Changelog for
kronometer-2.2.1-bp151.3.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Sat Jan 27 2018 Update to 2.2.1:
* Fixed laps sorting
* Updated translations
* Fri Dec 08 2017 Update to 2.2.0:
* Fixed laps export feature (Qt >= 5.9 is now required)
* Implemented screen inhibition while a stopwatch is running
* Sat Jun 17 2017 Update to 2.1.5:- v2.1.5
* Fixed width of columns in the laps view.
* Updated translations.- v2.1.4
* Updated homepage links- v2.1.3
* Fix build with ECM >= 5.31
* Prevent warning messagebox with kxmlgui >= 5.30- v2.1.2
* Fix default size of Session dialog.
* Don\'t assume there are always sessions saved.
* Updated translations.- v2.1.1
* Window size can now be restored (kde#361494)
* Fix wrongly-enabled Save action (kde#352993)
* Fix appereance of Lap View (kde#365101)- v2.1.0
* Improved usability of dialogs.
* Moved toolbar to top position.
* Menubar is now hidden by default.
* Dropped statusbar.- v2.0.2
* Fixed invisible main window with Qt 5.6- v2.0.1
* Fixed default height of the Kronometer window (kde#351746)- v2.0.0
* Port to Qt5 and KDE Frameworks 5
* New Breeze icons: app icon and start/pause/reset/lap icons
* Sessions persistence through a simple Session dialog, instead of XML files
* Improved the Settings dialog and removed useless settings
* Hours are now hidden by default, both in stopwatch time and laps times.
* Laps absolute times are now hidden by default
* Laps notes can now be hidden
* Suspension awareness: pause running stopwatch if the OS is going to sleep (kde#349824)
* Cleaned up UI and visible string messages
* Stopwatch time format is automatically ovverridden when needed (kde#343130)
* Fixed BUG 344714 (kde#344714)
* Laps can now be exported to the JSON format, but not anymore to XML
* Fixed Kronometer handbook not being shown from Help -> Kronometer Handbook
* Added manpage
* Development: added autotests- Adjust package description
* Sat Feb 28 2015 initial packaging of version 1.6.0