Changelog for racket-doc-8.3-bp154.1.1.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Dec 01 2021 Fred Fu - Update to 8.3: * Racket removes syntax arming and disarming in favor of a simpler system of protected syntax operations, along with other updates to the syntax system. * DrRacket has improved support for custom #lang languages. * Typed Racket improves precision for type-checking of non-polymorphic structures, existential types, and certain binding forms. * Scribble HTML output gains a button to show / hide the table of contents on mobile platforms. * Redex’s stepper’s GUI shows IO-judgment form rule names. * Many bug fixes!- Remove dont-strip.patch, since --disable-strip has been repaired or improved in 8.3. * Sun Oct 10 2021 Fred Fu - Update to 8.2: * Racket CS improved the performance of large-integer arithmetic. * Racket has improved support for layered and tethered installation. * Racket CS supports nonatomic allocation via ffi/unsafe. * Cross-compilation works fully with the raco cross tool, which is distributed separately as the “raco-cross” package. * DrRacket has performance improvements when editing files with picts containing large bitmaps. * Typed Racket more consistently refines field types of non-polymorphic structs. * Printing of values is unified across the teaching language implementations and the stepper.- Rebase racket-doc.patch * Wed Jun 16 2021 Dr. Werner Fink - Fix for bug boo#1187288 * Do not remove pre-compiled and compresse object files ( *.zo) as with 8.1 those are mandatory for a functional racket installation- Enforce the usage of the system libraries libz and liblz4 * Mon May 31 2021 Paolo Stivanin - Update to 8.1: * DrRacket tabs can be dragged, and have new close buttons. * Racket CS supports cross-compilation using raco exe. * Racket CS supports Android on 32-bit and 64-bit ARM processors. * The database library supports running queries in OS threads. * Check-Syntax arrows correctly identify the definition site of identifiers with contracts. * Racket CS performance has improved for structure predicates and accessors * Racket CS is faster at multiplying extremely large numbers and dividing large integers. * Racket CS allows callbacks to raise exceptions if they are annotated with #:callback-exns?. * New ephemeron hash tables simplify the implementation of tables where keys can refer to values. * Typed Racket supports for/foldr. * The stepper works for #lang htdp/ *sl. * Struct signatures work for the ASL teaching language. * Tue Apr 27 2021 Paolo Stivanin - Update to 8.0: * Racket CS is the default implementation (except for ppc64le and s390x) * Racket CS has better parallel garbage collection, a 10%–30% reduction in the size of generated code, and various targeted optimizations. * A rewrite of the test-engine package allows the #lang versions of teaching languages to produce linked test-failure messages. * The release comes with a new mark-up DSL for composing text to appear in the REPL (simple-tree-text-markup). * Redex has an added define-overriding-judgment form and improved error source location reporting. * Windows scrolling speed reflects the system preference. * The db package uses the utf8mb4 charset for MySQL connections.- Rebase dont-strip.patch * Fri Aug 21 2020 Paolo Stivanin - Update to 7.8: * Racket CS supports AArch32 and AArch64, including places and futures. * Racket CS supports an \"incremental\" garbage-collection mode that can eliminate long GC pauses for some applications, such as animations and interactive games. * Racket CS unboxes local floating-point arithmetic * DrRacket\'s spell check features lower overhead and has fewer bugs. * Web Server performance under high concurrency is better by up to an order of magnitude * The math library includes the Kronecker product. * The new prop:struct-field-info property provides static information about field names. * In `plot`, the legend font and the plot font can be controlled independently, and error-bars have an `#:invert?` option. * Racket CS uses a new HAMT implementation, dramatically reducing the memory required for immutable hash tables. * GC callbacks are reliably called on major collections in Racket CS. Also, Garbage collection is 10-20% faster. * DrRacket can recover much more quickly from errors involving large stack traces. * Call-with-current-language allows more reliable tests for language level code. * Use of the Cairo library can be multi-threaded. * DrRacket\'s scrolling has been made more responsive. * DrRacket\'s dark mode support is improved for Mac OS and Unix. * The Web Server provides fine-grained control over various aspects of handling client connections (timeouts, buffer sizes, maximum header counts, etc.) via the new \"safety limits\" construct. * The Web Server\'s handling of large files is improved, and its latency for long-running request handlers is reduced. * Tue Mar 24 2020 Adrian Schröter - adapt _constraints, sse3 never existed, but this is not anymore ignored in OBS * Tue Jul 16 2019 Jonathan Brielmaier - Update to 7.3: * There is a new set of teaching languages for the upcoming German-language textbook \"Schreibe Dein Programm!\" * Racket\'s IO system has been refactored to improve performance and simplify internal design. * Racket\'s JSON reader is dramatically faster. * The `plot` library includes color map support for renderers. * The Racket web library has improved support for 307 redirects. * The Racket web server provides better response messages by default for common status codes. * The `pict` library includes a `shear` function.- remove patches: * extflvector-length-inlined.patch: included in release- clean up spec file * %foo -> %{foo} * remove %defattr * multiple other smaller clean ups- Remove extflvector-length-inlined.patch * Wed Apr 03 2019 Andreas Schwab - dont-strip.patch: don\'t strip libraries * Mon Apr 01 2019 Dr. Werner Fink - Add patch extflvector-length-inlined.patch from upstream commit 80f84f21 to get extflvector-length work even on i586- Add patch racket-doc.patch to be able to split package into main and doc pacakges * Fri Mar 29 2019 Dr. Werner Fink - Spec file clean up- Try to get it work on some ix86 CPU versions * Wed Mar 27 2019 Dr. Werner Fink - Require some missed libraries and certificates for build as well as for installation even if rmplint cries- Update to racket 7.2 * The contract system supports collapsible contracts, which avoid repeated wrappers in certain pathological situations. Thanks to Daniel Feltey. * Quickscript, a scripting tool for DrRacket, has become part of the standard distribution. Thanks to Laurent Orseau. * The web server\'s built-in configuration for serving static files recognizes the \".mjs\" extension for JavaScript modules. * The `data/enumerate` library supports an additional form of subtraction via `but-not/e`, following Yorgey and Foner\'s ICFP\'18 paper. Thanks to Max New. * The `letrec.rkt` example model in Redex has been changed to more closely match Racket, which led to some bug fixes in Racket\'s implementation of `letrec` and `set!`. * The racklog library has seen a number of improvements, including fixes to logic variable binding, logic variables containing predicates being applicable, and the introduction of an `%andmap` higher-order predicate. * Thu Nov 29 2018 Tomasz Olszewski - Downgrade to Racket 7.1 * was only a snapshot release and is already gone from Racket mirrors * Sat Oct 13 2018 seanAATTsuspend.net- Update to Racket * Syntax (#\') now supports new template subforms: ~AATT and ~? * Interactive overlays can be added to plots produced by plot-snip * Added contrcat-equivalent?, a way to compare contracts * Lazy Racket supports functions with keyword arguments * Mon Jun 25 2018 schwabAATTsuse.de- gc-aarch64.patch: remove obsolete patch, this GC implementation is no longer used. * Wed Dec 27 2017 kgronlundAATTsuse.com- Update to Racket 6.11 * Typed Racket supports refinement types and dependent function types. * DrRacket’s Program Contour is significantly more efficient * The web-server/formlets library produces formlets that are serializable * The db library supports the Cassandra database- Ensure more system resources when building package * Sun Sep 24 2017 olszewstAATTgmail.com- Racket version bumped to 6.10.1.- Spec changes * Drop --collectsdir in %configure in favour of --prefix (%configure would fail otherwise) * Drop 0-size file guard. This used to delete lock files (LOCKpkgs.rktd) lack of which would result in errors in many contexts, including basic usage of both DrRacket and raco (package manager) * Drop %_datadir/%name/collects from %dir, because parent folder is already included in another %dir entry. This fixes a warning about collects folder being listed twice. * Added reference to starter-sh. * Drop DrRacket\'s -singleInstance option from %suse_update_desktop_file. This option caused error messages coming from %suse_update_desktop_file itself. * Sat Mar 11 2017 sfalkenAATTopensuse.org- Edited %files to explicity package %{_docdir}/%{name} to clear unpackaged files builderror in openSUSE:Factory * Fri Jul 29 2016 jengelhAATTinai.de- Guard 0-size deletion by -type f, as other types can have size 0 too. Run spec-beautifier to bring (almost) all macro uses into same style. * Mon Jul 25 2016 kgronlundAATTsuse.com- Update to Racket 6.6