef3000, commit 2bdd03b, commit 88d9e99). - commit fa1f845: autodetect MySQL 5.5+ connection charset - When misconfigured using \'right\' timezones, a bug in (g)libc gmtime breaks our signatures. Fixed in commit e4faf74 by Kees Monshouwer by implementing our own gmtime_r. - When sending SERVFAIL due to a CNAME loop, don\'t uselessly include the CNAMEs (commit dfd1b82). - Build fixes for platforms with \'weird\' types (like s390/s390x): commit c669f7c (details), commit 07b904e and commit 2400764. - Support for += syntax for options, commit 98dd325 and others. - commit f8f29f4: nproxy: Add missing chdir(\"/\") after chroot() - commit 2e6e9ad: fix for \"missing\" libmysqlclient on RHEL/CentOS based systems - pdnssec check-zone improvements in commit 5205892, commit edb255f, commit 0dde9d0, commit 07ee700, commit 79a3091, commit 08f3452, commit bcf9daf, commit c9a3dd7, commit 6ebfd08, commit fd53bd0, commit 7eaa83a, commit e319467, , - NSEC/NSEC3 fixes in commit 3191709, commit f75293f, commit cd30e94, commit 74baf86, commit 1fa8b2b - The webserver could crash when the ring buffers were resized, fixed in commit 3dfb45f. - commit 213ec4a: add constraints for name to pg schema - commit f104427: make domainmetadata queries case insensitive - commit 78fc378: no label compression for name in TSIG records - commit 15d6ffb: pdnssec now outputs ZSK DNSKEY records if experimental-direct-dnskey support is enabled (renamed to direct-dnskey before release!) - commit ad67d0e: drop cryptopp from static build as libcryptopp.a is broken on Debian 7, which is what we build on - commit 7632dd8: support polarssl 1.3 externally. - Remotebackend was fully updated in various commits. - commit 82def39: SOA-EDIT: fix INCEPTION-INCREMENT handling - commit a3a546c: add innodb-read-committed option to gmysql settings. - commit 9c56e16: actually notice timeout during AXFR retrieve, thanks hkraal- pass V=1 to make calls so we actually see the compiler cmdlines- enable http support for remotebackend. new buildrequires: curl-devel- prepare lmdb backend for 13.2 and newer- remove pdns-3.1_lib_lua.patch, solved differently upstream.- enabled tools building- removed custom hack to build pdns tools
* Thu Nov 07 2013 update to version 3.3 This a stability, bugfix and conformity update to 3.2. It improves interoperability with various validators, either through bugfixes or by catering to their needs beyond the specifications. Please follow the upgrate notes on Removed dnsreplay and ChangeLog as it was removed in the source- Added pdnssec and zone2ldap man pages
* Mon Jan 21 2013 update to version 3.2 This is a stability and conformity update to 3.1. It mostly makes our DNSSEC implementation more robust, and improves interoperability with various validators. 3.2 has received very extensive testing on a lot of edge cases, verifying output both against common validators and compared against other authoritative servers. Please follow the upgrate notes on For the details see: dropped qsqlite backend. dropped upstream dropped the sqlite2 support.- fixed building of the sqlite3 backend.- use system botan if possible.- refreshed polarssl patch old name: pdns-3.0.rc1_polarssl.patch new name: pdns-3.2_polarssl.patch
* Mon Nov 19 2012 Fix useradd invocation: -o is useless without -u and newer versions of pwdutils/shadowutils fail on this now.
* Thu Sep 27 2012 Fix the SLES check so we correctly use sqlite3 for newer distros
* Mon May 21 2012 set license to GPLv2 Only (bnc#762986)
* Fri May 04 2012 update to 3.1 Warning: Version 3.1 of the PowerDNS Authoritative Server is a major upgrade if you are coming from 2.9.x. There are also some important changes if you are coming from 3.0. Please refer to Section 1, “From PowerDNS Authoritative Server 2.9.x to 3.0” and Section 2, “From PowerDNS Authoritative Server 3.0 to 3.1” for important information on correct and stable operation, as well as notes on performance and memory use. For the details see: added pdns-3.1_lib_lua.patch: instead of using an hardcoded -llua5.1 use the LUA_LIBS variable.- refreshed pdns-3.0.rc1_polarssl.patch- added 2 new subpackages: pdns-backend-mydns pdns-backend-lua (new dependency 5.2 > lua >= 5.1)
* Wed Apr 18 2012 use %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/ instead of %{_initddir} to fix build on older distros
* Wed Apr 18 2012 update to 3.0.1 This is 3.0 + the fix for CVE-2012-0206 Warning: Version 3.0 of the PowerDNS Authoritative Server is a major upgrade. Please refer to Section 1, “From PowerDNS Authoritative Server 2.9.x to 3.0” for important information on correct and stable operation, as well as notes on performance and memory use. For the details see: build all binaries with as PIE (bnc#743152)
* Tue Mar 06 2012 fixed lua dependency (fixed build on Factory)
* Mon Feb 13 2012 patch license to follow standard
* Sun Nov 20 2011 add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency
* Mon Oct 03 2011 fixed build on factory
* Thu Aug 18 2011 update to 3.0
* main feature is DNSSEC support
* for full changelog see
* Wed Apr 28 2010 create /var/run/pdns directory in the init script and package it as ghost.
* Wed Apr 28 2010 fix feature guards
* Tue Apr 27 2010 add pdns-2.9.22_missing_includes.patch: add missing includes
* Tue Jun 09 2009 fix build with gcc 4.4