Changelog for matomo-3.9.1-bp151.2.1.noarch.rpm :

* Fri Mar 22 2019 Mathias Homann - Update to 3.9.1
* This release addresses a couple of issues and errors discovered in Matomo 3.9.0. 4 tickets have been closed by 2 contributors. - #14229 Notice – unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 53988 bytes - #14226 open_basedir restriction AND Support multiple plugin paths [by AATTsgiehl] - #14227 One-click upgrade sometimes fails with errors such as “Call to undefined method Piwik\\Plugin\\Manager::getPluginDirectory() ” (fails only once, works after a refresh) - #14240 Do not send password changed email for automated use cases. [by AATTdiosmosis, AATTsgiehl]
* Wed Mar 20 2019 Update to 3.9.0
* Breaking Changes - Referrers.getKeywordsForPageUrl and Referrers.getKeywordsForPageTitle APIs have been deprecated and will be removed in Matomo 4.0.0 - By default, Matomo application logs will now be logged in tmp/logs/matomo.log instead of tmp/logs/piwik.log. This log file path can be edited in your config/config.ini.php in the INI setting logger_file_path. Not relevant for this suse package.
* New Features - It is now possible to locate plugins in a custom directory by setting an environment variable MATOMO_PLUGIN_DIRS or a [\'MATOMO_PLUGIN_DIRS\'] variable in /bootstrap.php. - It is now possible to use monolog\'s FingersCrossedHandler which buffers all logs and logs all of them in case of warning or error.
* New APIs - New API methods Piwik\\Plugin\\Manager::getPluginsDirectories() and Piwik\\Plugin\\Manager::getPluginDirectory() have been added as it is now possible to locate Matomo plugins in different directories and it should be no longer assumed a plugin is located in the /plugins directory. - A new tracker method disableQueueRequest has been added to disable queued requests which may be useful when logs are imported. - The event LanguageManager.getAvailableLanguages has been deprecated. Use LanguagesManager.getAvailableLanguages instead.
* Tue Jan 29 2019 Update to 3.8.1 This release addresses a few minor issues discovered in 3.8.0 and a few improvements were also added. Detail changelog see:
* Thu Jan 24 2019 Fix paths in cron and service file.
* Tue Jan 22 2019 Update to 3.8.0 This is an update and security release. Detail changelog see:
* Tue Nov 27 2018 Remove %config from service files. Changes must not do in system location, user must do this changes in /etc/systemd/system.
* Thu Nov 22 2018 Jan Engelhardt - Join %service_
* calls, find calls, everything that iterates (except for fdupes, where /usr files naturally should be separated from /srv).- Require user/group package.
* Tue Nov 20 2018 Update to 3.7.0 This is an update and security release. Detail changelog see:
* Sat Nov 17 2018 Remove verification for systemd- Add systemd-timer for auto archiving of reports. Now you can use cron or systemd.timer.- Add core:update during update of package- Add logrotate- Add rpmlintrc- Upgrade README.SUSE
* Fri Oct 19 2018 update to 3.6.1 [#] New APIs
* Added new event `Access.modifyUserAccess` which lets plugins modify current user\'s access levels/permissions.
* Added new event `CustomMatomoJs.manipulateJsTracker` which lets plugins modify the JavaScript tracker. [#] New Developer Features
* Logging to a file can now be easily enabled during tests. A new `[tests] enable_logging` INI option has been added, which you can set to `1` to enable logging for all tests. The `tests:run` and `tests:run-ui` commands now both have an `--enable-logging` option to enable logging for a specific run.
* Thu Aug 30 2018 update to 3.6.0 This a update and security release. [#] New Features
* A new role has introduced called \"write\" which has less permissions than an admin but more than a view only user (see FAQ).
* Custom currencies can now be added using the currencies[] configuration key.
* A new segment eventValue lets you select all users who tracked a custom event with a given value or range of values. [#] New config.ini.php settings
* archiving_profile = 0, if set to 1, core:archive profiling information will be recorded in a log file. the log file is determined by the archive_profiling_log option.
* archive_profiling_log =, if set to an absolute path, core:archive profiling information will be logged to specified file.
* enable_internet_features=0 will now fully disable Internet access by preventing all outgoing connections. Note: changing this setting is not recommended for security, because you will lose the easy auto-update and email notifications.
* login_whitelist_ip[] now supports hostnames so you can whitelist your IP addresses and/or Hostnames and keep your Matomo secure. [#] Updated commands
* New parameter --concurrent-archivers to define the number of maximum archivers to run in parallel on this server. Useful to prevent archiving processes piling up and ultimately failing. [#] New APIs
* Added new event API.addGlossaryItems which lets you add items to the glossary.
* Added new event Tracker.detectReferrerSocialNetwork which lets you add custom social network detections
* Added new event Report.unsubscribe which is triggered whenever someone unsubscribe from a report
* Added new API method UsersManager.getAvailableRoles to fetch a list of all available roles that can be granted to a user.
* Added new API method UsersManager.getAvailableCapabilities to fetch a list of all available capabilities that can be granted to a user.
* Added new API method UsersManager.addCapabilities to grant one or multiple capabilities to a user.
* Added new API method UsersManager.removeCapabilities to remove one or multiple capabilities from a user.
* The API method UsersManager.setUserAccess now accepts an array to pass a role and multiple capabilities at once.
* Plugin classes can overwrite the method requiresInternetConnection to define if they should be automatically unloaded if no internet connection is available (enable_internet_features = 0)
* Added two new methods to the JS tracker: removeEcommerceItem and clearEcommerceCart to allow better control over what is in the ecommerce cart.
* Tracking API requests now include &consent=1 in the Tracking API URL When consent has been given by a user. [#] Breaking Changes
* Changed some menu items to use translation keys instead (see PR #12885).
* The methods assertResponseCode() and assertHttpResponseText() in Piwik\\Tests\\Framework\\TestCase\\SystemTestCase have been deprecated and will be removed in Matomo 4.0. Please use Piwik\\Http instead.
* The classes PHPUnit\\Framework\\Constraint\\HttpResponseText and PHPUnit\\Framework\\Constraint\\ResponseCode have been deprecated and will be removed in Matomo 4.0. Please use Piwik\\Http instead.
* Creating links through the Proxy has been deprecated. Use rel=\"nofollow\" instead.
* The console option --piwik-domain has been deprecated and will be removed in Matomo 4.0. Use --matomo-domain instead
* Social networks are now detected as new referrer type (ID=7), which allows improved reports and better segmentation
* New settings form field UI component \"Field Array\" that lets users enter multiple values for one setting as a flat array
* Sat May 26 2018 update to 3.5.1 [#] New APIs
* Added new method Piwik\\API\\Request::isRootRequestApiRequest() to detect if the root request is an API request.
* Wed May 09 2018 update to 3.5.0 [#] Breaking Changes
* Flattened action url reports now always include a leading `/` and will no longer include the `default_action_name`. e.g. `path/to/index` will now be `/path/to/`. This might affect configured custom alerts, as this plugin uses the flattened url reports for comparison. [#] New APIs
* New JavaScript tracker functions to [ask for consent] ( guide#asking-for-consent): `requireConsent`, `rememberConsentGiven`, `setConsentGiven`, `forgetConsentGiven`.
* New events `PrivacyManager.deleteLogsOlderThan`, `PrivacyManager.exportDataSubjects` and `PrivacyManager.deleteDataSubjects` to enable plugins to be GDPR compliant.
* New event `AssetManager.addStylesheets` to add additional less styles which are not located in a file.
* New event `Archiving.getIdSitesToMarkArchivesAsInvalidated` that lets plugins customize the behaviour of report invalidations.
* Reports and visualizations can now disable the \'all\' rows limit selector: `$view->config->disable_all_rows_filter_limit`.
* New settings form field UI component \"Multi Tuple\" that lets users enter multiple values for one setting Detail changelog see:
* Sun Apr 08 2018 update to 3.4.0 - `piwik` font is deprecated and will be removed in Matomo 4.0. Please use new `matomo` font instead - New APIs See
* Thu Feb 08 2018 Ensure neutrality of description.- Fix unknown RPM category group.- Replace old $RPM_ variables with macros.- Avoid %__-type macro indirections.- Do not let fdupes cross partitions.
* Sat Jan 13 2018 Branch package from piwik, because piwik renamed to matomo.- update to 3.3.0 See
* Thu Dec 07 2017 update to 3.2.1 see
* Fri Oct 13 2017 update to 3.2.0 see
* Thu Sep 21 2017 update to 3.1.1 see
* Tue Sep 12 2017 update to 3.1.0 This release is rated important, two XSS issues have bin fixed. Also 120 tickets closed. see
* Tue Aug 15 2017 fix spec to use php7 too
* Tue Aug 15 2017 fix errors in piwik.conf
* Thu May 18 2017 update to 3.0.4 see
* Wed Apr 05 2017 update to 3.0.3 see
* Fri Mar 03 2017 update to 3.0.2 see
* Tue Jan 10 2017 update to 3.0.1 see
* Tue Dec 20 2016 update to 3.0.0 see
* Tue Nov 15 2016 update to 2.17.1 see
* Fri Oct 28 2016 update to 2.17.0 see
* Wed Oct 05 2016 update to 2.16.5 see
* Tue Oct 04 2016 update to 2.16.4 see
* Tue Oct 04 2016 update to 2.16.3 see - This is a security release
* Wed Aug 03 2016 update to 2.16.2 see - This is a security release
* Tue Apr 12 2016 update to 2.16.1 see - This is a security release- Drop piwik-manifest_unneeded_files.patch: It\'s now in upstream
* Thu Feb 04 2016 update to 2.16.0 see
* Fri Oct 23 2015 update to 2.15.0 see insert attention mark for php caches in README.SUSE- activate and update manifest patch
* Thu Aug 06 2015 update to 2.14.3 - #8439 Install of 2.14.2 blocked by permissions check on piwik/config path [by AATTmnapoli] - #8431 Overlay improvements [by AATTsgiehl, AATTtsteur] - #8352 In Page Overlay sidebar, add icon to let me “Open segmented visitor log” [by AATTsgiehl] - #8403 Improve design of Trusted Piwik Hostname setting [by AATTbarbushin, AATTtsteur] - #7835 Rename “Widgets & Dashboard” selector or change the selector [by AATTtsteur] - #8293 Piwik errors logged in server error log should not have HTML [by AATTmnapoli] - #8252 New config entry to set email name in email FROM field [by AATTtsteur] - #8472 Fix bug in notification angular directive, do not use data-binding for noclear attribute… [by AATTdiosmosis] - #8285 UserCountryMap plugin shows wrong options in countries select [by AATTmnapoli] - #8432 [automatic translation update] Updated 195 strings in 32 languages (sk, ar, de, ja, nl, nb, sv, be, bg, ca, cs, da, el, es, fa, fi, fr, hi, hu, id, it, ko, pl, pt, ro, ru, sq, sr, th, tl, uk, vi) [by AATTsgiehl] - #8474 [automatic translation update] Updated 254 strings in 37 languages (gl, nb, cs, it, sk, de, el, fr, lt, ar, bg, ca, da, es, et, fa, fi, he, hi, hr, id, ja, ko, nl, nn, pl, ro, ru, sl, sq, sr, sv, ta, th, tl, tr, vi) [by AATTsgiehl]
* Wed Jul 29 2015 update to 2.14.2 - #8304 Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘log_visit.location_browser_lang’ in ‘field list\'” [by AATTtsteur] - #8365 renderer format is not valid – fatal php error after 2.14.0 - #8316 URL parameter for core:archive console command is ignored [by AATTdiosmosis, AATTmattab] - #8307 Limit notifications of not authenticated sessions [by AATTtsteur] - #8370 Can’t update GrabGravatar plugin [by AATTtsteur] - #8346 node.className.split is not a function on tracking click on/near SVG element [by AATTdandv, AATTtsteur] - #8294 CLI plugin generator doesn’t intercept plugin description [by AATTtsteur] - #8257 Site Search report does not display tooltips with metrics documentation - #7768 Browser info tooltip doesn’t hide - #8411 Add System check that checks that shell_exec function is enabled [by AATTmattab] - #8407 The string General_Cancel was not loaded in javascript [by AATTtsteur] - #8400 Fix emails validation with unknown TLD [by AATTbarbushin, AATTmnapoli] - #8379 Travis system extraction part 1 [by AATTdiosmosis] - #8374 Tweaks to .travis.yml generator [by AATTdiosmosis] - #8376 [automatic translation update] Updated 661 strings in 8 languages (nl, sv, de, es, ja, lt, pl, nb) [by AATTsgiehl]
* Sat Jun 13 2015 initial version 2.13.1