Changelog for pinta-1.6-bp153.1.1.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Jun 11 2015 Fix build with mono 4.0 (sed hacks borrowed from Fedora).
* Tue May 19 2015 enable checks
* Wed Mar 04 2015 Update to 1.6:
* New Features / Improvements: + Redesigned shape tools (demo video): - The Line tool now supports drawing curves and arrows. - Shapes remain editable after being drawn. - All shape tools now support drawing dashed lines. + All selection tools now support the Union, Exclude, Xor, and Intersection modes. + New community add-in repository - add-ins can be installed through the Add-in Manager dialog (via the Add-ins menu). + Redesigned New Image dialog, which includes presets, orientation and background options, and a thumbnail preview of the image. + The toolbox and color palette now have a flexible layout and can expand horizontally, making them significantly more usable on small screens. + When launching Pinta from the command line, the standard - -version and --help options are now supported.
* Bug Fixes: + Fix a number of issues with the text tool’s support for Unicode text. + Fix a number of issues with undoing selections. + Fix a number of untranslatable strings throughout Pinta, and the zoom toolbar’s percentages are now formatted using the current locale. + The text tool now supports the standard shortcuts for toggling bold (Ctrl+B), italic (Ctrl+I), and underline (Ctrl+U), and all of the text can be selected with Ctrl+A. + Fix a potential crash after undoing a text action. + Fix a crash when holding both the left and right mouse buttons with the Pencil tool. + Fix issues with zooming in very far on large images. + Fix a potential crash when exiting Pinta. + Fix issues with the toolbar’s state (hidden vs. visible) not being preserved after re-opening Pinta. + Fix several bugs where undo did not work correctly for the Freeform Shape tool. + Fix a bug where resizing a selection allowed the selection to grow beyond the edge of the canvas. + The selection handles are now larger and easier to click. + Fix bugs where using the Recolor tool after the Line/Curve tool resulted in odd behavior. + The error dialog now includes a link to the bug tracker. + Improve the error message when opening an unsupported file format. + Fix an issue where cancelling the saving of a jpg image made it appear that the image had actually been saved. + Auto-hiding now works correctly for the history and open images pads. + Auto Crop now works correctly if there is an active selection. + The progress dialog is now modal. + The Backspace and Delete keys are now usable when editing text fields in the toolbar. + Improve the readability of the text cursor against dark backgrounds.- Spec cleanup.- Add pinta-lang package.
* Mon May 26 2014 update to v1.5
* see
* Sat Apr 12 2014 added %post macros
* Thu Sep 27 2012 update to 1.4
* Wed Jun 13 2012 Update to 1.3
* Wed Apr 18 2012 update to 1.1
* Thu Apr 28 2011 Update to 1.0
* Fri Jan 14 2011 Add missing Url tag
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