Changelog for python3-jsonpickle-1.3-bp155.2.13.noarch.rpm :

* Sat Mar 14 2020 Tomáš Chvátal - Fix build without python2
* Fri Feb 28 2020 Matej Cepl - Add PR292-Python38.patch to fix Python 3.8 incompatibilities (gh#jsonpickle/jsonpickle#281).
* Thu Dec 05 2019 Matej Cepl - Exclude tests failing with python 3.8 (test_thing_with_fd, test_list_with_fd, and test_dict_with_fd). gh#jsonpickle/jsonpickle#281
* Mon Jun 17 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 1.2:
* support new sqlalchemy- Remove merged patch sqlalchemy13.patch
* Tue Mar 19 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Add patch to work with sqlalchemy 1.3:
* sqlalchemy13.patch
* Fri Mar 15 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Update to 1.1:
* Python 3.7 collections.Iterator deprecation warnings have been fixed. (#229).
* Improved Pandas support for datetime and complex numbers. (#245)
* NOTE jsonpickle no longer supports Python2.6, or Python3 < 3.4. The officially supported Python versions are now 2.7 and 3.4+.
* Improved Pandas and Numpy support. (#227)
* Improved support for pickling iterators. (#216)
* Better support for the stdlib json module when simplejson is not installed. (#217)
* jsonpickle will now output python3-style module names when pickling builtins methods or functions. (#223)
* jsonpickle will always flatten primitives, even when max_depth is reached, which avoids encoding unicode strings into their u\'string\' representation.
* Nested classes are now supported on Python 3. (#206, #176).
* Better support for older (pre-1.9) versions of numpy (#195).
* Tue Dec 04 2018 Matej Cepl - Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
* Wed May 23 2018 Update to version 0.9.6
* Better support for SQLAlchemy (#180).
* Better support for NumPy and SciKit-Learn. (#184).- Update to version 0.9.5
* Better support for objects that implement the reduce protocol. (#170).- Remove no longer relevant handle_more_than_two_args.patch- Spec file cleanups
* Wed Apr 26 2017 Implement single-spec version.- Fix source URL.- Update to Version 0.9.4
* Arbitrary byte streams are now better supported. (`#143 `_).
* Better support for NumPy data types. The Python3 NumPy support is especially robust.
* Fortran-ordered based NumPy arrays are now properly serialized.- Update to Version 0.9.3
* UUID objects can now be serialized (`#130 `_).
* Added `set_decoder_options` method to allow decoder specific options equal to `set_encoder_options`.
* Int keys can be encoded directly by e.g. demjson by passing `numeric_keys=True` and setting its backend options via `jsonpickle.set_encoder_options(\'demjson\', strict=False)`.
* Newer Numpy versions (v1.10+) are now supported.- Update to Version 0.9.2
* Fixes for serializing objects with custom handlers.
* We now properly serialize deque objects constructed with a `maxlen` parameter.
* Test suite fixes- Update to Version 0.9.1
* Support datetime objects with FixedOffsets.- Update to Version 0.9.0
* Support for Pickle Protocol v4.
* We now support serializing defaultdict subclasses that use `self` as their default factory.
* We now have a decorator syntax for registering custom handlers, and allow custom handlers to register themselves for all subclasses. (`#104 `_).
* We now support serializing types with metaclasses and their instances (e.g., Python 3 `enum`).
* We now support serializing bytestrings in both Python 2 and Python 3. In Python 2, the `str` type is decoded to UTF-8 whenever possible and serialized as a true bytestring elsewise; in Python 3, bytestrings are explicitly encoded/decoded as bytestrings. Unicode strings are always encoded as is in both Python 2 and Python 3.
* Added support for serializing numpy arrays, dtypes and scalars (see `jsonpickle.ext.numpy` module).- Update to Version 0.8.0
* We now support serializing objects that contain references to module-level functions (`#77 `_).
* Better Pickle Protocol v2 support (`#78 `_).
* Support for string __slots__ and iterable __slots__ (`#67 `_) (`#68 `_).
* `encode()` now has a `warn` option that makes jsonpickle emit warnings when encountering objects that cannot be pickled.
* A Javascript implementation of jsonpickle is now included in the jsonpickleJS directory.- Update to Version 0.7.2
* We now properly serialize classes that inherit from classes that use `__slots__` and add additional slots in the derived class.
* jsonpickle can now serialize objects that implement `__getstate__()` but not `__setstate__()`. The result of `__getstate__()` is returned as-is when doing a round-trip from Python objects to jsonpickle and back.
* Better support for collections.defaultdict with custom factories.
* Added support for `queue.Queue` objects.- Update to Version 0.7.1
* Added support for Python 3.4.
* Added support for :class:`posix.stat_result`.- Update to Version 0.7.0
* Added ``handles`` decorator to :class:`jsonpickle.handlers.BaseHandler`, enabling simple declaration of a handler for a class.
* `__getstate__()` and `__setstate__()` are now honored when pickling objects that subclass :class:`dict`.
* jsonpickle can now serialize :class:`collections.Counter` objects.
* Object references are properly handled when using integer keys.
* Object references are now supported when using custom handlers.
* Decimal objects are supported in Python 3.
* jsonpickle\'s \"fallthrough-on-error\" behavior can now be disabled.
* Simpler API for registering custom handlers.
* A new \"safe-mode\" is provided which avoids eval(). Backwards-compatible deserialization of repr-serialized objects is disabled in this mode. e.g. `decode(string, safe=True)`- Update to Version 0.6.1
* Python 3.2 support, and additional fixes for Python 3.- Update to Version 0.6.0
* Python 3 support!
* :class:`time.struct_time` is now serialized using the built-in :class:`jsonpickle.handlers.SimpleReduceHandler`.- Update to Version 0.5.0
* Non-string dictionary keys (e.g. ints, objects) are now supported by passing `keys=True` to :func:`jsonpickle.encode` and :func:`jsonpickle.decode`.
* We now support namedtuple, deque, and defaultdict.
* Datetimes with timezones are now fully supported.
* Better support for complicated structures e.g. datetime inside dicts.
* jsonpickle added support for references and cyclical data structures in 0.4.0. This can be disabled by passing `make_refs=False` to :func:`jsonpickle.encode`.- Add handle_more_than_two_args.patch Needed for python 3.6 compatibility. Note that only the first part of the upstream patch is used. The second part is travis CI changes.
* Mon Jun 17 2013 Buildrequire python-simplejson to fix unit tests- Recommend simplejson instead of demjson (moved to suggests)