Changelog for
gap-groupoids-1.54-bp153.1.1.noarch.rpm :
* Sun Dec 24 2017 Update to new upstream release 1.54
* added MappingGeneratorsImages method for hom discrete mappings
* added other method for GroupoidInnerAutomorphism(R,S,r);
* added method for RestrictedMappingGroupoids for homdisc
* added DirectProductOp for groupoids; Projection & Embedding
* added MappingWithObjectsByFunction and associated prop/attr and then added new manual section on the inner automorphism group
* added operation GroupoidInnerAutomorphism
* Fri Sep 08 2017 The package was renamed from gpd to groupoids upstream- Update to new upstream release 1.51
* added various methods for String, ViewString, PrintString
* Sat Apr 29 2017 Update to new upstream release 1.46
* Removed method for IsCommutative from which was causing slowdown in the main GAP tests.
* Mon Nov 21 2016 Update to new upstream release 1.45
* improved RestrictedMappingGroupoids
* Added IsomorphismStandardGroupoid to gpdhom.g{d,i}; GroupoidAutomorphismByRayImages->GroupoidAutomorphismByRayShifts; SinglePieceGroupoidByGenerators->SinglePiceSubgroupoidByGenerators; improved RestrictedMappingGroupoids
* ImagesOfRays renamed ImageElementsOfRays
* Replaced Image(hom,x) with ImageElm(hom,x) throughout
* Moved AutomorphismGroup methods to AutomorphismGroupOfGroupoid
* Added EmbeddingsInNiceObject
* Converted cases of \\in to new InAutomorphismGroupOfGroupoid
* Sun Jun 19 2016 Update to new upstream release 1.43
* dealt with new diffs in test files
* Fri Mar 11 2016 Update to new upstream release 1.42
* new method for ObjectGroupHomomorphism
* converted RootObject from an operation to an attribute
* renamed IsDigraph etc as GpdIsDigraph
* RestrictionMappingGroupoids -> RestrictedMappingGroupoids
* added method for WeightedAdjacencyMatrix for FpWeightedDigraphs
* added PrintObj & Viewobj for groupoid right cosets
* removed RestrictionMappingGroups: now GeneralRestrictedMapping
* replacing test IsScalar for objects with IsObject/IsSet added examples in section 4.1.1 where the objects are free group generators or strings
* Added method for ImagesRepresentative( gpdhom, arrow )
* Tue Aug 04 2015 Update to new upstream release 1.34
* added method for GeneratorsOfMagma for a magma with objects
* attempted fix of problem with NormalFormGGRWS
* PackageInfo.g: Kan is now an accepted package
* converted the bibliography to BibXMLext format and added an URL to Emma\'s thesis (
* changed \'InversesIfNonzero\' to \'Inverse\' in category names
* Sun Feb 22 2015 Update to new upstream release 1.31
* rays were inadvertently arrows, so swapped the names: RaysOfGroupoid with RayElementsOfGroupoid
* added second Kd8method for IsHomogeneousDomainWithObjects
* renamed MultiplicativeElementWithObjects as Arrow, IsElementOfMagmaWithObjects as IsArrowIn, GroupoidElement no longer needed: use Arrow, IdentityElement as IdentityArrow, ConjugateGroupoidElement as ConjugateArrow.
* changed Arrow to ArrowNC in GeneratorsOfMagmaWithObjects
* Wed Feb 05 2014 Update to new upstream release 1.22
* Adjusted flip function in mwohom.g and mwohom.tst.
* Added method for ImageElm for mwohoms and more than one piece.
* Added IsElementOfMagmaWithObjects (in place of \\in).
* Renamed Arrowelt -> ElementOfArrow, etc.
* Fri May 10 2013 Split gpd (version 1.19) off the gap RPM package