Changelog for
signon-plugin-oauth2-devel-0.24-bp153.2.2.1.i586.rpm :
* Fri Nov 03 2017 update to version 0.24
* OAuth2: allow token URL to be on a different host
* OAuth2: accept replies carrying text/html content type- update to version 0.23
* OAuth: propagate network and SSL errors from SignOnUI
* OAuth2: add an option to disable \"state\" parameter
* Base: disconnect from reply on SSL errors- update to version 0.22
* OAuth2: add the list of granted permissions to the reply
* OAuth2: use \"state\" parameter to check for CSRF
* Build with QT 5 only
* OAuth2: Use QUrlQuery to parse callback fragment
* OAuth2: handle errors occurring when refreshing a token- update to version 0.21
* OAuth2: implement a fallback mechanism when parsing replies
* OAuth 1.0a and 2.0: allow forcing a new token
* Delay instantiation of QNetworkAccessManager- updated patches
* 0001_Multilib.patch
* Sat Jun 04 2016 Conflict with libproxy1-config-kde4, that\'s the actual name of the package, and having it installed makes the plugin crash (boo#953175)
* Sat Feb 22 2014 Initial package