Changelog for librecad- :

* Mon Sep 04 2023 Paolo Stivanin - Update to release
* fixes an undetected vulnerability when opening malformed LFF font files that caused a crash
* fixes format issues in bundled fonts
* fixes regression, finding nearest points on ellipses caused a crash
* plugin Importshp has been removed- Drop librecad-use-system-shapelib.patch since the plugin has been removed.- Rebase patches.
* Sun Feb 19 2023 Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 2.2.0 [boo#1208447]
* many causes of crashes have been eliminated
* eliminated DWG issues in libdxfrw, which caused several crashes
* the performance of panning and zooming in large files has been significantly improved
* the undo/redo engine has been completely revised due to several problems
* adjustments for new compiler and Qt versions were required
* extension of the command line, multi-line commands, paste and open command files
* improvement of the print preview, with tiled printing and line widths adjustment
* multiple selection and bulk actions in block and layer lists
* Mon Jul 11 2022 Dirk Müller - update to 2.2.0 rc4:
* symbols to unicode.lff
* new error code from libdxfrw update
* build Windows, MacOS and Linux packages in one action
* added tool tips to Categories tool widget (#1519)
* added AATT symbol to relative coordinates in status bar (#1452)
* changed misleading unit label in curent drawing preferences (#1453)
* changed tab order in text dialog (#1432)
* maximum size of status bar for hidpi displays
* sync libdxfrw (072aecd)
* copy/rename media files in desktop folder to remove whitespaces
* fixed renaming of nested blocks (#1527)
* preserve list position in block and layer list (#1515)
* fixed polyline issue when line type was changed (#1496)
* add minutes label to auto save time in application preferences (#1412)
* add files saved as with new name to recent files (#1364)
* snap on middle point failed for spline through points (#1395)
* spline issue with tolerance on ascii to double conversion
* DXF viewport reading issue by updating libdxfrw
* status bar height toggling on auto save
* solid fill hatch issues
* Ukrainian and symbol characters in unicode.lff
* possible out of bounds read with MText entities
* AppImage was broken by fix for (#1488)
* wrong translations folder for additionals paths from settings
* getDirectoryList() failed on Linux when librecad is in $PATH (#1488)
* bounds check in LWPolyline
* NULL check for hatch code 93
* vulnerabilities in JWW parser- drop 0001-Added-bounds-checking-to-CDataMoji-in-jww-parser.patch, 0001-Added-bounds-check-to-CDataList-in-JWW-parser.patch 0001-fixed-1488-getDirectoryList-failed-on-Linux-when-lib.patch: upstream
* Mon May 16 2022 Jan Engelhardt - Add 0001-Added-bounds-checking-to-CDataMoji-in-jww-parser.patch [boo#1195105] [CVE-2021-45341]- Add 0001-Added-bounds-check-to-CDataList-in-JWW-parser.patch [boo#1195122] [CVE-2021-45342]
* Wed May 04 2022 Marcus Meissner - switch source urls to https
* Wed Mar 30 2022 Jan Engelhardt - Strip excess blank fields from librecad.desktop:MimeType [boo#1197664]
* Sun Jan 23 2022 Jan Engelhardt - Replace \"qt4\" in description, the build does not use Qt4 anymore.
* Thu Jan 06 2022 Jiri Slaby - replace the revert by an upstream fix
* add 0001-fixed-1488-getDirectoryList-failed-on-Linux-when-lib.patch
* remove 0001-Revert-AppImage-build-on-GitHub-Actions-with-go-appi.patch 0002-Revert-RS_System-getDirectoryList-add-plugins-folder.patch 0003-Revert-fix-RS_System-getDirectoryList-use-relative-p.patch
* Sat Jan 01 2022 Jiri Slaby - fix paths creation (e.g. fonts loading) by:
* 0001-Revert-AppImage-build-on-GitHub-Actions-with-go-appi.patch
* 0002-Revert-RS_System-getDirectoryList-add-plugins-folder.patch
* 0003-Revert-fix-RS_System-getDirectoryList-use-relative-p.patch (did the revert and waiting for the upstream fix)
* Mon Dec 20 2021 Jiri Slaby - update to 2.2.0-rc3
* major release
* DWG imports are more reliable now
* and a lot more of bugfixes and improvements- remove (they are in upstream now)
* 0001-fix-build-with-gcc-9.patch
* add-boost-tuple-include-to-fix-build.patch
* ensured-all-objects-are-shown-when-a-layer-is-toggle.patch
* fix-build-with-Qt-5.11.patch
* fix-build-with-Qt-5.15.patch- remove qcad provides/obsoletes -- it\'s an ancient history
* Tue May 04 2021 Jiri Slaby - add add-boost-tuple-include-to-fix-build.patch
* Sun Jun 07 2020 Jan Engelhardt - Add fix-build-with-Qt-5.15.patch. Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon.
* Tue May 28 2019 Jiri Slaby - add 0001-fix-build-with-gcc-9.patch
* Mon Jun 11 2018 add fix-build-with-Qt-5.11.patch
* Wed Feb 01 2017 use individual libboost-
*-devel packages instead of boost-devel
* Sat Oct 08 2016 add: ensured-all-objects-are-shown-when-a-layer-is-toggle.patch (from upstream)
* Tue Sep 27 2016 Update to new upstream release 2.1.3
* The Shift key had no effect and would not activate the command line.
* Mon Sep 19 2016 Update to new upstream release 2.1.2
* wouldn\'t build with gcc 5.4 and 6
* mouse cursor was missing for \'Arc Tangential\'
* right-click with plugins could cause a crash
* construction lines were not drawn when the line segment was out of view
* DXF files with comments were not properly loaded
* drawings were not marked as modified after an \'undo\'
* the command line didn\'t accept numpad input
* the command widget didn\'t activate properly when floating- librecad-gcc6.patch: Remove (unneeded now)
* Tue Jun 28 2016 Update to new upstream release 2.1.1
* Bugfixes:
* draft mode was not set for new/opened drawings
* performance did not improve when zooming into an area
* certain polylines were not rendered properly
* opening a file didn\'t restore the layer\'s construction state
* the cursor was hidden for \'polyline from existing\'
* closing an inactive tab cleared the layer list
* Fri Jun 17 2016 add librecad-gcc6.patch
* Tue Jun 07 2016 Update to new upstream release 2.1.0
* new features
* lot of bug fixes
* other changes
* see full changelog at:
* Tue May 24 2016 Update to new upstream release 2.0.11
* Updated translations. Added non-uniform knots support.
* Added Edit - Device Options.
* Eliminated crash on save when auto backup is off.
* Eliminated invalid bounding boxes from auto zoom.
* Mon May 16 2016 Update to new upstream release 2.0.10:
* the Arch paper sizes were not properly supported
* the pen toolbar was wider than necessary on super HD displays
* various memory leaks
* build error when using boost version greater than 1.53
* auto-save could not really be turned off
* file dialog always opened with DXF, instead of the last chosen file type
* the statusbar and statusbar font were not allowed to autosize
* the fixed extension line length option was not working for dimensions
* the program would crash after: modify action -> undo -> repeat modify action
* Mon Jan 18 2016 Update to new upstream release 2.0.9:
* Mostly a bug fixing release
* Fixed a few crashes due to undo and deleted entities
* More at:
* Wed Sep 09 2015 Update to new upstream release 2.0.8:
* DWG read support.
* SVG export support.
* Arabic Language GUI support. More work is needed for: Right-to-left support for Text entities. Arabic fonts for Text.
* More user configurable settings in App Preferences.
* Many fixes and enhancements, see: for details.- Added new Part Library: Rebased librecad-install.diff, librecad-no-date.diff and librecad-use-system-libdxfrw.patch to apply cleanly.- Added a patch \"librecad-use-system-shapelib.patch\" to use the system shapelib instead of the bundled one and new build requirement libshp-devel (for openSUSE > 13.2).- Update includes the fix for boo#937874.
* Thu Apr 30 2015 Switch to QT5 for Factory builds.
* Sat Jan 31 2015 Update to new upstream release 2.0.7:
* A serious command line regression since 2.0.6 was fixed: keyboard Enter/Esc support, command line widget in a second screen, etc. Also fixed are some crashes for tangential circle drawing and polyline addition.
* Improved LFF font support
* The command line can be used as a calculator by typing math expression after command “cal”. For example, command \"cal 1+1\" to get output \"2\"
* Many fixes and enhancements, see: for details From version 2.0.5:
* Interpolation spline. Draw->Spline->Spline Points.
* File -> Export as PDF.
* Korean language support.
* Smooth scrolling/zooming
* Work-in-progress, finding enclosed area within a contour.
* “Modify->Round” renamed to “Modify->Fillet”.
* Command line aliases can be made for both regular commands and short commands.- Added new Part Libraries: and Added new build requirement unzip.- Rebased librecad-install.diff and librecad-use-system-libdxfrw.patch to apply cleanly.