Changelog for
fritzing-0.9.3b-bp151.3.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Jan 21 2018 update parameters of %%suse_update_desktop_file
* Mon Feb 06 2017 Udpate description
* Wed Feb 01 2017 Update to version 0.9.3b
* Continuously updated parts library (not working with this package)
* Critical bug fix for messed up PCB traces
* High-DPI display support
* Load/Save uncompressed fritzing files (.fz)
* File icons- Add patch fritzing-libgit-0.24.patch This patch from upstream ensures compatibility to libgit > 0.23- Add patch fritzing-folderutils-fix.patch This patch fixes the logic to find the parts directory and is sent upstream- Add patch fritzing-cleanup-build-files.patch This patch from upstream cleans up the qmake project file and removes strange constructions to check for dependencies
* Wed Feb 01 2017 use individual libboost-
*-devel packages instead of boost-devel
* Tue Apr 07 2015 Update to version 0.9.2b
* Parts RaspIO Duino stm32 nucleo board dquid io board Raspberry Pi 2 sodaq mbili WeIO netduino plus2 some more sparkfun-parts ws2812 sim928A 8x8 matrix
* Translations Romanian, thanks to titus08
* Bug fixes various part definition fixes
* Fri Dec 26 2014 Change from Qt4 to Qt5, because it\'s getting to complicated to compile with Qt4- Add patch fritzing-restore-qt5.1-compatibility.patch This patch replaces one call to a function introduced in Qt5.2 by an equivalent call of a function existing since Qt4- Update to version 0.9.1b
* Code View The new Code View lets you edit and upload your program straight from Fritzing. Now you can keep your code together with your circuit!
* New Parts Seeeduino, Grove, and more, thanks to SeeedStudio Intel Galileo Gen. 2, Edison, and more, supported by Intel Software Raspberry Pi B+ and RPi Hat template Scout, Backpack supported LightBlue Bean, supported by Punchthrough UDOO Duo/Quad, supported by Udoo Touch Board, supported by Bare Conductive blueIOT, thanks to Guido Burger More SparkFun parts, thanks to SparkFun and a couple of smaller components
* Bug fixes Jumper wire couldn’t be resized Traces were sometimes displaced after file load Windows 8: printing didn’t work Linux: Gerber export, ground fill, autorouting broken if OS language was set to non-English and various part definition fixes
* Developers Simplified build setup for Windows (less dependencies) Moved source code to github Documented command line options
* Updated Translations German, thanks to Atalanttore French, thanks to klostery
* Tue Jul 15 2014 Update to version 0.9.0b
* Qt5 compatibility
* lots of new parts: ADI analog parts, which make use of split schematics and SPICE output, a new feature sponsored by Analog Devices we will write more about soon Intel Galileo, sponsored by Intel Education Arduino Yún and Linino One, sponsored by doghunter ChipKIT WF32, MX4 and shields, thanks to Digilent (more to come) Spark Core, thanks to spark community member technobly Atlas Scientific sensors, thanks to Atlas Scientific more Raspberry Pi versions (A, B, B rev2) Teensy 3.0/3.1, because we love it several contributed parts, thanks to FrodeLillerud and others
* several bug fixes and tweaks
* Sat Jan 25 2014 Update to version 0.8.7b
* some schematic parts had reversed connectors Changes from 0.8.6b:
* schematic view: all core parts now conform to a .1 inch grid (many thanks Fabian)
* ratsnest wires now drawn with dashed lines
* updated examples (many thanks Nushin)
* updated French translation (thanks Roald)
* gerber export: separate plated and unplated drill holes
* more tips and tricks
* bug fixes: offset silkscreen layer on rectangle pcbs part labels rotate along with part wire colors: orange was green set logo-text and netlabel from the text-entry widget at the top of the Inspector (this used to set part label) Mavericks ground fill crash Arduino part fixes equipotential highlight disappearing after wire color change wire self-connection prevention was broken disappearing wires in schematic or pcb view when parts were directly connected in breadboard view Changes from 0.8.5b:
* another handful of styling changes
* ICSP and ICSP-less Arduinos
* bug fixes: infinite loop at startup for some languages Welcome View print crash Arduino swap crash Windows XP compatibility Note button incorrectly disabled
* Sun Dec 15 2013 Update to version 0.8.4b
* Fritzing gets a facelift! (special thanks to Christian and Fabian)
* new Welcome view
* new Fritzing Creator Kit examples (in both English and German)
* Tips and Tricks updated
* First Time Help now a separate dialog
* updated Dutch translation (thanks Dave)
* updated German translation
* new parts: Breadboard BB 301 (contributed by Jeremy) RGB LED WS2812
* bug fixes: Mac OSX Mavericks Parts Bin Hover crash Saving files with custom parts: sometimes the fzp did not list the latest svg files Boost 1.54 bug no longer crashes Fritzing Many part tweaks
* Sun Jul 28 2013 Update to version 0.8.3b
* fixes the breadboard bugs