Changelog for
kshutdown-5.2-bp153.2.2.1.i586.rpm :
* Tue Jan 14 2020 Markus S
- Update to version 5.2
* NEW: Experimental: Added \"--ui-dialog\" command line option.
* Updated the Polish translation
* FIXED: Added proper way to enable C++14 standard and fix compile error Bug:
* REMOVED: Obsolete stats.cpp and stats.h files
* CHANGED: i18n: Do not include line numbers in generated
*.pot files
* Fixed some \"QString::null\" warnings (other \"deprecated\" warnings will be fixed later)
* Minor code cleanup
* Wed Sep 04 2019 Markus S - Update to version 5.1-beta- CHANGED: New action names that matches more closely the terminology used in current Desktop Environments. You can select \"Use old action names\" option if don\'t like the change.- NEW: Added Help|What\'s New? menu item- NEW: Added --logoff, --restart, and --sleep command line option aliases (run kshutdown --help for details)- CHANGED: Do not show \"Ctrl+Q\" shortcut in system tray menu- CHANGED: Tweaked popup notifications autohide timeout- FIXED: Better default keyboard focus in dialog windows- NEW: Added \"Wiki\" link button to the \"Command Line Option\" help window- Qt5: About window:
* Links can be selected and opened using Tab/Enter keys
* Selectable text- NEW: Tools|Run menu: Added boot-related \"journalctl\" commands- CHANGED: Simplify and normalize application versioning. Now all versions are in format: \"mm.ii\" plus optional \"-beta\" suffix. This mostly apply to:
* versions displayed in KShutdown GUI
* default download URLs (e.g.$VERSION/kshutdown-source-$ UPDATED: \"VERSION\" file format and related files- REMOVED: \"test-wine.bat\"; use \"\" instead- REMOVED: Obsolete \"kshutdown.nsh\" file (version number is now passed as /DAPP_VERSION option)- Code cleanup
* Sun May 26 2019 Markus S - Update to version 5.0
* NEW: Added option to focus/select \"Cancel\" button by default in confirmation message
* NEW: Added Tools -> Run menu with various related Linux commands (this replaces \"Statistics\" menu item)
* Improve error message in the process list combo box
* CHANGED: KShutdown 5.x now requires Qt 5.9 or newer
* REMOVED: Qt 4 support
* Major version number is now \"5\" to better align with Qt 5/KF 5 versions numbers.
* Tue Dec 26 2017 Markus S - Update to 4.2
* Fixed: Password on Cancel bypasses the Action setting (bug #33)
* Statistics: Added Ctrl+Shift+S shortcut
* Updated the Polish translation
* Fixed: Suspend only works the second time (bug #34)
* Fixed missing Ctrl+Q shortcut in some Desktop Environments
* Fixed: Show application main window if KShutdown is already running
* When Selected Application Exit trigger: - Fixed combo box selection of root and non-own processes - Fixed root and non-own processes exit detection
* Removed semi-private KDevelop project files
* Updated links and args in tools/
*.sh scripts- Drop kshutdown-src_kshutdown.desktop.patch
* Thu Sep 01 2016 Update to version 4.0 Qt Build:
* NEW: Use the standard Ctrl+Q shortcut instead of Ctrl+Shift+Q (bug #26)
* Fixed: Support \"--version\" command line option (bug #26)
* Command Line: Ignore \"/?\" option in non-Windows versions
* Fixed: Honor $INSTALL_ROOT environment variable when installing icons (bug #25)
* Fixed: Remove icons during \"make uninstall\" Misc:
* Czech translation update (Pavel Fric)
* Updated German translation (Vinzenz Vietzke)
* Updated Russian translations (Victor Ryzhykh)
* Updated Polish translation
* Fixed: Make menu titles less distractive and less annoying (feature request #21)
* Fixed: Disable incorrectly positioned tool tips in System Tray menu
* Windows: Updated installer Linux:
* Use uncompressed SVG icon (bug #21)
* Adjust kshutdown.desktop (patch #5): - Added StartupNotify=true/false - Added X-SuSE-DesktopUtility category Source:
* Fix compiler warnings
* README.html: Document \"Required Libraries\" (bug #23)- Fixed kshutdown-src_kshutdown.desktop.patch
* Tue Jul 05 2016 Markus S - Don\'t run as root by default- Tweak spec file slightly as KShutdown is not only for KDE
* Tue May 24 2016 Update to 3.99.1beta, please see /usr/share/doc/packages/kshutdown/ChangeLog- Use %{oversion} instead of 3.99.1%20Beta- Change Summary, remove Name- Change Group- Change Source0 to use Web URL- Add patch - kshutdown-src_kshutdown.desktop.patch- Add BuildRequires, changed by Upstream for Qt5- Change Description- Remove check %if 0%{?suse_version}, because is only for openSUSE- Remove check for obsolete openSUSE version- Unpack and remove gzipped-svg-icon
* Sun Feb 23 2014 Markus S - Update to 3.2:
* Czech translation update
* Updated the Polish translation
* Fixed language translations in some common UI elements
* Minor User Inteface tweaks
* Fixed: Disable \"OK\" button if new password is invalid
* NEW: Simple password protection (see menu bar -> Preferences -> Password tab)
* Updated README.html
* Updated the Spanish translation (by moray33)
* Updated the Polish translation
* Qt Build: Allow logout from KDE 4
* NEW: \"Test\" action: - Renamed to \"Show Message\" - Configurable text
* NEW: Removed \"kworkspace\" library dependency (libkworkspace is no longer required to build KShutdown for KDE)
* Enable C++11 support
* cppcheck tool support (./tools/
* NEW: systemd/logind support (Power Off, Reboot, Hibernate, Suspend)
* NEW: Added basic Cinnamon Desktop Environment support
* GNOME 3: Fixed detection and logout action
* Tue Jul 09 2013 Update to 3.0:
* Updated Czech translation
* Updated Simplified Chinese translation (by xStone)
* Bookmarks menu: Mark the current/selected bookmark
* Wed Jun 19 2013 Update to 3.0beta8:
* NEW: Bookmarks menu
* Linux: Fixed bug #19 - kshutdown refusing to do shutdown (incomatibility with systems w/o ConsoleKit installed)
* Updated Polish and Czech translation