Changelog for
midori-v8.0-bp151.1.4.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Mar 04 2019 Maurizio Galli
- Added zoom-menu.patch to fix zoom menu entry (issue gh#midori-browser/core#286)
* Sat Mar 02 2019 Maurizio Galli - Update to version 8.0
* Javascript changes confirmation and prompts use dialogs again
* Bug fixes in Urlbar completion and focus handling as well as Adblock filtering
* Headerbar enabled by default only under Budgie, GNOME and Patreon
* Re-introduced support for `--inactivity-reset`, `-e Fullscreen` and `-e ZoomIn`
* Initial support for cross-browser web extensions (not exposed in the GUI yet)
* Builds deps: Glib lowered to 2.46.2, Json-Glib and libarchive are now required
* Link to the bug tracker from the About dialog
* Correct handling of external URIs such as apt:
* Fixed installation path for appdata and plugins
* Support for building Midori on Android with Gradle
* Better internal distinction of errors from visiting pages
* Zoom indicators in the page menu and statusbar features extension- Switch dependencies to pkgconfig
* Fri Nov 30 2018 Update to version 7.0.git20181130:
* Fixed YouTube rendering issue due to custom user agent
* Fixed invisible cursor in text fields
* Restored behavior of \" \" and \".\" in urlbar completion
* Download/ web notifications for background window/ tab
* Highlight in toolbar for finished downloads
* Re-introduced proxy server UX
* Multiple processes for indivdual tabs
* Adaptive toolbar layout for smaller screens- Added Obsoletes
* Thu Nov 29 2018 Update to version 6.0.git20181129:
* Open external links in default browser in app mode (gh#midori-browser/core#184)
* Don\'t consume the tab\'s focus in event (gh#midori-browser/core#185)
* Always build menu models from scratch (gh#midori-browser/core#183)
* Tue Nov 27 2018 Update to version 6.0.git20181126:
* (Re)store last window width and height (gh#midori-browser/core#180)
* Implement network proxy settings (gh#midori-browser/core#174)
* Mon Nov 26 2018 Maurizio Galli - Remove Branding packages
* Fri Nov 23 2018 Update to version 6.0.git20181122:
* Don\'t add bookmarks UX when in app mode (gh#midori-browser/core#172)
* Implement notifications for downloads and web (gh#midori-browser/core#175)
* Hide page and browser actions when window is small (gh#midori-browser/core#171)
* Go back to using WebKit-provided user agent (gh#midori-browser/core#173)
* Reduce spacing around delete suggestion button (gh#midori-browser/core#170)
* Locate system-wide plugins at Config.PLUGINDIR (gh#midori-browser/core#168)
* Don\'t block regular key input in app mode (gh#midori-browser/core#167)
* Always set key regardless of location guess (gh#midori-browser/core#169)
* Create independent tabs to allow for more processes (gh#midori-browser/core#166)
* Double-check that extension folder contains Vala sources (gh#midori-browser/core#161)
* Tue Nov 20 2018 Maurizio Galli - Update to 6.0
* Revamped Vala-only core based on GTK+3 and WebKit2
* App based on Gtk.Application, supporting global/ window app menu
* Tabs on top with a custom stack switcher and Gtk.Stack
* Url completion with GLib.ListModel and Gtk.ListBox
* Peas-based extensions, also available in Private Browsing
* New fullscreen mode with auto-revealing toolbar- Spec file cleaned and revised to adapt to new version- Run spec-cleaner- Removed patch midori-0.5.11-fix-crash-on-startup.patch no longer needed- Removed patch midori-fix-plugins.diff no longer needed- Removed patch midori-fix-vala_0.35.patch no longer needed- Removed source file baselibs.conf not needed- Removed source file midori.1 not needed
* Sat Sep 15 2018 Fix crash on startup (boo#1108015):
* Add midori-0.5.11-fix-crash-on-startup.patch.
* Mon Oct 30 2017 Fix build error on openSUSE:Factory by disabling gtk-doc dependency
* Sun Aug 20 2017 Replace pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0), pkgconfig(javascriptcoregtk-1.0) and pkgconfig(webkit-1.0) with pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0), pkgconfig(javascriptcoregtk-4.0) and pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0), build against an upstream supported version of webkitgtk. Pass - DUSE_GTK3=ON and -DHALF_BRO_INCOM_WEBKIT2=ON to cmake conditionally.- Drop obsolete pkgconfig(unique-1.0) BuildRequires, midori was ported away from this in version 0.5.6.
* Wed Apr 26 2017 Add midori-fix-vala_0.35.patch: fix build with vala 0.35+.
* Fri Sep 04 2015 Add switches for Pantheon/Elementary
* Sun Aug 30 2015 Update to 0.5.11.
* Add fake theme for built-in icons.
* Don\'t truncate long speed dial titles if there\'s room to display them.
* Fix warnings for -Wformat-security.
* Ensure vala knows the prototypes of functions it calls, fixing pointer truncation in tests.
* Add unit test to check appmenu/menubar visibility.
* Fix last known GTK2 entry placeholder text bugs.
* Make sure that only one of appmenu and menubar are visible
* initially
* as well as when changed.
* Move adblock icons to hicolor.
* Limit bookmarks panel callbacks to the lifetime of the panel to fix a crash.
* Fix fallout (broken bookmarks and history panel search) from tweaks to GTK2 entry placeholder.
* Fix property binding to ensure that exactly one of appmenu button and menubar is always visible.
* Skip open-with codepath with abp links, they are internal.
* Use find_file to locate execinfo.h.
* Fix middle/ctrl/normal clicking bookmarks (not folders) in the bookmarkbar.
* Add copright header to
* Adblock fixup: Escape . in filter with \\.
* Don\'t shadow variable uri in midori_browser_save_uri.
* Switch Adblock icons to 24px color.
* Always include app menu in toolbar.
* Fix various mis[sing ]annotations and style issues in GIR.
* Compile typelib from gir.
* Fix assert when resetting webapp state after inactivity reset.
* Clean up handling of double-valued db column in Tabby.
* Add a comment to explain MidoriBrowser popup callback.
* Fix warnings printed when right-clicking resize grip between location and search entries.
* Fix menubar warning caused by direct cast instead of `as`.
* Helper script for setting up bzr with some usefull plugins and settings.
* Stop using Gtk.Entry.max_width_chars.
* Avoid deprecated SoupServer API with libsoup 2.48.
* Use unowned in foreach loops in Midori.Window.
* Use unowned in foreach loops in Midori.Completion.
* Use unowned with Adblock.Subscription and Element in foreach loops.
* Use unowned strings in foreach loops.
* Enable openWith in app mode and make it work with view-new.
* Implement Midori.Window class with toolbar/ headerbar.
* Drop support for libsoup-gnome-2.4 < 2.37.1.
* Make search icons for engines work correctly.
* Move to WebKit2 4.0 which broke ABI.
* Port to zeitgeist-2.0.
* Avoid deprecated GtkDialog API with GTK+2 >= 2.22.
* Title case for \"Export Certificate\" button.
* Fix incorrect type of MAX(sorting) in Tabby.- Disable zeitgeist support.
* Tue Apr 21 2015 Update to 0.5.10
* use exit instead of return in license script
* Fix HAVE_GCR guards after GtkPopover port
* Remove example app and .desktop before creating it in the unit test
* Fix cache dir path in Adblock and always mkdir tmp
* Port location action from Granite.PopOver to Gtk.Popover
* Match https site when user-style is using domain syntax
* Always disable developer tools on Win32
* Reimplement Midori.URI.unescape and add various tests
* Make the inspector resizable with GTK3 by packing into a GtkScrolledWindow
* Don\'t build tabs2one in release builds
* Don\'t assume GNotification works on Win32
* update copyright date in About dialog
* Don\'t entity-escape history and bookmark results in location completion
* Only set tabs\' error state if errors come from the main frame
* Implement Paste and Proceed as an action
* No Gcr on Win for the moment
* Yet another Speed Dial CSS update:
* Port bookmark popover from Granite to Gtk.Popover
* Make application choosers resizable with a sane default size
* Use GNotification >= 2.40 and use Midori.App API in webmedia
* Rework mouse button handling in KatzeArrayAction
* Don\'t bind :day in HistoryDatabase.query
* Make GCR mandatory for all builds
* Update coub support in mediaHerald
* history-list: Fix gtk+3 build caused by dropping \"using Gtk;\"
* Drop all remaining usages of \"using
* Don\'t open search engines menu when clearing search action
* Only remove apps in the sidepanel when left-clicking the delete icon
* Improve robustness of GTK3-compatibility placeholder text fallback
* Clean up vapi dependency
* tls_flags from webkit_web_view_get_tls_info need to be 0
* Don\'t add failed pages to history
* Throw error for wrong paramter in Statement.bind
* Replace NoJS \"allow all pages\" setting with \"allow local pages\"
* Avoid bugs due to race condition in addons delete dialog
* Calculate transfer progress at regular intervals to fix 0B/s bug and recalcitrant progess bars
* Fix warnings occurring with EXTRA_WARNINGS
* Escape parentheses in adblock_fixup_regexp()
* Use File.query_exist() on win32 when checking for db to attach
* Handle _NEW_WINDOW_ACTION explicitly to make _blank targets work
* Fix undefined behavior uint in mouse gestures
* fix JavaScript keyup event by calling inherited key-release-event handler in MidoriBrowser
* Inline renaming of speed dials
* Handle current_size and last_size of Download being equal
* Add proper copyright headers to element_hider and autosuggestcontrol
* Add X-GNOME-UsesNotifications to indicate the use of notifications
* Fix typo in Bookmarks menu UI definition- Dropped midori-ListStore.patch because it was fixed upstream
* Tue Apr 07 2015 Add midori-ListStore.patch: Fix \"`ListStore\' is an ambiguous reference between `GLib.ListStore\' and `Gtk.ListStore\'\".
* Fri Nov 21 2014 Update to 0.5.9.
* Remove dead code from browser and preferences.
* Build-fix: Make PanedAction\'s Child.widget public.
* Fixes tab history undo.
* Set a placeholder text on the URL entry.
* Add “Add Bookmark” to menu.
* Show search menu upon left icon click in location bar.
* Fix crash when saving with associated resources.
* Fix webkit2 downloads based on older branch.
* Don\'t hide window decorations for Midori-Granite.
* Connect bookmarks-db singleton correctly to fix menus.
* Fix some symbol names and transfer annotations in doc comments.
* Use correct signature for window-state-event handler.
* Do not overescape page titles in view completion.
* Make adblock skip non-standard last update metadata strings.
* Drop deprecated Granite LightWindow used for the Clear Private Data dialog.
* Keep storing the last web media tab played.
* Allocate CookiePermissionManagerModalInfobar correctly.
* Make middle clicking reload button duplicate the current tab, similar to other browsers.
* Use network-changed of GNetworkMonitor to reload all tabs if network becomes available.
* Show different messages based on network connectivity.
* Fix crash when activating the edit menu.
* Fix “open all in tabs” for bookmarks.
* Fix a few simple leaks.
* Don\'t focus the locationaction when leaving blank pages.
* Fix leaks of two references to the MidoriApp in Tabby.
* Compile with valac 0.16 again.
* Never display about:new in the urlbar.
* Fix crash right-clicking forms on local pages.
* Share \'youtube, vimeo, dailymotion\' that you are playing in Midori using org.midori.mediaHerald.
* Give the SoupURI a path when checking cookie relevance.
* Resolve ellipsis and title stripping in completion.
* Add www. and .com/.country_domain and proceed with Ctrl+Enter/Shift+Enter with (readable code).
* Clean up browser tab/ uri/ title notify.
* Drop pseudo Granite distinction in completion layout.
* Fix visibility of SpeedDial, Toolbar, Bookmarkbar context menu items.
* Distinguish between desc file missing and other parsing issues.
* Use dependencies to clear test folders before execution.- Remove BuildRequires: appdata-tools (%{_datadir}/appdata/ belongs to filesystem).- Correct the source URL.