Changelog for saja-cascadia-code-fonts-2102.25-bp154.1.18.noarch.rpm :

* Thu Apr 08 2021 Thomas Schraitle - 2102.25- Update to version 2102.25
* Closes #406 - updated anchor type to lock with the other equals-related ligatures
* Closes #408 - corrected component used for glyph to align with Unicode
* Closes #412 - updated locl features removing iacute_j ligature and Catalan substitution
* Closes #414 - increased overlaps of middle glyph for arrow ligatures
* Closes #415 - reduces width of macronbelow
* Closes #416 - rolls back name ID 4 modification as JetBrains cannot process it correctly
* Closes #428 - rolls back variation of the underline to prevent MVAR table generation
* Repositioned tilde in related ligatures. Previously it was higher than the standard one.
* Added missing vietnamese anchors on acute and grave (futureproofing).
* Corrected / made consistent greater & less positioning in and <$> related ligatures.
* Otherwise reviewed hinting For previous releases, see:
* 2102.03:
* 2009.22:
* 2009.21:
* Wed Sep 16 2020 Ismail Dönmez - Update to version 2009.14
* Cascadia now has support for the Salishan languages of the Pacific Northwest and other coastal scripts!
* We\'ve fixed an issue in the -<< ligature that caused it to overlap itself at certain font weights (#355)
* We remastered mark positioning for glyphs with existing diacritics for improved design for letters with multiple diacritics above
* We have implemented a workaround for a freetype rendering issue that resulted in chunky rendering for certain glyphs (#350)- Package variable fonts instead of static ones
* Thu Aug 27 2020 Ismail Dönmez - Update to version 2008.25
* We\'ve temporarily stopped shipping variable OTFs due to some concerns about overlapping and psautohint
* The heaviest weight of Cascadia has been made a little lighter
* We have aligned the Powerline glyphs and the box-/line-drawing glyphs better to their metrics and to the letter glyphs
* Diacritic anchors have been added to all alphabetic characters (#282, #330)
* The font now ships with decomposed fi and fl ligatures
* The horn combining diacritic has had its weight fixed somewhat for Bold
* Primes have been redesigned to give them a more \"angled\" feel (#294)
* Acute and grave have been given additional weight to help differentiate them from dot (#268)
* The contextual alternate for x used to signify hexadecimal numbers has been disabled (#285)
* Wed Jul 08 2020 Ismail Dönmez - Update to version 2007.01
* The double-equals ligature == has been updated to improve visual clarity
* The diacritics on IJacute are no longer malformed
* We\'ve introduced a set of compatibility features to improve the rendering of powerline glyphs in legacy GDI applications
* Tue May 19 2020 Ismail Dönmez - Update to version 2005.15
* This release of Cascadia Code adjusts the Windows GDI metrics to reduce line spacing and fix some vertical alignment issues in legacy applications.
* Wed May 13 2020 Ismail Dönmez - Update to version 2004.30
* Lots of changes, see Install OTF version of fonts- Cleanup spec file- Add LICENSE.txt and OFL-FAQ.txt
* Fri Oct 04 2019 Xu Zhao - v1910.04
* This release contains the addition of the Latin-1 character set and box drawing glyphs.
* Thu Sep 19 2019 Xu Zhao - Initial release v1909.16
* This release introduces the initial version of Cascadia Code, under the SIL Open Font license.