Changelog for
racket-7.3-bp152.1.6.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Mar 24 2020 Adrian Schröter
- adapt _constraints, sse3 never existed, but this is not anymore ignored in OBS
* Tue Jul 16 2019 Jonathan Brielmaier - Update to 7.3:
* There is a new set of teaching languages for the upcoming German-language textbook \"Schreibe Dein Programm!\"
* Racket\'s IO system has been refactored to improve performance and simplify internal design.
* Racket\'s JSON reader is dramatically faster.
* The `plot` library includes color map support for renderers.
* The Racket web library has improved support for 307 redirects.
* The Racket web server provides better response messages by default for common status codes.
* The `pict` library includes a `shear` function.- remove patches:
* extflvector-length-inlined.patch: included in release- clean up spec file
* %foo -> %{foo}
* remove %defattr
* multiple other smaller clean ups- Remove extflvector-length-inlined.patch
* Wed Apr 03 2019 Andreas Schwab - dont-strip.patch: don\'t strip libraries
* Mon Apr 01 2019 Dr. Werner Fink - Add patch extflvector-length-inlined.patch from upstream commit 80f84f21 to get extflvector-length work even on i586- Add patch racket-doc.patch to be able to split package into main and doc pacakges
* Fri Mar 29 2019 Dr. Werner Fink - Spec file clean up- Try to get it work on some ix86 CPU versions
* Wed Mar 27 2019 Dr. Werner Fink - Require some missed libraries and certificates for build as well as for installation even if rmplint cries- Update to racket 7.2
* The contract system supports collapsible contracts, which avoid repeated wrappers in certain pathological situations. Thanks to Daniel Feltey.
* Quickscript, a scripting tool for DrRacket, has become part of the standard distribution. Thanks to Laurent Orseau.
* The web server\'s built-in configuration for serving static files recognizes the \".mjs\" extension for JavaScript modules.
* The `data/enumerate` library supports an additional form of subtraction via `but-not/e`, following Yorgey and Foner\'s ICFP\'18 paper. Thanks to Max New.
* The `letrec.rkt` example model in Redex has been changed to more closely match Racket, which led to some bug fixes in Racket\'s implementation of `letrec` and `set!`.
* The racklog library has seen a number of improvements, including fixes to logic variable binding, logic variables containing predicates being applicable, and the introduction of an `%andmap` higher-order predicate.
* Thu Nov 29 2018 Tomasz Olszewski - Downgrade to Racket 7.1
* was only a snapshot release and is already gone from Racket mirrors
* Sat Oct 13 2018 Update to Racket
* Syntax (#\') now supports new template subforms: ~AATT and ~?
* Interactive overlays can be added to plots produced by plot-snip
* Added contrcat-equivalent?, a way to compare contracts
* Lazy Racket supports functions with keyword arguments
* Mon Jun 25 2018 gc-aarch64.patch: remove obsolete patch, this GC implementation is no longer used.
* Wed Dec 27 2017 Update to Racket 6.11
* Typed Racket supports refinement types and dependent function types.
* DrRacket’s Program Contour is significantly more efficient
* The web-server/formlets library produces formlets that are serializable
* The db library supports the Cassandra database- Ensure more system resources when building package
* Sun Sep 24 2017 Racket version bumped to 6.10.1.- Spec changes
* Drop --collectsdir in %configure in favour of --prefix (%configure would fail otherwise)
* Drop 0-size file guard. This used to delete lock files (LOCKpkgs.rktd) lack of which would result in errors in many contexts, including basic usage of both DrRacket and raco (package manager)
* Drop %_datadir/%name/collects from %dir, because parent folder is already included in another %dir entry. This fixes a warning about collects folder being listed twice.
* Added reference to starter-sh.
* Drop DrRacket\'s -singleInstance option from %suse_update_desktop_file. This option caused error messages coming from %suse_update_desktop_file itself.
* Sat Mar 11 2017 Edited %files to explicity package %{_docdir}/%{name} to clear unpackaged files builderror in openSUSE:Factory
* Fri Jul 29 2016 Guard 0-size deletion by -type f, as other types can have size 0 too. Run spec-beautifier to bring (almost) all macro uses into same style.
* Mon Jul 25 2016 Update to Racket 6.6