Changelog for
limesuite-devel-20.01.0-bp152.1.12.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Jan 29 2020 Martin Hauke
- Update to version 20.01.0 LimeSuite library changes:
* Including LimeRFE support
* Update CGEN calculation to allow lower CGEN values
* Configure RF switches (when possible) to avoid transmission during calibration
* Automatically reconfigure GFIR LPF after sample rate change
* Remove LMS_EnableCalibCache function from LimeSuite.h
* Improve PLL locking in calibration procedures
* Fix Tx transfer size being set to Rx transfer size
* Fix RF path being auto-set after it was selected explicitly for LimeSDR-Mini
* Add option to perform Rx phase alignment instead of of always running it
* Improve SXT/SXR tune by automatically retrying with higher bias current setting
* Update FIFO buffers to use memory more efficiently SoapyLMS:
* Add oversampling setting
* Set bandwidth to sample rate if bandwidth is not explicitly set
* Fix possible segfault when 2 Rx cahnnels are used
* Pause streaming when changing sample rate
* Return time error when negative timestmp is used
* Automatically use wide enough bandwidth setting for RF frequencies bellow 30 MHz
* Remove master clock setting
* Add setting descriptions
* Implement read for setting advertised by getSettingInfo() LimeSuiteGUI:
* Add panel for LMS API function testing
* Add option to play WFM file from software
* fix channel measurement in FFTviewer for Ch.B in MIMO mode Octave plugin:
* Add LimeGetStreamStatus function
* Add LimeTransceiveSamples function
* Update antenna selection after loading ini file Other changes:
* Fix LimeQuickTest not outputing to windows command line- Add patch:
* 0001-Remove-some-warnings-LimeRFE-related.patch
* Mon May 13 2019 Martin Hauke - Update to version 19.04.0 LimeSuite library changes:
* Added support for LimeNet-Micro v2.1
* Fixed Tx ch.B calibration when Rx ch.B is disabled
* Added save and restore of analog DC/IQ calibration values when saving/loading INI file
* Fixed Rx only mode not working on LimeSDR-USB with sample rate <2.5 MSps
* Fixed Rx only mode not working on LimeSDR-USB with sample rate <2.5 MSps
* change coefficents in LMS7002M::GetTemperature() to approximately match actual temperature LimeSuiteGUI: - Updated \"Board controls\" panel for LimeNet-Micro Other changes - Added LimeNET-Micro support to LimeQuickTest - LimeSDR-USB v1.4 updated to r2.21 gateware - LimeSDR-Mini updated to r1.30 gateware
* Thu Mar 07 2019 Martin Hauke - Upate to version 19.01.0 LimeSuite library changes:
* Allow filtering devices by partial serial number
* Add GPIO control for LimeSDR-Mini
* Change LMS_VCTCXOWrite() to save value to non-volatile storage
* Change LMS_VCTCXORead() to read value from non-volatile storage
* Make some improvements in GFIR setup
* Fix Tx not working when Rx is disabled on LimeSDR-Mini
* Add initial support for LimeNET-Micro
* Add auto RF path selection option (LMS_PATH_AUTO) for LMS_SetAntenna()
* Remove LMS_Disconnect() and LMS_IsOpen() functions from API
* Add support for sending smaller Tx packets (improve end of burst handling)
* Change Rx RF path set by LMS_Init() for LimeSDR-USB to LNA_L
* Disable Tx channel in LMS_Init() LimeSuiteGUI:
* Add GPIO controls to \"Board controls\" panel for LimeSDR-Mini
* Add option to \"Board controls\" panel to write VCTCXO value to non-volatile storage SoapyLMS:
* Update to soapysdr0.7 module ABI
* add manual DC/IQ calibrations Other changes:
* LimeUtil: fix LimeSDR-Mini not exiting programming mode after flashing FPGA
* LimeQuickTest: test 1st board when multiple boards are detected (instead of exiting)
* Add Octave plugin to CMake build
* Add log handler to Octave plugin
* Add IQ/DC calibration to basicTX example
* LimeSDR-USB v1.4 updated to r2.20 gateware
* LimeSDR-Mini updated to r1.29 gateware
* Sat Nov 10 2018 Update soapy-module version 0.6 -> 0.7
* Fri Oct 05 2018 Upate to version 18.10.0 LimeSuite library changes:
* Fix CalibrateTxGain() XBUF settings for 3rd party boards
* Add interpolation/decimation support for SISODDR mode
* Always use SISODDR mode for LimeSDR-Mini
* Fix Rx filter calibration for 2nd channel with low bandwidth values
* Fix index lookup for opt_gain_tbb cache (ChB out of bounds)
* Add SXT/SXR VCO cache
* Add FPGA register cache
* Add connection remote (disabled by default)
* Fix incorrect TBB gain control behaviour under certain conditions
* Disable GFIR coefficient ordering based on oversampling when coefficient count is to high
* Remove late timestamp reset commands from Rx streaming loop LimeSuiteGUI:
* Update board controls panel
* Add LPF coefficient calculation controls for GFIRs to TxTSP and RxTSP tabs Other changes:
* LimeSDR-USB v1.4 updated to r2.18 gateware
* LimeSDR-Mini updated to r1.27 gateware
* Add Tx only LMS API example
* SoapyLMS: remove stream activity checks
* Wed Jun 13 2018 Update to version 18.06.0 LimeSuite library changes:
* Fixed zero filled packet transmitted on Tx FIFO timeout
* Fixed LMS_GetFrequency() to return correct frequency in TDD mode
* Added HBD/HBI bypass mode for LimeSDR-USB
* Made automatic Tx gain calibrations less frequent
* Fixed some issues with GFIR usage
* Some fixes for LimeSDR-QPCIe SoapyLMS changes:
* Fixed writeSetting to not throw every time
* Added \'skipCal\' stream argument to disable calibration
* Added \'CALIBRATE\' setting for writeSetting() Other changes:
* Added LimeSDR-USB support to LimeQuickTest
* Added sample format and Tx sync selection to FFTviewer
* Fix LimeSuiteConfig for debian packages
* LimeSDR-USB v1.4 updated to r2.17 gateware
* LimeSDR-Mini v1.1 updated to r1.25 gateware
* Thu Apr 19 2018 Update to version 18.04.1
* Add multiple device support for LimeSDR-Mini
* Add QuickTest Utility for LimeSDR-Mini
* Remove calibration cache database
* LimeSuiteGUI: Remove duplicate information from \'Device Info\' panel- Remove patch:
* limesuite-fix-cmake-path.patch (fixed upstream)
* Mon Apr 09 2018 Cleanup with spec-cleaner
* Fri Apr 06 2018 Update to version 18.04.0
* Fixed Tx filter calibration
* Fixed FPGA PLL configuration when B channel is disabled
* Fixed non-working controls in LimeSuiteGUI \'TRX Gain\' tab
* Changed CGEN VCO tune algorithm
* LimeSDR-USB v1.4 updated to r2.16 gateware- Add patch:
* limesuite-fix-cmake-path.patch- Update to version 18.03.0 SoapyLMS changes:
* Do not tune NCO when LO is within tuning range
* Filter BW reported to match filtersCalibration
* Function implementations changed to use same code as LMS API LimeSuiteGUI changes:
* Added log levels
* Added additional controls to SPI panel
* Reduced number of programming modes in Programming panel LimeSuite library changes:
* Added LimeSDR-Mini programming
* Changed default settings for LimeSDR-Mini
* Updated calibrations
* Add phase alignment for dual channel configuration
* Updated FPGA PLL configuration
* Fix B channel only streaming
* Fixed LMS7002M::GetPathRFE for LNAH case
* Fixed CGEN not tuning to 484-487 MHz LMS API changes:
* LMS_Open() can no longer succeed without connecting to hardware
* LMS_Disconnect() and LMS_IsOpen() are now deprecated because of above change
* Changed firmware/gateware programming functions
* Changed lms_dev_info_t structure
* LMS_SetLOFrequency() now attempts to set different frequencies for A/B channels using NCO
* Fix Rx NCO direction flip (downconvert flag used to set Rx NCO to upconvert)
* Disabling LPF is now same as setting it to maximum bandwidth
* Extented gain range for LMS_SetGaindB() Other changes:
* Reduce SIMD flags when packaging for x86
* LimeSDR-USB v1.4 updated to r2.15 gateware
* LimeSDR-Mini v1.1 updated to r1.24 gateware- Add limesuite-fix-cmake-path.patch
* Tue Dec 19 2017 Update to version 17.12.0 SoapyLMS changes:
* Force MIMO alignment
* Add TBB frontend gain configuration
* Fix/adjust gain ranges LMS API changes:
* Increased USB timeouts
* Updated FTDI library (LimeSDR-Mini on Windows)
* RF switch control for LimeSDR-Mini
* Updated setup/destruction of streams
* various bug fixes LimeSuiteGUI changes:
* Update LimeSDR-Mini panel
* Sun Nov 05 2017 Update descriptions.
* Sat Oct 21 2017 Use SSE-SIMD-FLAGS only on x86_64 machines
* Thu Oct 19 2017 Update to version 17.10.0 SoapyLMS changes:
* Initial support for LimeSDR-Mini
* Disable calibration cache by default LMS API changes:
* Initial support for LimeSDR-Mini LimeSuiteGUI changes:
* Added scrollbars
* Fix multiple crashes that occured when board is not connected
* Bring window to front when trying to open already opened window
* Some cosmetic GUI changes
* Added default config button to GUI Other changes:
* LimeSDR v1.4 updated to r2.11 gateware- Build with -DENABLE_SIMD_FLAGS=\"SSE4.2\" to avoid the new default optimization settings \"-mmarch=native\" otherwise it the binaries are expected to crash on machines different from the build hosts.
* Sun Oct 01 2017 Update to version 17.09.1 SoapyLMS changes: - SoapyLMS7 caches stream enable and disables on close - Fixed late packet reporting in SoapyLMS7 stream status LMS API changes: - Added simple GPIO example utilizing functions from LimeSuite.h - Fixed WriteStream() end of burst flushing in fifo.h - Fixed abs() overload compiler issue in lms7_device.cpp - Removed private include in mcu_program/host_src/main.cpp - Fixed error checking bug causing compilation error on MacOS in LMS_GetGaindB() and LMS_GetNormalizedGain() Other changes: - LimeSDR v1.4 updated to r2.10 gateware- Update to version 17.09.0 LimeSuite library changes: - Added transfer size adjustment based on sample rate - Improved MCU calibration procedures - Initial support for LimeSDR-QPCIe - Changed format to 16 bit for data transfer when float (non-native) format is selected in API LMS API changes: - Added external reference clock(LMS_CLOCK_EXTREF) configuration to LMS_SetClockFreq() - Change LMS_SetGaindB() and LMS_SetNormalizedGain() to select optimal TBB gain for TX - Fixed LMS_GetStreamStatus() not returning some status values LimeSuiteGUI changes: - Unified read/write params in board controls panel - Fixed some GUI fields not updating correctly/reporting wrong values Other changes: - LimeSDR v1.4 updated to r2.9 gateware - Added LMS API doxygen generation to CMake - Added CMake option to enable compiler SIMD flags
* Wed Jun 21 2017 Update to version 17.06.0 API additions: - LMS_GPIODirRead - LMS_GPIODirWrite - LMS_CalibrateInternalADC - LMS_CalibrateAnalogRSSIDC - LMS_CalibrateRP_BIAS - LMS_CalibrateTxGain - LMS_SetClockFreqWithSpurCancelation General changes: - SoapyLMS7 - added getMasterClockRates() - SoapyLMS7 - added getSampleRateRange() - LimeSDR v1.4 updated to r2.8 gateware - GPIO support in SoapyLM7 module - Library level logging support - Speed up x640,x641 spi - FFTviewer: add checkbox for RX->TX loopback control - Merged major MCU based calibrations update
* Fri May 05 2017 Update soapy-module version 0.5-2 -> 0.6
* Wed May 03 2017 Update to version 17.02.2 - Fixed register typo in LMS7002M::SetTxDCOffset() - Added option defaults for stream args in SoapyLMS7 - Fixed LMS7002M::GetPathRFE() currently selected path
* Wed Apr 19 2017 initial package, version 17.02.1