Changelog for perl-Perl-Critic-1.140-bp154.1.1.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Mar 25 2021 Tina Müller - updated to 1.140 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes 1.140 Tue Mar 23 21:42:19 CDT 2021 [New Features] Subroutines::RequireFinalReturn now lets you specify a terminal_methods parameter to specify methods that should been as terminal. This is like the terminal_funcs parameter, but for methods. Thanks, Robin Smidsrød and Mike Bruins. (GH #920) 1.139_01 Tue Sep 1 23:52:18 CDT 2020 [Fixes] Removed an extra /x in RequireInterpolationOfMetachars.pm that caused deprecation warnings in Perl 5.22 and higher. (GH #822) Documentation::RequirePackageMatchesPodName now recognizes the package name if it\'s in C<< I<> >> or C<< B<> >> markup. Thanks, Renée Bäcker. (GH #913) * Sat Jan 25 2020 - updated to 1.138 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes 1.138 Fri Jan 24 15:50:34 CST 2020 Stable release. No changes since 1.137_01. 1.137_01 Thu Jan 23 16:44:57 CST 2020 [Fixes] RequireCheckingReturnValueOfEval didn\'t count returning the result of an eval as checking it. Now it does. However, it\'s only if you \"return eval { ... }\". It still doesn\'t handle the case of \"return ( eval {} )\". Thanks, Tom Wyant. (GH #324) ProhibitPunctuationVars would get confused and think that the expression qr/SOME$/ was using the $/ special variable. Thanks, Tom Wyan. (GH #843) * Thu Nov 28 2019 - updated to 1.136 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes 1.136 Wed Nov 27 09:51:09 CST 2019 Stable release. No changes since 1.135_01. 1.135_01 Tue Nov 26 14:50:11 CST 2019 [New Features] The ProhibitNoWarnings pollicy now handles warnings in the experimental:: group. Thanks, Renée Bäcker. (GH #892) [Documentation] Prevented some example code from showing up in `perldoc`. Thanks, Tom Hukins. (GH #799) * Thu May 23 2019 Stephan Kulow - updated to 1.134 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes 1.134 Wed May 22 21:17:21 CDT 2019 Stable release. No changes since 1.133_02. * Wed Apr 03 2019 Stephan Kulow - updated to 1.132 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes 1.32 Thu May 31 21:48:48 CDT 2018 [New Features] Added the ability to specify a regex to tell what unused private subroutines are OK in Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines. This is handy for Moose classes where there could be many false positives on _build_xxxx() subroutines. Thanks, Dave Cross. (GH #811, #812) [Dependencies] Perl::Critic now no longer relies on the deprecated Email::Address. (GH #816) 1.131_02 Tue Feb 20 17:18:03 CST 2018 [New Features] Perl::Critic now assumes that .psgi files are Perl, too. Thanks, Tom Hukins. (GH#805) Variables::ProhibitUnusedVariables no longer gives a false positive for variables used in interpolation. Thanks, Omer Gazit. (GH#801) [Bug Fixes] Added missing requirement for Fatal.pm. 1.131_01 Tue Nov 21 17:28:06 CST 2017 [New Features] In the ProhibitLeadingZeros policy, added an exception for mkfifo. Thanks, Evan Zacks. (GH#786) Add color support for Windows platforms. Thanks, Roy Ivy III. (GH#700) [Bug Fixes] Recode Perl::Critic::Utils::all_perl_files() to use File::Find instead of opendir/readdir. This solves endless directory traversals if the directories contain circular symbolic references. Thanks, Tom Wyant. [Documentation] Added CONTRIBUTING.md. Thanks, Jonas B. Nielsen. * Fri Jul 21 2017 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to 1.130 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes 1.130 Thu Jul 20 23:16:34 CDT 2017 [New Features] * Policies which ensure that system calls are checked such as RequireCheckedSystemCalls now have an \"autodie_modules\" setting which allows you to tell the policy about other modules which export autodie. Fixes #699. PR #747. Thanks to Dave Rolsky. * Wed Jun 14 2017 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to 1.128 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes 1.128 Sat Jun 10 22:31:28 CDT 2017 Official release. No changes since 1.127_02. 1.127_02 Tue May 23 18:31:59 CDT 2017 Developer release leading up to 1.128. [Bug Fixes] * PPI misparsing a module caused an incorrect \"Must end with a recognizable true value.\" This is fixed by upgrading to PPI 1.224. (GH #696, GH #607) * A test would fail under the upcoming Perl 5.26 that omits the current directory from AATTINC. Thanks, Kent Fredric. * Fixed an invalid test in the RequireBarewordsIncludes test. Thanks, Christian Walde. (GH #751) * If an element contained blank lines then the source \"%r\" displayed for a violation was wrong. Thanks, Sawyer X. (GH #702, #734) [Dependencies] Perl::Critic now requires PPI 1.224. PPI is the underlying Perl parser on which Perl::Critic is built, and 1.224 introduces many parsing fixes such as: * Fixes for dot-in-AATTINC. * Parse left side of => as bareword even if it looks like a keyword or op. * $::x now works. * Higher accuracy when deciding whether certain characters are operators or variable type casts ( *&% etc.). * Subroutine attributes parsed correctly. [Performance Enhancements] * Sped up BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitUselessTopic ~7%. Thanks, James Raspass. (GH #656) [Documentation] * Fixed incorrect explanation of capture variables in ProhibitCaptureWithoutTest. Thanks, Felipe Gasper. * Fixed incorrect links. Thanks, Glenn Fowler. * Fixed incorrect example for returning a sorted list. Thanks, AATTdaviding58. * Fixed invalid POD. Thanks, Jakub Wilk. (GH #735) * Updated docs on ProhibitYadaOperator. Thanks, Stuart A Johnston. (GH #662) * Removed all the references to the old mailing list and code repository at tigris.org. (GH #757) 1.127_01 Sun May 21 21:57:16 CDT 2017 Removed from CPAN because it did not get indexed correctly. * Sun Aug 23 2015 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to 1.126 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes 1.126 2015-08-10 [New Policies] * Added a policy: ControlStructures::ProhibitYadaOperator - Never use ... in production code. [Bug Fixes] * Fixed problems arising from having -b in your .perltidyrc file. Thanks AATThjkatz. * Removed extra newline from policy names returned by P::C::Config->policies. Thanks AATTratsbane. * `fc` and `say` are now covered by ProhibitUselessTopic. Thanks AATTJRaspass. [Miscellanea] * Add more strict/warnings importer modules. Thanks AATToalders. * Path::Tiny is now recommended over File::Slurp * Micro-optimize by calling ->content() directly instead of going through the overloads. Thanks AATTJRaspass. * Square brackets are now allowed around your `## no critic` policy list. Thanks AATTzdm. * Tue Apr 28 2015 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to 1.125 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes 1.125 2015-03-02 [Bug Fixes] * Corrected dependency on List::Util::any() to List::MoreUtils::any() [Miscellanea] * Revised and updated documentation. 1.124 2015-02-27 [Policy Changes] * The ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines policy can now ignore files that use particular modules with \'skip_when_using\' option allows of, for example, skipping the policy for roles. Thanks to Mark Fowler. * The RequireUseStrict and RequireUseWarnings policies now regard Moose, Moo, Mouse, Dancer, Mojolicious, and several other modules as equivalent to the strict and warnings pragma. [Bug Fixes] * The RequireChecked * family of policies has been fixed to accommodate version numbers when use-ing the autodie pragma. GH #612. Thanks citrin. 1.123 2014-11-11 [Dependencies] * Now requires PPI-1.220 which has numerous bug fixes. This may eliminate the need for some \"## no critic\" markers you inserted to work around those bugs. The \"ProhibitUselessNoCritic\" policy should help you find them. [Miscellanea] * Fixed a typo in the Variables::ProhibitPerl4PackageNames message. * Mon Sep 15 2014 cooloAATTsuse.com- updated to 1.122 [Dependencies] * Now requires PPI-1.218 which has numerous enahncements and bug fixes. Also now requires Readonly-2.00, which obviates the need for Readonly::XS to get fast constants. * File::HomeDir, File::Which, and Term::ANSIColor are all required now instead of being optional or recommended. This simplifies our test code and ensures consistent optimal behavior for all users. [New Policies] * Added two new policies: BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitUselessTopic and RegularExpressions::ProhibitUselessTopic. [Miscellanea] * Updated the perlcritic.el script to use modern Emacs hooks. Thanks to AATTintrigeri and the Debian team for the patch. Fixes GH #556. * Removed all the internal RCS keyword boilerplate blocks that were never getting expanded.