Changelog for libgoocanvasmm-2_0-6-1.90.11-bp155.2.12.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Feb 28 2018 Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner
* Wed Sep 30 2015 Update to version 1.90.11: + Regenerate with the latest glibmm.
* Wed Jul 29 2015 Update to version 1.90.10: + Use (and require) C++11. + ItemSimple: Remove get_bounds() (bgo#721627).
* Mon Apr 29 2013 Update to version 1.90.9: + Minor build fixes.
* Fri Mar 01 2013 Spec-cleanup using format_spec_file service.
* Fri Nov 18 2011 Update to version 1.90.8: + init(): Add back the old method overload, but mark it as deprecated. + examples, tests: Avoid compiler warnings and deprecated API.- Changes from version 1.90.7: + init(): Remove the parameters. + Add #includes needed with the latest glibmm.- Changes from version 1.90.6: + Canvas, ItemSimple, Grid: Added Gdk::RGBA properties, which were added to the goocanvas C API. + Build: Search for gtkmm-3.0 tag file, not gtkmm-2.4.- Changes from version 1.90.5: + GridModel is now correctly derived from ItemModelSimple (bgo#651355) + Fix the drag_to_canvas example (bgo#644033). + Correct null pointer conversion from Goocanvas::Canvas
* to GooCanvas
*, avoiding a crash (bgo#606357). + Build: Get the path to the pangomm and atkmm m4 files.- Changes from version 1.90.4: + Build: - Avoid a tarball-build dependency on mm-common. - Build the tests and examples during make check.- Changes from version 1.90.3: + Replace use of
*ListHandle with std::vector<>, as in gtkmm, matching the new convention for this in gtkmm 3.- Changes from version 1.90.2: + Use Gdk::Cursor via RefPtr. + Fix the build with latest gtkmm.- Changes from version 1.9.2: + Build with the latest gtkmm and latest goocanvas. + Replace use of Gtk::AlignmentEnum with Gtk::Align. + Canvas: Use Adjustment via RefPtr.- Changes from version 1.9.0: + Use gtkmm-3.0 instead of gtkmm-2.4, and goocanvas-2.0. + Change the ABI name (as used with pkg-config) to goocanvasmm-2.0.- Remove explicit Requires from the -devel package: they are being added the pkgconfig()-way.- Change BuildRequires from old-style, gtk2 based, to pkgconfig(), gtk3 based ones + Old ones: glibmm2-devel, gtkmm2-devel, goocanvas-devel + New ones: glibmm-2.4, goocanvas-2.4, gtkmm-3.0.- Rename libgoocanvasmm-1_0-5 to libgoocanvasmm-2_0-6, following soname change.
* Mon Feb 14 2011 Update to version 0.15.4: + Fix the build with gtkmm 2.22, with deprecations disabled.- Changes from version 0.15.3: + Documentation improvements.- Changes from version 0.15.2: + Build improvements for documentation.
* Thu Oct 01 2009 Update to version 0.15.1: + Use the latest mm-common build system, to produce API documentation that is ready for Rename libgoocanvasmm-0_1-5 to libgoocanvasmm-1_0-5 to reflect soname change.- Add glibmm2-devel Requires to devel package.
* Sun Aug 02 2009 Update to version 0.15.0: + Image, ImageModel: Added scale_to_fit property. + Fix the build with alternative glibmm API (without properties or exceptions). + Avoid a compiler warning. bgo#582996- Drop goocanvasmm-no_return_in_nonvoid.patch: fixed upstream.
* Fri May 22 2009 renamed goocanvasmm-devel to libgoocanvasmm-devel