Changelog for
perl-MooseX-ConfigFromFile-0.14-bp155.2.8.noarch.rpm :
* Wed Aug 19 2015 updated to 0.14 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MooseX-ConfigFromFile/Changes 0.14 2015-08-16 03:11:52Z - update some distribution tooling
* Mon Dec 09 2013 updated to 0.13 - re-release to fix compile test
* Fri Oct 04 2013 updated to 0.12 - warnings tests bypassed during installation - repository migrated from shadowcat to the github moose organization
* Thu Aug 01 2013 updated to 0.11 - bump prereq version for MooseX::Types::Path::Tiny to ensure a broken version is not installed 0.10 2013-02-12 13:17:44 PST-0800 (Karen Etheridge) - allow clean composition into a role, without requiring an -exclude 0.09 2013-02-11 09:35:50 PST-0800 (Karen Etheridge) - removed prereqs which are only used for optional tests 0.08 2013-02-09 16:24:27 PST-0800 (Karen Etheridge) - allow configfiles called \"0\" - configfile value now passed through to new() - new _get_default_configfile method added, which consumers can override to provide a default value without having to redefine the attribute itself (via RT#79746) -- PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTATION if you override the configfile attribute! 0.07 2013-02-04 (Karen Etheridge) - fixed tests to not load optional dependencies 0.06 2013-02-03 (Karen Etheridge) - the configfile attribute is now a Path::Tiny, not a Path::Class (coercions from strings are still supported, and now also from any other type that has a string coercion). 0.05 2013-02-03 (Karen Etheridge) - documentation corrected to demostrate how to properly override the configfile method to provide a default from the consuming class, without having to redefine the attribute itself - if MooseX::Getopt is installed, the configfile attribute has the Getopt trait applied 0.04 2011-12-17 - Call the configfile attribute default sub if it is a sub, not just a string, just like MooseX::Getopt does (RT#73325, Karen Etheridge)
* Sun Dec 25 2011 update to 0.03 - The test suite now uses Test::Fatal instead of Test::Exception (Karen Etheridge). - Fix bug reported by Strayph in #moose with inheritance RT#63624 (perigrin) - Add repository metadata - Fix RT#57023, RT#49369.
* Wed Dec 01 2010 switch to perl_requires macro
* Mon Nov 29 2010 remove /var/adm/perl-modules
* Wed Oct 13 2010 buildignore require of -Types-Path-Class to avoid build cycle
* Mon Jun 14 2010 initial package (0.02)