Changelog for superlu-devel-4.3-2.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Jul 29 2015 Add baselibs.conf: build libsuperlu4-32bit, as needed by libarmadillo.
* Tue Jan 15 2013 repackage original source tarball in order to remove the HSL mc64ad routine that caonnt be redistributed bnc#796236- add README.SUSE file in the %%doci in order to explain that change
* Tue Jan 08 2013 add patch superlu-4.3-disable-hsl.patch in order to disable HSL code from the library- update patch superlu-4.3.diff so that test routines are run against the shared library- build tests routines in %%check section
* Tue Dec 18 2012 Update to SuperLU 4.3:
* Remove recursive DFS for postordering elimination tree in sp_coletree.c (The nonrecursive routine nr_etdfs() was contributed by Cedric Doucet, CEDRAT Group, Meylan, France.)
* Make supermatrix.h the same for all three libraries
* Include an on-line HTML documentation for the source code
* Corrected backward error BERR formula when a component of the RHS and the residual are exactly zero
* Change parameter \"delta\" to genmmd() from 1 to 0 in get_perm_c remove \"static\" declaration in EXAMPLE/xlinsolx
* Include threshold-based incomplete factorization (ILU)
* Removed the static global variables so that it is thread-safe.
* Make superlu_options_t{} structure and enum constants the same for both superlu & superlu_dist.
* Replace qsort by \"quick select\" (qselect) in ILU\'s secondary dropping.
* Replace mc64ad.f by mc64ad.c using f2c.
* Bug fixes in ilu_sdrop_row.c.
* Bug fixes in xgsisx.c, so that when mc64 permutation is used in ILU, the right-hand side is permuted properly.
* Add parameter #7 in sp_ienv(), setting as the maxsuper for ILU code (smaller than parameter #3).
* Update Users Guide.
* Update doxygen code documentation.
* Fix a bug in ILU driver routine dgsisx.c, so that on return, the initial row permutation is combined with perm_r[] from partial pivoting.
* Modify 2 ILU examples: EXAMPLE/ditersol.c, EXAMPLE/ditersol1.c
* Update superlu_timer.c- Remove unneeded patches + superlu-overflow.patch : Applied upstream + superlu-initialize.diff : Applied upstream + superlu-undef-code.diff : Applied upstream- Updated patches + superlu-4.3.diff + superlu-4.3-include.patch + superlu-4.3-dont-opt-away.diff- Build shared libraries- Put shared libs and devel files in separate packages- Use rpm macros instead of plain directory names- Add %%ckeck- Update documentation file %%source1 and put html and examples files in %%doc- Spec file reformating
* Sun Jan 29 2012 Remove redundant tags/sections per specfile guideline suggestions- Parallel building using %_smp_mflags
* Thu Jun 22 2006 remove selfprovides
* Mon Mar 27 2006 superlu-undef-code.diff: Fix undefined code (#160443).
* Wed Jan 25 2006 converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
* Thu Dec 22 2005 Install header files into /usr/include/superlu/- Update User Guide.
* Wed Dec 21 2005 Include EXAMPLE dir as documentation.- Build as non-root.- Nuke unused local vars referencing uninitialized vars.