Changelog for ruby2.5-rubygem-mime-types-doc-3.3-3.3.1-bp153.2.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Mon Feb 10 2020 Stephan Kulow - updated to version 3.3.1 see installed [#]# 3.3.1 / 2019-12-26
* 1 minor bugfix:
* Al Snow fixed a warning with MIME::Types::Logger producing a warning because Ruby 2.7 introduces numbered block parameters. Because of the way that the MIME::Types::Logger works for deprecation messages, the initializer parameters had been named `_1`, `_2`, and `_3`. This has now been resolved. [#146][]
* Administrivia:
* Olle Jonsson removed an outdated Travis configuration option (`sudo: false`). [#142][] [#]# 3.3 / 2019-09-04
* 1 minor enhancement
* Jean Boussier reduced memory usage for Ruby versions 2.3 or higher by interning various string values in each type. This is done with a backwards-compatible call that _freezes_ the strings on older versions of Ruby. [#141][]
* Administrivia:
* Nicholas La Roux updated Travis build configurations. [#139][]
* Thu Nov 22 2018 Stephan Kulow - updated to version 3.2.2 History.rdoc removed upstream
* Mon May 23 2016 updated to version 3.1 see installed History.rdoc == 3.1 / 2016-05-22
* 1 documentation change:
* Tim Smith (AATTtas50) updated the build badges to be SVGs to improve readability on high-density (retina) screens with pull request {#112}[].
* 3 bug fixes
* A test for MIME::Types::Cache fails under Ruby 2.3 because of frozen strings, {#118}[]. This has been fixed.
* The JSON data has been incorrectly encoded since the release of mime-types 3 on the +xrefs+ field, because of the switch to using a Set to store cross-reference information. This has been fixed.
* A tentative fix for {#117}[] has been applied, removing the only circular require dependencies that exist (and for which there was code to prevent, but the current fix is simpler). I have no way to verify this fix and depending on how things are loaded by +delayed_job+, this fix may not be sufficient.
* 1 governance change
* Updated to {Contributor Covenant 1.4}[Code-of-Conduct_rdoc.html].
* Sun Nov 22 2015 updated to version 3.0 see installed History.rdoc == 3.0 / 2015-11-21
* 2 governance changes
* This project and the related mime-types-data project are now exclusively MIT licensed. Resolves {#95}[].
* All projects under the mime-types organization now have a standard code of conduct adapted from the {Contributor Covenant}[]. This text can be found in the {Code-of-Conduct.rdoc}[Code-of-Conduct_rdoc.html] file.
* 3 major changes
* All methods deprecated in mime-types 2.x have been removed.
* mime-types now requires Ruby 2.0 compatibility or later. Resolves {#97}[].
* The registry data has been removed from mime-types and put into mime-types-data, maintained and released separately. It can be found at {mime-types-data}[].
* 17 minor changes:
* MIME::Type changes:
* Changed the way that simplified types representations are creatd to reflect the fact that +x-+ prefixes are no longer considered special according to IANA. A simplified MIME type is case-folded to lowercase. A new keyword parameter, +remove_x_prefix+, can be provided to remove +x-+ prefixes.
* Improved initialization with an Array works so that extensions do not need to be wrapped in another array. This means that %w(text/yaml yaml yml) works in the same way that [\'text/yaml\', %w(yaml yml)] did (and still does).
* Changed +priority_compare+ to conform with attributes that no longer exist.
* Changed the internal implementation of extensions to use a frozen Set.
* When extensions are set or modified with +add_extensions+, the primary registry will be informed of a need to reindex extensions. Resolves {#84}[].
* The preferred extension can be set explicitly. If not set, it will be the first extension. If the preferred extension is not in the extension list, it will be added.
* Improved how xref URLs are generated.
* Converted +obsolete+, +registered+ and +signature+ to attr_accessors.
* MIME::Types changes:
* Modified to track instances of MIME::Types so that they can be told to reindex the extensions as necessary.
* Removed +data_version+ attribute.
* Changed #[] so that the +complete+ and +registered+ flags are keywords instead of a generic options parameter.
* Extracted the class methods to a separate file.
* Changed the container implementation to use a Set instead of an Array to prevent data duplication. Resolves {#79}[].
* MIME::Types::Cache changes:
* Caching is now based on the data gem version instead of the mime-types version.
* Caching is compatible with columnar registry stores.
* MIME::Types::Loader changes:
* MIME::Types::Loader::PATH has been removed and replaced with MIME::Types::Data::PATH from the mime-types-data gem. The environment variable RUBY_MIME_TYPES_DATA is still used.
* Support for the long-deprecated mime-types v1 format has been removed.
* The registry is default loaded from the columnar store by default. The internal format of the columnar store has changed; many of the boolean flags are now loaded from a single file. Resolves {#85}[].
* Mon Sep 14 2015 updated to version 2.6.2 see installed History.rdoc == 2.6.2 / 2015-09-13
* Bugs:
* Emilio Losada (AATTlosadaem) fixed an error where +each_with_object+\'s block parameters are the inverse of those used by +inject+. Resolves {#107}[] with pull request {#108}[].
* Matt Beedle (AATTmattbeedle) fixed a typo in MIME::Type::Columnar negatively affecting people who use the +use_instead+ functionality. Resolved in {#109}[].
* Documentation:
* Juanito Fatas (AATTJuanitoFatas) fixed a documentation issue with the README not properly linking internally on the generated rdoc source. Resolved with {#105}[].
* Development:
* Fixed a minor issue in the IANA registry parser that would generate empty +text+ xrefs if the +text+ section was empty.
* Thu May 28 2015 updated to version 2.6.1 see installed History.rdoc == 2.6.1 / 2015-05-25
* Bugs:
* Make columnar store handle all supported extensions, not just the first.
* Avoid circular require when using the columnar store. == 2.6 / 2015-05-25
* New Feature:
* Columnar data storage for the MIME::Types registry, contributed by Jeremy Evans (AATTjeremyevans). Reduces default memory use substantially (the mail gem drops from 19 Mib to about 3 Mib). Resolves {#96}[], {#94}[], {#83}[]. Partially addresses {#64}[] and {#62}[].
* Development:
* Removed caching of deprecation messages in preparation for mime-types 3.0. Now, deprecated methods will always warn their deprecation instead of only warning once.
* Added a logger for deprecation messages.
* Renamed lib/mime.rb to lib/mime/deprecations.rb to not conflict with the {mime}[] gem on behalf of the maintainers of the {Praxis Framework}[]. Provided by Josep M. Blanquer (AATTblanquer), {#100}[].
* Added the columnar data conversion tool, also provided by Jeremy Evans.
* Documentation:
* Improved documentation and ensured that all deprecated methods are marked as such in the documentation.
* Development:
* Added more Ruby variants to Travis CI.
* Silenced deprecation messages for internal tools. Noisy deprecations are noisy, but that\'s the point.
* Sun Apr 26 2015 updated to version 2.5 see installed History.rdoc == 2.5 / 2015-04-25
* Bugs:
* David Genord (AATTalbus522) fixed a bug in loading MIME::types cache where a container loaded from cache did not have the expected +default_proc+, {#86}[].
* Richard Schneeman (AATTschneems) provided a patch that substantially reduces unnecessary allocations.
* Documentation:
* Tibor Szolár (AATTflexik) fixed a typo in the README, {#82}[]
* Fixed {#80}[], clarifying the relationship of MIME::Type#content_type and MIME::Type#simplified, with Ken Ip (AATTkenips).
* Development:
* Juanito Fatas (AATTJuanitoFatas) enabled container mode on Travis CI, {#87}[].
* Moved development to a mime-types organization under {mime-types/ruby-mime-types}[].
* Mon Feb 09 2015 updated to version 2.4.3
* Bugs:
* Restored Ruby 1.9.2 support by using +private_constant+ conditionally. Fixes {#77}[] found by Kris Leech (AATTkrisleech). The conditional use of +private_constant+ here will be removed for mime-types 3.0, when Ruby 1.9.2 support will be unconditionally removed. == 2.4.2 / 2014-10-15
* Bugs:
* Aaron Patterson (AATTtenderlove) found a loading bug and provided a fix that nearly doubled registry load performance ({#74}[]).
* Godfrey Chan (AATTchancancode) provided a prophylactic security fix to use JSON.parse instead of JSON.load in {#75}[]. This provides a 20% improvement over the already improved result, resulting in a total 55% performance boost.
* Wed Oct 15 2014 updated to version 2.4.1
* Changed the sort order of many of the extensions to restore behaviour from mime-types 1.25.1.
* Added +friendly+ MIME::Type descriptions where known.
* Added +reg+, +ps1+, and +vbs+ extensions to application/x-msdos-program and application/x-msdownload.
* Updated the IANA media registry entries as of release date.
* Several MIME types had updated metadata (application/alto-
*, RFC7285; application/calendar\\+json, RFC7265; application/http, RFC7230; application/xml, RFC7303; application/xml-dtd, RFC7303; application/xml-external-parsed-entity, RFC7303; audio/AMR-WB, RFC4867; audio/aptx, RFC7310; message/http, RFC7230; multipart/byteranges, RFC7233; text/xml, RFC7303; text/xml-external-parsed-entity, RFC7303)
* MIME::Type application/EDI-Consent was renamed to application/EDI-consent.
* Obsoleted application/vnd.informix-visionary in favour of application/vnd.visionary. Obsoleted application/ with no replacement.
* Added MIME types: application/ATF, application/coap-group\\+json, application/DCD, application/merge-patch\\+json, application/scaip\\+xml, application/vnd.apache.thrift.binary, application/vnd.artsquare, application/vnd.doremir.scorecloud-binary-document, application/vnd.dzr, application/vnd.maxmind.maxmind-db, application/, application/xml-patch+xml, image/vnd.tencent.tap.
* Mon Oct 13 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging